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Region VI – Western Visayas

Schools Division of Iloilo

Schools District of Tigbauan
Tigbauan, Iloilo


I. Objective
A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate the understanding of how animals reproduce
B. Performance Standard
The learners should be able to practice proper hygiene to take care of the
reproductive organs
C. Learning Competency
The learners should be able to describe the different modes of
reproduction in animals such as butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs, cats, and
dogs (S5LT-
Subtasked Competency
The learners should be able to identify parts of the reproductive system of
cats and dogs.
Contextualized Competency
The learners should be able to identify parts of the reproductive system of
some animals found in the community like dogs and cats.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic
Parts of the Reproductive System of Some Animals
B: Science Ideas:
The parts of the reproductive system of male dog and cat are prostate
gland, testicles, vas deferens, and penis
The parts of the reproductive system of a female dog and cat are
ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina, and vulva.
B. Science Processes
Identifying, Comparing
C. Values Focus
Care for Pet animals
D. Materials
Pictures, powerpoint presentation, activity sheet, metacards.
F. References:
Textbook pages a, The New Science Links, pp. 137-139 3.
Additional Materials from Leaning Resource (LRCurriculum Guide for
Grade 5 SSLT -lle - 5

III. Learning Activities

A. Engage

Read the following words:

ailments reproductive female male

Sci-tionary: Form the words by replacing the numbers with the correct letter.
Write the correct words on the blank.
e 16 1 4 1 4 y 13 i 20 i 19

1. ___________________________________________________

o 22 a 18 i a 14 c 1 n 3 e 18

2. __________________________________________________

v 21 l 22 o 22 1 g i 14 i 22 i 19

3. ___________________________________________________

Label the parts of male and female reproductive system using the given strips.

uterus ovary Fallopian tube urethra Prostate gland epididymis

vagina penis Vas deferens testicle
You have just studied the human
reproductive system.
Do you know the parts of the reproductive system of some animals?
Look at the picture, do you know how this animal reproduce.

Today, we are going to identify the reproductive parts of male and female dogs and

B. Explore
Grouping of Pupils
Recalling Standard
Let us recall the standards in Science Activity.
Let us perform the activity.

Animals’ Reproductive System

I. Problem: What are the parts of the reproductive system of male and female cat
and dog?
II. Materials: Diagram of male and female reproductive system of a cat and dog.
III. Procedures:
1. Study the diagram of male and female reproductive systems of a cat and a dog
IV. Data and Observation
1. List down the different parts of the reproductive system of the animals
presented .Fill in the table below.
2. What are the parts of the male cat? male dog? female cat?
female dog?
3. Are the parts of the dogs and cats male and female reproductive
system the same?
4. Why are these parts similar to human?

V. Conclusion:

C. Explain
Group Reporting
Answering guide questions:
a) What are the parts of the male cat? male dog? female cat? female dog?
b) Are the parts of the dogs and cats male and female reproductive system the
c) Why are they similar to human?
d) How many reproductive parts do cats and dogs have?

D. Elaborate
 What are the parts of the reproductive system of male dog and cat?
 What are the parts of the reproductive system of female dog and cat?

Group I-
Group singing about the parts of male parts of the male cat and dog,
female cat and dog

Group II

Group III Label the parts of the reproductive systems of dog and cat

How can we take good care of our pets?

E. Evaluation
Name the reproductive parts of the animals below.
IV. Assignment:
Prepare a report or essay on the reproductive system of an animal of your choice.
Explain why you choose that particular animal.

Integration of the Subject - Yellow Highlight
HOTS - Blue Highlight
Differentiated Instruction - Green Highlight
Literacy and Numeracy Skills - Pink Highlight

Prepared and demonstrated by:

Elvie Joy T. Magallanes

Teacher I

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