07 Activity 1

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Directions: Read and analyze each item. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

(10 items x 3 points)

Consider the following IVP:

�2� + (� + 1)� = 0; �(0) = 1; ��(0) = 2

1. WhatA. �(0 is) + the �� Maclaurin(0)(� − � ) +series 2�(0) (expansion� − � )2 + � 3of �(0)� ((��) − about � )
3 + �� 4=�(0) 0? ( � − � )4 + �5�(0) (� − � )5 … �

B. �(0) + ��(0)� + �2�(0) �2 + �2 3�(0) �3 + 0� 4�(0) �43! + � �(0) �50



2�(�) 2 2 + �3�(�) �3!3 + �4�(�) �4 +4! �5�(�) �5 …5!

C. �(�) + ��(�)� + � �
2 3! 4! 5!
2 3 4 5
D. �(0) + �1� + �2� + �3� + �4� + �5� …
2. Which of the following expressions is equal to �2�?
A. ��� C. −(� + 1)�
B. �� + �� D. (� + 1)�
3. Which of the following expressions is equal to �2�(0)?
A. −1 C. 1
B. 2 D. 0
4. Which of the following expressions is equal to �3�?
A. ��2� + �� D. �2� + ��� + �
B. −(� + 1)�� − �
C. (� + 1)�� + �
5. Which of the following expressions is equal to �3�(0)?
A. −3 C. 0
B. 3 D. 2
6. Which of the following expressions is equal to �4�?
A. (� + 1)�2� + 2�� C. −(� + 1)�2� − 2�� B. ��3� + 2�2� D. �3� + ��2� + 2��
7. Which of the following expressions is equal to � �(0)?
A. 4 C. 0
B. 5 D. −3
8. Which of the following expressions is equal to �5�?
A. ��4� + 3�3� C. −(� + 1)�3� − 3�2�
B. � � + �� � + 3� � D. (� + 1)�3� + 3�2�
4 3 2

9. Which of the following expressions is equal to �5�(0)?

A. −6 C. 10
B. 3 D. 6
10. Which of the following gives the approximate solution to the IVP?

A. B. 1 + 2� + 131 � 32 + 1401 � 53 … 1 415

1 + 2� − � − � −� + �…
2 2 8 20

C. 1 + 2� + 12 � 2 + 12 �3 + 245 � 4 − 120 � 5 … 1

D. 1 + 2� + �2 + �4 + 1 �5 …
6 12

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