11 - Muhammad Zabid

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Higher Nitec in Event Management

Module: Event Planning & Management

Module Code: EV4002FP

Proposal For CNY Celebration Event 2023 at Singapore Swimming


Prepared For: Mr Kenneth Victor

Prepared By: Muhammad Zabid bin Zulkarnain
Class: BV2204O
NRIC: T0425234E

S/N Content Page

1 Event Information and Objectives

• 1.1 Event Information
❖ Membership cost details
❖ 5W1H
❖ Goals & Objectives
• 1.2 Research about Proposed Event Venue 1-3
❖ Primary Findings
❖ Demographics of Event Venue
• 1.3 Theme & Justification
❖ Theme of Event
❖ Justification of Event

2 S.W.O.T Analysis
• 2.1 S.W.O.T Analysis for Event Venue
❖ 2.1.1 Strengths
❖ 2.1.2 Weaknesses
❖ 2.1.3 Opportunities
❖ 2.1.4 Weaknesses

3 Recommendation of Venue
• 3.3 Proposed Venues 5-8
❖ Chosen Venue

4 Rational for Proposed Event 8 -10

5 Reference 10
1. Event Information & Objective
1.1 Event Information
Date 28th January 2023
Time 1100hrs – 1500hrs
Venue 45 Tg Rhu Rd, Singapore 436899

• Venue Information

Singapore Swimming Club is a premier members-only recreational club founded in

1894. Located in exclusive prime isolated district Tanjong Rhu, it is a quiet and calm
place, yet merely minutes away from the city.

Spanning over more than 30,000 square metres of beautiful landscaped gardens,
Singapore Swimming Club is the country’s largest non-golfing recreational club. The
Club has a variety of sporting facilities, including two Olympic-size pools and one
training pool for children as well as tennis, squash and badminton courts. It also has
a fully equipped gym and a 10-lane bowling centre. The Club’s 11 F&B outlets cater
to different preferences and variety of palates. As a family club, Singapore Swimming
Club regularly organises an array of recreational and social activities suitable for
members of all ages.

Membership cost details

Monthly Single $74.90

Fees Couple $128.40

Junior Membership (16-20 years old) $21.40 per Junior

Child Membership (3-15 years old) $6.42 per Child

• 5W1H
The proposed event is targeted mainly towards the Chinese members in the club that
will celebrate Chinese New Year. It is not accessible to the public because it is a grand
This event is to accommodate the Chinese members especially the elderly in the club
and celebrate Chinese New Year together. They can also invite up to 20 pax per
member as “member guests” to return with their friends and family to attend the event.
The reason this event is celebrated because 80% of the members in the club are
Chinese. During Chinese New Year, if they want to have a fun but high-quality time to
celebrate CNY with their friends and families, Singapore Swimming Club is the perfect
place for the members to celebrate.
The proposed date is on the 28th of January 2023.
It will be at the Singapore Swimming Club, their whole compound.
We will be partnering with the club to host this event. It will be an outdoor and indoor
event at the Singapore Swimming Club. The type of event is a Physical event.

1.2 Research about Proposed Event Venue

• Primary Findings
During a sight recce visit to the event venue, observations were conducted to decide
and justify the appropriate theme for the event. The following observations were
✓ There were several elderly and middle-aged residents residing in the blocks
surrounding the proposed event space.

✓ There were numerous family-related accommodations such as F&B outlets,
arcades, gym studio and several entertainment facilities such as ballroom.

✓ Many Open-Air Carparks were available across the HDB Blocks.

• Demographics of Event Venue

The demographics of Singapore Swimming Club was researched online, this are the
following findings:
✓ Population
There is an estimated total of 15,000 residents living in Tanjong Rhu. The total
percentage of majorities and minorities races living in Tanjong Rhu are 80% and
20% respectively.
✓ Racial Group
Races Population
Chinese 80%
Other Minorities 20%

1.3 Themes & Justification

• Theme of Event
Chinese New Year Celebration 2023
The above theme is Chinese New Year. It is an annual event where the members
come to the club to celebrate with other members and guests that
they brought. They will eat special meals together, launch fireworks at night and gifting
gifts to their family and friends.

• Justification of Theme
To further justify the chosen theme, the ongoing pandemic has prevented Chinese
families from celebrating together. Thus, this event helps the members to get back
together and bring back the festive mood and environment of Chinese New Year.

2 S.W.O.T Analysis
2.3 S.W.O.T Analysis for Event Venue
2.1.1 Strength for Event
• Event is Chinese New Year, and most members are Chinese
Since it is in the week of Chinese New Year and most of the members are Chinese,
it would be more successful and easier to host in in the club. They can bring their

families and friends as member guest to gift each other, launch fireworks and bond
with each other.
• Big and spacious event venue
The event venue, which is the Singapore Swimming Club spans more than 30,000
square meters. It has a lot of space and facilities to host multiple activities and
performance for the Chinese New Year celebration.
2.1.2 Weaknesses for Event
• Members only event
The event is only accessible to members and guests of the members that they
brought, who are families and friends. Normal people can’t participate in the event
if they are not invited and brought by the members.

• Some members will be uninterested

Since 80% of the members are Chinese, the other 20% might not be interested in
celebrating Chinese New Year if there are no other racial activities for them to
participate. So, the club has to resolve the problem by making the activities suitable
for all races to participate.

2.1.3 Opportunities for Event

• More membership signups
Since the members can bring up to 20 guests, it is undeniable that most of the
guests would consider signing up for the membership after touring and using the
high-quality facilities that the club has to offer during the festival. It provides a good
deal for a membership, which costs about 75$ per month for an ordinary family
• Affiliate marketing

Since it’s a grand and premium place, they can invite celebrities to attend as a
special guest to have an opening speech or a mini concert related to Chinese New
Year. People would be interested in the club after seeing the celebrity attending
the event in Singapore Swimming Club therefore more people would sign up for
the membership to attend such events.
2.1.4 Threats for Event
• Limited transportation surrounding the event venue.
The location of the event is only known and convenient for Tanjong Rhu members
to participate. If other members and guests are interested in participating the event,
they would need to research the simplest and fastest route to the event venue, or
travel there using a personal vehicle, as there are limited

• Singapore’s tropical weather can change unexpectedly

Singapore’s weather could unexpectedly change at any time. For example, it may
be sunny at first, but huge rainstorms may form in an instant. It is evident that we
must provide a backup plan or an improvised plan to shelter our guests and/or to
find ways to make our event weather-proof, while making the event sustainable
3 Recommendation of Venue
3.3 Proposed Venues
There were 3 potential venues that were discovered during our previous site recce.
This are the following locations that may potentially be our event location.
• Singapore Swimming Club Entrance (Indoors)

Pros: The entrance is spacious and it’s the starting point of the club where everyone
passed through. Having the main core event there attracts more people to the event
than anywhere else. There are multiple levels surrounding the main entrance to
decorate to beautify the venue.
Cons: It could be very crowded and could even lengthen the crowd outside the
entrance, especially during Covid-19 where the safe precautions is still in motion. It
can make the guest uncomfortable if the venue is rowdy and hectic.

• Outdoor sheltered dining area

Pros: It is spacious and there are a lot of chairs and table to set up as decorations
and booths. It can hold up a large amount of people, so it won’t be that crowded. There
are a few sheltered dining areas like this, so there is a lot of space to set up.
Cons: Bad weather could affect the venue, for example heavy rain can result in
flooding and it is very hazardous, and it can be very uncomfortable for members and
their guests.

• Indoor Dance Room

Pros: This is the dance room. It is spacious, indoors and air-conditioned. It is a suitable
place for the main core event venue as it protects from bad weather as well as
comfortable for the guests and the members.

Cons: The room is difficult to navigate to, as it is deep inside the club. Guests who are
not familiar with the layout of the club might have difficulty to find the venue.

3.4 Chosen Venue
Out of all 3 potential venues, the Dance Room was picked as an ideal location for the
event. It is safer than the rest of the locations, maximizing the capacity with safe
distancing measures in place. The spacious yet enclosed environment also gives us
the chance and potential to create more activities for residents and participants to
choose and play.

✓ Why not the Singapore Swimming Club entrance?

Even though it seems that Singapore Swimming Club entrance is the most ideal
location to host our event, it could be our 2nd backup location, although it is best not to
host our event there. The dance room is much safer as it is completely indoors and
safe from bad weathers.

4 Rational for Proposed Program

Overview of Performances
1. Lion Dance
Part of the Chinese New Year act, the Lion Dance is a Chinese New Year traditional
as they believe that it could scare away the evil. In this event, we are hopeful that we
will overcome the Covid-19 Virus, and a Lion Dance is the best way to put it in a way
that we are always ready to fight the virus away. [This, however, is an official
performance for the Chinese New Year Program

2. Chinese New Year skit

To show the love and care for the Chinese members, a skit will be set up to show and
present the audience stories about the origin of Chinese New Year. The stories behind
those frontliners for example the cleaners, security guards, bus drivers, nurses,
doctors, and many more will be told through the skit. We could engage the nearby
schools to perform the act to our participants during the day of our event.

3. Chinese New Year activities for families and children
There will be multiple activities during Chinese New Year that are family and children
friendly, for example painting, pineapple tart making, making decoration etc. to
educate the children better about Chinese New Year, as well as helping the parents
to bond with their children.

Proposed Activities
✓ “DIY Lantern Making”
This activity is for the members and guests who wants to bring home a Chinese New
Year souvenir, they can participate in this event to make their own DIY working lantern
that is compact, easy to keep and long lasting.

How is it going to work?

A booth stall in the indoor dance room will be the place where they can participate in
this event. They will need to pay 5$ for one lantern to be customized and assemble by
themselves. This will attract a lot of children and parents so that they can make the
lanterns together and bond with each other.

(This is just a picture reference to visualize the idea.)

Event Schedule

Event Duration Date

Open Ceremony 10am – 11’15am January 28 2023

Lion Dance 11am – 12pm January 28 2023

Workshops and Activities 11am – 2.30pm January 28 2023

Closing Ceremony 2.30pm – 3pm January 28 2023

Event Budget

Product Source Price

Origami Shopee $2.90 - $4.90

Inflatable bunny hat ear ring Shopee $3.37 - $3.57

Chinese Calligraphy Paper Shopee $5.90 - $7.50
Chinese Calligraphy Brush $4.18 - $9.90
Chinese Calligraphy Ink $3.32 - $7.00

5. Reference
https://sswimclub.org.sg/about-us (About Singapore Swimming Club)
↑ (Tanjong Rhu Demographics)
https://sswimclub.org.sg/ordinary-family-membership (Membership costs and details)
↑ (Chinese New Year Skit Images)
↑ (“What is Chinese New Year and what is it about?”)
↑ (Chinese New Year mini booth images example)
↑ (DIY Lantern making idea, and lantern making images)


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