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INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 3
SUMMON / BIND .................................................................................................................................. 5

UNMASKED RALLY.......................................................................................................................... 19
THE WONDER AT MERCURY ......................................................................................................... 34
NEW CLEAR SEMIOTICS ................................................................................................................. 52

INTERSECTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 68
MYTHOTURBATION ......................................................................................................................... 93
INCOMMERS .................................................................................................................................... 110
STOCASTIC SPARAOGMAS .......................................................................................................... 126
AN ONEIRIC RESISTANCE ............................................................................................................ 146


There is some light commentary ('tips') regarding running the scenario in some of the more popular
Lovecraft and Cthulhu Mythos inspired systems, namely, Trail of Cthulhu or Fear Itself for the
GUMSHOE system, Cthluhu Dark, and Delta Green. Delta Green Agent's Handbook; Cthulhu
Dark; the Trail of Cthulhu Condensed Rules; and the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Quick Start

Rules are at the time of writing available free online for personal use. The Pelgrane Press website
also contains free conversion rules between Trail of Cthulhu and Call of Cthulhu, with the kind
permission of Chaosim and other companies. Any reference to trademarked games which incorporate

systems or mechanics under the Open Game License V1.0 are made to those aspects. Advice on the
application of any aspects of the wider rule sets is just that, and is intended as 'criticism' in the sense
that no intellectual rights are claimed. They are all, in the author's opinion, equally excellent games:
please purchase, support, and enjoy them. Mythos elements included or referred to are drawn from
and inspired by the work of 'Mythos' and Weird Fiction works first published over 70 years from the
end of the calendar year in which the last remaining author of the work died and are in the public
domain. Tips have been included at some points, but the GM is strongly encouraged to call for rolls,
spends or narrative justifications whenever appropriate to the game being played. So much of the fun
of roleplay comes from the story the players create at that moment, and if any suggestions get in the
way of that, please do abandon them.



Someone is executing a campaign of terror against the player characters. It starts out slowly and
almost harmlessly. Their cars are vandalised. Their pets go missing. Gravel or dirt is placed among
their mail.

It escalates. First, only in intensity. Then brutally.

Social network accounts get blocked or banned. Bricks get thrown through windows in the middle of

the night. Power lines get cut.

Then the accusations start. Emails are sent to bosses, containing wild claims of professional
misconduct. Chat rooms and forums have posts appear directly slandering the characters in the worst
ways. People within the character's immediate vicinity 'learn' of pervious actions or unsavoury facts.
Letters are received by neighbours containing thinly veiled warning and advice. Graffiti is sprayed
over personal belongings.

Then worse, far worse... evidence appears.

A bloody switch blade in a car glove compartment. Illegal material on a character's device. Mystery
funds in a bank account. Stolen property secreted at the character's work place.

Immediately after, the demands start.


Go to this location at this time, or the same email chain your character was forwarded in which he/she
admits to obscene and unsettling acts is forwarded to your employee's internal affairs department.
Enter this building, and place this item there... or else. Send this email at this time, or else.

The investigators must respond. They must cease the initiative and turn the tables on their tormentor.

Unless they discover and quiet this adversary, they will spend the rest of their lives the play things of
some external threat.

Scenario Structure:

The structure of the scenario should be thought of as 'tiers' or levels of escalation. One of the tasks as
GM will be to try to guide the players (even overtly, out of character, if need be) to be on the same
tier as the other players and to not move 'backwards'. Although possibly more realistic (indeed, an
almost certainty in a 'simulationist' style of game session) to have only one or two characters forging

ahead to the final reveal while several other players are totally ignoring their crumbling careers in an
attempt to find out who keyed their sweet rides, the game will have much more momentum and more
of a pay off if the big reveal IS a big reveal, and not a side line in a game which degenerates into an
aggressive neighbourhood watch meeting. (That said, if you and your players are enjoying
systematically hunting down and executing multiple graffiti culprits and hiding their bodies whilst
slowly going insane in the process, feel free to abandon the story line as presented completely, and
turn the session into a dark story of obsession, group think and personal revenge.)

Tier One:

As stated above, these are actions which could be written off as mere annoyances. These actions
should probably not require the characters to make sanity checks, but may well require other checks
depending upon the system used.

GUMSHOE: If the actions undermine the character's social standing call for a credit rating check to
receive a penalty. Although early in the escalation of harassment, one or more of the characters may
receive an attack which undermines one of the character's pillars of sanity. An example of such an
attack would be threats against a character's elderly aunt, an arson attempt on a local Church, mindless
property damage at a University setting valuable research back years, or a deliberate scuppering of an
adventurous activity or achievement the character was set on accomplishing.

DG: Damage done to the characters hold dear should be tailored to press on their weak spots. They
may be 'used' to violence, in which case having their tires punctured despite their high fences and

security lights will engender feelings of helplessness. If nothing else, have the attacks undermine the
character's operational integrity in some way. Their trunk if popped, and a device or container holding
potentially DG security level material is lost.

CD: At this point, the harassment and its effects can be fairly self explanatory. The goal will be

simply to unsettle. Shapes outside the window in the middle of the night. Door handles being rattled.
Trees burned down in the character's garden or publicly shared space. Dogs barking incessantly. A
roll of the sanity die may not be required, but some tense roll playing and generated suspense
followed by an unsettling release and a feeling of being targeted is the goal.

Investigating the acts:

Vandalism, of a particularly vindictive and unsettling variety will be the primary means, ideally of the
type to alienate the character from his or her community, is ideal for Tier One. This need not be so
offensive as the scrawling of a slur over the character's front door and having the character experience

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