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B.ED. (1.5 YEAR)




• STUDENT ID: 0000387515@AIOU.EDU.PK

Q.1 Explain the functions of administration and discuss the scope of Islamic
administration (20)

The 7 main functions of an administrator

Although the administrator adapts its activities to the nature and needs of the organization
for which it works, it could be said that its main functions are:

1- Planning

This is one of the first functions of an administrator, since it involves reasoning about the
different aspects of the operation of a business idea.

This professional must design the plans based on information about the environment and
the business goal. These plans must contain clear short and long-term objectives.

For this function to be fully complied with, it is important that the administrator is
constantly monitoring the environment, so that it opportunely captures the opportunities
and threats to the business.

2- Organization

This function involves the coordination of the efforts and resources of a company towards
one or several collective goals.

It is about adapting the organizational structure and assigning the financial and human
resources according to the defined plan.

3- Representation

The administrator can represent the company in the negotiations with the regulatory
bodies of a country, and also in the fiscal affairs of the organization.

Also, the signature of an administrator is very important in business operations of

business assets.

An administrator can be a spokesperson for the organization before the media, to discuss
certain issues on behalf of the company.

In short, these are legal, ceremonial and symbolic activities in the name of the
organization. Some of them may be signing official documents, serving clients, buyers
and official visits, and presiding over certain meetings and ceremonies.

Although they are tasks that seem trivial and do not involve decision making, they are
important for the proper functioning of an organization.

4- Budget administration

This function is inherent to their position and has to do with the task of managing and / or
managing the budget of the company, seeking the greatest profits with the optimal
investment of financial, material and human resources.

In fact, the administrator is the one who makes the money transfers between and from the
company’s accounts.

That is, it is the person who programs and authorizes the allocation of budget to each area
and / or project of the company; decides who receives what, in terms of human, financial
and time resources.

In this sense it manages the priorities, and is present in the definition of salary increases
and in the discussion of collective contracts in the cases that apply.

The administrator is also a caretaker of the company’s assets. This means that it is your
responsibility to decide when and how to dispose of those assets.

This also means that you are personally responsible in case of losses or bankruptcy. And
it is present in the investment and buying and selling operations in which the company

5- Accountability

The administrator must render an account of its management before the president and the
shareholders of the company.

It also reports to the regulatory bodies in order to keep the public performance of the
organization up to date, given that he is the legal representative of the company.

6- Leadership

The administrator will eventually have to direct and supervise a group of people who
support him in his tasks.

This means that the person who assumes that position must have interpersonal skills that
allow him to interact positively and effectively with the employees under his command.

Likewise, and like any leader, you must delegate authority and responsibilities to others.

You must also prepare to listen, train, motivate and evaluate the performance of your

On the other hand, the administrator is often involved in the recruitment and training of

In this sense it is crucial that the manager tries to reconcile the individual needs of the
employees with the goals of the organization.

This leadership also implies that it must be proactive in relation to the best ways to fulfill
its mission.

This implies that the ideal is for the administrator to assume an entrepreneurial and
creative role, proposing new and better ways for the company to operate.

7- Link or communication

The work of the administrator will also serve as a link between management and the rest
of the company’s employees.

In the same way, it builds bridges between the organization and the actors of its external
environment, especially with government entities.

With the creditors and suppliers of the company, the relationship must be respectful,
professional and cordial, so the administrator must take care of this work.

To fulfill this function fully, the administrator must make the relevant information
available to all those involved in the organization.

Likewise, it must create a relevant, wide and diverse network of contacts, and must
develop with them the most pertinent and effective means of communication, ensuring
that the information disseminated is as timely and as reliable as possible.

The leadership role held by an administrator confers powers as official information

disseminator within the company.

When employees find it difficult to communicate with each other, the administrator
builds bridges between them.

The latter also applies in case of conflicts. There, the administrator’s conciliatory role is

In short, the administrator fulfills vital functions within an organization since it
contributes to the fact that everything and everyone within a company is oriented towards
the achievement of a common goal.

Scope of islamic administration

The Holy Quran is the actual basis of Islamic existence and its actual regulation could be
very restrained. Muslims are free to legislate as needs rise up, in the spirit of social
justice. The few legal guidelines inside the Holy Quran are often permissive and supply
massive latitudes to shape any change in situations. Qamarudin Khan, Professor of
Islamic records, Karachi college, is of the opinion that “the Holy Quran does not now
have the purpose to create a nation but to create a society”. So whatever simply said laws
given by using Allah (SW.T) and His messenger approximately lifestyles and society.
Nobody is permitted to deviate from them even by way of a hair’s breadth. Calling the
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) the perfect philosopher — king, who surpasses in both
theory and practice the qualities which Plato sought in his perfect, are located from a
well-known Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) as the founder and theoretician of
administration of Islamic nation had a completely unique role as its govt head. In fact he
turned into a legislator (via divine revelation as nicely his private pronouncements and
practice all of which received a sacred character for the Muslims), government as well as
a jurist.

He becomes now not answerable to anyone as far as the found out commands have been
worried. But, within the absence of divine revelations, it became his wont to consult his
partners. In truth he turned into command through Allah (S.W.T) to do so.The Holy
Quran commands the Prophet “And seek advice from them (i.e. the ones around you) in
(vital) topics.

So the two critical and primary elements of the Islamic administration theory are the
Ummah and the Shari’ah. These concepts are truly elaborated in the Holy Quran. Prophet
Muhammad (S.A.W) was himself the focus of those standards. Consequently, with the
demise of the Prophet, the Prophecy came to an cease. As a consequence there has been
an opening created among the Shariah and the Ummah. The new link was created by the
Ijma of the network inside the form of the group of the Khilafah which constitutes the 1/3
detail of Islamic political concept. The fourth element would be the idea of Dar al-Islam
and the Mumin residing therein.

The question arises that Islam favours the theocracy or democracy administrative setup.
Mulana Maududi says, the Islamic theocracy does not now mean a rule with the aid of
any priestly magnificence but it manners commonplace Muslims wielding reigns of
energy. But the Muslims need to wield this energy in line with the ebook of Allah
(S.W.T) and Sunnah, of His Prophet. Maududi prefers to name the Islamic form of
presidency as “theo-democracy”. On this form of presidency Muslims were allowed a
limited popular sovereignty below the paramountcy of Allah (S.W.T). For knowing the

Islamic concept of administration, the Islamic country in Medina is the extremely good
instance to turn to if one is to clear up the various troubles of the present day Islamic
international. In keeping with this view the Islamic state in Medina was governed
pursuant to the divine precepts of Muhammad (S.A.W). Take, as an instance, to the
following citation from Imam Khomeini. “The most noble Messenger (Peace and benefits
be Upon Him) headed the govt and administrative institutions of Muslims society.
Further to conveying revelation and expounding and interpreting the articles of faith and
the ordinances and institutions of Islam, he undertook the implementation of regulation
and the status quo of the ordinance of Islam, thereby bringing into being the Islamic state.
He did not content himself with the promulgation of law, as an alternative he
implemented it at the same time, slicing off palms and administering lashing and stoning.
After the most noble Messenger, his successor had the identical duty and function”.

Overall to understand the Islamic idea of management a letter of Hazrat Umar the 2 nd
caliph of Islam, wrote to the governor of Kufa, Abu Musa Ashari on the ideas of justice.
He wrote: management of justice is an important duty. Teat human beings similarly be it
in the personal target market of public sitting in subjects of justice.

Q.2 What is management and discuss its importance? (20)

Management is a universal phenomenon. It is a very popular and widely used term. All
organizations – business, political, cultural or social are involved in management because
it is the management which helps and directs the various efforts towards a definite

According to Harold Koontz, “Management is an art of getting things done through and
with the people in formally organized groups. It is an art of creating an environment in
which people can perform and individuals and can co-operate towards attainment of
group goals”.

According to F.W. Taylor, “Management is an art of knowing what to do, when to do and
see that it is done in the best and cheapest way”.

Management is a purposive activity. It is something that directs group efforts towards the
attainment of certain pre-determined goals.

“Management” is the process of working with and through others to effectively achieve
the goals of the organization, by efficiently using limited resources in the changing world.
Of course, these goals may vary from one enterprise to another. E.g.: For one enterprise it

may be launching of new products by conducting market surveys and for other it may be
profit maximization by minimizing cost.

Management involves creating an internal environment: - It is the management which

puts into use the various factors of production. Therefore, it is the responsibility of
management to create such conditions which are conducive to maximum efforts so that
people are able to perform their task efficiently and effectively.

It includes ensuring availability of raw materials, determination of wages and salaries,

formulation of rules & regulations etc.

Therefore, we can say that good management includes both being effective and efficient.

Being effective means doing the appropriate task i.e, fitting the square pegs in square
holes and round pegs in round holes.
Being efficient means doing the task correctly, at least possible cost with minimum
wastage of resources.
Management can be defined in detail in following categories :

• Management as a Process • Management as an Activity • Management as a

Discipline • Management as a Group • Management as a Science • Management as
an Art • Management as a Profession

Importance of Management
It helps in Achieving Group Goals – It arranges the factors of production, assembles and
organizes the resources, integrates the resources in effective manner to achieve goals. It
directs group efforts towards achievement of pre-determined goals.
Group Goals
By defining objective of organization clearly there would be no wastage of time, money
and effort. Management converts disorganized resources of men, machines, money etc.
into useful enterprise. These resources are coordinated, directed and controlled in such a
manner that enterprise work towards attainment of goals.

Optimum Utilization of Resources – Management utilizes all the physical & human
resources productively. This leads to efficacy in management.
Management provides maximum utilization of scarce resources by selecting its best
possible alternate use in industry from out of various uses.

It makes use of experts, professional and these services leads to use of their skills,
knowledge, and proper utilization and avoids wastage. If employees and machines are
producing its maximum there is no under employment of any resources.

Reduces Costs – It gets maximum results through minimum input by proper planning and
by using minimum input & getting maximum output.
Management uses physical, human and financial resources in such a manner which results
in best combination. This helps in cost reduction.

Establishes Sound Organization – No overlapping of efforts (smooth and coordinated

functions). To establish sound organizational structure is one of the objective of
management which is in tune with objective of organization and for fulfillment of this, it
establishes effective authority & responsibility relationship i.e. who is accountable to
whom, who can give instructions to whom, who are superiors & who are subordinates.
Establishes Sound Organization
Management fills up various positions with right persons, having right skills, training and
qualification. All jobs should be cleared to everyone.

Establishes Equilibrium – It enables the organization to survive in changing environment.

It keeps in touch with the changing environment.
With the change is external environment, the initial co-ordination of organization must be
changed. So it adapts organization to changing demand of market/changing needs of
societies. It is responsible for growth and survival of organization.

Establishes Equilibrium
Essentials for Prosperity of Society – Efficient management leads to better economical
production which helps in turn to increase the welfare of people. Good management
makes a difficult task easier by avoiding wastage of scarce resource.
It improves standard of living. It increases the profit which is beneficial to business and
society will get maximum output at minimum cost by creating employment opportunities
which generate income in hands. Organization comes with new products and researches
beneficial for society.

Q.3 Explain the different types of supervision. Which type is better for our schools
and why? Discuss. (20)

Types of Educational Supervision

As a student or any novices of a field, they will encounter episodes of supervision.
Depending on the field of study or work, supervisors may utilize a variety of supervision
types. The types of educational supervision may vary from a highly structured approach,
to a more informal, supportive role.

The types of supervision in educational administration that is used often depends on the
type of work being supervised, and the amount of supervision that is needed. Also, the

level of experience of the one being supervised will also play a part in the type of
supervision of educational inspection that is used. You can list any five types of
educational supervision.

5 Types of Educational Supervision

Corrective Type – This type of supervision seeks out faults or problems and brings these
to the attention of the authorities. Because of the negative focus, this type of supervision
typically does not serve a positive function.

Preventative Type – This type of supervision looks forward and helps the supervisee
anticipate upcoming situations and plan accordingly.

Creative Type – This type of educational supervision is often peer-to-peer and is highly
encouraging. This type supports experimenting and trying things in new and innovative

Training Type – This type of educational supervision focuses on specific techniques and
ways to improve them. It often involves practice and training on specific skills.

Laissez-Faire Type – This is the least helpful form of educational supervision because
there is no focus on improvement, feedback or guidance. Practitioners are observed but
essentially left to do whatever they prefer.

Types of Educational Supervision and Inspection

In educational supervision, supervisors may take on a variety of roles:

• Accountability • Monitoring • Clinical • Advisor • Critical Friend • Mentor

Accountability – In this type of supervision, the person doing the supervising takes a
traditional role as an inspector. There is often a requirement for exact accountability for
all requirements.

Monitoring – In this type of supervision, the supervisor watches over the person, but it’s
not a strict inspector-type of a role. Monitoring supervision checks in on the person’s
progress and is available for feedback and often helps come up with solutions or

Clinical – In a clinical setting, both the supervisor and the person being supervised, are in
direct contact with each other. This is usually done in a face-to-face setting while certain
tasks are being performed. A clinical setting for education supervision may be during
student teaching, medical or dental residency.

Advisor – As an advisory, the people in the supervisory role are usually not working at
the same level of the person they are supervising. There is limited face-to-face work. In
this capacity, the advisor is limited to giving advice or feedback.

Critical Friend – The role of the critical friend is a more casual role and often both the
supervisor and the person being supervised can be on similar levels. A critical friend
serves as support person offering encouragement and guidance. However, the person in
this role also provides constructive feedback.

Mentor – The mentor as a supervisory role is usually a person with a higher rank than the
person they are supervising. In this case, the person serving as a supervisor acts as a role
model for those they are supervising. The mentor uses demonstrations and modeling to
show what is expected.

The Better type of Supervision for our Schools is :

The Creative Supervision

Creative supervision encourages the teachers to feel free to think for themselves in
matters pertaining to objectives, curriculum, organization and content, methods of
teaching and evaluation. The teachers develop their own techniques and they are
encouraged to exchange views with the supervisor and co-workers. This provides
opportunity for the teachers to grow through the exercise of their talents and abilities
under expert and professional guidance and encouragement.

Q.4 Discus the importance of early childhood education and its role in the lives of
students. (20)

Childhood is the most important and effective part of one’s life. It is the creation of
human historical development. It is a relatively late result of men becoming. Whatever
people grow like is mainly because of childhood period’s learning. In the early days,
when primitive childhood did not exist. As soon as the child could barely walk and fend
for himself. Child education is crucial to develop learning habits in children.


When we talk about education, we are not referring only to the acquisition of academic
knowledge. All the information that we collect in the first years of life. That helps us to
function in the world and to develop fully as people. That is why childhood education is
so important.


It is in the first six years of life when the best conditions exist to acquire the tools that will
allow us to develop and function in any situation throughout our lives. Hence the
importance of education in the first moments of a child’s life.

The child’s learning process and growth as a person depend on those messages’
intellectual and emotional connections. That is why it is important to provide a healthy
education for children.

Childhood education is a path to full development. It paves your ideas and concepts for
future plans.


Some values show us how important education is during childhood and that their absence
will seriously affect future development:

Confidence: trusting oneself gives us the strength to face daily adversities. It also helps to
face problems so one can achieve personal success.

Happiness: confidence in oneself, as well as in one’s abilities. It is the key to not giving
up and achieving the goal. Achieving the goals we have set allows us to develop as
people. While providing us with great well-being and, therefore, happiness.


EDUCATION? The upbringing that allows a child to grow holistically (physically,
mentally, and socially). It includes food, health care, protection, cognitive and emotional
stimulation, and affection. Also, the safety of the environment. This is the responsibility
of families. But equally to the States, who must ensure access to quality education and
health services.

As we know, the experiences a child has in both family and other environments such as
school are fundamental.

Its impact is observed in physical and motor well-being, language skills, and
understanding of mathematical concepts. Moreover, the ability to sustain attention and
self-regulate the learning process and emotions, among others.

Numerous studies suggest that childhood education develops the ability to understand and
break words into their fundamental sounds. It enables one to manipulate at preschool age.
This early education makes children show better performance in reading and writing tasks
in primary education.

As for mathematics, the approach to concepts such as the knowledge of numbers and
ordinarily from the initial level affects the incorporation of more complex skills in this

These are functions that, in turn, give rise to other important skills, such as the ability to
remember. The information necessary to complete a task, filter distractions, resist
inappropriate impulses, sustain attention, and set goals. Also, plan how to achieve them,
monitor the result, and manage my own and others’ emotions.

These processes occur slowly from infancy to late adolescence. Different activities, such
as imaginative play, regulated play, and physical activity, help promote them.

Of course, the role of the teacher is central to the bond that they know how to build with
the children. They support them and make them feel safe and calm.

The interaction between peers is very important, but adults are the bridge in the
relationship between children and their environment. We mediate in that relationship and,
to a large extent, stimulate that bond depending on us.

There is nothing of higher priority to therapy.

Comprehensive, effective, sustained, and quality investment in our children. The

adolescents must become a national policy combining civil society’s efforts. The private
sector, and, of course, the State. For this reason, comprehensive policies and programs for
early childhood must be a State policy.

Investment in human capital should be our country’s main plan to achieve development
and social equity.


One of the factors that most influence the advancement and progress of people in

Education makes us human beings, as it enriches our culture, spirit, and values.

But why is early childhood education important? Numerous investigations show that
exposure to diverse and stimulating experiences during the first years of life. It is decisive
for the development of the brain and the personality of children.

This means that the development of the child up to the age of 5 will be a strong projection
of the performance. That he will have in his first years of school as well as in adulthood.

The development plan was proposed for children to obtain satisfactory results, which is
why, together with the social fund. They decided to invest in education and implement
the initial childhood education programs for children.

The programs are aligned with the educational principles raised. Such as that education
must promote creativity and innovation. That is, it must encourage the production of new
knowledge in all fields. These are based on playful methodologies focused on preschool

In addition to responding to the strategic objectives set for the development of regional
education. It is to have quality learning. And thus achieve a successful transition from
initial to secondary learning.

So, to make a better society, let’s focus on early childhood education. It will contribute to
and help train the adults as we want to make a change in the region and the country. One
of the factors that most influence the advancement and progress of people, it’s education.

The question of why early childhood education is important is well justified here.

The importance of early childhood education should not be underestimated. That, of

course, has a large component of family support. But even in cases where the child can
stay at home or with grandparents. It is also important that they go to Initial Training
Centers, where they will develop other skills at the hand of a professional educator. The
skills such as socialization, respect for others, and the creation of habits, among others.

Countries and governments that have adopted some or all of these policy elements share a
strong public commitment to young children and their families. In different ways, these
countries have made efforts to ensure that easy access is available to all children. Also,
they have initiated special efforts for those who need special support. Meanwhile, notable
progress has been made in policy development and implementation in cou

Q.5 How much school discipline is important for improving the progress of schools?
Discuss. (20)

Ans. Discipline in school is vital to helping students achieve strong academic gains, yet
this is one area where many schools fall short. Boarding school discipline codes are one
of the benefits of choosing a boarding school. Here is a closer look at the importance of
discipline in school life.
Discipline in school is vital to helping students achieve academic goals, yet this is one
area where many schools fall short. Boarding school discipline codes are one of the
benefits of choosing a boarding school. When it comes to schools keeping students on-
task and safe, discipline is a key component. Effective school discipline practices help
students make wise decisions and stay focused on their studies.

One of the reasons parents send their children to private schools is discipline. Parents
have grown concerned about their children being in large classes where the teachers
spend much of their time dealing with discipline issues. That’s not the educational
environment we want for our children. We want them to go to school to learn in a safe
and supportive environment.

As you investigate private schools at any level, review how the schools handle discipline.
Discipline will vary from school to school because each private school is an independent
institution. Be ready to ask detailed questions about discipline as you consider which
private school is the right fit for your child.

Discipline in school or classroom is crucial to helping students in achieving some really

strong academic gains. Thus, many people prefer boarding schools for their children, as
boarding schools are famous for following several disciplinary measures strictly. So, let’s
know the importance of discipline for students in the classroom here.

Importance of discipline for students in the classroom

While it is related to keeping the students safe and increasing their creativity, discipline
plays a major role. Effective school discipline helps students in making the right
decisions and stay focused on their studies. Many people want to send their children to
private schools to make their children disciplined individual. The importance of discipline
in the classroom is:

1. Stress-free life

A well-disciplined person usually remains happy, and hence, can do good in their school
studies and exams. Being disciplined helps them in staying in control of their studies and
personal lives. They don’t have to feel stressed during exams or about the results of their
exams. Discipline helps students to learn in a stress-free way and achieve some great

2. Staying focused

Discipline in the classroom helps students to stay focused on their studies. A disciplined
individual can stay focused on his goals and think of study as their top priority. Thus,
they can enjoy good results in their studies and maintain high standards in every aspect of

3. Encourages positive performance

Classroom discipline helps students to stay on-task and interact with their teachers
fruitfully; this eventually reduces distractions and improves the flow of information.

4. Teaches time management

As disciplined person can finish their tasks on time, we can say that discipline teaches
students the value of time, and hence, with the help of discipline, students learn how to
manage their time effectively.

5. Staying active

Disciplined people usually stay healthy and active most of the time. They know what is
good and what is bad for them. This helps them perform their tasks properly while
completing their daily tasks on time. Hence, discipline encourages students to lead an
active, healthy, and dynamic life.

The Four Ways Effective School Discipline Benefits Students


One of the reasons to consider discipline in school to be a top priority is the fact that it
leads to better academic performance. Students who know they are accountable for their
actions both in and out of the classroom tend to get better scores on academic testing.
Classroom discipline helps students stay on-task while with the teacher, limiting
distractions and improving the flow of information.


Discipline in the classroom helps students stay focused on their academics. Over time,
this teaches them how to focus in other ways. A disciplined student is able to stay focused
on his goals and keep his work a top priority. This focus translates well into life outside
of school, helping students maintain high standards in every area of life.


Peer pressure can be both a positive and negative factor in a student’s life, but having
discipline in school can help limit the amount of negative peer pressure students face.

Students are less likely to push their peers to make negative choices when the entire
student body is held to a high standard. As a result, peer pressure that does occur is the
accountability to do and be better.


Another benefit of school discipline is the safety it creates in a school. This is particularly
true in boarding school environments where students live and learn in the same place.
When an established discipline code is in place that students and teachers both understand
and accept, everyone can learn in a safe and supportive environment.

Effective School Discipline Practices Are A Main Benefit Of Boarding Schools One of
the reasons many families consider a boarding school for their students is the benefit of a
disciplined environment. School discipline is a vital component of a successful boarding
school, and students have the watchful eyes of staff on them at all times. Students are able
to focus on their academic success instead of the pressures of their peers while in a
boarding school. Many of the discipline problems in schools today disappear when the
students live on campus because they do not have different discipline standards at home
than they receive at school.

Discipline in school is vital to academic and social success. If you are looking for a
structured learning environment that will hold your son accountable for his actions,
consider Riverside Preparatory Academy. With a rigorous academic focus and military
discipline, this all-boys boarding school will provide the structure and supervision your
child needs for success. With the importance of discipline in school life as a strong focus,
Riverside Preparatory Academy has positive results for its students in academics and life.


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