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The researcher was born on March 16, 1998 at Sampaloc Manila

Hospital. She is the first child of Roy M. Acoy and Jean Acoy. She has

brother named Razul.

She finished her primary education at Napindan Elementary

School. Her dreams and goals motivated her to continue, thus

completing her secondary education at Mlang National High School.

She never ceased dreaming and finally decided to precede tertiary level

of education at the University of Southern Mindanao taking Bachelor of

Science in Nursing.

She wants to be a professional and successful person in the

future. She plays lawn tennis but not quite expert. She loves reading

and singing. For her to achieve her goal in life, she plans works and

prays for the attainment of her dreams.

Above all, the researcher never departs from Allah even

hardships constantly strike her life. She believes and trusts the almighty

one with no limits.

Right now she is looking forward and hoping for her graduation

and board examination for her to pass and step higher towards her

goals. Even if she feel anxious in every step of the way, she is inspired
by good people she loves and use it as her strength in the battle of her




As the researcher completes this study, the memories of her

four- year struggle and enjoyment filled it. The individuals who shared

their laughter, tears and advices are all part of her success in

accomplishing this task. To all of them, she dedicates this piece of


Her very supportive adviser Ma’am : Emmalyn M. Mamaluba,

for her countless constructive criticisms and suggestions that made the

researcher feel strong to pursue this study;

The faculty and staff of the College of Health and Sciences, for

their endless encouragements which consequently made her inspired

in going through with her study: Sir Mark Ryan Y. Contaoi, Ma’am:

Dahliah A. Bisnar, Ma’am: Melvelyn Bravo, Ma’am: Ma. Minda

Escobido, Ma’am: Ambleth Cabradilla, Ma’am: Cristella Marie


The members of the panel, for sharing their ideas which

eventually led to the improvement of the study;

To the respondents for sharing their ideas and information.

Her parents Mr. Tanto K. Datucali and Mrs. Sarah Labagani

Datucali, for their undying support which led to the completion of this

study and for their unfading love which made the researcher trounced

the hardship she encountered throughout her long journey;

Her sisters and brothers Rahma,Rahima, Mila,Shahanie,

Samer, Gina, Johayden, and Amer, cousins, friends who always

inspired her during her pressured moments. For her sister

Rahima ,Rahma, Mila for the financial support and her brother Samer

for driven her every time she has an early morning and evening duty.

Her classmates/food buddies Rohanna Acoy, Shaillah Belano,

Ramla Abo, Laila Solaiman,Norjatha Uttong, Norsheda Usman,

Shiella Mae Morallas, Sahirah Tumindig, Norhane

Makakena,Hajema Calim for showing their support before, during and

after the conduct of the study; and

Above all, the researcher is very thankful to the ALMIGHTY ALLAH, for

giving her strength; who stirred her whenever she felt dread alone; and for

bringing to her life the people who made every challenge worth fighting for.



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