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Case Study #1

1. Calculating the total energy available…..

White Sauce Pasta
Serving size 1 plate (466g)
Fat = 73 grams , Energy from Fat = 73x9 = 657 kcal
Protein = 28 grams , Energy from Protein = 28x4 = 112 kcal
Carbs. = 106 grams , Energy from Carbs. = 106x4 = 424 kcal

Total Energy = 1193 kcal

2. You must know the amount of …..

Amount of Carbs = 106 grams
Amount of Fats = 73 grams
Amount of Proteins = 28 grams

3. Calculate the % calories for …..

Protein = 10%
Carbs = 36%
Fat = 54%

4. What will be the overall nutritional……

Ensure moderate use of edible oils and animal foods and very less use of ghee/
butter/banaspati. Avoid overeating to prevent overweight and obesity. Exercise regularly and be
physically active to maintain ideal body weight.

5. Interpret the key findings

 Using olive oil in cooking prevents cellular damage and helps repair your liver.
Moreover, it is easily digestible that way.
 Milk provides adequate calcium and protein content whereas cashews are the richness
agent. Black pepper improves metabolism and increases bone health.
 The high dietary fiber content in broccoli aids digestion and it greatly benefits your
eyesight as well as skincare.
 The white sauce has a definitive amount of calcium and protein content and is low in
calories as compared to other sauces.

6. What will be the nutritional……

The main nutritional implementation is to consume less calories from fats, particularly trans-fat.
Instead of white pasta and butter, we can use whole grain pasta and olive oil.

Case Study #2

a. Protein = 5grams
= 20kcal Protein

b. Carbs = 30 grams
= 120 kcal Carbohydrate

c. Fat = 11 grams
= 99 kcal Fat

d. Total kcal = 20+120+99

= 239 kcal

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