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Upper-Intermediate - Phone Call from a Headhunter


A: 你好,是蒋先生吗?
nı̌hǎo, shı̀ Jiǎng xiānsheng ma?
Hello, is this Mr. Jiang?

B: 我是,你是哪位?
wǒ shı̀, nı̌ shı̀ nǎ wèi?
That’s me. Who am I speaking to?

A: 我是苍鹰猎头公司的Amy,你现在方便说话吗?
wǒ shı̀ Cāngyı̄ng liètóu gōngsı̄ de Amy, nı̌ xiànzài fāngbiàn
shuōhuà ma?
I’m Amy from Goshawk Headhunters. Is it a convenient time
to talk for you right now?

B: 方便,你说吧!
fāngbiàn, nı̌ shuō ba!
Yes, go ahead!

A: 现在奥美广告公司有个很好的工作机会。我们在
xiànzài Àoměi guǎnggào gōngsı̄ yǒu ge hěn hǎo de gōng-
zuò jı̄huı̀. wǒmen zài Réncái wǎng shàng kàndào nı̌ de
jiǎnlı̀, juéde hěn shı̀hé nı̌, bù zhı̄dào nı̌ yǒu xı̀ngqù ma?

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There’s a really good job opportunity at Ogilvy Advertising.
We saw your resume on RenCai and we think you’re a really
good fit. Not sure if you’re interested or not.

B: 奥美?什么职位?
Àoměi? shénme zhı́wèi?
Aomei? What position?

A: 客户总监。
kèhù zǒngjiān.
Account director.

B: 哦。

A: 我知道你现在也是客户总监,不过奥美开出的薪
wǒ zhı̄dào nı̌ xiànzài yě shı̀ kèhù zǒngjiān, bùguò Àoměi kāi
chū de xı̄nshuı̌ dàgài shı̀ nı̌ mùqián de liǎngbèi. nı̌ yǒu xı̀ng-
qù dehuà, wǒ xiǎng zhànyòng nı̌ jı̌ fēnzhōng shı́jiān zài tán
I know you’re already an account director right now, but the
salary Ogilvy is offering is about twice as much as your cur-
rent salary. If you’re interested, I’d like to take a few more
minutes of your time to talk about it with you.

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B: 好的。
hǎo de.

A: 最近你负责了什么大型项目?
zuı̀jı̀n nı̌ fùzé le shénme dàxı́ng xiàngmù?
What large-scale projects have you been responsible for

B: 最近我们在为一个酒业公司进行整合营销传播,
zuı̀jı̀n wǒmen zài wèi yı̄ ge jiǔyè gōngsı̄ jı̀nxı́ng zhěnghé
yı́ngxiāo chuánbō, jiāng qı́ qı́xià de chǎnpı̌n fēnlèi, diào-
chá xiāofèi rénqún gòumǎi xı́guàn, xı̀fēn shı̀chǎng, mı́ng-
què pı̌npái dı̀ngwèi, bı̀ng wéirào pı̌npái dı̀ngwèi zhı̀dı̀ng shı̀-
chǎng cèlüè, zhı́xı́ng yı̄xı̀liè pı́ngmiàn guǎnggào hé diàn-
shı̀ guǎnggào, kāizhǎn dàxı́ng gōngguān huódòng, jı̀nxı́ng
chǎnpı̌n cùxiāo.

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Lately we’ve been carrying out integrated marketing com-
munications for a company in the alcohol industry. This in-
cludes classifying their flagship products, investigating con-
sumer buying behavior, and determining market segmenta-
tion. Also, clarifying the brand’s positioning, forming a mar-
keting strategy around that positioning, executing a series
of print and TV ads and launching a large-scale public rela-
tions campaign and carrying out product promotion.

A: 这些活动的反响如何?
zhèxiē huódòng de fǎnxiǎng rúhé?
How has the response been?

B: 品牌形象大大提升,产品月销售额已有明显增
pı̌npái xı́ngxiàng dàdà tı́shēng, chǎnpı̌n yuè xiāoshòu’é yı̌
yǒu mı́ngxiǎn zēngzhǎng, kèhù duı̀ wǒmen de fúwù xiāng-
dāng mǎnyı̀.
The brand’s image has been greatly improved, monthly
sales numbers have seen an obvious increase, and the
client was quite happy with our service.

A: 好的,那你方便的时候把最近更新的中英文简历
hǎo de, nà nı̌ fāngbiàn de shı́hou bǎ zuı̀jı̀n gēngxı̄n de
zhōngyı̄ngwén jiǎnlı̀ fāgěi wǒ ba. ránhòu wǒmen zài yuē
shı́jiān miàntán yı̄xià.

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OK. When you have the time, send me your updated Chi-
nese and English resume and we’ll set up a time to discuss
it in person.

B: 好的。再联系。
hǎode. zài liánxı̀.
OK. Talk to you then.

A: 再见。

Key Vocabulary

苍鹰 Cāngyı̄ng goshawk

猎头 liètóu headhunter

简历 jiǎnlı̀ resume

总监 zǒngjiān chief supervisor

客户总监 kèhù zǒngjiān accounts director

开出 kāichū to pay out

目前 mùqián at present

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占用 zhànyòng to occupy, to take over

大型 dàxı́ng large-scale

项目 xiàngmù project

酒业 jiǔyè alcohol industry

整合 zhěnghé integrated, whole

营销 yı́ngxiāo marketing

传播 chuánbō dissemination

将 jiāng to take

其 qı́ it

旗下 qı́xià flagship

分类 fēnlèi to categorize

消费人群 xiāofèi rénqún consumers

调查 diàochá to investigate

购买 gòumǎi to purchase

习惯 xı́guàn habits

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细分 xı̀fēn to segment

明确 mı́ngquè to clarify

品牌 pı̌npái brand

定位 dı̀ngwèi position

并 bı̀ng and, in addition

围绕 wéirào revolve around, center


制定 zhı̀dı̀ng to formulate, to draft

策略 cèlüè strategy

执行 zhı́xı́ng to execute, to carry out

一系列 yı̄xı̀liè a series of

平面广告 pı́ngmiàn guǎng- print-ads


开展 kāizhǎn to begin to develop

公关 gōngguān public relations

促销 cùxiāo sales promotion

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反响 fǎnxiǎng repercussions, re-

形象 xı́ngxiàng image

大大 dàdà very big

提升 tı́shēng to elevate

销售额 xiāoshòu’é sales volume

增长 zēngzhǎng to increase

相当 xiāngdāng considerably, quite

更新 gēngxı̄n to update

面谈 miàntán to talk in person

整合营销 zhěnghé yı́ng- integrated marketing

传播 xiāo chuánbō communications

Supplementary Vocabulary

招聘 zhāopı̀n to be hiring, recruiting

旗帜 qı́zhı̀ banner, flag

客户管理 kèhù guǎnlı̌ account management

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开价 kāijià asking price

术语 shùyǔ terminology

公共关系 gōnggòng public relations


市场营销 shı̀chǎng marketing


反应 fǎnyı̀ng to react, to respond

面试 miànshı̀ interview

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c Praxis Language Ltd.

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