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Initiation and Termination of Massive Transfusion

Protocols: Current Strategies and Future Prospects
John C. Foster, MD,* Joshua W. Sappenfield, MD,† Robert S. Smith, MD,‡ and Sean P. Kiley, MD†

The advent of massive transfusion protocols (MTP) has had a significant positive impact on
hemorrhaging trauma patient morbidity and mortality. Nevertheless, societal MTP guidelines
and individual MTPs at academic institutions continue to circulate opposing recommendations
on topics critical to MTPs. This narrative review discusses up-to-date information on 2 such
topics, the initiation and termination of an MTP. The discussion for each begins with a review of
the recommendations and supporting literature presented by MTP guidelines from 3 prominent
societies, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the American College of Surgeons, and
the task force for Advanced Bleeding Care in Trauma. This is followed by an in-depth analysis
of the main components within those recommendations. Societal recommendations on MTP
initiation in hemorrhaging trauma patients emphasize the use of retrospectively validated mas-
sive transfusion (MT) prediction score, specifically, the Assessment of Blood Consumption and
Trauma-Associated Severe Hemorrhage scores. Validation studies have shown that both scor-
ing systems perform similarly. Both scores reliably identify patients that will not require an MT,
while simultaneously overpredicting MT requirements. However, each scoring system has its
unique advantages and disadvantages, and this review discusses how specific aspects of each
scoring system can affect widespread applicability and statistical performance. In addition, we
discuss the often overlooked topic of initiating MT in nontrauma patients and the specific tools
physicians have to guide the MT initiation decision in this unique setting. Despite the serious
complications that can arise with transfusion of large volumes of blood products, there is con-
siderably less research pertinent to the topic of MTP termination. Societal recommendations on
MTP termination emphasize applying clinical reasoning to identify patients who have bleeding
source control and are adequately resuscitated. This review, however, focuses primarily on the
recommendations presented by the Advanced Bleeding Care in Trauma’s MTP guidelines that
call for prompt termination of the algorithm-guided model of resuscitation and rapidly transition-
ing into a resuscitation model guided by laboratory test results. We also discuss the evidence
in support of laboratory result–guided resuscitation and how recent literature on viscoelastic
hemostatic assays, although limited, highlights the potential to achieve additional benefits from
this method of resuscitation.  (Anesth Analg 2017;125:2045–55)

oncerns regarding improper administration of mas- As of 2017, MTPs have been widely adopted by aca-
sive transfusions (MTs) led to the development and demic institutions within the United States.14 Despite this,
implementation of massive transfusion protocols a comparison of interhospital MTPs revealed that they vary
(MTPs) in the mid to late 2000s.1–6 These protocols were extensively with regard to the criteria for initiation, the role
designed to establish a method for the timely and coordi- of point-of-care-testing (POCT), the end points for termina-
nated delivery of blood products throughout the hospital tion, and the indications for therapeutic adjuncts to blood
and to develop evidence-based guidelines for the delivery products such as crystalloid fluids, calcium, tranexamic
of blood products and adjunctive therapies.1,7–9 In support of acid, and prothrombin complex concentrates.14,15 This lack
their overall efficacy, data have since shown that, compared of MTP uniformity is concerning, especially given the litera-
with MT events in hospitals without an MTP, MTP-guided ture demonstrating the benefits provided by evidence-based
resuscitation is associated with significant improvement in MTPs and the consequences of inappropriate MTP utiliza-
overall patient survival, as well as reductions in blood prod- tion.9–13,16–19 It also raises some questions, including whether
uct utilization, blood product waste, and incidence of com- there is sufficient evidence to permit the development of a
plications associated with blood product transfusions.10–13 standardized MTP, and whether geographic differences in
trauma patient demographics would affect the efficacy of a
From the *University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida; standardized MTP at individual trauma centers.
†Department of Anesthesiology, University of Florida College of Medicine,
Gainesville, Florida; and ‡Division of Acute Care Surgery, Department of
With these questions in mind, the goal of this article is
Surgery, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida. to provide a narrative review on 2 contended topics that
Accepted for publication July 17, 2017. are invaluable to MTP guidelines: the decision to initiate an
Funding: None. MTP and the decision to terminate 1. Through an analysis of
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. the evidence-based methods available for guiding the deci-
Reprints will not be available from the authors. sion to initiate and terminate an MTP, this article aims to
Address correspondence to Joshua W. Sappenfield, MD, Department of An- discuss the following: the comparative strengths and weak-
esthesiology, University of Florida College of Medicine, 1600 SW Archer Rd, nesses of validated approaches to guiding MTP initiation
PO Box 100254, Gainesville, FL 32610. Address e-mail to jsappenfield@anest. and termination, the potential for integrating these methods
Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society into a standardized MTP, and any additional research topics
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000002436 that would fill gaps in the existing literature.

December 2017 • Volume 125 • Number 6 2045

Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

METHODS Societal Guidelines

Recommendations on the initiation and termination of Despite evidence of mortality benefits with early MTP ini-
MTPs and their supporting references were sourced from tiation, the enduring question remains how a physician can
respective MTP guidelines published by the American quickly and accurately determine whether a hemorrhaging
Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), the American College patient requires an MT.29 Within the trauma literature, there
of Surgeons (ACS), and the European Society for Advanced are numerous publications outlining the various imaging
Bleeding Care in Trauma (ABC-Trauma).20–22 Additional modalities, MT prediction tools, estimated blood loss guide-
evidence not referenced in these papers was obtained lines, laboratory markers of tissue perfusion, and compo-
through literature searches in PubMed from December 2006 nents of the patient’s history and examination that are meant
to January 2017 using the keyword “massive transfusion to supplement clinical reasoning and aid in the decision to
protocol” and MeSH terms “shock, hemorrhagic/blood,” initiate an MTP.29–48 Conveniently, the MT literature has
“shock, hemorrhagic/diagnosis,” “wounds, stab/mortal- been compiled and analyzed by several prominent medi-
ity,” and “wounds, gunshot/mortality.” Search results cal societies, including the ASA, ACS, and ABC-Trauma, for
were limited to randomized control trials (RCTs), non-RCT the purpose of providing physicians with evidence-based
studies, and systematic reviews with human subjects and recommendations regarding MT and MTPs.20–22 These up-
in the English language. Whole articles were screened for to-date MTP guidelines have all been completed or updated
their relevance to the subject of initiation and termination within the past 5 years and, because of their recognition and
of MTPs, and then incorporated into the narrative review if reach, have significant potential to influence the practice of
they were determined to contain new and relevant informa- anesthesiologists, surgeons, and emergency medicine phy-
tion regarding this topic. sicians involved in the initial evaluation and management
of trauma patients.14,49 Given the significant influence of the
INITIATION OF MASSIVE TRANSFUSION ACS, ASA, and ABC-Trauma societies and their in-depth
PROTOCOLS analysis of the MT literature, it is prudent to use their guide-
Patient survival during massive hemorrhage is critically lines as an initial tool to identify evidence-based modalities
dependent on rapid identification and control of the bleeding for guiding the decision to initiate and terminate an MTP
source(s). This is evident from 1 institution’s observations after traumatic injury.
of a significant reduction in overall and hemorrhage-related The recommendations from the ASA, ACS, and ABC-
mortality after the simultaneous application of several hem- Trauma on MTP initiation after traumatic injury are pre-
orrhage control interventions, termed the “bleeding control sented in Table 1.20–22 Each guideline similarly recommends
bundle.”23 An additional component of the bleeding control a systematic approach to MTP initiation that combines the
bundle that assists in hemostasis and delaying death from clinical assessment of tissue perfusion and estimated blood
exsanguination is the early initiation of an MTP.23–25 This loss with a validated MT prediction score.20–22 Utilizing clin-
statement is supported by observations that patient mortal- ical reasoning when guiding MTP initiation is essential, as
ity after massive hemorrhage significantly improves with was established by studies demonstrating clinical reason-
decreased time between patient presentation and MTP acti- ing to be 65.6% sensitive and 63.8% specific for predicting
vation, and with decreased delays between MTP activation MT requirements.39 The positive predictive value (PPV)
and the initiation of an MTP.13,17,26–28 Evidence-based guide- and negative predictive value (NPV) of clinical reasoning
lines for the prompt identification and early resuscitation of were 34.9% and 86.2%, respectively.39 While these values
patients requiring an MT is therefore a crucial topic within would suggest that clinical reasoning alone is insufficient to
MTPs. independently guide the initiation of an MTP, it remains a

Table 1.  Societal Recommendations for Initiation of Massive Transfusion Protocols

American Society of Anesthesiologists
  Identify patients requiring a massive transfusion with the following:
   Positive Assessment of Blood Consumption Score
  Consider the following risk factors when evaluating massive transfusion requirements:
   Positive Larson Score
   Blood transfused in the emergency department or trauma bay
American College of Surgeons
  Criteria to trigger a massive transfusion should include 1 or more of the following:
   Positive Assessment of Blood Consumption Score
   Immediate surgery or angioembolization necessary for bleeding source control
   Blood transfused in the emergency department or trauma bay
   Persistent hemodynamic instability after initial fluid resuscitation
Task Force for Advanced Bleeding Care in Trauma
  The decision to initiate a massive transfusion should consider the following elements:
   Trauma-Associated Severe Hemorrhage Score
   Estimated blood loss
   Mechanism and severity of injury
   Advanced Trauma Life Support guidelines on hemorrhage classification
   Advanced Trauma Life Support guidelines on response to initial fluid resuscitation
The recommendations made by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, American College of Surgeons, and Task Force for Advanced Bleeding Care in Trauma
societies within their massive transfusion protocol guidelines pertaining to the topic of massive transfusion protocol initiation.

Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Initiation and Termination of Massive Transfusion Protocols

valuable decision-making tool, especially when laboratory scoring system can be immediately calculated and inter-
values or imaging are still pending or altogether unavail- preted once all variables are obtained. In addition, the 97%
able. The MT prediction score components of MTP recom- NPV indicates that a negative ABC score is highly success-
mendations will be discussed individually subsequently. ful in correctly identifying patients who will not require an
MT, which is arguably the most important feature of an MT
MT Prediction Scores for Guiding MTP Initiation prediction score. However, as this scoring system is used as
The US-based societies, the ASA and ACS, both recom- an early predictive tool for identifying patients at risk for
mend the Assessment of Blood Consumption (ABC) score requiring an MT, the 55% PPV is concerning. It indicates
(Table 2) as a simple, 4-variable scoring system for rapidly a tendency for a positive ABC score to overtriage patients
predicting MT risk in trauma patients and aiding in the into receiving an unnecessary MT. If used independently,
decision to initiate an MTP.20,21 The initial validation of this would lead to an increased likelihood of blood prod-
the ABC score was conducted using trauma patient data uct wastage and complications associated with blood prod-
sets recorded at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center uct transfusions. An additional limiting feature of the ABC
between 2005 and 2006.30 The ABC score correctly pre- score is that it is not sensitive for other sources of major
dicted the retrospective need for MT in 84% of cases, with bleeding, including severe injuries to extremities, retroperi-
a sensitivity of 75% and specificity of 86%.30 Revalidation toneal vasculature, and pelvic vasculature.16,30
of the ABC score was conducted using trauma patient In place of the ABC score, the ABC-Trauma guide-
data sets recorded at 3 large level 1 trauma centers in the lines recommend utilizing the Trauma-Associated Severe
United States (Parkland Memorial, Johns Hopkins, and Hemorrhage (TASH) score (Table  2) for predicting MT
Vanderbilt University Medical Center) between 2006 and risk in trauma patients and aiding in the decision to initi-
2007.16 The revalidation data concluded that the ABC score ate an MTP.22 In comparison to the simplistic ABC score,
was 75-90% sensitive and 67%-88% specific with regard the TASH score is a 7-variable, 28-point, weighted scoring
to its ability to retrospectively predict MT requirements system that was developed through multivariate analysis
within 24 hours of trauma.16 The PPV and NPV were 55% of trauma patient data sets recorded between 1993 and 2003
and 97%, respectively.16 in the multicenter Trauma Registry of the German Trauma
The major advantages of the ABC score are that the Society (TR-DGU).48 Retrospective validation of the score
4-scoring variables and cutoff values are easy to recall, that within the same registry demonstrated that the TASH score
all variables can be rapidly obtained in the prehospital set- was able to correctly classify 88.8% of patients with regard
ting and at initial presentation, and that the unweighted to their MT requirements.48 The retrospective revalidation
of the TASH score was conducted using patient data sets
Table 2.  The Trauma-Associated Severe recorded from 2004 to 2007 in the TR-DGU database.31 This
Hemorrhage Score and Assessment of Blood study concluded that the TASH score was 31% sensitive and
Consumption Score 98% specific for correctly predicting MT requirements after
Trauma-Associated Severe Hemorrhage Score trauma.31 Although the PPV and NPV were not provided,
Variable Value Points using the provided values for sensitivity, specificity, and the
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) <120 1 2004–2007 TR-DGU MT incidence of 8.4%, we were able to
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) <100 4 calculate a PPV of 58.7% and NPV of 93.9%.31
Heart rate (beats/min) >120 2 The validation and revalidation data on the TASH score
Focused assessment with sonography Positive 3
for trauma examination
suggests that it is very similar to the ABC score in that a
Hemoglobin (g/dL) <12 2 negative score accurately identifies patients who will not
Hemoglobin (g/dL) <11 3 require an MT, but that a positive score will often incorrectly
Hemoglobin (g/dL) <10 4 predict MT requirements in patients who do not require an
Hemoglobin (g/dL) <9 6 MT. Despite the similarities, there is 1 notable feature of the
Hemoglobin (g/dL) <8 8
TASH score that favors its potential for widespread imple-
Base excess (mMol/L) Less than −2 1
Base excess (mMol/L) Less than −6 3 mentation within a standardized MTP. This feature is the
Base excess (mMol/L) Less than −10 4 ability for users to modify several score parameters, includ-
Sex Male 1 ing the values and points for each TASH score variable, the
Unstable or open fracture Femur 3 positive cutoff threshold on the 0- to 28-point scale, and the
Unstable or open fracture Pelvis 6 TASH score algorithm for predicting individual patient MT
Score range TASH: 0–28
risk, thereby altering the statistical performance of the scor-
Positive score cutoff TASH: ≥16
Assessment of Blood Consumption Score ing system.31 This feature could be of significant value as
Variable Value Points it presents physicians with the ability to internally validate
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) ≤90 1 and fine-tune the TASH score and MT prediction algorithm
Heart rate (beats/min) ≥120 1 within each institution—as was done by the authors in the
Focused assessment with sonography Positive 1
revalidation study—and thereby fit the scoring system to
for trauma examination
Mechanism of injury Penetrating 1
better predict MT requirements specific to the local trauma
Score range ABC: 0–4 patient population.
Positive score threshold ABC: ≥2 There are, however, several concerns with the TASH
Abbreviations: ABC, Assessment of Blood Consumption; TASH, Trauma- score that may limit its widespread applicability, espe-
Associated Severe Hemorrhage. cially in the time-sensitive setting of a massive hemorrhage.

December 2017 • Volume 125 • Number 6 2047

Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Unlike the ABC score, the TASH score requires 2 laboratory

results, hemoglobin and base excess, to result before com-

Table 3.  Data on Patient Demographics From the Trauma Registries Utilized During Validation, Revalidation, and Comparison Studies of the TASH
ABC Score Revalidation

3 US Level 1 Trauma
pleting the score calculation. If these values are obtained by
POCT, the complete TASH score has been shown to require

on average 7:56 minutes to calculate.50 In comparison, the




Abbreviations: ABC score, Assessment of Blood Consumption score; TASH score, Trauma-Associated Severe Hemorrhage Score; TR-DGU, Trauma Registry of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie.

ABC score’s variables can be calculated in 5:02 minutes; it
should be noted that this does not consider use of prehospi-
tal data for ABC score calculation which would reduce this
time by several minutes.50 While the specific laboratory vari-
ables necessary for the TASH are relatively quick to acquire
with use of POCT, they still present an additional obstacle
that delays the decision to initiate an MTP, particularly at

ABC Score Validation

US Level 1 Trauma
hospitals with limited staff and resources. The calculation of

the TASH score, with its weighted scoring system, multiple

variables, and array of possible results, is also much more




complicated than the ABC score. This complexity could
present a barrier that reduces physician compliance with
the scoring system and increases the potential for errors
in scoring and interpretation, altogether leading to further
delays in the initiation of an MTP.

Prince of Wales Hospital

Australian Royal Prince

Alfred Trauma Registry
Score Validation Study
Directly Comparing the MT Prediction Scores

During the initial development of the ABC score at the




Vanderbilt University Medical Center, the authors also cal-
culated the TASH score for each patient to directly compare
the 2 scoring systems. The area under the receiver operating
characteristic (AUROC) of the TASH and ABC scores were
0.842 and 0.859, respectively, with a difference that was
Six Scoring System
Comparison Study
European TR-DGU
found to be statistically insignificant.30 These results showed

that the TASH score’s ability to retrospectively predict MT
requirements for trauma patients in the urban United States



was very similar to that of the ABC score. However, in 2012,
a European study retrospectively calculated 6 unique MT
scoring methods, including both the ABC and TASH scores,
using trauma patient data sets from the TR-DGU database.32
TASH Revalidation Study

The TASH score had an AUROC of 0.889, which was sig-

European TR-DGU

nificantly greater than the ABC score’s surprisingly low


AUROC of 0.763.32 Mitra et al51 also directly compared the




TASH and ABC scores using trauma patient data sets from
the Australian Royal Prince Alfred trauma registry. Mitra et
al51 found the TASH score to have an AUROC of 0.90, again
significantly greater than the ABC score’s AUROC of 0.78.
The ABC score’s reduced statistical performance measures
TASH Validation Study

when calculated with data from outside the urban United

European TR-DGU

States raises concerns regarding its widespread applicabil-

ity within a standardized MTP.



An explanation for the significant reduction in the ABC

score’s ability to retrospectively predict MT, and the TASH’s
consistent ability to predict MT, when tested across dissimi-
lar trauma databases may lie in the differences between
Penetrating injury mechanism (%)

trauma demographics. Data on patient demographics from

Injury Severity Score (median)

the United States, European, and Australian trauma regis-

Glasgow Coma Score (mean)

Massive transfusion rate (%)

Injury Severity Score (mean)
Blunt injury mechanism (%)

tries utilized during the validation of the ABC and/or TASH

In-hospital mortality (%)
Patient Demographics

scores are shown in Table 3.16,30–32,48 There are several dispar-

and ABC Scores

ities between the trauma registries that are evident from this
Age in y (median)

table, including differences in the Injury Severity Scores,

Age in y (mean)

Male sex (%)

mean patient age, prevalence of MT, and relative percentage

of penetrating mechanisms of injury. Of these epidemiologi-
cal variables, the relative percentage of penetrating injury is
the only 1 that is not only predictive of MT risk but also an

Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Initiation and Termination of Massive Transfusion Protocols

important MT prediction score variable (Figure) and whose mechanisms of injury and MT risk in the United States, and
value may affect a scoring system’s AUROC (AUROC is why the ABC score’s ability to identify patients requiring
independent of disease prevalence, which in this scenario is a MT would be diminished when applied to patient data
the prevalence of MT).30,48,52 As the prevalence of penetrat- from European and Australian trauma registries.
ing injury has the potential to directly affect the statistical With variations in trauma patient demographics as a
performance of the ABC score, understanding the epidemi- likely explanation for the ABC score’s relatively poor perfor-
ological differences in injury patterns between the United mance when applied to trauma registries outside the urban
States and other countries is imperative. United States, one would also expect that the ABC score’s
Epidemiological data from the TR-DGU report the per- performance in the rural United States, where the preva-
centage of traumatic injuries with a penetrating mechanism lence of both penetrating trauma and gunshot wounds is
as ranging from 4.8% to 5.3%.29,30,46 Of the penetrating inju- reduced relative to urban areas, to also decline.60 This con-
ries encountered in an urban European setting, approxi- cern was addressed in a small retrospective study that com-
mately 80% are stab wounds (overall incidence of 4.7%) and pared the ABC and TASH scores for their ability to predict
20% are gunshot wounds (overall incidence of 1.1%).53 The MT requirements in a rural United States trauma setting.
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Australia presents simi- The authors observed that the ABC score’s performance,
lar statistics, with 5.7% of all traumatic injuries having a with an AUROC of 0.81, was similar to that observed in
penetrating mechanism and with <1% attributable to gun- its validation and revalidation studies.47 The results of this
shot and stab wounds.54 These numbers differ from those study would suggest that the effects rural trauma demo-
observed in the urban Unites States, where the percentage of graphics have on the statistical performance of the ABC
traumatic injuries with penetrating mechanism ranges from score is minimal, and would support the application of the
18% to 59%.27,48 In addition, the urban United States encoun- ABC score in the rural setting. However, as trauma demo-
ters a higher percentage of gunshot and stab wounds, with graphics are variable across the United States, trauma cen-
1 urban trauma center observing that 5.8% of all traumatic ters that observe patient characteristics differing from those
injuries encountered were from gunshot wounds and 6.3% presented in this rural ABC validation study should con-
from stab wounds.55–57 sider revalidation or coapplication of both the TASH and
These observations are noteworthy as the mechanism ABC scores to reduce the likelihood of false-negative MT
of injury has a significant effect on patient morbidity and predictions.
mortality. Epidemiological studies have observed that, in
comparison to blunt mechanisms of injury, patients with Initiating MT in the Nontrauma Patient
penetrating trauma are significantly more likely to die at the Although the field of acute care surgery is the foundation
scene of injury, to die within the first 6 hours after trauma, for research on MT and MTPs, massive hemorrhage after
and to require emergency intervention for hemorrhage con- traumatic injury is not the only reason for initiating an
trol.56,58 Moreover, gunshot wounds have case-fatality rates MTP.61 The percentage of overall MTP activations that occur
that are higher than any other mechanism of injury.55–57 This in nontrauma patients is extremely variable and hospital
epidemiological data highlight the substantial risk for mas- specific, ranging from 8% to as high as 50%.62–64 Despite the
sive endothelial damage that occurs with penetrating mecha- high prevalence of MTs that occur in nontrauma patients,
nisms of injury, especially gunshot wounds, thereby placing literature discussing the role of MTPs outside of trauma is
patients at increased risk for hypovolemia, decreased tissue limited and MTP guidelines often overlook MTP initiation
perfusion, and the lethal combination of the hypothermia, in nontrauma patients.20–22,64,65 In addition, although the use
metabolic acidosis, and coagulopathy.59 In addition, these of MTPs to guide resuscitation in massively hemorrhaging
data likely explain the observation made during the ABC nontrauma patients is associated with significantly decreased
validation study of an association between penetrating time to delivery of blood products and a significant increase

Figure. Contribution of each variable to the TASH

and ABC scores. Histogram with each variables
used to calculate the ABC and TASH scores.
The bars represent the percentage contribu-
tion of each variable’s score toward each scor-
ing system’s total score. ABC score indicates
Assessment of Blood Consumption score; FAST
Examination, Focused assessment with sonogra-
phy for trauma Examination; SBP, systolic blood
pressure; TASH score, Trauma-Associated Severe
Hemorrhage Score.

December 2017 • Volume 125 • Number 6 2049

Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

in the percentage of transfusions delivering balanced ratios Hemostatic Resuscitation in the Prehospital
of blood products, MTPs have not been shown to improve Setting
patient outcome in this setting.66,67 One possible explanation Given the negative effect that time delays before MT initia-
for the lack of observed mortality benefit may relate to the tion have on patient outcomes and the high hemorrhage-
abundance of MTP “overactivations” that occurs outside related mortality rates that occur within the first hour after
of trauma.62,63 These overactivations, which are defined as trauma, the prolonged transport times reported in both
MTP activations in which patients do not receive sufficient rural and urban settings are alarming.13,17,26,27,56,77–81 These
blood products to meet the classic definition of an MT, indi- prolonged prehospital transport times are likely responsible
cate that hemorrhage outside of trauma is characterized by for increased patient mortality, and in the setting of massive
considerably fewer cases of truly massive hemorrhage for hemorrhage this effect is likely even greater.82–84 In addition
which MT has been proven to be beneficial.17 to existing protocols that successfully reduce prehospital
Due to the high percentage of MTPs occurring in non- transport time and transfer delays, implementing guide-
trauma patients, the high prevalence of MTP overactiva- lines for hemostatic resuscitation of hemorrhaging trauma
tions in the nontrauma setting, and the lack of objective patients in the prehospital setting has significant potential
data to suggest mortality benefits, precise guidelines to improve patient survival.
for guiding MTP initiation in nontrauma patients are Several hospital systems around the world have
imperative. Unfortunately, the decision to initiate an researched the use of blood products during prehospital
MTP in the hemorrhaging nontrauma patient does not transport.85 Although the current level of evidence is low
benefit from the ability to apply validated scoring sys- and the results are variable, prehospital transfusion of
tems, such as those utilized in trauma. However, the suc- plasma is associated with improved neurological outcomes,
cess of risk prediction scores for guiding intervention reduced blood product requirements, and improved early
in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding, most notably mortality.86–91 Whole blood has also shown mortality benefit
the Glasgow-Blatchford score, would suggest that new in the prehospital setting. Whole blood transfusions have
MT prediction scores specific to nontrauma hemor- been used during military special operations with great
rhage could be developed.68 In addition, the Glasgow- success, and programs in the United States have success-
Blatchford score shares multiple variables with both the fully implemented methods for acquisition, banking, and
TASH and ABC scores, implying that development of transfusion of whole blood.92 In the military trauma setting,
an MT prediction score for use in nontrauma patients whole blood was shown to decrease mortality, reduce trans-
would likely benefit from using the existing MT predic- fusion volumes, and better correct coagulation parameters
tion scores as templates.30,48,68 compared to individual components of whole blood.93–96
In cases where blood loss can be measured or estimated, Despite these accomplishments, at this time the greatest
the decision to initiate an MTP in all hemorrhaging patients benefit whole blood is limited to resuscitation in the pre-
could be supported by whether or not the patients meet cri- hospital setting where whole blood provides several critical
teria for “massive hemorrhage.”1,5,6,8,69–72 However, due to components necessary to support hemostasis in a compact
the lack of validated criteria for defining massive hemor- package.97–99
rhage and concerns regarding the inaccuracy of blood loss
estimates, new literature has proposed utilizing the “inten- TERMINATION OF MASSIVE TRANSFUSION
sity of resuscitation” as a surrogate marker for hemorrhage PROTOCOLS
severity.69,73,74 The authors who proposed the idea of resusci- Prolonged resuscitation with large volumes of blood prod-
tation intensity observed that trauma patients who received ucts puts patients at risk for developing numerous physi-
4 or more units of any fluid, including crystalloid or various ologic disturbances and severe complications.18 However,
blood products, within 30 minutes of arrival had significant while physicians must be cautious to avoid prolonged and
increases in 6- and 24-hour mortality rates.74 unnecessary MTs, the decision to terminate an MTP should
Interestingly, newer definitions of MT that define it as not be premature. Failure to adequately resuscitate the
a threshold transfusion rate of at least 3–4 units of packed patient can lead to protracted tissue ischemia, increased
red blood cells (RBCs) per hour also mirror the idea of bleeding risk, and increased patient mortality.100 These
resuscitation intensity.75,76 In addition, the transfusion opposing issues detail the importance of evidence-based
rates of 3–4 RBCs per hour are notable as they are the guidelines for the termination of MTPs.
transfusion rates at which patient mortality begins to
increase, again paralleling the observations of resuscita- Societal Guidelines
tion intensity.75,76 Therefore, through prospective moni- The MTP guidelines presented by the ASA, ACS, and ABC-
toring of “resuscitation intensity” using evidence-based Trauma regarding MTP termination are presented in Table 4.
blood and crystalloid threshold transfusion rates as sur- These societies similarly recommend guiding MTP termina-
rogates for massive hemorrhage, physicians have meth- tion with clinical judgment and the fulfillment of 3 broad cri-
ods for identifying hemorrhaging nontrauma patients teria. These include bleeding source control or a decelerating
at significant risk for higher mortality rates that would rate of blood loss, stable or improving hemodynamic vital
potentially benefit from a formal MTP initiation. In the signs, and decreasing or absent vasopressor requirements.20–22
absence of MT prediction scores, resuscitation intensity As MT is designed to provide hemostatic resuscitation during
offers a valuable objective method for aiding in the deci- periods of massive hemorrhage, evidence of slowing blood
sion to initiate an MTP in the nontrauma setting. loss and adequate resuscitation is judicious, evidence-based

Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Initiation and Termination of Massive Transfusion Protocols

Table 4.  The Societal Recommendations for Termination of Massive Transfusion Protocols

American Society of Anesthesiologists
  The following criteria should be met before termination of a massive transfusion:
   Bleeding source control
   Stable hemodynamic vital signs
American College of Surgeons
  The following criteria should be met before termination of a massive transfusion:
   Bleeding source control
   Stable hemodynamic vital signs
   Decreasing vasopressor dependence
Task Force for Advanced Bleeding Care in Trauma
  The decision to terminate an algorithm-guided model of resuscitation and transition to a laboratory
result–guided model of resuscitation should occur when laboratory data first results
  The following are recommended resuscitation targets:
   Hemoglobin concentration between 7 and 9 g/dL
   Prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time <1.5× normal values
   PLT >50 × 109/L (PLT >100 × 109/L in patient with traumatic brain injury or active bleeding)
   Fibrinogen >1.5–2 g/L
   No recommendations regarding viscoelastic hemostatic assay parameters
The recommendations made by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, American College of Surgeons, and Task Force for Advanced Bleeding Care in Trauma
societies within their massive transfusion protocol guidelines pertaining to the topic of massive transfusion protocol termination.
Abbreviation: PLT, platelets.

criteria for guiding the termination of an MTP.100 The ABC- The majority of the ABC-Trauma’s recommendations
Trauma guidelines, however, are unique in their recommen- regarding laboratory result–guided resuscitation specifi-
dation for prompt termination of the algorithm-guided model cally pertain to the use of conventional coagulation assays
of resuscitation that delivers fixed ratios of blood products (CCAs). However, increasing focus is now being directed
and rapidly transitioning into a resuscitation model guided toward viscoelastic hemostatic assays (VHAs) as a method
by laboratory test results, even when patients do not meet the to guided resuscitation in hemorrhaging trauma patients.
previously stated MTP termination criteria.22 Given that a critical aspect of MT is supporting hemosta-
sis, VHAs have significant potential as they can further
Laboratory Testing for Guiding MTP Termination elucidate trauma-associated coagulopathy by identifying
The information presented in this article has thus far illus- disruptions at specific intervals in the cell-based model
trated the importance of MTPs during the resuscitation of of hemostasis, including impaired thrombin generation,
hemorrhaging trauma patients in whom survival is depen- impaired clot strength, and aberrant fibrinolysis.112 This
dent on rapidly restoring circulating blood volume while information is also capable of being presented rapidly and
simultaneously correcting anticipated trauma-associated in real time, with early rapid thromboelastography values
coagulopathies. However, in patients requiring prolonged available within 5 minutes and all data within 15 minutes
resuscitation with blood products due to persistent hemor- of running the test; in comparison, CCA results can take up
rhage, the algorithm-guided method of resuscitation used to 48 minutes to return.113,114 Fast turnaround times are criti-
during an MT would theoretically benefit from supplemen- cal during MT as they not only allow for rapid identifica-
tation with a model that utilizes laboratory results to guide tion and treatment of coagulopathies but they also lessen
further resuscitation. A laboratory result–guided method the physiological changes that may occur between drawing
would allow for accurate correction of specific abnormalities the laboratory test and treating the abnormal result. The
of hemostasis and oxygen-carrying capacity, while simulta- benefits of VHAs over CCAs were shown in a RCT that
neously reducing unnecessary blood product transfusions. compared CCA- and VHA-guided resuscitation of trauma
This approach to resuscitation is supported by MT litera- patients after MTP activation.115 The authors observed that
ture demonstrating that when laboratory result–guided mortality was significantly lower and fewer patients died
resuscitation is used in conjunction with algorithm-guided due to hemorrhage in the VHA group.115 Additionally,
resuscitation, patients require fewer blood products, patient VHA-guided resuscitation was associated with decreased
morbidity is reduced, and there is an improvement of objec- transfusion of platelets and plasma during the first 2 hours
tive hemostatic markers.101–104 Furthermore, increasing of resuscitation.115 These results would suggest that VHA-
uncertainty regarding the efficacy and safety of an extended guided resuscitation is superior to CCA-guided resuscita-
algorithm-guided MT with fixed ratios of plasma to RBCs tion in hemorrhaging trauma patients.
and platelets to RBCs has fostered the notion of transition- Despite the potential for VHAs to guide laboratory result-
ing to a laboratory result–guided resuscitation at the earliest based resuscitation in trauma patients, as well as historical
opportunity.73,105–110 This model of laboratory result–guided data on the success of VHA-guided resuscitation during
resuscitation has been successfully used at select hospitals in cardiac surgery and liver transplantation, research evaluat-
Denmark, where it is termed the “Copenhagen Concept.”111 ing the morbidity and mortality outcomes of VHA-guided
It is also being intermittently applied in select hospitals in resuscitation after trauma has yielded limited results.67,116–120
the United States when the results of laboratory tests can be A 2014 systematic review evaluated 55 observational stud-
obtained in a clinically relevant timeframe.111 ies on the use of VHAs to diagnose coagulopathy and guide

December 2017 • Volume 125 • Number 6 2051

Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

blood product transfusions after trauma.116 The findings variables similar to those found in MT prediction scores.
were overall inconclusive, and only 1 of these observational This highlights the potential for developing effective MT
studies directly compared the results of VHA-guided resus- prediction scores for use in hemorrhaging nontrauma
citation to the traditional algorithm-guided resuscitation in patients and for using current trauma MT prediction
hemorrhaging trauma patients. The results from this study scores as templates. Also of considerable value in the set-
showed no overall difference in volume of blood product ting of massive hemorrhage in nontrauma patients is the
transfused, ventilator days, intensive care unit days, or concept of resuscitation intensity, which is considered a
overall patient mortality between the 2 treatment groups.121 surrogate marker for hemorrhage severity. This concept
The authors did, however, observe that VHA-guided resus- allows physicians to identify hemorrhaging patients with
citation significantly improved mortality in a cohort of pen- an elevated mortality risk through their RBC and fluid
etrating trauma patients that received more than 10 units of transfusion rates, and thereby identify high-risk patients
RBCs (54.1% mortality for MTP versus 33.3% mortality for who may benefit from an MTP initiation. Further research
VHA).121 What is most evident from this systematic review to determine the ability of resuscitation intensity to guide
is the lack of RCT data directly comparing MT with algo- MTP initiation in the setting of nontrauma hemorrhage is
rithm- and VHA-guided resuscitation. Nevertheless, the required.
available data would suggest that VHA-guided resuscita- Last, despite the serious complications that can arise with
tion after trauma may have a beneficial role in supplement- transfusion of large volumes of blood product, the topic of
ing the algorithm-guided approach to resuscitation within MTP termination has considerably less relevant research
the early rounds of an MT, especially in patients who con- compared to MTP initiation. Current societal recommenda-
tinue to massively hemorrhage and are thus persistently at tions regarding MTP termination emphasize clinical rea-
high risk for tissue hypoperfusion and trauma-associated soning to identify patients with bleeding source control and
coagulopathy.59 adequate resuscitation. The ABC-Trauma’s guidelines pres-
Finally, when considering laboratory result–guided ent an additional recommendation for prompt termination
resuscitation during massive hemorrhage, it should be of the algorithm-guided model of resuscitation and rapidly
noted that 1 of the primary benefits of an MTP that may be transitioning into a resuscitation model guided by labora-
lost is the rapid delivery of a balanced ratio of blood prod- tory test results. Literature has shown that CCA-guided
ucts to the patient’s bedside.3,13,67 Therefore, if the decision resuscitation during massive hemorrhage leads to fewer
to transition from an algorithm-guided approach to a labo- blood product transfusions and improved patient mortal-
ratory result–guided resuscitation protocol is made, phy- ity. Furthermore, the encouraging literature on VHAs and
sicians should continue the official MTP to benefit from a their ability to surpass CCAs with regard to identifying and
continuous and timely delivery of blood products. treating coagulopathies emphasizes the potential of these
tests to further enhance the benefits obtained through utili-
CONCLUSIONS zation of laboratory result–guided resuscitations during the
The advent of MTPs in the past 10 years has had a signifi- termination of MTPs. RCTs directly comparing algorithm-
cant positive impact on hemorrhaging trauma patient mor- guided and laboratory result–guided resuscitation methods
bidity and mortality. However, despite years of ongoing are needed before further recommendations can be made
research, academic institutions and societal guidelines on regarding the functional role for this approach to guide
MTPs are still unable to reach agreements on the best meth- MTP termination. E
ods for guiding the initiation and termination of MTPs. The
lack of consensus regarding these critical MTP components DISCLOSURES
warrants an analysis and comparison of the current MTP Name: John C. Foster, MD.
initiation and termination guidelines as well as the relevant Contribution: This author helped with the conception of the work,
literature. drafting of the manuscript, critical revision of the manuscript, and
approval of the final manuscript.
The ABC and TASH scores are validated MT prediction
Name: Joshua W. Sappenfield, MD.
scores recommended by several MTP guidelines for aiding Contribution: This author helped with the conception of the work,
in the decision to initiate an MTP in hemorrhaging trauma drafting of the manuscript, critical revision of the manuscript, and
patients. Both scoring systems reliably identify patients approval of the final manuscript.
who do not require an MTP after trauma while demonstrat- Name: Robert S. Smith, MD.
Contribution: This author helped with the conception of the work,
ing a tendency to incorrectly overpredict MT requirements. drafting of the manuscript, critical revision of the manuscript, and
The ABC score’s uniquely simplistic scoring system, easy- approval of the final manuscript.
to-remember variables, and rapid calculation have made it Name: Sean P. Kiley, MD.
a prominent component of MTPs in the United States. Still, Contribution: This author helped with the conception of the work,
the effect that local trauma demographics, specifically, the drafting of the manuscript, critical revision of the manuscript, and
approval of the final manuscript.
prevalence of penetrating trauma, may have on the statis- This manuscript was handled by: Marisa B. Marques, MD.
tical performance of the ABC score highlights an area for
additional research. REFERENCES
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December 2017 • Volume 125 • Number 6 2055

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