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Class: VII

Subject: English
Max Marks=75
Usman Public School Time:3hours
Campus # 34
Name: --------------------------------------------- Roll
Q.1(a) Read the given passage and answer the following questions. (13 marks)
I was born in the small but beautiful mountain village of Nakuri near Uttarkashi
in Garhwal, with the gurgling, playful Bhagirathi river flowing near- by. My parents
were a hard-working and extremely self-contained couple. Even though our family
was poor, barely managing the essentials, my father taught us how to live and
maintain dignity and self-respect—the most treasured family value till today. At the
same time my parents also practised the creed, ‘‘Kindness is the essence of all
religion.’’ They were large-hearted, inviting village folk passing by to have tea at
our home, and gave grains to the sadhus and pandits who came to the house. This
characteristic has been ingrained in me so deeply that I am able to reach out to
others and make a difference in their lives — whether it is in my home, in society or
at the work place.

I was the third child in the family—girl, boy, girl, girl and boy in that order and
quite a rebel. I developed a tendency to ask questions and was not satisfied with
the customary way of life for a girl child. When I found my elder brother, Bachchan,
encouraging our youngest brother, Raju, to take up mountaineering I thought, why
not me? I found that my brothers were always getting preferential treatment and
all opportunities and options were open to them. This made me even more
determined to not only do what the boys were doing, but to do it better.

The general thinking of mountain people was that mountaineering as a sport was
not for them. They considered themselves to be born mountaineers as they had to
go up and down mountain slopes for their daily livelihood and even for routine

On the other hand, as a student, I would look curiously at foreign backpackers

passing by my village and wonder where they were going. I would even invite them
to my house and talk to them to learn more about their travels. The full significance
of this came to me later when I started working. The foreigners took the trouble to
come all the way to the Himalayas in order to educate themselves on social,
cultural and scientific aspects of mountaineering, as well as to seek peace in
nature’s gigantic scheme of things.

(i) Match the underlined words from passage with their correct
Synonyms. One word is extra. (2)

Words Synonyms

1. characteristic a. eagerness
2. self-contained b. inclination
3. tendency c. attribute
4. preferential d. independent
5. curiously e………..

1________ 2_________ 3__________ 4______ 5_______

(ii) The author family was very ______. (1)
1. rich
2. poor
3. wealthy
4. middle class
(iii) They invited them for tea at home. (1)
1. village folk
2. village people
3. family
4. neighbours
(iv) The writer wanted to ________________________ .
1. make a contrast in their lives (1)
2. make a diversity in their lives
3. make a difference in their lives
4. make a change in their lives
(v) The author was not satisfied with the________ way of life. (1)
1. simple
2. stylish
3. fashionable
4. customary
(vi) I found that my brothers were always getting______ treatment. (1)
1. preferential
2. importance
3. value
4. high place
(vii) The foreigners took the _________ to come to the Himalayas. (1)
1. labour
2. venture
3. trouble
4. hard time
(viii) What is the most treasured value of the author’s family? (1)
(ix) Give an example to show that the author’s parents were
very hospitable. (1)
(x) What kind of girl was the author?
(xi) Why do the mountain people consider themselves to be born (1)
(xii) Why would the author invite foreign mountaineers to her house?

Q.1 (b) Read the given passage and answer the following questions. (12 marks)
To make our life a meaningful one, we need to mind our thoughts, for our
thoughts are the foundation, the inspiration, and the motivating power of our
deeds. We create our entire world by the way we think. Thoughts are the causes
and the conditions are the effects.

Our circumstances and conditions are not dictated by the world outside; it is the
world inside us that creates that outside. Self-awareness comes from the mind,
which means soul. Mind is the sum total of the states of consciousness grouped
under thought, will and feeling. Besides self-consciousness we have the power to
choose and think. Krishna says: “no man rested a moment inactive”. Even when
inactive on the bodily plane we are all the time acting on the thought plane.
Therefore if we observe ourselves, we can easily mould our thoughts. If our
thoughts are pure and noble, naturally actions follow the same. If our thoughts are
filled with jealousy, hatred, and greed, our actions will be the same.

Karmically, however, thought or intent is more responsible and dynamic than an

act. One may perform a charitable act, but if he does not think charitably and is
doing the act just for the sake of gain and glory, it is his thoughts that will
determine the result. Theosophy teaches us that every thought, no matter how
fleeting, leaves a seed in the mind of the thinker. These small seeds together go to
make up a large thought seed and determine one’s general character. Our thoughts
affect the whole body. Each thought once generated and sent out becomes
independent of the brain and mind and will live upon its own energy depending
upon its intensity.

Trying to keep a thought from our mind can produce the very state we are trying to
avoid. We can alter our environment to create the mood. When, for instance, we
are depressed, if we sit by ourselves trying to think cheerful thoughts, we often do
not succeed. But if we mix with people who are cheerful we can bring about a
change in our mood and thoughts. Every thought we think, every act we perform,
creates in us an impression, like everything else, is subject to cyclic law and
become repetitive in our mind. So, we alone have the choice to create our thoughts
and develop the kind of impressions that make our action more positive.

(i) Match the underlined words from passage with their correct
Synonyms. One word is extra. (2)

Words Synonyms

1. inspiration a. envy
2. consciousness b. benevolent
3. jealousy c. creativity
4. charitable d. awareness
5. instance e………..

1______ 2_____ 3_______ 4______ 5_______

(ii) How can we make our life meaningful? (1)

1. through wealth
2. through thoughts
3. through earning
4. through status
(iii) Our inside world creates our ___________. (1)
1. our future
2. our career
3. our outside
4. our success
(iv) If our thoughts are_________, naturally actions follow the same.
1. pure and potent (1)
2. pure and noble
3. pure and pious
4. pure and pure
(v) Our thoughts will determine the __________. (1)
1. consequences
2. output
3. end gain
4. result
(vi) We can alter our environment to ________the mood. (1)
1. produce
2. make
3. create
4. devise
(vii) We should develop the kind of impressions that make our
action more _____. (1)
1. negative
2. effective
3. positive
4. fruitful
(viii) How can we make our life meaningful? (1)
(ix) Why does Krishna say, “No man rested a moment inactive”? (1)
(x) How do our thoughts affect the whole body? (1)
(xi) How can we change our mood when we are depressed? (1)
(xii) Suggest a suitable title for the given passage. (1)

VOCABULARY (15marks)
Q.2 (a) Match the idioms given in the column A with their meaning
in column B. (02)

Column A Column B
i . a fish out of water a. a disturbance with much noise but
Ii. a bed of roses no importance
Iii. a white elephant b. modern
Iv. a storm in a tea cup c. in a difficulty
v. up to date d. a comfortable situation
e. a burdensome possession

Q.2(b) Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases from the box.
Voice of reason, not going to give up, entertain such ideas
Screamed at the top of her lungs, made up her min,
Whirled around, swish of scented air graced my nose
turned my face away , crossed my path

Cloze Paragraph:
There would be no extra holidays this summer in school. Madam decided to be
the_______________ . She had ______________________ to inform the
school at assembly not to____________________ as hoping for extra holidays
this summer. She __________________ as the microphone was not working
properly. The students in Class VII decided they were ________________,and
after the assembly they planned to go and convince Madam to see it their way.
Grandfather was getting ready for Salat-ul-Jumma . I ____________________
and_________________ because I felt a tingling in my nose. A __________.
Lo! Grandfather in his crisp white shalwaar ________________ on his way to
the Masjid.
Q.3 Give synonyms of the following words and use the given words
in your own sentences. (03)
1. entertained 4.disaster
2. superstitious 5.determine
3. committed 6.assumed
Q.4(a) Match the given phrase with their meanings. (04)

1.not familiar with a.think about
2. at the commencement of b.have the same opinion in the end
3. amidst a grid of c.thorough comprehension
4. ponder over d.continue watching
5. finally agreed e.not aware of
6. keep track f.between the table
7. sustain the observation g.beginning of
8. solid understanding h.keep a record of
9. i.go away

1______ 2_____ 3_______ 4______ 5_______ 6 _____7 _____ 8 _________

Q.4(b) Complete the given table by writing the correct word. (02)
Put a cross if there is no appropriate Word.
Adjective Noun Verb Adverb

GRAMMAR (25 marks)

Q.5 (a) Provide the correct form of verb (given in the bracket) in
the sentences. (03)
1. He (be) absent yesterday.
2. He (run) fast to win the race.
3. Haste (make) waste.
4. They (win) the final match.
5. She (sleep) since morning.
6. It (rain) in winter every year.
Q.5 (b) Change the tense of sentence. Do as directed. (05)
1. He (take) breakfast early in the morning. (present continuous tense)
2. I (do) my home work. (past continuous tense)
3. She (is giving ) away charity to the poor. (present indefinite tense)
4. He (plays) cricked. (past indefinite tense)
5. Are they (eating) fruit? (past continuous tense)
Q.6(a) Change the voices of the following sentences. (03)
1. My books were stolen, yesterday.
2. The doctor performed an operation.
3. The boy was being rescued by the fire fighter.
Q. 6(b) Change the following sentences into indirect speech. (03)
1. Asma asked Sara, “Did you really write this story”?
2. Ahmed said to Nadeem, “I will go with you”.
3. The teacher said to the students, “You must hard work”.
Q.7 Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition from the box.(03)

in on of to against of

We make choices ____ life based _____ our learning and experience. The
choices and decisions we make can be wrong or right, gentle or harsh, selfish or
kind. It kind ____ shapes our identity. You gain the ability _____ decide what is
wrong. If you find yourself going _____ your moral values you may develop a
feeling _______ guilt.
Q.8 Insert the suitable articles in the blanks,given in the box. (03)

a , an , the

Our moral values are also rooted and influenced by our religion. Religion sets
______manner and ____code by which its believers should live. _____adherents of
_____particular religion would follow _____religion's set of rules. ____perfect
example for this is caste discrimination and untouchability. These are _____blindly
followed religious standards, highly opposed by other groups of society.

Q.9 Complete the conditional sentences as directed . (05)

1. If the come early, we _________________________.
(Zero conditional)
2. If the cow gives milk, we _______________________ .
(First conditional)
3. If the bell rings ____________________________.
(Zero conditional)
4. If you listen carefully to the teacher,________________ .
(First conditional)
5. If the sun shine the farmer ________________ .
(First conditional)
SUMMARY (05 marks)

Q.10 Read the passage Q1(a) and summarize it in 100 words. Use your
own words.

Marking Scheme
Relevant main points 2
Language accuracy 1.5
Use of own words 1.5


Q.11 With reference to the unit#1 “Superstitions” What kind of

Superstitions are practised in your community?

With reference to the unit#2 “Calendars” How calendar is
important for you?

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