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Overview The SvSAN witness:

Businesses that require high service availability • Provides the arbitration service in a cluster
in their applications can design their storage leader election process
infrastructure in such a way as to create • Is a passive element of an SvSAN
redundancy and eliminate single points of configuration and does not service any I/O
failure. StorMagic SvSAN achieves this through requests for data
clustering - each instance of SvSAN is deployed • Maintains the cluster and mirror state
as a two node cluster, with storage shared across • Has the ability to provide arbitration for
the two nodes. thousands of SvSAN mirrors
• Can be local to the storage or at a remote
However, in order to properly mitigate against location:
failures and the threat of downtime, an additional • Used over a wide area network (WAN) link
element is required. This is the "witness". This • Can tolerate high latencies and low
white paper explores the SvSAN witness, its bandwidth network links
requirements and tolerances and the typical • Is an optional SvSAN component
failure scenarios that it helps to eliminate.
NOTE: It is possible to have SvSAN configurations
Avoiding a "split-brain" that do not use an SvSAN witness, however
Without a witness, even-numbered clustered implementation best practices must be followed
environments are at risk of a scenario known as and this is outside the scope of this white paper.
"split-brain" which can affect both the availability If you would like to explore this further, please
and integrity of the data. Split-brain occurs when reach out to the StorMagic team by emailing
the clustered, synchronously mirrored nodes lose
contact with one another, becoming isolated.
The nodes then operate independently from one
another, and the data on each node diverges
becoming inconsistent, ultimately leading to
data corruption and potentially data loss.

To prevent split-brain scenarios from occurring a

witness is used. The witness acts as an arbitrator
or tiebreaker, providing a majority vote in the
event of a cluster leader election process,
ensuring there is only one cluster leader. If a
leader cannot be determined the storage under
the cluster control is taken offline, preventing Fig. 1: The witness is located separately from
data corruption. the SvSAN nodes.

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SvSAN witness system requirements that can be transmitted, but does not govern
As the witness sits separately from the SvSAN the speed of the link. In general having more
nodes and does not service I/O requests, it has bandwidth reduces the likelihood of congestion.
noticably lower minimum requirements: Bandwidth is similar to lanes on a highway –
more lanes enable more vehicles (data packets)
CPU 1 x virtual CPU core (1 GHz) to use the highway at the same time. When all
Memory 512MB (reserved) lanes are full the bandwidth limit is reached,
which leads to congestion (traffic jams).
Disk 512MB
1 x 1Gb Ethernet NIC Latency or round trip time (RTT) is another
When using the witness over a WAN link
important factor and determines the speed
use the following recommendations for of the link – lower latency equates to better
optimal operation: network speeds. Referring back to the highway
• Latency of less than 3000ms, this analogy, latency is the highway speed limit and
would allow the witness to be located impacts the time it takes to complete a round
anywhere in the world
• 9Kb/s of available network bandwidth
trip. Unfortunately, getting better network latency
between the VSA and witness (less is not as simple as increasing bandwidth as it is
than 100 bytes of data is transmitted affected by a number of factors, most of which
per second) are out of the user’s control. These include:
The SvSAN witness can be de-
ployed onto a physical server or • Propagation delay - the time that data takes
virtual machine with the following: to travel through a medium relative to the
Operating • Windows Server 2016 (64-bit) speed of light, such as fibre optic cable, or
System • Hyper-V Server 2016 (64-bit) copper wire.
• Raspbian Jessie (32-bit)1
• Raspbian Stretch (32-bit)2
• vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA)3 • Routing and switching delays - the number
• StorMagic SvSAN Witness Appliance of routers and switches data has to pass
On Raspberry Pi 1, 2 and 3
On Raspberry Pi 2, 3 and 3+ • Data protocol conversions - decoding and re-
VMware vSphere 5.5 and higher encoding slows down data.

NOTE: The witness should be installed onto a • Network congestion and queuing -
server separate from the SvSAN VSA. bottlenecks caused by routers and switches.

Using the SvSAN witness remotely - • Application latency - some applications can
introduce or only tolerate a certain amount of
bandwidth and latency limitations
The SvSAN witness can be deployed both locally
and remotely, and this is of particular use in a
multi-site deployment where a single witness Putting the SvSAN witness' latency
handles every site from a central location. When tolerance to the test
deploying remotely however, restrictions on the StorMagic has conducted tests with the SvSAN
bandwidth and latency of the connection should witness to determine the bandwidth and latency
be taken into consideration. (and distance) that it can tolerate before service
is adversely affected.
When the network performance is poor, a
typical response to solve the issue is to increase Latency emulator – WANem
network bandwidth, which is a relatively simple To simulate different network latencies, the
thing to achieve. However, this only improves WANem ( Wide
performance when there is network congestion. Area Network Emulator tool was used. WANem
Bandwidth addresses the amount of data can be used to simulate Wide Area Network

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The SvSAN witness can withstand
latencies of up to: allowing

3,000ms network
This allows the witness to
such as network
be located almost any- delay (latency), Fig. 2: SvSAN witness testing configuration.
where in the world. bandwidth, requirements while tolerating high packet loss.
packet loss, Although these are extreme scenarios and
And the witness packet corruption,
requires network networks with these characteristics are rarely
bandwidth of just:
disconnections, packet used in practice, it shows how efficient the
re-ordering, jitter, etc. to witness is. The following are recommendations
9Kb/s be configured. to ensure optimal operation:
The configuration used for • Latency should ideally be less than 3,000ms,
the tests is illustrated in fig. 2. which allows the witness to be located almost
anywhere in the world.
The network characteristics of
latency, bandwidth and packet loss • The amount of data transmitted from the VSA
were increased until communication to the witness is small (under 100 bytes per
was lost between the VSA and the second). It is recommended that there is at
witness. Once a failure had been least 9Kb/s of available network bandwidth
observed the characteristic being tested between the VSA and witness.
was reset, allowing the connection to be
re-established. The following results are the
extreme limits and show the SvSAN witness'
Failure scenarios
This section discusses the common failure
scenarios relating to two node SvSAN
configurations with a witness. SvSAN in this
• The network latency between the VSA and
configuration is designed to withstand failures
the witness reached 3,000ms before the
for a single infrastructure component. However,
connection became unreliable and the VSA
for some scenarios it is possible to tolerate
and witness disconnected from one another.
multiple failures.
Reducing the latency ensured that the VSA
and witness reconnected.
Each scenario describes what happens during
the failure and subsequently what happens when
• The witness has minimal network bandwidth
the infrastructure is returned to the optimal state.
requirements. During the tests the bandwidth
was reduced to 9 kilobits per second (Kb/s),
The scenarios are as follows:
before connectivity was lost.
1. Network link failure between SvSAN VSA and
• Ideally there would be zero packet loss across
2. Mirror network link interruption
the WAN, however factors such as excessive
3. Server failure
electromagnetic noise, signal degradation,
4. Witness failure
faulty hardware and packet corruption all
5. Network isolation
contribute to packet loss. The tests showed
6. Mirror network link and witness failure
that the witness connectivity could withstand
7. Server failure followed by witness failure
a packet loss of 20%.
8. Witness failure followed by a server failure
Recommendations For all the failure scenarios the following
In general the witness can function on very high assumptions are made:
latencies and has very low network bandwidth

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• The cluster/mirror leader is VSA1 • The VSAs and witness remain fully
• SvSAN is in the optimum state before the operational with the VSAs continuing to
failure occurs serve I/O requests, without degradation to
• There are multiple, resilient mirror network performance
links between servers/VSAs • All mirror targets remain synchronized
ensuring that the data is fully protected
For a full list of best practices when deploying and that the required service availability is
SvSAN, please refer to this white paper. maintained
• During the network interruption, VSA1
Optimum state continues to remain as the cluster leader and
Fig. 3 shows the optimum SvSAN cluster state. the quorum is maintained
In the optimal cluster state: • VSA1 makes periodic attempts to connect
to the witness and recover the network

After recovery:
When the network connectivity is restored,
communication between VSA1 and the witness
is re-established. As the network interruption did
not affect the environment, operation continues
as normal.

Scenario #2: Mirror network link interruption

Fig. 3: The optimum SvSAN cluster state. The mirror traffic network link between the
servers is interrupted, as shown in fig. 5:
• All servers, VSAs, witness and network links
are fully operational
• Quorum is determined and one of the VSAs
(VSA1) is elected the cluster leader
• I/O can be performed by any of the VSAs
• Mirror state is synchronized

Scenario #1: Network link failure between VSA

and witness
This scenario occurs when the network link
between a single server/VSA (VSA1) and the
witness is interrupted, as shown in fig. 4:
Fig. 5: After a mirror network link interruption.

During the failure period, where there are

multiple redundant network connections
between VSA1 and VSA2:
• Both VSAs and witness remain fully
operational and the VSAs continue to serve
I/O requests
• Mirror traffic is automatically redirected over
the alternate network links if permitted
• During the network interruption, VSA1
Fig. 4: After a network link failure. continues to remain as the cluster leader and
the quorum is maintained
During the failure period: • The mirror state remains synchronized

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NOTE: Potential performance issues could arise I/O
if the alternative network links do not have the • Virtual machines that were running on the
same characteristics (speed and bandwidth) failed server (Server A) will be restarted on the
as the primary mirror network. Furthermore, surviving server (Server B)
using alternative network links for SvSAN mirror • Virtual machines running on Server B
traffic could potentially affect other applications continue to run uninterrupted
or users on the same network. Both of these • The mirror state becomes unsynchronized
are especially important when there is a high
rate of change of data such as a full mirror re- After the recovery of Server A:
synchronization. • VSA1 re-joins the cluster. Its mirror state is
marked as unsynchronized
After recovery: • VSA2 remains as cluster leader
When the network links are recovered, mirror • The VSAs will perform a fast re-
traffic will automatically fail back and use the synchronization of the mirrored targets and
primary mirror traffic network. issue initiator rescans to all hosts, mounting
those targets automatically
In the event that all network communication • On completion, the mirror state is marked
between VSA1 and VSA2 is lost (multiple failures), as synchronized
but they are able to communicate with the • NOTE: If the failure was caused by the
witness, one of the mirror plexes will be taken total loss of storage, then this will require a
offline to prevent split-brain from occurring and full re-synchronization of the data
avoid data corruption or loss. When recovering • The virtual machines remain running on
from this scenario, the node with offline plexes Server B
brings them online and its mirror state will be • Virtual machines can be moved to Server
unsynchronized. The VSAs will then perform a A manually (vMotion/Live Migration)
fast re-synchronization of the mirrored targets or automatically (VMware Distributed
and issue initiator rescans to all hosts, mounting Resource Scheduler or Microsoft Hyper-V
those targets automatically. Dynamic Optimization)

Scenario #3: Server failure Scenario #4: Witness failure

This occurs when a single server (Server A) fails, This occurs when the witness fails, as shown in
as shown in fig. 6: fig. 7:

Fig. 6: After a server failure. Fig. 7: After a witness failure.

During the failure period: During the failure period:

• The surviving VSA (VSA2) and the witness • Both servers (Server A & Server B) remain fully
remain fully operational operational
• VSA2 is promoted to cluster leader and the • I/O requests can be serviced by both
witness is updated to reflect the state change VSAs without disruption to service
• Only the surviving VSA (VSA2) can perform • Quorum is maintained, with VSA1 remaining

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as cluster leader • The VSAs will perform a fast re-
• The VSAs periodically retry to connect to the synchronization of the mirrored targets and
witness issue initiator rescans to all hosts, mounting
• Mirror state remains synchronized those targets automatically
• On completion, the mirror state is marked as
After recovery: synchronized
• The witness is recovered • The virtual machines remain running on
• VSA1 and VSA2 reconnect to the witness Server A
• Current cluster state is propagated to the • Virtual machines can be moved to Server
witness B manually (vMotion/Live Migraton)
or automatically (VMware Distributed
Scenario #5: Network isolation Resource Scheduler or Microsoft Hyper-V
This scenario leads to server isolation when Dynamic Optimization)
multiple network links fail between the servers
and witness, and the server (Server B) remains Scenario #6: Mirror network link and witness
operational. This is shown in fig. 8: failure
This multiple failure scenario explains what
happens when the mirror network link and the
witness fails. As shown in fig. 9:

Fig. 8: During network isolation.

During the failure period:

• VSA1 continues as normal accepting and Fig. 9: After a dual mirror network link and
servicing I/O requests witness failure.
• VSA1 remains as cluster leader
• As VSA2 cannot contact either VSA1 or the During the failure period:
witness, it identifies itself as being isolated • Both servers remain online, with VSA1
• VSA2 takes its mirror plexes offline to stop remaining as the cluster leader
updates to the storage and to prevent a • If there are other network links between the
split-brain condition occurring. VSA1 and VSA2:
• VSA1 marks VSA2 mirror plexes as • The mirror traffic will be redirected to
unsynchronized. VSA2 experiences loss of utilize those links and the mirror state will
quorum and has its volumes taken offline remain synchronized
until quorum is restored. • Either server can perform I/O requests
• The virtual machines that were running on • Both VSAs periodically poll for the
Server B experience a HA event and are presence of the witness
restarted on Server A. • If all the links between the servers (Server A
and Server B) are severed:
After recovery when the network connectivity to • All storage will be immediately taken
Server B is restored: offline to prevent data corruption and
• VSA2 re-joins the cluster. Its mirror state is split-brain scenarios occurring
marked as unsynchronized

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After recovery of the network links: updated with the cluster and mirror state
• The VSAs negotiate leadership
• Storage is brought back online Recovery Scenario 2 - Witness is recovered first,
• The VSAs will perform a fast re- followed by Server A:
synchronization of the mirrored targets and • The NSH is updated with the cluster and
issue initiator rescans to all hosts, mounting mirror status
those targets automatically • VSA1 re-joins the cluster
• On completion, the mirror state is marked as • Mirrors are re-synchronized
• Guest virtual machines will be restarted on Scenario #8: Witness failure followed by a
the servers server failure
This scenario occurs when multiple infrastructure
Scenario #7: Server failure followed by witness components fail. Here the witness or the link to
failure the witness fails first followed by a server (Server
This scenario occurs when multiple infrastructure A) failure. This is shown in fig. 11:
components fail. Here a server (Server A) fails
followed by a subsequent failure of the witness
or failure of communication to the witness. This
is shown in fig. 10:

Fig. 11: Here, the witness then the server fails.

During the failure period:

• The remaining VSA (VSA2) is unable to
Fig. 10: Here, the server then the witness fails. contact either its partner server or the
After the failure of Server A: • VSA2 assumes it has become isolated and
• If VSA2 was able to update the cluster state takes its mirror plexes offline to prevent data
on the witness before it failed: corruption
• VSA2 remains online and is promoted to • Service disruption occurs - no I/O requests
leader are serviced by the VSAs
• The mirror state becomes unsynchronized
• I/O requests are serviced by VSA2 without Recovery Scenario 1 - Server A is recovered first,
service interruption followed by the witness:
• If VSA2 was NOT able to update the cluster • Servers renegotiate cluster leadership
state on the witness before it failed: • The storage is brought back online and the
• VSA2 takes its mirror plexes offline mirrors are re-synchronized
experiencing loss of quorum • When the witness is returned to service, it is
updated with the cluster and mirror state
Recovery Scenario 1 - Server A is recovered first,
followed by the witness: Recovery Scenario 2 - Witness is recovered first,
• VSA1 re-joins the cluster; its storage will be in followed by Server A:
an unsynchronized state • VSA2 elects itself as leader and brings its
• Mirrors are automatically re-synchronized mirror plexes online
• When the witness returns to service, it is • Witness is updated with the cluster and mirror

StorMagic. Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.

status be used over high latency, low bandwidth WAN
• VSA1 re-joins the cluster and mirrors are re- links allowing the witness to be located nearly
synchronized anywhere in the world.

Conclusions Storage infrastructure for edge environments

SvSAN, deployed with a witness, has been should be simple, cost-effective and flexible and
developed to withstand single infrastructure SvSAN's witness is an integral part in ensuring
component failures. However, for some scenarios that SvSAN is perfectly designed for typical edge
it is possible to tolerate multiple component deployments such as remote sites, retails stores
failures, ensuring that service availability is and branch offices.
maintained wherever possible.
Further Reading
For single component failure scenarios, SvSAN There are many features that make up SvSAN,
preserves cluster stability, avoiding split- of which the witness is just one. Why not
brain conditions. When the failure is rectified, explore some of the others, such as Predictive
SvSAN automatically recovers and returns Storage Caching, or Data Encryption? These
the infrastructure back to the optimal state, features and more can be accessed through the
performing a fast re-synchronization of the extensive collection of white papers on the
mirrors where possible, reducing the time StorMagic website.
frame and exposure to subsequent failures and
avoiding potential service disruptions. Additional details on SvSAN are available in the
Technical Overview which details SvSAN's
As shown in the failure scenarios in this white capabilities and deployment options.
paper, SvSAN protects the integrity of the data
at all costs during an infrastructure failure, while If you're ready to test SvSAN in your
keeping the storage available. environment, you can do so totally free
of charge, with no obligations. Simply
The SvSAN witness is a key element in delivering download our fully-functioning free trial
this protection. It provides a significant of SvSAN from the website.
competitive advantage with its ability to be
located remotely and provide quorum to If you still have questions, or you'd like
hundreds or even thousands of clusters. The a demo of SvSAN you can contact
witness communication protocol is lightweight the StorMagic team directly by
and efficient in that it only requires a small sending an email to
amount of bandwidth and can tolerate very
high latencies and packet losses enabling it to

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