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Risk Consequence Rating Tool

Risk Consequence Criteria

Purpose Of The Tool Description Education & Research Student Experience Reputation & Image Financial
People, Safety &
Business Interruption
Legal, Regulatory and
Environment Compliance
We use this ‘Risk Conse- • Inability to undertake • Extreme loss or reduction • Long-term change in the
operations and activities of in University-wide student University’s reputation
quence Rating Tool’ to Extreme a College enrolment and retention across all stakeholder • Single or multiple fatalities
• Loss of critical business
• Systemic and sustained
processes or education
enable the consistent as- • Extreme reduction in re-
search activity / output over
• Systemic and extreme groups and general public • Serious disabling physical
& research operations for
instances of significant
decline in overall student • Extended headline national or mental illness to multiple non-compliance
sessment of potential risk 5
Exceptional a sustained period
satisfaction across the and/or international media >$50M people
greater than 14 days
• Loss of key licenses, accred-
impacts on • Inability to reach a number • Significant loss of assets.
impacts. This tool defines operations or
of student, teaching or University
• Systemic and extreme
• Extensive and prolonged
• Extreme environmental
damage (>5 years)
• Strategic supplier unable
itation and/or funding
• Extremely heavy legal pen-
research targets to deliver for an unknown
the criteria to rate the con- objectives. • Irreparable impact on increase in the student discussion across multiple
period without an alternate
alties or regulator sanctions
relationship with partners / complaints across the social media channels
sequences and allows con- collaborators / suppliers University
sistent assessment of risks • Medium-term change in
• Inability to undertake
across the university. operations and activities of • Significant loss or reduction
the University’s reputation
• Severe irreversible damage • Loss of critical business
across multiple stakeholder • Multiple instances of signifi-
Severe a School in University-wide student
or impairment to one or processes or education
cant non-compliance
• Significant impact on enrolment and retention more people & research operations for
• Headline coverage at • Suspensions or conditions
research activity over a • Severe decline in overall • Irreversible health effect between 3 days to 14 days
Significant national level in multiple $30M to imposed on key licens-
4 sustained period student satisfaction across
media sources for more $50M
or medium to long term • Severe damage to assets.
es, accreditation and/or
impacts on • Significant problems meet- multiple Colleges disabling illness • One or more critical suppli-
operations or than a week funding
ing teaching or research • Severe increase in student • Long term environmental ers unable to deliver for an
• Discussion across multiple • Significant legal penalties or
objectives. targets complaints across multiple
social media channels for
damage (2-5 years) extended period without an
regulator sanctions
• Serious long-term damage Colleges alternate
more than a week
How To Use The Tool to partnerships / suppliers

• Reversible injury or mod-

• Medium-term change in
erate irreversible damage
Using the explanation under • Inability to deliver a pro-
• Major loss or reduction the University’s reputation
or impairment to one or
in student enrolment and across limited stakeholder • Loss of critical business • Major once-off instance of
the different consequence Major
gram or course
retention for a program or groups
more people. Typically an
processes or education non-compliance
• Major impact on research injury resulting in loss of a
criteria (Education & Re- activity
course • Headline coverage at
scheduled shift of work (i.e.
& research operations for • Major additional obligations
• Major decline in overall stu- national level in multiple $10M to between 1 day to 3 days imposed on key licens-
search, Student Experience 3 Large impacts • Major problem meeting
dent satisfaction across a media sources for less than $30M
Loss Time Injury)
• Major damage to assets. es, accreditation and/or
on operations teaching or research targets • Severe, reversible mental
etc) identify the most rel- or objectives. • Major but short-term
College or multiple Schools
• Major increase in student
a week
• Discussion across multiple
or physical health effect of
• One or more key suppli-
ers unable to deliver for a
• Large legal penalties or
damage to partnership / concern that would typical-
evant measures related to suppliers
complaints across a College social media channels for
ly result in a lost time illness
sustained period of time regulator sanctions
or multiple Schools less than a week
your risk. • Medium term environmen-
tal damage (1-2 years)
You may have one or more
• Material impacts to the
consequence criteria (i.e. Fi- delivery of a program or
• Moderate loss or reduction
in student enrolment and
• Some short-term change in
• Reversible injuries requiring
treatment but does not lead
• Material and localised
nancial and Student Experi- Moderate course
retention for a program or
the University’s reputation
to restricted duties. Typical-
disruption to business • Moderate once-off instance
• Moderate impact on re- • Low profile and fleeting processes or education & of non-compliance
course ly a medical treatment
ence) that apply to the risk. Material search activity
• Moderate decline in overall
coverage by national or
$1M to • Reversible health effects
research operations, but at • Some additional obligations
2 • Moderate but temporary state media an inconvenient time. imposed on licenses, ac-
When identifying the rating impacts on problems meeting teaching
student satisfaction across
• Discussion across some
$10M of concern that would
• Moderate damage to assets creditation and/or funding
operations or a School typically result in medical
always use the highest as- or research targets
• Moderate increase in
social media channels by
• Supplier or partner changes • Some legal penalties or
objectives. • Material but short-term isolated stakeholder groups results in material impacts regulator sanctions
sociated rating as the final damage to partnerships /
student complaints across
a School
• Short term environmental
damage (< 1 year)
for a period of time.
rating (e.g. Financial = Major,
• Minor impacts to the deliv- • Slight and localised disrup-
Student Experience = Severe, ery of a program or course
• Slight loss or reduction in • Low level short term sub-
tion to business processes
Minor student enrolments and • Minimal impact on the jective inconvenience or
you would therefore select • Minor impact on research
retention for a program or University’s reputation symptom. Typically first aid
or education & research • Minor non-compliance that
activity operations. Impacts are can be rectified internally
the highest out of the two Slight impacts • Slight but temporary prob-
course • Minimal state and local or no medical treatment
dealt with in the course of • Increased scrutiny from
1 lems meeting teaching or
• Some decline in overall media coverage <$1M • Reversible health effects of
routine operations. regulators without any
which would be Severe). on operations student satisfaction across • Limited social media cov- little concern, requiring first
or objectives. research targets • Minimal damage to assets additional obligations or
a School erage aid treatment at most
• Minor but short-term • Supplier or partner changes penalties
• Some increase in student • Minor environmental
impacts to partnerships / results in minor and tempo-
complaints across a School damage
suppliers rary impacts.

Central Risk Management - IACRR (

Version 2.0 - June

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