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Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
movie feedback
Part One
My name is Robert Lewis, and my profession is accountant. According to the story,
Roberto Bolaño met X while working as a janitor at a hospital. X was a patient at the hospital
who had been admitted for an unspecified illness. Bolaño struck up a conversation with X, and
the two became friends.
Bolaño explains that their relationship was like that of two friends who were also lovers.
They would spend time talking on the phone and occasionally meeting in person, but their
relationship was mostly based on their conversations. Bolaño describes their conversations as
full of laughter and intimacy, and he says they would often talk about their dreams and
aspirations. Bolaño’s relationship with her was one of those rare, intense relationships where you
feel like you've known the person your whole life. They were extremely close, and she was one
of the few who understood him. He describes her as being like a sister to him and someone who
he could always count on.
Bolaño started making anonymous phone calls to her after their relationship ended. His
relationship with her was unhealthy, and his actions were motivated by a desire to control her.
His stalking behavior escalated over time and ultimately led to her death. Bolaño explains that he
would call her and say things that he knew would upset her to get a reaction from her. This
behavior is not conducive to a healthy and happy relationship. His motivation for doing so is
unclear, but it may have been simply to cause her distress or to try to get her attention. He also
enjoyed the feeling of power and control that he got from making the calls.
Part Two
The power of innocence is that it is hopeful. It can see the good in people and the world, even
when the world is dark and full of evil. The power of innocence is something that evil cannot
imagine. It is a power that comes from a pure heart. Evil is often born of darkness and hatred,
while innocence is born of light and love. Evil is afraid of innocence because it reminds us of
what is good in the world. Innocence is a force that can overcome evil. The power that innocence

has is the power of hope. Hope allows people to keep going even in the darkest times. It is what
gives people the strength to fight for what is right.
The power of innocence is demonstrated throughout the movie in a number of ways. In
the movie, we see this power in Ofelia. Despite all the darkness and violence around her, she still
has hope. She still believes in the stories she's been told and the possibility of a better life. This
hope gives her the strength to keep going, even when things are at their worst. We also see this
power in Ofelia's mother. Despite everything she's been through, she still has hope for her
daughter. She still believes that Ofelia can have a better life. This hope gives her the strength to
keep going, even at her lowest point. In the end, the power of innocence allows Ofelia to defeat
the evil forces arrayed against her. The hope that things can get better gives her the strength to
fight back and ultimately triumph. In the end, Ofelia's innocence is what allows her to defeat the
evil forces that are trying to destroy her.

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