Alfaro Research 2

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National University Fairview

SM Fairview Complex, Quezon City, Metro Manila

Department of Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Architecture

Architectural Design 1 ADESGN1S:

Introduction to Design

Research Activity 2: Product of Your Town

Submitted to:

Ar. Gerald John D. Fernando

Submitted by: Irish

Adrielle M. Alfaro

ARC 224 B

December 31, 2022

Table of Contents

I. Introduction................................................................................................1

II. Indoor Playground

a. History.....................................................................................................2

b. Significance of Indoor Playground.........................................................3

III. References..................................................................................................4

Playing is the definition of learning something new. Young children must play since they are

innocent and need to become familiar with their environment. For a developing youngster,

being able to play is an amazing sensation. They may use the opportunity to practice their

social and physical skills while also learning the importance of exercise. However, indoor

and outdoor play have distinct forms that provide the child different types of amusement. The

childhood system includes it.

It's wonderful to observe youngsters playing and having fun since it keeps them moving

rather than sitting in front of a TV and helps them develop their consciousness. All kids need

to experience what it's like to be outside, and utilizing it both indoors and outside will help

them improve their talents. Play areas shouldn't be limited to iPads and video games. Without

being aware of the specifics of what they are doing or what lessons they are learning along

the way, children should create memories from these two distinct types of play.

Although the concept of playgrounds originated in Germany, the first playground was

constructed in Manchester, England. Children were taught how to play safely and fairly with

one another in playgrounds. Henry Barnard drew the earliest illustration of a playground in

1848. It showed a sizable, shaded space with teachers watching while kids played with

wooden blocks, toy carts, and two rotating swings. Children required a secure, dedicated area

to play games since the first playground wouldn't be constructed in America for another 39


In 1887, the first playground in America opened in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park.

Swings, slides, and even a carousel were part of it. This early design was viewed as a type of

oddity despite its widespread use. Only in 1903, after a few private groups had argued for and

constructed playgrounds to give kids in slums a safe place to play, was the first government-

funded playground set up. The official Playground Association of America was established in

1906 with the intention of popularizing the concept of a playground among Americans.
Significance of an Indoor Playground

Children may learn a lot on indoor playgrounds since they are free to explore and interact

with other kids as much as they like. Children will undoubtedly have nonstop fun all day

thanks to the range of playthings available, which will keep their minds and bodies active

while keeping them occupied. Parents will appreciate seeing their children utilize their

creativity and imagination to solve problems and come up with stories using the Imagination


The distinction between indoor and outdoor play is negligible. The playground is a separate

outdoor space for children where they may play on features like the slide, ladder, swing, and

tepee. Children must play more stationary activities without engaging in any physical play in

the indoor play area, which is a specific region of the room without such equipment. The

open areas of a playground force kids to interact with people on their own, whereas inside

play is considerably more supervised. This includes board games and card games, which

include more cerebral than physical training.


1. Stanfel, A. (n.d.). Indoor Versus Outdoor Play. Creative Recreational Systems Inc.

Retrieved December 31, 2022, from


2. Why Indoor Play Areas are perfect during the rainy days. (2018, June 15). iREC

Corporation. Retrieved December 31, 2022, from



3. Learn the History of Playgrounds and Playground Equipment from AAA State of Play.

(n.d.). AAA State of Play. Retrieved December 31, 2022, from

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