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Nama :
Kelas :
No absen :

1. Apa arti dari kata “Towel” ....

a. Sabun b. Sikat gigi c. Handuk


This is a ……..
a. Calendar b. Book c. Whiteboard

3. Bahasa inggris yag cocok untuk gambar dibawah adalah.…

a. A glass of tea b. A glass of milk c. A glass of coffe

4. Bahasa inggris yang cocok untuk gambar di bawah adalah ….

a. A glass of milk b. A glass of juice c. A glass of water

5. How many coke in the bottle container

a. Five b. Six c. Seven

6. Apa arti kata “coke” ……..

a. Minuman hangat b. Minuman dingin c. Minuman bersoda

7. I’m drinking a glass of milk

Kata “milk” artinya …..
a. Susu b. Buah c. Nanas


Menurut gambar diatas

The Ruller is …..
a. Long b. Sharp c. Short


Menurut gambar diatas

The broom is …..
a. Short b. Tall c. Small

10. Raden is . Kata “Happy” artinya …..

a. Senang b. Kurus c. Gemuk

11. This table is made of “Rock”. Kata “Wood” artinya

a. Bulan b. Kayu c. Batu
12. In the Afternoon we say?
a. Good night b. Good afternoon c. Good Morning

13. How many Crabs are there?

a. One b. Two c. Three

14. How many cows are there?

a. five b. Four c. Six

15. Who is he?

a. Grandmother b. Aunt c. Grandfather

16. Who is she?

a. Uncle b. Aunt c. Mother

17. Arya Is …

a. Student b. Friends c. Tailor

18. Mr Jaka is …

a. Mechanic b. Teller c. Teacher

19. Kalimat yg tepat untuk gambar dibawah adalah …

a. This is bag b. That is bag c. Where is the bag?

20. Kalimat yg tepat untuk gambar dibawah adalah …

a. This is bag b. That is bag c. Where is the bag?

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