انواع الهيدروجين

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CHAPTER I : types of hydrogen

I.1. green hydrogen :

Green hydrogen is a type of hydrogen produced using available

renewable electricity, such as solar or wind power, to decompose
water into hydrogen and oxygen using a process called hydrolysis.

Green hydrogen is considered a clean and sustainable fuel, as its

production does not result in harmful emissions to the environment
such as greenhouse gases, and it is one of the solutions available to
achieve the goals of renewable energy and environmental

It should be noted that the use of green hydrogen is still limited due
to its high cost compared to fossil fuels, but it is expected that the
technology will improve and the cost will decrease in the future.

Green hydrogen can be used in many applications, including public

transportation, marine shipping, aviation, and the chemical and
agricultural industries. For example, green hydrogen can be used to
power fuel cell cars, which only produce water vapor and heat as
combustion products.

Green hydrogen can also be used to make agricultural fertilizers, as it

can be used to convert nitrogen in the air into ammonia, reducing
the need for synthetic fertilizers that produce harmful emissions to
the environment.

Green hydrogen technology is considered one of the clean and safe

technologies for the environment, as it does not cause harmful
emissions to the environment and does not require the use of
harmful substances, which contributes to improving air quality and
preserving the environment.
Green hydrogen technology is also considered a promising solution
to the problem of water shortage in some arid regions, as sea water
can be used to produce green hydrogen instead of using the limited
fresh water.

Green hydrogen has distinctive characteristics such as being a clean

fuel and has no harmful emissions to the environment and is suitable
for use in cars, trucks and other means of transportation. It can be
easily stored and transported by pipelines or by trucks, which makes
it a good choice for use in various industries and sectors.

Green hydrogen can be used in many different applications and

industries, including:

1- The transportation sector: green hydrogen can be used as an

alternative fuel to fossil fuels in cars, trucks and other means of
transportation. Ordinary cars can be converted into green hydrogen
cars, and there are some companies that have begun to produce
green hydrogen cars.

2- Chemical industries: Green hydrogen can be used as a raw

material to produce many chemical products such as ammonia,
methanol and blue hydrogen.

3- Electronic industries: green hydrogen can be used in the

manufacture of many electronic products such as tablets, smart
phones and other electronic devices.

The use of green hydrogen requires a large-scale infrastructure for

renewable energy generation, green hydrogen production, storage,
transportation and use in various industries. With the growing
interest in green hydrogen technology, it is expected that processes
will be optimized and costs will be reduced in the future
Green hydrogen is one of the innovative and promising solutions to
the problem of carbon emissions and pollution resulting from the use
of fossil fuels in various industries. Green hydrogen is generated by
using renewable electricity such as solar and wind energy to
decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen using electrolysis.

Green hydrogen has many advantages, including:

1- Free of harmful emissions: as it does not contain any carbon

compounds and therefore does not produce any harmful gases such
as carbon dioxide, oxidation and sulfur.

2- It can be stored easily: green hydrogen can be stored in high-

pressure cylinders or stored in the form of metal hydride.

3- Renewable: green hydrogen can be generated using renewable

energy sources such as solar and wind energy.

In the end, it can be said that green hydrogen technology is one of

the available solutions for the transition to a clean and sustainable
economy, and to improve the quality of life for current and future
generations. It is expected that the interest in green hydrogen and
the development of related technologies will continue in the future.
I.2. blue hydrogen:

Blue Hydrogen is a term used to describe hydrogen that is

produced from natural gas using distillation and carbon capture
technologies, where the carbon extracted from the distillation
process is used and stored safely underground to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions associated with hydrogen production.

Although blue hydrogen is considered a sustainable energy option, it

is not a complete alternative to fossil fuels. It still uses natural gas as
the main source of hydrogen production, and therefore it does not
solve the main problem of dependence on fossil fuels and carbon

However, the sustainable use of blue hydrogen can be part of a

comprehensive solution to reduce carbon emissions and shift to
clean and sustainable energy sources in the future.

Blue hydrogen is produced by decomposing natural gas (which

consists mainly of hydrocarbons) using the Steam Methane
Reforming process, which produces hydrogen and carbon dioxide
(CO2) as a by-product. Carbon dioxide gas is collected and safely
stored underground in geological layers (Carbon Capture and
Storage), in order to reduce the carbon emissions associated with
hydrogen production.

Blue hydrogen is considered a sustainable option because it reduces

carbon emissions, thus reducing its impact on climate change. Blue
hydrogen is expected to play an important role in achieving the
future goals of sustainable energy and reducing carbon emissions in
the world.

However, blue hydrogen is a relatively limited source of hydrogen,

and it cannot be used as a full replacement for fossil fuels in the
future. In addition, blue hydrogen production faces challenges
related to production and storage costs, and it is expected that other
hydrogen production technologies (such as green hydrogen and red
hydrogen) will be developed to provide more sustainable and
economical sources of hydrogen in the future.

Blue hydrogen is part of the green revolution in energy, and many

experts suggest that blue hydrogen may play an important role in
achieving global goals for reducing carbon emissions and climate

Ideally, blue hydrogen could be used to power vehicles and generate

electricity with zero carbon emissions, and could be an important
source of clean energy in the future. However, the blue hydrogen
production process still relies on natural gas, which cannot be
considered a sustainable energy source in the long term.

Economically, blue hydrogen has several advantages, including that it

provides a means of storing clean energy that can be used at times
when power is not being generated from renewable sources such as
solar and wind. Blue hydrogen can also be used to generate
electricity at times when the electric grid is experiencing overload.

Ultimately, blue hydrogen is an important part of potential solutions

to meet the world's energy needs and reduce the effects of climate
change, and work will continue to develop and improve this
technology in the future.
I.3. Turquoise hydrogen:

Turquoise hydrogen is hydrogen gas that has been electroplated

in a way that changes its color to purple. This color is produced when
a very high electric charge is applied to gaseous hydrogen, which
occurs under standard conditions at a given temperature and

Turquoise hydrogen is used in many applications, such as ultraviolet

and visible spectroscopy of elements and molecules, in laser
applications, as well as in scientific research and chemical
experiments. It is also used to make medicines, pesticides, and other

In addition to the uses I mentioned earlier, turquoise hydrogen can

be used in other areas, such as nuclear and space research, and
nanotechnology. Turquoise hydrogen technology is also used in the
manufacture of high-capacity wires, which are wires used in high-
power electrical applications and satellites.

Turquoise hydrogen can be generated by discharging hydrogen gas in

a vacuum tube and applying a high-frequency, high-voltage electric
current. It can be used in scientific research as an aid to achieve
accurate and reliable results in chemical and physical analyzes and

It should be noted that turquoise hydrogen is considered a

dangerous and flammable substance, and therefore it is handled
with care and precaution in the places designated for it, and it is
stored and transported safely using special tubes and high pressure
I.4. pink hydrogen:

Pink hydrogen is a term that refers to a new type of sustainable

biofuel, which is produced from water using renewable energy, such
as solar, wind, and tidal. Water is desalinated to extract hydrogen
from it, and it is usually stored and transported as compressed gas. It
is called pink hydrogen because of the color it appears when using
the liquid amine as an indicator, as hydrogen is colored pink to
indicate the presence of the liquid amine in it.

Pink hydrogen is a new source of clean fuel, as its production process

does not produce any harmful emissions to the environment, and it
can be used as fuel for hydrogen-powered electric cars, and it can
also be used in chemical and other industries. Pink hydrogen could
be a promising solution to meet global energy needs and reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.

Pink hydrogen is produced using so-called hydrogen generators,

where renewable electricity is used to desalinate the water, and then
the water is converted into hydrogen and oxygen using a technique
called electrolysis.

Pink hydrogen is usually stored in tubes specially designed to keep

the gas under high pressure, after which it is transported through
tubes to sites of use.

Pink hydrogen is a clean source of energy, as it does not produce any

harmful emissions to the environment when used, and does not
contain any toxic elements. Although the cost of producing pink
hydrogen is still relatively high, interest in this renewable resource is
constantly increasing, and it is expected to become more economical
in the future.
It is also important to note that the use of pink hydrogen does not
represent the final solution to the environmental challenges facing
the world, but it is one of the options available to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions and preserve the environment.

Pink hydrogen has the advantage that it can be produced using

renewable energy and can be used in many industrial, commercial
and domestic applications. Interest in this renewable fuel is expected
to increase in the future, especially with the global shift towards the
use of clean and ren

I.5. natural hydrogen:

Natural hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. It is

the lightest of the chemical elements. Hydrogen represents about
75% of the mass of matter in the universe. Natural hydrogen consists
mostly of one type of atom, the most common isotope of which is
hydrogen with only one proton in the nucleus of an atom.

Natural hydrogen is extracted through drilling operations in oil and

gas rocks, and it is used in many industries such as petrochemicals,
fertilizers, and energy. Natural hydrogen is also used in the
manufacture of hydrogen used in fuel cells and in the waste-to-
energy process.

Natural hydrogen can be used in the iron and steel industry, oil
refining, and the production of vegetable and animal oils and waxes.
It can also be used to generate electricity through nuclear thermal
power plants, hydro and wind plants.

However, it should be noted that the use of natural hydrogen may

lead to some environmental problems, such as greenhouse gas
emissions during drilling and production operations, as well as the
risk of gas leakage from pipelines, stations and facilities, which could
cause serious environmental and health accidents. Therefore,
precautionary measures must be taken and modern technologies
applied to reduce these problems.

In the end, natural hydrogen is an important source of energy in

many industries and uses, but work must be done to improve
technologies and environmental measures to reduce the negative
effects of its use, and work to develop other sustainable and
alternative energy sources.

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