Buku Matematika Kel.5

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Book Code : 5375

ISBN : 978-93-82883-06-7
Price : t 350.00
Our Otl1er Publications
Hindi & English Medium
:::l ACCOUNTMCY : 0,. S.ll S.,,.,
:J l'R08 & 50.. "' ACCOONT..,fCY : llf. SK. 5'nj\h
:J .U.:CUUNIANC'f (P.tn A & C) : De". Singh$ GQVAi
:I BUSINBS srumB : °'· Singh & Gupta
.:l PRO OW0111tar.. ltJ51~S1UDlt.S : Df:.S.o,rh&Gup,l,l
:J ENTREl''<EM\.11S 1P : De Sir,;p, & 6._.,..

:I I m~.1iC5. : or. Agr,wal & A£ra-w,ll

:I PR06 & SO.. IN Ero';(lt,~CS : 0... ...,.....,i & Agrawal
::t PROJl;O WORl "' KO'l0f.JIICS : De. Agr'aw;jl & .\gri\vi.l
:J MATriEM~TICS : De ShilmY & Gov>!
:J PR06 &SO' l"IMAIHJMA.TIQ :Dr, Sh;.nN&Goi(.>I
:J I.A3 MAlflJ.\cMAll-Il1ATIC5 : 0c Simm;; & Goyal
:J 11.T.,&N{l,5, WAT IS, & S1Af1SflC3 ! Of. S.JC. Stn£l,
:J PP BUSINBS W.AT"S & S1ilJIS1la : D< Sil Sini;h
:J ?&;-ilF'i : 41' ~ ii.. f.:'i
:I "f'\'lllf<i-. >l'"I•, : -.;I Im It" 'I"
:J C,.f "jl ,jf..... JWi..., .. : ~ ~ 'Pi&
::.i .v.f'fn : 'It m 1'1 ~
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-TM r,adrlll(o( all l{wd ,,.,.,._ 11 /ti,-, a c<>nt('T'ffl/ron 11•1/h tht fin,., mon•
We feel privileged to present our readers a thoroughly revised edition of our book
·BwJnesa )iatbemalica and StatisUc.,3°. The book has been written in teach and test patte ,·n
primarily for the 6tudents appi!aring tor Business Mathematics and Statistics paJ>er at 10 + 2
!eve.I/I. Com. second year of Jharkhand Academic Councll, Ranchi.

Special r.. ntun•Hoflho bo.. k :

D Eac.b chapter in the book: contains Learning Objectives, l llustrations and Numerical
Problems ata glance.

U At tho and ofcucb chapturprncticc quostions arc pro,~di,-d for the students.

U The hook hns hc,on prcsc,n tocl cm CBS'm pat.1,.,,.,..,

U Lntcst quns tinns n·om vn-riou" Bonrds nnd Couni:ils mmmin11LionKarc, incluclctl in thi,

U At the ond of tho book arc given unitwiso objective type questions lmsocl 0 11 11 0 w
examination pnttom .

U Roa rd Quration Papers with solution aro also provided .

Wo s inccroly 0J<J)ross our thunk,; to nr. Amrit Kumar, Now Sakot Nagar, Hinu. Ranchi,
wh o n ot only romovc•d thu ruui;h c•dgi,• or Lhis book buL also hdpcd in nwising and pn,sm, ti ng
of this book in si mplifiecl mnnnt,r.

We hope that thi~ hook will mCf'tlho~xpcctnlion• oflh u studcml,. \Vo shul l he Umnkful t.o
them it they lot u s know wbatnccds to be done torniso their lcv~l of sntisfoction .

'\\Te are also lbankrul u, !,fhr SBPD Publie ulion-. Agra for publlsl1iug U1e book in I.be
corrunilled lime frame.

- Aulh Ol'fl
Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC), Ranchi
For I. Con1. Second Year + 2 (Class XII)
Ti11io : 3 Hours 100 Mei·ks
Cont~nu,. l'cnods Morks


Unit 1 : Progres,-ions 25 10
Cnit2 : Permutation and C<,mbtinatinn 2.5 10
unit3 : Delenninant.s I() fi
Unit4 : Mntrices 10 5
l:nita : Sets 10 10
l:nitl> : Differentiation 10 5
Unit 7 : lntcgTOtion 10 5
Total 100 50

Unil I : McuKUl"lll! nfCcnlral 'fondcncy
(Menn, lllooinn, Model 30 14
Unit2: Geometric~leanandHarmonicMeon 20 10
Unit3 : TimeSeries 16 7
Unlt4 : Theory ofProbabilily 16 10
Uni~ii : Interpolation and &trapolation 18 0
Total 10() aO
A. B USlNESS '.\1.A'fHEMATICS <Periods 1001
Unit 1 : Progressions 1Periods251
(al Elementary ldeaofA.P .. G.P. and H .P .
(bl Propil>'ties of t\,P,, G .P. and H.P.
Unit :l : l'crmu~ntion and Combination I Periods 25!
(11) Elcmunlllry ldua ufPur111uL>1Lirm .
(b) 'l'o find tho Number of' l'orinu l:ntionHof 11. llifforon t Things t11k1in ,. nt tho timr.,.
(cl E lementary Idea of'ComblnaLion.
(d )'fo find the Num ber ofCumbinationKor n Dlfforttnt Th ings taken r ul Lho limo.
Uni t 3 . Dctc-m1inonts / Periods 10)
(al Introduction, Expansion and Propm:ies ofDeterminants.
(b) Usns ofUctcnninanls.
Unit4 · ;\latrin,,; rPeriod.! 101
(al Definition and Kinds of Matrices.
<b} l.nws of Matrix Algebra.
(cl Lows ofMatrix Multiplication and Division.
Umt5 Sets IPeriod. 101
(n ) Definition, Notation und Kinds ofSeLs.
(b}Se~Relations, Proper Sub-seL
(cJVennDiagrruns and PowerSeL
1lni1.6 : DifTe,-entiotion !1-',•rind• IOI
(a ) Introduction, lncromcnt, Differential Co-<lfficicnts.
(bl Ocnerru Rule ofDi{[erentialion.
Uni1. 7 · lntegr11tion \P1•rincl• IOI
(el Introduction, ConsLanLoflntegration, lndefinite Integrals.
(b) Basic Rulesofinteg-ratiun.

B. STA1'fSTI CS IPnrinds 100)

UniL 1 : ){ea.surel< ol'C'enlrnl Tendl'ncy : Mean. Median, :'-lode ( P1Jrinrls 30)
Unit 2 : Gcomctrid\[cnn and llunnonic Mean rr eriods201
Uoit3 : TimeScncs: fPeriodsl61
(i} Trend orSecula:rTrend.
CH) Seasonal Variation.
(iii) Cyclical Varialion.
(iv) Irregular Movomonts.
(v) Analysis ofTime Series.
(vi) Mathematical l\·lodcls for 'rimoScrics.
(vii) MeasuremenLofSeculo.rTrend :
(a) Frochund Cu rve Method.
(bl :.\1elhod of Averages : Selected Point Method: Semi-average Method:
Moving Avt1l"agi, Method.
(cl Method of Least Squares : Arithmetic Stroight Line; Logarithmic
SlraighLLin.e; Parabolic Cw·ve.
( viii) Seasonal Variation; Measure ment ofCyclica l Variation.
Unit 4 : ThcoryofPl'obnbllicy tPeriod.s l 6 1
Basic Concept~ : Random Exp~ri munL; Sample Space; Discrete Events;
Complomont.ory ~::vont, l~xhaustivo Event; Equal Likely Even ts.
Meaning and Delinlllon of Probability; Probability Theorems; Bayes' Theorem;
Permul.atiun and Combination in LheTbeory ofPrubahilily; Bernaulli Trials.
Uni LS : Interpolation and Extrnpolation !Periods 181
Meaning; Importance; Assumption, Methods of' I 11tc rpolotion-Grophieol;
Algebra ic; Binnmiul l'Jxpuniriun; Pnrubotic; fl:ewt,m 't< Mothod of f'initc; Ncwton'ff
Forwnrds and Backward: La,;rMge·s: Newto1~-G11uss Forward: Backward:
St.erllng'H aud Newton's Divided Differeuce MeLhods.

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