AY22-23-AET512-Course Specifications

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Course Specifications

Course Name Electrical Workshop Practice

Course Code AET512

Grade 10

Periods Total: 3; 3 In-School Learning (IL)

Aim The Electrical Workshop Practice course introduces learners to the safety
practices of electronic circuits and learn different methods to construct
electronic circuits. Learners will also be introduced to the measuring
instruments used to test electronic circuits.

Pre-Requisite(s) NA

Co-Requisite(s) NA

NQC Qualification NA


NQC Unit Code NA

NQC Credits ☐ Full Credits #of Credits:

☐ Partial Credits Part: of
☒ NA

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

1. Describe safety in Electrical Workshops.
2. Construct electronic circuits using active and passive components (Breadboard and Stripboard

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Course Outline

Topic # of Periods

Topic 1: Safety for Engineering 9 -

Subtopic 1: Safety in Electrical -
Topic 2: The construction of -
electronic circuits using active and 24
passive components
Subtopic 1 – Breadboard prototyping 15 -

Subtopic 2 – Stripboard prototyping 9 -

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1. Number of periods allocated for each Topic/Subtopic is a proposal. Teachers may follow a
different scheme as needed.
2. Instructional Weeks and Submissions follow the Term 1 scheme as per the following table:

Instructions and Submissions Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

End of Instructions W11 W10 W9
Recap and 1st Submission W13 W11 W10
EoT Re-submission W15 W12 W11

3. It is the teacher’s full responsibility to cover all topics, subtopics and related key performance
indicators as well as in-class/lab activities using provided main resources and extra resources
(such as school resources, relevant and trusted online resources or own resources)
wherever needed.
4. Scoring of each Criteria (PC/GC) listed within each topic of this document has to be justified by
the teacher based on evidences of achievement submitted by students.

Assessment Scheme:

Type Category Percentage Weight

Teamwork 4%
Leadership 4%
Interpersonal Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 4% 20%
Innovation and creativity 4%
Attendance, Respect and Punctuality 4%
Progress Milestone 1 30%
Progress Milestone 2 25% 80%
Progress Milestone 3 25%
Course Final Mark 100%

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Topic 1: Safety for Engineering
1.1 – Safety in Electrical Workshops
1.1.1 Define a hazard and list the three main types of electrical hazards.
1.1.2 Describe work practices that can cause electric shock
1.1.3 list factors that influence the severity of electric shock.
1.1.4 list most common shock related injuries suffered in electrical accidents
1.1.5 list safe practices that can help in protecting electrical workers from electric ARC blasts.
1.1.6 Describe the different categories of the safety signs and give examples of each
1.1.7 List common safe practices to avoid electrical hazards
1.1.8 List the personal protective equipment (PPE) used to reduce the effect of electrical hazards
Topic 2: The construction of electronic circuits using active and passive components
2.1 – Breadboard Prototyping

2.1.1 State the difference between active and passive electronic components.
2.1.2 Identify different types of resistors.
2.1.3 Use a measuring device available in the workshop to measure resistance and capacitance.
2.1.4 List different types of diodes and their function
2.1.5 Use a measuring device available in the workshop to test a junction diode
2.1.6 Identify different methods of prototyping
2.1.7 Carry out a practical activity to construct and test a simple electronic circuit prototyped
using a breadboard
2.1.8 Use a simulator to test a prototyped electronic circuit

2.2 – Stripboard Prototyping

2.2.1 State why soldering and de-soldering process are needed in relation to electronic circuits
and PCB construction.
2.2.2 Identify equipment in the workshop used to perform a soldering process and state their
2.2.3 Design a simple electronic circuit as per given specifications
2.2.4 Use a simulator or a software package available in the work shop to test the functionality of a
2.2.5 Use breadboard prototyping to test a designed circuit
2.2.6 Assemble and solder a designed electronic circuit

- In-house Designed Modules
- In-house Lab Activities Booklet

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Tracking Sheet Scoring

PC# Performance Criteria / General Criteria PC Type Pieces of evidence


List the three main types of electrical hazards

with indicating unsafe practices that can cause
GC1.1 Knowledge
electric shock, injuries related to electrical
Identify different safety signs and classify them Knowledge
based on their category Task 1
List common safe practices to avoid electrical
hazard and the personal protective equipment
GC1.3 Knowledge
(PPE) used to reduce the effect of electrical


Identify different electronic components

available in the workshop including resistors,
GC2.1 Knowledge Task 2
capacitors, and diodes with indicating the
function and application of each.
Use a breadboard as a prototyping methods to
GC2.2 Application
build electronic circuits.
Use measurement devices available in the
GC2.3 workshop to test components and carry out Application Lab Activity 1
basic measuring activities
Use a simulator to test a prototyped electronic
GC2.4 Application


Identify different tools used to perform

soldering and de-soldering process and their
GC3.1 Knowledge Task 3
function then List the soldering and de-
soldering steps
Design a simple electronic circuit based on given
GC3.2 Application
Test a designed circuit by breadboard
GC3.3 prototyping and using a simulator to verify it’s Application Lab Activity 2
Perform soldering to construct a tested design
GC3.4 Application
on a stripboard

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