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Html 4.

HTML 4 extends HTML with mechanisms for style sheets, scripting, frames,
embedding objects, improved support for right to left and mixed direction text,
richer tables, and enhancements to forms, offering improved accessibility for
people with disabilities.

HTML 4.01 is a revision of HTML 4.0 that corrects errors and makes
some changes since the previous revision.


This version of HTML has been designed with the help of experts in the field of internationalization,
so that documents may be written in every language and be transported easily around the world. This
has been accomplished by incorporating [RFC2070], which deals with the internationalization of

One important step has been the adoption of the ISO/IEC:10646 standard (see [ISO10646]) as the
document character set for HTML. This is the world’s most inclusive standard dealing with issues of
the representation of international characters, text direction, punctuation, and other world language

HTML now offers greater support for diverse human languages within a document. This allows for
more effective indexing of documents for search engines, higher-quality typography, better
text-to-speech conversion, correct hyphening, etc.


As the Web community grows and its members diversify in their abilities and skills, it is crucial that
the underlying technologies be appropriate to their specific needs. HTML has been designed to make
Web pages more accessible to those with physical limitations. HTML 4.0 developments in the area of
accessibility include:

Encouraging the use of style sheets (rather than tables) to achieve layout effect.
Making it easier to provided alternate (textual and aural) descriptions of images for non-visual
Providing active labels for form fields
Providing labeled hierarchical groupings for form fields.
Providing the ability to associate a longer text description with an HTML element.

Authors who design pages with accessibility issues in mind will not only receive the blessings of the
accessbility community, but will benefit in other ways as well: well-designed HTML documents that
distinguish structure and presentation will adapt more easily to new technologies.


The new table model in HTML is based on [RFC1942]. Authors now have greater control over
structure and layout (e.g., column groups). The ability of designers to recommend column widths
allows user agents to display table data incrementally (as it arrives) rather than waiting for the entire
table before rendering.

Compound documents

HTML now offers a standard mechanism for embedding generic media objects and applications in
HTML documents. The OBJECT element (together with its more specific ancestor elements IMG
and APPLET) provides a mechanism for including images, video, sound, mathematics, specialized
applications, and other objects in a document. It also allows authors to specify a hierarchy of
alternate renderings for user agents that don’t support a specific rendering.

Style sheets

Style sheets simplify HTML markup and largely relieve HTML of the responsibilities of
presentation. They give both authors and users control over the presentation of documents --- font
information, alignment, colors, etc.

Stylistic information can be:

Attached to a specific element to affect, say the color or font of its content.
Placed in the document header as a series of styles comprising a style sheet
Linked to an HTML from an external style sheet.

The mechanism for associating a style sheet with a document is independent of the style
sheet language.


Through scripts, authors may create "smart forms" that react as users fill them out. Scripting allows
designers to create dynamic Web pages, and to use HTML as a means to build networked
applications. The mechanisms provided to associate HTML with scripts are independent of particular
scripting languages.

HTML features allow user agents to print a collection of documents in an intelligent manner
based on descriptions of the relationships among documents acting as parts of a larger work.

Ease of use

This version of HTML has been designed to remain easy to learn and adequate for many
common publishing needs. The language offers more complex constructs (e.g., forms,
scripting) for more sophisticated tasks, but even these mechanisms will become easier to
use as powerful HTML authoring tools flourish.

Designing documents with HTML 4.0

General principles for good HTML design and implementation include:

Separate structure and presentation

HTML has its roots in SGML which has always been a language for the specification of
structural markup. As HTML matures, more and more of its presentational elements and
attributes are being replaced by other mechanisms, in particular style sheets. Experience
has shown that separating the structure of a document from its presentational aspects
reduces the cost of serving a wide range of platforms, media, etc., and facilitates document

Consider universal accessibility to the Web

To make the Web more accessible to everyone, notably those with disabilities, authors should
consider how their documents may be rendered on a variety of platforms: speech-based
browsers, braille-readers, etc. We do not recommend that designers limit their creativity, only
that they consider alternate renderings in their design. HTML offers a number of mechanisms
to this end (e.g., the alt attribute, the accesskey attribute, etc.)

Furthermore, authors should keep in mind that their documents may be reaching a far-off
audience with different computer configurations. In order for documents to be interpreted
correctly, designers should include in their documents information about the language and
direction of the text, how the document is encoded, and other issues related to
Help user agents with incremental rendering

By carefully designing their tables and making use of new table features in HTML 4.0,
designers can help user agents render documents more quickly.
HTML Basics:

we will see the HTML Basics by understanding all the basic stuff of HTML
coding. There are various tags that we must consider and include while
starting to code in HTML. These tags help in the organization and basic
formatting of elements in our script or web pages. These step-by-step
procedures will guide you through the process of writing HTML.
Basic HTML Document: Below mentioned are the basic HTML tags that
divide the whole document into various parts like head, body, etc.
 Every HTML document begins with a HTML document tag. Although this
is not mandatory, it is a good convention to start the document with this
below-mentioned tag. Please refer to the HTML Doctypes  article for more
information related to Doctypes.
<!DOCTYPE html>
 <html> : Every HTML code must be enclosed between basic HTML tags.
It begins with <html> and ends with </html> tag.
 <head>: The head tag comes next which contains all the header
information of the web page or documents like the title of the page and
other miscellaneous information. This information is enclosed within the
head tag which opens with <head> and ends with </head>. The contents
will of this tag will be explained in the later sections of the course.
 <title>: We can mention the title of a web page using the <title> tag.
This is header information and hence is mentioned within the header
tags. The tag begins with <title> and ends with </title>.
 <body>: Next step is the most important of all the tags we have learned
so far. The body tag contains the actual body of the page which will be
visible to all the users. This opens with <body> and ends with </body>.
All content enclosed within this tag will be shown on the web page be it
writings or images or audio or videos or even links. We will see later in
the section how using various tags we may insert mentioned contents
into our web pages.

HTML basic structure:


<!-- Information about the page -->
<!--This is the comment tag-->

<!--Contents of the webpage-->


The <!DOCTYPE> Declaration

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration represents the document type, and helps
browsers to display web pages correctly.

It must only appear once, at the top of the page (before any HTML tags).

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is not case sensitive.

The <!DOCTYPE> declaration for HTML5 is:

<!DOCTYPE html>

HTML Headings
HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.

<h1> defines the most important heading. <h6> defines the least important


<h1>This is heading 1</h1>
<h2>This is heading 2</h2>
<h3>This is heading 3</h3>
HTML Paragraph : These tags help us to write paragraph statements on a
webpage. They start with the <p> tag and ends with </p>.  
HTML Break: – These tags are used for inserting a single line type break. It
does not have any closing tag. In HTML the break tag is written as <br>.

<h1>Hello GeeksforGeeks</h1>
<p> A Computer Science portal for geeks<br>
A Computer Science portal for geeks<br>
A Computer Science portal for geeks<br>
HTML Horizontal Line: The <hr> tag is used to break the page into various
parts, creating horizontal margins with help of a horizontal line running from
the left to right-hand side of the page. This is also an empty tag and doesn’t
take any additional statements.

HTML Links
HTML links are defined with the <a> tag:

<a href="">This is a link</a>

The link's destination is specified in the href attribute. 

Attributes are used to provide additional information about HTML elements.

HTML Images
HTML images are defined with the <img> tag.
The source file (src), alternative text (alt), width, and height are provided
as attributes:

<img src="w3schools.jpg" alt="" width="104" height="142">

Server-side programming :
Server-side programming allows developers to make use of sessions —
basically, a mechanism that allows a server to store information on the current user
of a site and send different responses based on that information.

Server-side programming is very useful because it allows us to efficiently deliver

information tailored for individual users and thereby create a much better user

Banks use server-side programming to store account information and allow only
authorized users to view and make transactions. Other services like Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and Wikipedia use server-side programming to highlight, share,
and control access to interesting content.

Efficient storage and delivery of information

Server-side programming allows us to instead store the information in a database and

dynamically construct and return HTML and other types of files (e.g. PDFs, images, etc.).
It is also possible to return data (JSON, XML, etc.) for rendering by appropriate client-
side web frameworks (this reduces the processing burden on the server and the amount
of data that needs to be sent).

The server is not limited to sending information from databases, and might alternatively
return the result of software tools, or data from communications services. The content
can even be targeted for the type of client device that is receiving it.

Controlled access to content

Server-side programming allows sites to restrict access to authorized users and serve
only the information that a user is permitted to see.

Real-world examples include social-networking sites which allow users to determine

who can see the content they post to the site, and whose content appears in their

Store session/state information

Server-side programming allows developers to make use of sessions — basically, a

mechanism that allows a server to store information on the current user of a site and
send different responses based on that information.

Notifications and communication

Servers can send general or user-specific notifications through the website itself or
via email, SMS, instant messaging, video conversations, or other communications

A few examples include:

 Facebook and Twitter send emails and SMS messages to notify you of new
 Amazon regularly sends product emails that suggest products similar to those
already bought or viewed that you might be interested in.
Advantages of Server Side Programs

 Some of the advantages of Server Side programs are as follows:

 1. All programs reside in one machine called server. Any number of remote
machines (called clients) can access the server programs.
 ii. New functionalities to existing programs can be added at the server side which
the clients can take advantage of without having to change anything.
 iii. Migrating to newer versions, architectures, design patterns, adding patches,
switching to new databases can be done at the server side without having to
bother about client’s hardware or software capabilities.
 iv. Issues relating to enterprise applications like resource management,
concurrency, session management, security and performance are managed by
the server side applications.
 v. They are portable and possess the capability to generate dynamic and user-
based content (e.g., displaying transaction information of credit card or debit
card depending on user’s choice).

Types of Server Side Programs

The following are the different types of server side programs:

(a) Active Server Pages (ASP)
(b) Java Servlets
(c) Java Server Pages (JSP)
(d) Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)

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