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Name: _____________________

Endocrine Worksheet #2 – Adrenal Gland and Hormones

Use the following information to answer the next question.

1. Labels 1 and 2 represent two hormones that directly affect the permeability of the kidney. Identify
these hormones and state their functions.

2. Describe the physiological effects of epinephrine.

3. Explain how the production of epinephrine involves the nervous system.

4. Explain the advantage to elevating blood sugar levels during times of stress.

5. Explain the advantage to elevating oxygen levels during times of stress.

6. Describe the physiological effects of cortisol.

7. Describe how the removal of the adrenal glands may affect the production of ACTH.

8. Describe the stimulus that inhibits ACTH production.

9. Identify the gland stimulated by aldosterone and state the function of aldosterone.

10. Explain how increased aldosterone levels are important to the long-term stress response.

11. Describe how elevated levels of ACTH will affect the release of cortisol.

12. Describe how elevated levels of cortisol will affect the release of ACTH.

Use the following information to answer the next question.

An endocrine gland is removed that causes the following symptoms:
- urine output increases
-Na+ ion concentration in the urine increases
-ACTH levels in the blood increase

13. Identify the gland that was removed. Explain your response.

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