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Republic of the Philippines

University of Cabuyao
(Pamantasan ng Cabuyao)
College of Education
Katapatan Mutual Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna, Phillippines 4025

Name: ____________________________________ GAD101: Gender and Development

Date: ____________________ Ms. Mary Antonette O. Tagadiad

Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. A hierarchical system in which cultural, political, and economic structures are dominated by males is _________.
A. Elite Model C. Pluralist Model
B. Patriarchy D. Gendered Division of Labor
2. According to our discussion, the terms masculinity and femininity are most closely linked to:
A. Sexism C. Sex
B. Gender D. Patriarchy
3.Gender roles refer to:
A. The subordination of women based on the assumption of superiority of men.
B. Chromosomal and hormonal differences that cause inevitable differences in the behavior of men and women.
C. The rights, responsibilities, expectations, and relationships of women and men.
D. None of the above.
4.Which of the following statements regarding gender socialization is correct?
A. Teachers are more likely to give boys more praise, criticism, and suggestions for remediation than they give to
B. Parents are more likely to play more vigorously with an infant daughter than with an infant son.
C. Gender bias is favoring men over women, but not vice versa.
D. Peer groups often encourage children to have fun and to engage in behavior that is not necessarily appropriate
for their own gender.
5.The following statements regarding the media and gender socialization are correct, except:
A. Most social analysts agree that the media simply reflect existing gender roles in society.
B. More male than female roles are shown on television, and male characters are strikingly different from female
C. Few, if any, changes have occurred in the roles men and women play in movies.
D. Daytime soap operas tend to show men in positions where they give orders to others, whereas women are
shown in traditional (subordinate) female roles and relationships.
6.The ____________ perspective combines the exploitation of women by capitalism with patriarchy in the home in its
analysis of gender inequality.
A. Radical Feminist C. Democratic Feminist
B. Socialist Feminist D. Liberal Feminist
7.Gender inequality can be reduced by enforcing existing legislation is supported by the ___________ perspective.
A. Functionalist C. Conflict
B. Feminist
8.It is a generalized view or preconception about attributes or characteristics, or the roles that are or ought to be
possessed by or performed by women and men. A gender stereotype is harmful when it limits women’s and men’s
capacity to develop their personal abilities, pursue their professional careers and make choices about their lives.
A. Gender Stereotype C. Gender Equity
B. Gender Mainstreaming D. Gender Equality
9.It is a phenomenon deeply rooted in gender inequality and continues to be one of the most notable human rights
violations within all societies. Gender-based violence is violence directed against a person because of their gender. Both
women and men experience gender-based violence but most victims are women and girls.
A. Gender Equality C. Gender Based-Violence
B. Gender Sensitive-Language D. Gender Stereotype
10.It is equality between men and women, entails the concepts that all human beings are free to develop their personal
abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices
A. Gender Equality C.Gender Mainstreaming
B. Gender Equity D.Gender Sensitive-Language
11.It is a development perspective anchored on rights-based and people-centered development and recognizes the
legitimacy of gender equality as a fundamental value that should be reflected in developmental choices.
A.Gender Mainstreaming C.Gender Equity
B.Gender and Development (GAD) Approach D.Gender-based Violence
12.A strategy to integrate gender perspectives in institutional policy, programs, and activities.
A.Gender Equity C.Gender Mainstreaming
B.Gender Equality D.Gender and Development
13.Recognizes that development activities may ignore gender biases that lead to unequal impacts among men and
women beneficiaries
A.Gender Equity C.Gender-fair communication
B.Gender Equality D.Gender Mainstreaming
14.It is an inter-related set of dominant ideas, values, practices, institutions, and organizations that determine “who gets
what” within a society.
A.Gender Identity C.Mainstream
B.Gender Biases D.Gender analysis
15.An entry point for Gender Mainstreaming referring to official statements and pronouncements of support for gender
mainstreaming issued by the organization.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Cabuyao
(Pamantasan ng Cabuyao)
College of Education
Katapatan Mutual Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna, Phillippines 4025
A.Policies C.Programs and Projects (PAPs)
D.Enabling Mechanisms
16.These are installed in the organization and the funds allocated for GAD activities such as the GAD Focal Point System
and Knowledge Management System.
A.Policies C.Programs and Projects (PAPs)
B.People D.Enabling Mechanisms
17.This refers to the flagship programs or activities and projects that serve as a strategic entry point to gender
mainstreaming in an organization.
A.Policies C.Programs and Projects (PAPs)
B.People D.Enabling Mechanisms
18.This refers to the relevant stakeholders who assume the task of gender mainstreaming.
A.Policies C.Programs and Projects (PAPs)
B.People D.Enabling Mechanisms
19.This law mandates all government offices, including government-owned and controlled corporations and local
government units to adopt gender mainstreaming as a strategy for implementing the law and attaining its objectives.
A.Republic Act 9710: Magna Carta of Women C.Republic Act 9262: Anti-Violence Against Women and
B.Republic Act 11313: Safe Spaces Act Their Children Act of 2004
D.Republic Act 8972: Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000
20.What refers to the process of learning how to be efficient members of society?
A.Socialization C.Acculturation
B.Enculturation D.Institutionalization
21.The process that teaches the norms, values, and other aspects of a culture to new group members.
A.Internalization C.Primary Socialization
B.Socialization D.Secondary Socialization
22.These are the agents responsible for socializing an individual in different communities.
A.Government, President, Religious Leaders C.School, Orphanage
B.Family, Friends, School, Religion, Media D.Gender Preferences, Emotions, Character
23.This refers to socialization during the earliest life of an individual.
A.Resocialization C.Secondary socialization
B.Primary socialization D.Anticipatory resocialization
24.Rules that define behavior. Once they are learned they guide social behavior
A.Norms C.Knowledge
B.Values D.Schema
25.Socialization by outside influences other than those that have raised you is known as:
A.Primary Socialization C.Outside Socialization
B.Secondary Socialization D.Media Socialization
26.Socialization is a __________ process.
A.Short C.Month long
B.Lifelong D.Year Long
27.What is being respectful look like?
A.Walking past someone crying. C.Waiting to talk when someone is done talking.
B.Calling out people. D.Making fun of someone.
28. __________ in society means how we're expected to act, speak, dress, groom, and conduct ourselves based
upon our assigned sex.
A.Gender Roles C.Gender Behaviors
B.Gender Activities D.Gender Characteristics
29.For example, girls and women are generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite,
accommodating, and nurturing. Men are generally expected to be strong, aggressive, and bold.
A.Gender Roles C.Gender Behaviors
B.Gender Activities D.Gender Characteristics
30.This is the characteristics of women, men, girls, and boys that are socially constructed.
A.Gender Roles C.Gender Behaviors
B.Gender Activities D.Gender Characteristic
31.For example, Girls should play with dolls and boys should play with trucks and boys should be directed to like blue and
green, girls toward red and pink.
A.Gender Roles C.Gender Behaviors
B.Gender Activities D.Gender Characteristics
32.It is an interrelated system of social norms and social roles that are organized and provide patterns of behaviors that
contribute to meeting the basic social needs of society. For example, societies need laws, education, and an economic
A.Social Security C.Social Institutions
B.Social System D.Social Work
33.Teachers and school administrators model gender roles and sometimes demonstrate gender stereotypes by
responding to male and female students in different ways.
A.Family C.Workplace
B.School D.Religion
34.It governs the people and sets laws that dictate what is and what is not, what should and should not be.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Cabuyao
(Pamantasan ng Cabuyao)
College of Education
Katapatan Mutual Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna, Phillippines 4025
A.Religion C.State
B.Family D.Workplace

35.Parents are typically a child’s first source of information about gender. Starting at birth, parents communicate different
expectations to their children depending on their sex.
A.Family C.Religion
B.Media D.State
36.From ceremonial rites of passage that reinforce the family unit to power dynamics that reinforce gender roles,
organized religion fosters a shared set of socialized values that are passed on through society.
A.Workplace C.State
B.Family D.Religion
37.It includes movies, TV, and books, teaches children about what it means to be a boy or a girl. It conveys information
about the role of gender in people’s lives and can reinforce gender stereotypes
A.Religion C.Workplace
B.Media D.School
38.Organizational cultures shape and reinforce socially appropriate roles for men and women. Drawing on a performativity
framework, which assumes that gender is socially constructed through gendered “performances.”
A.School C.Media
B.Workplace D.Religion
39.Boys and girls are encouraged to do different activities to familiarize them with gender-appropriate tasks.
A.Manipulation C.Verbal Appellations
B.Canalization D.Activity Exposure
40.Refers to the way by which parents channel the child's interest in activities in conjunction with gender as deemed
A.Manipulation C.Verbal Appellations
B.Canalization D.Activity Exposure
41.Refers to ways by which parents deter or encourage behavior based on appropriateness as regards gender.
C.Verbal Appellations
D.Activity Exposure
Republic of the Philippines
University of Cabuyao
(Pamantasan ng Cabuyao)
College of Education
Katapatan Mutual Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna, Phillippines 4025
42.Use of language to label children in a way that reinforces appropriate gender identification.
A.Manipulation C.Verbal Appellations
B.Canalization D.Activity Exposure

56.Treating people fairly- sometimes accommodations need to be made so that things will be fair for everyone.
A.Official language C.Representative democracy
B.Equity D.Common good
57.Citizens elect people to represent them in government. These elected officials make decisions on behalf of citizens.
A.Suffragettes C.Equity
B.Discriminate D.Representative democracy
58.The right to vote.
A.Suffrage C.Discriminate
B.Suffragettes D.Equity
59.Women who fought for women's right to vote.
A.Suffrage C.Suffragettes
B.Magna Carta D.Common good
60.A basic part of democracy meaning laws apply to everyone equally.
A.Equality C.Representative democracy
B.Rule of law D.Common good
61.In Latin, this means Great Charter.
A.Magna Carta C.Suffragettes
B.Rule of law D.Official languages
62.Socialization plays no part in the personality formation of an individual.
A.True B.False
63.Socialization begins at birth or shortly thereafter.
A.True B.False
64.All cultures use the same techniques to socialize their children.
A. True B. False
65.Socialization continues until we are adults and then usually stops because we have learned our culture by that time.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Cabuyao
(Pamantasan ng Cabuyao)
College of Education
Katapatan Mutual Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna, Phillippines 4025
A. True B. False
66.Early childhood is the period of the most intense and the most crucial socialization
A.True B.False
67.The roles we play in life are normally learned during the socialization process.
A. True B. False
68.Successful socialization can result in uniformity within a society.
A. True B. False
69.Gender stereotypes also exert a strong influence on socialization processes.
A. True B. False
70.School is an important source of socialization for students of all ages.
A. True B. False

Approved by: Dr. Emirose B. Gonzales

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