Web Site

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Web Server

A web server is mainly availed for storing, processing, and delivering web
pages. It has both hardware and software components. The software part finds
out how users gain access to the web pages stored inside it (by using HTTP,
URLs, etc.).

The hardware part comprises a physical computer that stores its inherent OS
and the webpage files. The computer is capable of hosting one or multiple
websites. The term “hosting” touches on the facet of the availability of all
webpages and their backup files within the computer.

Not only is a web server meant for delivering webpages to clients or users. It
can also receive user-centric information, for example, at the time of creating a
user profile on a website. The terms website and web server confuse a lot of

Key Web Server

It consists of software that is responsible for providing documents

Purpose carried by web pages when it receives requests from web

It takes a look at the requests sent by web browsers, approves

them, and acts in response by sending the documents.

It receives a request and sends a response. Both the messages

follow HTTP.

Processing It adheres to the 3 important processing models namely process-

Model based, thread-based, and hybrid.

Data Storage It has an allocated storage area to host the website.

The installation of a web server can be done anywhere within the

bounds of a network or on a local machine.

Example Apache Server

For instance, when a user says “My website has stopped responding,” it actually
indicates the fact that the webserver supporting the website is not responding
and hence the website has lost its availability.

On the off chance, a user comes across difficulties accessing a website, in

reality, it is the webserver experiencing trouble – the one that houses the
website. More importantly, because of the reason that more than one website
can be hosted on a single web server, the term “webserver” should never be
used to label a website.

Web Site:
A website is an amalgam of many web pages that are interconnected with the
help of hyperlinks. Webpages belonging to a particular website are linked to a
single, unique domain. This helps them relate to their parent website.

Websites become the prime source to tie hyperlinks with different sections that
may subsequently incorporate several other fitting web pages. Similar to a
webpage, any website can be easily navigated by visitors.

They only need to enter the correct domain address on the web browser.
Websites are also developed using the same programming languages from
which web pages are developed. But, the process of website development is far
more complicated and time-consuming. There are 2 main categories of
websites, namely:

1. Static – They are designed for sharing resources and information in

the absence of any intervention from the visitors.
2. Interactive – Their design empowers the visitors to set up interaction
with the author and other members by means of putting in advice or
feedback in the chatbox, comment box, or in the form of guest posting.
Other categories of websites that are much sought-after nowadays include e-
commerce websites, affiliate websites, social networking websites, etc. In a
nutshell, the following are the main characteristics of a website:
 Represents a cluster of web pages.
 Incorporates different content, such as text and videos.
 It is in possession of a unique domain address.
 Takes a lot of time to be designed, developed, and rolled out.
 Its development involves a lot of intricacies and complexities.

 A website opens up an arena for developers to put their content on

display and affix hyperlinks. Instead, a web page itself presents
content that is shown on the website.
 The processes of design, development, and maintenance of a website
are more time-intensive in contrast to a webpage. Since the webpage
is a modest fragment of the website, its design and development
involve relatively less time.
 A website’s general structure and programming framework are
comparatively more complex. On the contrary, web pages can be easily
developed once the structure of the website is delineated.
 Usually, a web page focuses on bringing out information on a single
topic. In contrast, a website projects an ambiance of numerous content
derived from various topics or entities by creating the corresponding


It comprises a collection of web pages, bears a vast content base of

information, and allows visitors to perform different actions.

It is filled with informative content of various kinds, such as images,

texts, videos, audios, and hyperlinks for paying a visit to its different
constituent webpages.

Its integral components are Content Management Service (CMS),

web hosting services, email campaigns, testimonial pages, etc.
Its basic function lies in offering vital or useful information to its
visitors or users and converting them from being prospects to loyal,
paying customers.

It makes use of different web pages to show information.

It gives rise to seamless web navigation thereby making it simpler

for users to access information and improving user experience (UX).

It involves more difficulties and complexities in its creation and


HTML and CSS are the 2 main languages used to create websites.

Types of websites include e-commerce and magazine.

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