Ujian Bahasa Inggris SD

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Nama :
Nomor Absen :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 5 (Lima)
Hari/ Tanggal : Senin, 10 Maret 2023
Waktu : 07.30-08.30

1. Old man : Are you looking a book?

Kids : ………..

a. No I am not b. Yes I am c. whatever

2. I “read” a picture book

The right answer is ……
a. Readeng b. Reading c. Roading

3. We “study” with uncle …..

a. Studied b. Stuned c. studying

4. Susan is watching tv. Ubahlah dalam bentuk negative ……

a. Are susan watching TV? b. Susan is not watching TV c. Susan watching tv

5. Dewi reading history book. “history book” artinya …..

a. Buku tulis b. Buku gambar c. Buku sejarah
6. I “do” science task
a. Doing b. Having c. are

7. Haikal …… lot of books

a. Has b. Have c. I don’t know

Healthy foods

Rara and her mother go to a restaurtant to have lunch together. there are many kinds of
food on the table
Rara : What's that, Mom?
Mom : Oh. That's a carrot. It contains vitamin A. it is good for our eyes Rara :
What about eggs, Mom? What do egg contain?
Mom : Eggs contain a lot of protein. They are good to keep our stamina up. You should eat
this egg
Rara : Alright, Mom. I like oranges. My teacher says that oranges contain vitamin C. is it true
Mom : Yes, your teacher is right. Vitamin C is good for our skin. it also good to keep us fit.
tomatoes and guava also contain vitamin C
Rara : Mmmmmm........ I like those foods Mom
Mom : Yes, you have to eat healthy foods. they can keep your body healthy and make you
Rara : Okay

8. A carrot contains …..

a. Vitamin A b. Protein c. Vitamin B
9. a Orange contain ……
a. Vitamin A b. Protein c. Vitamin C

10. Eggs contain ……

a. Protein b. Kalsium c. Zat besi

11. Way to expressing symphaty is ….

a. Thank you b. I’m Sorry c. Well Played

12. How ….. time do you watch TV?

a. Much b. Many c. Some

13. Charly doesn’t have …… pets

a. Some b. Any c. Much

14. “one hundred thousand”

The right answer is …..
a. 10.000 b. 1.000 c. 100.000

15. Tony : How much this burger?

Waiters : its thirty five thousand
a. 25.000 b. 35.000 c. 55.000

16. Write down “Rp 12.500”

a. Twelve thousand and five hundred rupiah
b. Twelve thousand and six hundred rupiah
c. Twelve thousand and seven hundred rupiah

17. Write down “Rp 73.000”

a. Seventy four thousand rupiah
b. Seventy three thousand rupiah
c. Seventy thousand rupiah
18. Who is she?

a. Tailor b. Vet c. Dentist

19. Who is he?

a. Police b. Fire fighter c. Dentist

20. Word “adventure” mean …..

a. Perjalanan b. Petualangan c. Perkelahian

Good Luck

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