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• Transaction writing is a broad term that refers to different genres of

nonfiction writing. Transaction writing is written for a specific purpose.
This is usually about communicating information or ideas to others
through text.

• Transactional texts are defined into four categories:

1. To persuade
2. To argue
3. To inform
4. To advice
Children study transactional writing during the Intermediate Phase
(Grades 4-6) of the South African CAPS curriculum. It is part of the
Writing & Presenting module. (2022). Examples of transactional texts: •
Friendly letter • Obituary • Dairy • Advertisement • Formal letter • Dialogue
• Newspaper article
• Discussion of two or more people
• Dialogue between characters in novels, dramas, and other works
• Exchange of views or views on specific issues, especially political or
religious issues, aimed at reaching mutual agreement or agreement.

• Writing is a powerful instrument of communication that allows

learners to construct and communicate thoughts and ideas. When
writing a transactional text, process of writing are taken to ensure
correct format, logical conversation, appropriate grammar, spelling,
punctuation and vocabulary.
A. Pre-writing / Planning
• Planning / Pre-writing helps learners clearly identify their
goals in relation to the transition text. It helps determine if Planning on paper
can help you learn
the text has an impact on society and helps learners take and remember
responsibility for what they write and the best way to more. That’s right;
express themselves. writing out your
• This part of planning is usually a mind map, brainstorming, plans by hand is
beneficial for your
writing down ideas and putting thoughts to paper. This is brain!
done so the students already have an idea of what they are
going to write in their drafts from the planning. Sketch a
scenario before you start writing your draft.
• Planning a theme here is very important. Identify the
keywords in the theme to clarify who the character is, what
the plot framework is, and what the reason and result of
the conversation (dialogue).
B. Drafting
• Drafting allows students to build on, clarify, and modify their initial plans and ideas, as well as organize their
content into a logical sequence or flow. Drafting is an iterative process that involves repeatedly drafting and
redrafting text; as a result, students' writing improves, becoming stronger,
• Write the names of the characters on the left side of the page; use a colon after the name of the character
who is speaking.
• Use a new line to indicate each new speaker; avoid using long greetings and introductions respond to the brief in
the question
• Advice to characters (or readers) on how to speak or present the action must be given in brackets before the
words are spoken.
• Make sure to always use formal language even though this is an informal text, coherent grammar is still important.
• Each character is supposed to speak equally to the other (e.g., Mpho will have 9 lines of conversation and the
other character Lethabo will have 9 lines).
• Keep within the limitations of your word count, make sure if you exceed, it isn’t more than 50 words so that in your
Revision you can remove some.
Figuring out what you
Revision is a chance for you were trying to say is
to look critically at what you difficult, reading out the
have written to see if it’s Writing is revision. All text as if you were
worth saying, or it says what prose responds to work presenting it will help as
you wanted to say, and if a you will notice whether
reader will understand what grammar, spelling and
you’re saying. There is language is accurate.
plenty of things to look at
when revising but what is
important is focus and
C. Editing / Proofreading
• Editing and proofreading are essential steps in the writing process. They contribute to the
effectiveness of your writing style as well as the clarity of your ideas.

• Editing requires re-reading your draft to check for more serious issues
like organization, paragraph structure, and content. However, as you
proofread, you will find and correct errors in writing, grammar, and
Proofreading makes it easier for
others to read your work.
Editing is checking for repetition, Because we know what we're
grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary trying to say when we write, our
errors is part of the editing process. It brains may occasionally skip out
aids in the elimination of misspellings words. However, someone else
and the overall quality of the content. reading the work may not
understand what you're trying to
D. Publishing / Presenting (final version)
• This is where you write your final draft, the edited and proofread text is written. By the time you're
ready for the final draft, the text should be sophisticated.

• The final draft should include the feedback you receive and the
changes you want to make based on your evaluation. Before
submitting the final draft, you should at least review what you wrote.

Present neat, legible final version.

• Check structuring of sentences and
word choice.
• Once everything checks out and you
are happy with the final version,
submission can be done.
Example of a dialogue (template)
• Assessment Guide © STADIO TLS101-CL-S1-20-AG Page 7\
• The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 2022. Revising Drafts – The Writing Center • University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. [online] Available at: <
drafts/#:~:text=Writing%20is%20a%20process%20of,you%20wanted%20to%20say%2C%20and> [Accessed 8 May 2022].
• 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 May 2022].
• 2022. Writing a dialogue. [image] Available at: <
[Accessed 9 May 2022].
• 2022. [image] Available at:
n%20writing&ved=2ahUKEwjS-aKCitj3AhX3YPEDHcbRAvUQMygGegUIARDAAQ> [Accessed 9 May 2022].
• Department of Basic Education. South Africa. 2011. Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). Intermediate Phase
Home Language Grades 4-6. Pretoria: Government Printer
• Whitehead, D., 1997. Writing frameworks. Book A. Annandale: User Friendly Resources, p.23.

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