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Indigenous peoples
1. this is the generic term that refers to people who are still in a subsistence
level economy and are generally in the mountains of Bukidnon.
Ans. Manobo
2. they are referred to as the “sea gypsies of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi”.
Ans. Badjao
3. an indigenous group that can also be found in Bulacan.
Ans. Dumagat
4. they can be found in the Southern part of the Philippines.
Ans. B’laan
5. they occupy the mountainous regions of Misamis Oriental, Bukidnon
plateau, and the mountain borders of the province of Agusan and Lanao in the
east and west.
Ans. Higaonon

Peopling of the Philippines
1. the Last Kalinga Tattoo Artist in the Philippines
Ans. Apo Whang-Od
2. the Volunteer Lumad School Teacher
Ans. Chad Booc
3. the Last Secluded Maiden of Calinog, Iloilo.
Ans. Lucia Caballero
4. the Dutch anthropologist, linguist and former missionary priest from the
Society of the Divine World, who was assigned to the island of Mindoro,
Ans. Antoon Postma
5. Bukidnon Tribe Sustainable Livelihood Champion
Ans. Merly Suday
1. Merly Suday was the first among the _____ of Malaybalay, Bukidnon to have
graduated from college.
Ans. Daraghunay
2. what varied roles of Merly Suday that aims of fostering harmony among the
seven tribes of Bukidnon.
Ans. Convenor
3. the earliest art forms in the Philippines that have not yet been somewhat
penetrated by Western influences.
Ans. Music and Dance
4. Merly Suday was trained to become the _____ or female leader of their tribe.
Ans. Bae
5. what varied roles of Merlu Suday that invested in sustaining her community
through livelihood, and she shares that the concept of sustainability is in the
fact ingrained in IP culture.
Ans. Steward

6. arts vs. craft controversy of Bukidnon tribe’s masterpieces have been _____
by outsiders to merely crafts or handicrafts that are only worthy of being sold
in tourist shops.

Ans. Downgraded

Tribal Culture

1. oral tradition of Suludnon of Panay – an ethnic group that lives in the

interiors of Panay, specifically in the mountains of Capiz and Calinog.

Ans. Sugidanon

2. Ancient method of tattooing or hand-tapped tattoo in the tribe of Butbut in

Buscalan, Kalinga.

Ans. Batok
3. a famous epic that came from the Ifugao province of Luzon in the
Philippines. It narrates events about the culture and traditions of the Ifugao
people and their hero, Aliguyon.
Ans. Hudhud
4. sacred ritual and dance of Talaandigs where stomping of feet awaken and
invite the caretaker spirit of the environment.
Ans. Dugso
5. Traditional hand-woven cloth indigenous to the T’boli people from the
Cotabato region. It is woven in order to celebrate and pay tribute to major life
events such as birth, life, marriage, or death within the community.
Ans. T’nalak

1. the Buhid and Hanunuo Mangyan syllabic scripts are two variations of a
script called ____.
Ans. Surat Mangyan
2. Postma’s extensive study on the Surat Mangyan, he collected over ______
ambahans which are now digitized, transcribed and stored at the Mangyan
Heritage Center’s Library.
Ans. 20,000
3. Posma’s book which contains 261 ambahans, translated into English by
Ans. Manyan Treasures
4. when Postma turned 80 years old five years ago, Queen ______ of the
Netherlands awarded him Chevalier in the Order of Orange Nassau.
Ans. Queen Beatrix
5. young people use the ambahan in courting. Their ambahans contains
symbols such as budding and flowering plants for a lady and other plants like
bamboo for a lad.
a. ambahan 8
b. ambahan 38
c. ambahan 88
ans. B
6. Kaawayan sa marikit
Kang kabag-o hinmapit
Hurok di way dariit
Inmuman ak hinmapit
Ararang ga sinigpit
Balul-an yi patipit
a. friendship
b. sickness
c. courtship

1. this is used to resolve the disputes involving ICCS/Ips.
Ans. Customary Law
2. this requirement is needed upon the exercise of indigenous peoples of their
right to use their own commonly accepted justice system.
a. compatibility with the national legal system
b. compatibility with popular cultural rights
c. compatibility with indigenous communal rights
ans. A
3. this is the time given to Indigenous peoples under their Rights to
a. 10 years from the date of transfer
b. 15 years from the date of transfer
c. 20 years from the date of transfer
ans. B
4. land occupied, possessed and utilized by individuals, families and clans who
are members of the ICCs/Ips since time immemorial, by themselves or though
their predecessors-in-interest, under claims of individual or traditional group
ownership, continuously, to the present.
Ans. Ancestral land
5. this Indigenous Peoples Right is violated when children of ICCs/Ips are
recruited into the armed forces under any circumstances.
Ans. Right during Armed Conflict
a. Equal Protection Right
b. Right to Equal Opportunity and Treatment
c. Right during Armed Conflict
ans. C

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