Web Programming Notes

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 Internet is a world-wide global system of interconnected computer networks.

 Internet uses the standard Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
 Every computer in internet is identified by a unique IP address.
 IP Address is a unique set of numbers (such as which
identifies a computer location.
 A special computer DNS (Domain Name Server) is used to give name to the
IP Address so that user can locate a computer by a name.
 For example, a DNS server will resolve a
name http://www.tutorialspoint.com to a particular IP address to uniquely
identify the computer on which this website is hosted.
 Internet is accessible to every user all over the world.

Internet Evoloution
The concept of Internet was originated in 1969 and has undergone several
technological & Infrastructural changes as discussed below:
 The origin of Internet devised from the concept of Advanced Research
Project Agency Network (ARPANET).
 ARPANET was developed by United States Department of Defense.
 Basic purpose of ARPANET was to provide communication among the various
bodies of government.
 Initially, there were only four nodes, formally called Hosts.
 In 1972, the ARPANET spread over the globe with 23 nodes located at
different countries and thus became known as Internet.
 By the time, with invention of new technologies such as TCP/IP protocols,
DNS, WWW, browsers, scripting languages etc.,Internet provided a medium to
publish and access information over the web.
Internet Advantages
Internet covers almost every aspect of life, one can think of. Here, we will discuss
some of the advantages of Internet:

Internet Disadvantages
Extranet refers to network within an organization, using internet to connect to the
outsiders in controlled manner. It helps to connect businesses with their customers
and suppliers and therefore allows working in a collaborative manner.

DNS Working
DNS translates the domain name into IP address automatically. Following steps will
take you through the steps included in domain resolution process:
 When we type www.tutorialspoint.com into the browser, it asks the local
DNS Server for its IP address.
Here the local DNS is at ISP end.
 When the local DNS does not find the IP address of requested domain name,
it forwards the request to the root DNS server and again enquires about IP
address of it.
 The root DNS server replies with delegation that I do not know the IP
address of www.tutorialspoint.com but know the IP address of DNS
 The local DNS server then asks the com DNS Server the same question.
 The com DNS Server replies the same that it does not know the IP address of
www.tutorialspont.com but knows the address of tutorialspoint.com.
 Then the local DNS asks the tutorialspoint.com DNS server the same
 Then tutorialspoint.com DNS server replies with IP address of
 Now, the local DNS sends the IP address of www.tutorialspoint.com to the
computer that sends the request.

Web 2.0 technology?

When it comes to defining web 2.0. the term means such internet
applications which allow sharing and collaboration opportunities to people
and help them to express themselves online.

It’s a simply improved version of the first worldwide web, characterized

specifically by the change from static to dynamic or user-generated content
and also the growth of social media. 

The concept behind Web 2.0 refers to rich web applications, web-oriented
architecture, and social web. It refer to changes in the ways web pages are
designed and used by the users, without any change in any technical

Use and impact of  Web 2.0:

Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and JavaScript are used as rich web
technologies in delivering web 2.0 in addition to Ajax, RSS and Eclipse.

Its applications are based on the reorganized download methodology that

made BitTorrent so fruitful that each downloader of content is also a server,
sharing the workload and making the content more accessible.

It can be a powerful lure for an enterprise; with interactivity promising to

fetch more employees into daily contact at a lower cost. The use of web 2.0
technologies and tools aids greater participation in projects and idea-
sharing, thus ideally leading to better thought out design and more efficient
production, strengthening bonds with customers and improving
communications with partners.

Advantages of Web 2.0:

 Available at any time, any place.
 Variety of media.
 Ease of usage.
 Learners can actively be involved in knowledge building.
 Can create dynamic learning communities.
 Everybody is the author and the editor, every edit that has been made can
be tracked.
 User-friendly.
 Updates in the wiki are immediate and it offers more sources for
 It provides real-time discussion.

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