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Part I Text Writing (10 points)

Sample Questions

1. In starting a research project, what are the things that a researcher must include
in the introduction in order to justify that the research problem is worthwhile or
urgently needs to be conducted?
2. In searching for related literature and studies to support your research
arguments, what are some of the most important considerations in order to
ensure that you will be able to include only the reliable and relevant articles?
3. In ending a research project, what are the things to consider or remember in
constructing the conclusion of the study in order for the readers to have a full
grasp of what the study have found out?
4. In presenting and discussing your data, how will you show and explain the data
in order to ensure that the readers will have a comprehensive understanding of
the result of your research?

Part II Data Interpretation and Discussion (Quantitative) – 10 points

Example 1: A Comparative Analysis of Science Process Skills between Sexes

Table 1. Result for t-test between males and females’ science process skills
Science Mean t df p value Mean
Process Skills (Significance) Difference
Male 86.4 2.02 124.52 .001 2.5
Female 83.9

Table 1 above shows the result for the comparison of the science process skills

between male and female using students t-test. The mean scores for sexes, the t

statistics and the significance value were shown on the table. The degrees of freedom

and mean difference are shown as well.

The researchers hypothesized that there is no meaningful difference between the

science process skills of male and female participants. According to the test, the

science process skills of male and female significantly differ from each other, t(124.52)

= 2.02, p = .001. The mean score of male is 86.4 which are 2.5 higher than that of the
female with a mean score of 83.9. With these findings, the researchers’ hypothesis is


These findings must call the attention of science educators as this proves that

gaps between sexes continue to persist despite of existing frameworks and intervention

programs to bridge such differences. Exclusion of female learners on science activities

which were perceived to be intended for male learners such as outdoor or field activities

that requires physical rigor have to be revisited and revised accordingly. Male only

academies, institutes and other learning and training centers have to be reformed to

accommodate female aspirants in order to advocate inclusivity. Equal access to

learning resources and facilities must be intensified in order to address this sexual


Example 2: Perception of Parents on the Use of Social Media as Learning Platform

Table 2. Mean score of parents’ perception across indicators (n=125)

Statements Mean Interpretation
1. Social media can cause
3.34 Strongly Agree Very Negative
learning issues to children.
2. Learning cannot be achieved
3.25 Agree Negative
efficiently using social media.
3. Social media can disrupt the
3.74 Strongly Agree Very Negative
learning pace of my children.
4. There are lots of destructions
3.85 Strongly Agree Very Negative
in social media
5. Social media is not a good
learning platform to be 2.55 Agree Negative
Total 3.55 Strongly Agree Very Negative
Mean Interval Descriptive Response Interpretations
3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree Very Negative
2.51-3.25 Agree Negative
1.76-2.50 Disagree Positive
1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree Very Positive
Table 2 presents the findings for the parents’ perception on the use of social

media as a learning platform. It provides the mean score in each item indicators, the

descriptive responses and their corresponding interpretations.

Based on the survey conducted to 125 participants, it was found that they

generally have a very negative (3.55) perception on social media when it comes to its

use as a learning platform. The participants believe that there is much destruction in

social media (Item 4, 3.85) which may disrupt the learning pace of their children (Item 3,

3.74). However, parents do not entirely believe that social media are not good learning

platforms to be utilized (Item 5, 2.55).

It is worthy to note that parents are aware that social media would cause major

concerns to students learning when used as a tool. The uncensored information in

social media which causes negative influence among learners is worthy of parents’

attention. Although effective and efficient as a communicative avenue, the use of social

media as primary learning platform must be carefully examined in view of its potential

havoc to the learning process and in consideration of other alternative platform


Part III Data Interpretation and Discussion (Qualitative) – 20 points

Example 1: On Being a Health Martyr: The Lived Experiences of Medical Health

Workers amidst Pandemic

Figure 1 shows the concept map conceived out of the responses from the in-

depth interviews and focus group discussions with the participants. The challenges,

difficulties, grievances, concerns, and desires that shapes the participants perspectives,
insights and vision form part of the lived experiences of medical health workers during

community quarantine.

Figure 1. Concept map of the lived experiences of medical health workers

The aftermath of the pandemic’s peak, its continuous presence and its

unpredicted future in the country have caused, are causing and will continue to cause

challenges and difficulties to the medical health workers. Their expression of concerns,

desires and grievances must call the attention not only of the Department of Health but

also of the legislature that laws must be immediately established to address them. The

perspectives, insights and vision of our medical health workers are essential

components that need to incorporate in the crafting of policies and regulations that will

respond to their needs and necessities. In order to build a strong health care system

that aims to provide quality health care services to people the government must ensure

that the welfare of its health care professionals is of prime importance.

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