C - KT Cao TH - NG - Project - VC0-Report

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Version 7.2.

PVsyst - Simulation report

Grid-Connected System

Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant
Sheds on ground
System power: 3510 Wp
CĐKT Cao Thắng - Vietnam

Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

Project summary
Geographical Site Situation Project settings
CĐKT Cao Thắng Latitude 10.77 °N Albedo 0.20
Vietnam Longitude 106.70 °E
Altitude 12 m
Time zone UTC+7

Meteo data
CĐKT Cao Thắng
Meteonorm 8.0 (1996-2015), Sat=100% - Synthetic

System summary
Grid-Connected System Sheds on ground
Simulation for year no 1

PV Field Orientation Near Shadings User's needs

Fixed plane Linear shadings Monthly values
Tilt/Azimuth 9/0°

System information
PV Array Inverters
Nb. of modules 9 units Nb. of units 1 Unit
Pnom total 3510 Wp Pnom total 3000 W
Pnom ratio 1.170

Results summary
Produced Energy 5.15 MWh/year Specific production 1467 kWh/kWp/year Perf. Ratio PR 82.21 %
Solar Fraction SF 0.26 %

Table of contents
Project and results summary 2
General parameters, PV Array Characteristics, System losses 3
Near shading definition - Iso-shadings diagram 5
Main results 6
Loss diagram 7
Special graphs 8
Aging Tool 9
Cost of the system 11
Financial analysis 12
CO₂ Emission Balance 14

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Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

General parameters
Grid-Connected System Sheds on ground

PV Field Orientation
Orientation Sheds configuration Models used
Fixed plane Transposition Perez
Tilt/Azimuth 9/0° Diffuse Perez, Meteonorm
Circumsolar separate

Horizon Near Shadings User's needs

Free Horizon Linear shadings Monthly values

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
186 158 179 167 156 144 153 155 163 167 160 164 1951 MWh

PV Array Characteristics
PV module Inverter
Manufacturer CSI Solar Manufacturer Generic
Model CS3W-390P Model 3 kWac inverter
(Custom parameters definition) (Original PVsyst database)
Unit Nom. Power 390 Wp Unit Nom. Power 3.00 kWac
Number of PV modules 9 units Number of inverters 1 Unit
Nominal (STC) 3510 Wp Total power 3.0 kWac
Modules 1 String x 9 In series Operating voltage 125-440 V
At operating cond. (50°C) Pnom ratio (DC:AC) 1.17
Pmpp 3187 Wp
U mpp 313 V
I mpp 10 A

Total PV power Total inverter power

Nominal (STC) 4 kWp Total power 3 kWac
Total 9 modules Nb. of inverters 1 Unit
Module area 19.9 m² Pnom ratio 1.17
Cell area 17.9 m²

Array losses
Array Soiling Losses Thermal Loss factor DC wiring losses
Loss Fraction 3.0 % Module temperature according to irradiance Global array res. 71 mΩ
Uc (const) 29.0 W/m²K Loss Fraction 0.2 % at STC
Uv (wind) 0.0 W/m²K/m/s

Module Quality Loss Module mismatch losses Strings Mismatch loss

Loss Fraction -0.3 % Loss Fraction 2.0 % at MPP Loss Fraction 0.1 %

Module average degradation

Year no 1
Loss factor 0.4 %/year
Mismatch due to degradation
Imp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year
Vmp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year

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Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

Array losses
IAM loss factor
Incidence effect (IAM): User defined profile

10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90°

1.000 1.000 1.000 0.990 0.990 0.970 0.920 0.760 0.000

16/06/22 PVsyst Licensed to Page 4/14

Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

Near shadings parameter

Perspective of the PV-field and surrounding shading scene

Iso-shadings diagram

16/06/22 PVsyst Licensed to Page 5/14

Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

Main results
System Production
Produced Energy 5.15 MWh/year Specific production 1467 kWh/kWp/year
Performance Ratio PR 82.21 %
Solar Fraction SF 0.26 %

Economic evaluation
Investment Yearly cost LCOE
Global 39'500'000.00 VND Annuities 0.00 VND/yr Energy cost 383 VND/kWh
Specific 11254 VND/Wp Running Costs 0.00 VND/yr
Payback period 3.6 years

Normalized productions (per installed kWp) Performance Ratio PR

Balances and main results

GlobHor DiffHor T_Amb GlobInc GlobEff EArray E_User E_Solar E_Grid EFrGrid
kWh/m² kWh/m² °C kWh/m² kWh/m² MWh MWh MWh MWh MWh
January 137.0 71.17 26.51 146.8 139.8 0.442 186.0 0.426 0.000 185.6
February 138.4 71.67 27.21 145.2 138.5 0.434 157.9 0.419 0.000 157.5
March 164.6 77.70 28.52 167.7 159.8 0.497 178.6 0.479 0.000 178.1
April 175.0 81.79 29.14 173.0 164.5 0.512 167.0 0.495 0.000 166.5
May 164.8 80.80 28.87 158.9 150.9 0.472 156.2 0.455 0.000 155.8
June 154.4 78.04 27.60 147.3 139.6 0.440 144.0 0.425 0.000 143.6
July 156.9 84.95 27.57 150.6 142.6 0.451 153.3 0.436 0.000 152.8
August 153.9 79.45 27.57 150.4 142.6 0.449 154.8 0.434 0.000 154.3
September 134.6 76.29 26.88 135.2 128.5 0.406 162.7 0.391 0.000 162.3
October 161.6 78.84 27.07 167.4 159.6 0.502 166.7 0.485 0.000 166.2
November 113.6 73.40 26.70 119.3 113.2 0.359 159.8 0.346 0.000 159.5
December 115.9 75.31 26.61 123.1 116.9 0.371 163.7 0.358 0.000 163.3
Year 1770.6 929.41 27.52 1784.9 1696.6 5.336 1950.7 5.151 0.000 1945.5

GlobHor Global horizontal irradiation EArray Effective energy at the output of the array
DiffHor Horizontal diffuse irradiation E_User Energy supplied to the user
T_Amb Ambient Temperature E_Solar Energy from the sun
GlobInc Global incident in coll. plane E_Grid Energy injected into grid
GlobEff Effective Global, corr. for IAM and shadings EFrGrid Energy from the grid

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Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

Loss diagram
1771 kWh/m² Global horizontal irradiation
+0.8% Global incident in coll. plane

0.00% Near Shadings: irradiance loss

-2.00% IAM factor on global

-3.00% Soiling loss factor

1697 kWh/m² * 20 m² coll. Effective irradiation on collectors

efficiency at STC = 17.67% PV conversion

5.96 MWh Array nominal energy (at STC effic.)

-0.20% Module Degradation Loss ( for year #1)
-0.83% PV loss due to irradiance level

-7.80% PV loss due to temperature

+0.32% Module quality loss

-2.08% Mismatch loss, modules and strings

-0.13% Ohmic wiring loss
5.34 MWh Array virtual energy at MPP

-3.47% Inverter Loss during operation (efficiency)

-0.01% Inverter Loss over nominal inv. power

0.00% Inverter Loss due to max. input current
0.00% Inverter Loss over nominal inv. voltage
0.00% Inverter Loss due to power threshold
0.00% Inverter Loss due to voltage threshold
5.15 MWh Available Energy at Inverter Output

1945.52 5.15 0.00

MWh Energy injected into grid

to user to user to grid

from grid from solar

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Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

Special graphs
Daily Input/Output diagram

System Output Power Distribution

16/06/22 PVsyst Licensed to Page 8/14

Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

Aging Tool
Aging Parameters
Time span of simulation 20 years
Module average degradation Mismatch due to degradation
Loss factor 0.4 %/year Imp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year
Vmp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year
Meteo used in the simulation
#1 C KT Cao Th ng MN80 SYN
Years 1990 (reference year)
Years simulated 1,6,11,16,20

Available Solar Energy Performance Ratio

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Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

Aging Tool
C KT Cao Th ng MN80 SYN

Year E Avail PR PR loss

MWh %
1 5.151 1 0%
2 5.126 1 0%
3 5.102 1 0%
4 5.078 1 0%
5 5.054 1 0%
6 5.029 1 0%
7 4.999 1 0%
8 4.969 1 0%
9 4.938 1 0%
10 4.908 1 0%
11 4.878 1 0%
12 4.849 1 0%
13 4.821 1 0%
14 4.793 1 0%
15 4.765 1 0%
16 4.736 1 0%
17 4.708 1 0%
18 4.680 1 0%
19 4.652 1 0%
20 4.624 1 0%

16/06/22 PVsyst Licensed to Page 10/14

Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

Cost of the system

Installation costs

Item Quantity Cost Total

units VND VND
PV modules
CS3W-390P 9 3'000'000.00 27'000'000.00
3 kWac inverter 1 10'000'000.00 10'000'000.00
Transport 1 2'500'000.00 2'500'000.00
Total 39'500'000.00
Depreciable asset 37'000'000.00

Operating costs

Item Total
Total (OPEX) 0.00

System summary
Total installation cost 39'500'000.00 VND
Operating costs 0.00 VND/year
Produced Energy 5151 kWh/year
Cost of produced energy (LCOE) 383.458 VND/kWh

16/06/22 PVsyst Licensed to Page 11/14

Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

Financial analysis
Simulation period
Project lifetime 20 years Start year 2021

Income variation over time

Inflation 0.00 %/year
Production variation (aging) 0.00 %/year
Discount rate 0.00 %/year

Income dependent expenses

Income tax rate 0.00 %/year
Other income tax 0.00 %/year
Dividends 0.00 %/year

Own funds 39'500'000.00 VND

Electricity sale
Feed-in tariff 1'900.00 VND/kWh
Duration of tariff warranty 20 years
Annual connection tax 0.00 VND/kWh
Annual tariff variation 0.0 %/year
Feed-in tariff decrease after warranty 50.00 %

Consumption tariff 2'000.00 VND/kWh
Tariff evolution +5.0 %/year

Return on investment
Payback period 3.6 years
Net present value (NPV) 264'374'769.65 VND
Return on investment (ROI) 669.3 %

Detailed economic results (VND)

Electricity Run. Deprec. Taxable Taxes After-tax Self-cons. Cumul. %

sale costs allow. income profit saving profit amorti.

2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 10'300'840 -29'199'160 26.1%
2022 0 0 0 0 0 0 10'815'882 -18'383'279 53.5%
2023 0 0 0 0 0 0 11'330'924 -7'052'355 82.1%
2024 0 0 0 0 0 0 11'845'966 4'793'610 112.1%
2025 0 0 0 0 0 0 12'361'008 17'154'618 143.4%
2026 0 0 0 0 0 0 12'876'050 30'030'668 176.0%
2027 0 0 0 0 0 0 13'391'092 43'421'759 209.9%
2028 0 0 0 0 0 0 13'906'134 57'327'893 245.1%
2029 0 0 0 0 0 0 14'421'176 71'749'068 281.6%
2030 0 0 0 0 0 0 14'936'217 86'685'286 319.5%
2031 0 0 0 0 0 0 15'451'259 102'136'545 358.6%
2032 0 0 0 0 0 0 15'966'301 118'102'847 399.0%
2033 0 0 0 0 0 0 16'481'343 134'584'190 440.7%
2034 0 0 0 0 0 0 16'996'385 151'580'575 483.7%
2035 0 0 0 0 0 0 17'511'427 169'092'003 528.1%
2036 0 0 0 0 0 0 18'026'469 187'118'472 573.7%
2037 0 0 0 0 0 0 18'541'511 205'659'984 620.7%
2038 0 0 0 0 0 0 19'056'553 224'716'537 668.9%
2039 0 0 0 0 0 0 19'571'595 244'288'132 718.5%
2040 0 0 0 0 0 0 20'086'637 264'374'770 769.3%
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 303'874'770 264'374'770 769.3%

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Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

Financial analysis
Yearly net profit (VND)

Cumulative cashflow (VND)

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Project: solar5
Variant: New simulation variant

PVsyst V7.2.0
VC0, Simulation date:
16/06/22 21:03
with v7.2.0

CO₂ Emission Balance

Total: 48.0 tCO₂
Generated emissions Saved CO₂ Emission vs. Time
Total: 6.52 tCO₂
Source: Detailed calculation from table below:
Replaced Emissions
Total: 62.9 tCO₂
System production: 5150.50 kWh/yr
Grid Lifecycle Emissions: 407 gCO₂/kWh
Source: IEA List
Country: Vietnam
Lifetime: 30 years
Annual degradation: 1.0 %

System Lifecycle Emissions Details

Item LCE Quantity Subtotal

Modules 1713 kgCO2/kWp 3.51 kWp 6012
Supports 2.71 kgCO2/kg 90.0 kg 244
Inverters 269 kgCO2/units 1.00 units 269

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