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Class: _ fame: — - worksheet 7A Number sequences For each of the following sequences, state a rule on how to obtain the sequence and write down the next two terms, (a) 15,22, 29, 36, 43, (b) 50, 46, 42, 38, 34, . (© 8, 16,32, 64, 128, ... (@)_-2400, 1200, -600, 300, -150, ... Write down the next two terms of each of the following sequences. (@) 3,7,11,15,19,... (b) 2,6,18,54, 162, .. (©) 49,43, 37, 31,25, ... (d) 288, 144, 72, 36, 18, .. (e) 64, -32, 16, -8,4,.. Write down the next two terms of each of the following sequences. (@) 10,9,12,11, 14... (b) 4,5,9,14,23, (©) 2,5, 10, 50, 506, .. @) 3,4,8,9, 18... (©) 65,3,-1,-9,... (f) -8.1,-7.4,~3.1, 5.9, 219, ... ee) 4. Given the n** term, write down the first three terms of each of the following number sequences, (a) 3n+8 (b) an-9 5, The first term in a sequence is 48, Each following term is found by subtracting 9 from the previous term. (i) Write down the second and third terms. (i) Write down an expression, in terms of n, for the n! term. 4, 11, 18, 25, 32)... (i) Find an algebraic expression for the n'™ term in the sequence. (ii) Show that 333 is term in the sequence. Pees 7. The first four terms of a sequence are 5, -1, ~7 and -13. (i) Write down the next two terms in the sequence, (ii) Find an expression for the n' term of the sequence. ‘The k* term of the sequence is -163. Find the value of k 8, ‘The first four terms of a sequence are 3,7, 11 and 15. (8) Write down the 8* term of the sequence. (i) Find an expression, in terms of n, for the n term of the sequence, ii) One term in the sequence is 231. Find the value of n for this term. 9. Bach term in this sequence is found by adding the same number to the previous term. 4 15, b, 6,36, (i) Find the values of a, b and c. (ii) Write down an expression, in terms of n, for the 1 term, (iii) Is 112 is a term of this sequence? How can you tell? 10, Given that mis an integer, (write down expressions for the next two odd numbers after 2n - 3, (ii) (@) find, in its simplest form, the expression for the sum of these three odd numbers, (b) explain why the sum is a multiple of 3. ‘Shine Lee Publishers Pte Ltd 11. @ The first three terms in a sequence are -5, k and -19, where k is an integer. (Suggest a value for k. (i). Using your answer in part (i), find an expression, in terms of m, for the n* term of the sequence, 12, (a) The n"* term of a sequence is given by 31 - 1. Write down the first four terms of the sequence. (b) The first four terms of another sequence are 4, 13, 28 and 49. (i) By comparing this sequence with the sequence in part (a), write down an expression, in terms of n, for the n term of this sequence, i) Hence, find the 25" term. 13. ‘The first five terms in a sequence are 2, 6, 46, 446 and 4446. Find a relationship, in terms of n, between the n® term and the (n+ 1)**term of the sequence. Pama) — Class: Date: Worksheet 7B Number sequences and patterns ‘he diagram shows some patterns made from identical white and grey unit squares, eae [ee Figure 1 Figure2 (Complete the table. (Gi) A large square has a length of 65 units, How many white unit squares does it have? (it) Will there bea figure inthis sequence that has 920 grey unit squares? Explain your answer, eee 2. ‘The first four figures in a sequence are as shown. eoeeeeee @ @ Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 (Draw the next wo figures of the sequence, (ii) Complete the table, (iii) As the figure number increases, how does the number of dots change? (iv) Belle thinks that the number of dots in Figure nis given by the formula n? + 3n +2. Do you agree with her? If you do not agree, find a formula for the number of dots in Figure n. hiinceeeeas ere) 3, The first three terms in a sequence of numbers, T,, Ty Ty ... are given below. T.=P+4=5 T,=P4+8=12 T,=3'+12=21 @® Find 7, (ii) Find an expression, in terms of n, for T, (iii) Evaluate T,,, 4. Consider the pattern: RU” eat (i) Write down the 5® line in the pattern, (ii) Find the values of k, p and q. (it) Find the value of +. eee Number Patterns 5. Consider the pattern: 1=P=P 9= Ra 42 36-654 249 3025 = a= PHPHP HAE (Write down the 4* line in the pattern. }) Find the value of a and of b. Consider the pattern: xS=1x(1+4) 12=2x6=2% (244) 21=3x7=3x(3+4) 32=4x8=4x (444) 396 = ax b=ax(a+4) (i) Write down the 5" line in the pattern, (ii) Find the values of a and b. Write down the 20" line in the pattern. (iv) Will there be a line with 2204 on the left-hand side? Explain your answer, VE Seats, 1. Then term ofa sequence is n(n-+1)(n+2).. ‘Write down the first 3 terms in the sequence. 2. The n' term of a sequence is given by T, = 100 ~ 31? Complete the table. 3. ‘The first term of a number sequence is 1. This sequence follows the rule: Add 3, then multiply by 2, (1) Write down the second and third terms, (ii) A second sequence follows the same rule. Its third term is 54, Find the first term, ea 1 1 “The first four terms of a sequence are 25, 1g, —g and (i) Write down the 7* term of the sequence. (ii) Find an expression, in terms ofr, forthe ni term of the sequence. (i) One term in the sequence is ~182 Find the value ofn for this term. 5, Given that is an integer, (]) write down expressions for the next two even numbers after 2n, (i) (a) find, in its simplest form, the expression for the sum of these three even numbers, (b) determine whether the sum is always a multiple of 4, 6, ‘The first three terms in a sequence of numbers, T,, T,, T, ... are given below. T,=P-2=-1 P-3=5 3 -4=23 @ Find 7, (ii) Find an expression, in terms of n, for T,, (iii) Evaluate T,,. Number Patterns eee 7. (a) The n" term ofa sequence is given by 2n* + 5. Write down the first four terms of the sequence. (b) ‘The first four terms of another sequence are 8, 15, 26 and 41. (i By comparing this sequence with the sequence in part (a), write down an expression, in terms of n, for the n® term of this sequence. i) Hence, find the 36” term, Consider the pattern: Pr2x1er B4sx2e P= Pe 4x33 SS xde# (i) Write down the next line in the pattern, (ii) Write down the nine in the pattern, (ili) Hence, find the value of 24° + 24 x 23 + 23%, Pee) nea 9. A hexagon is a six-sided figure. ‘The diagram shows some patterns made from identical white and grey hexagons. Oe & Figure 1 Figure 2 (i) Complete the table. " Nutnber of Number of whitehexagons | _ grey hexagons 1 0 1 1 Figure number 12 (ii) Find an expression, in terms of n, for the number of grey hexagons in Figure n, where nis an odd number. (Gli) Which figure has the same number of white hexagons as Figure 156? Number Patterns meee

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