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Chapter 6 - Dams
Dams are structures that block the flow of a river, stream, or other waterway. some dams divert the
flow of river water to a pineline canal, or channel. Other raise the level of inland waterways to make them
navigable by ships and barges. Many dams harness the energy of falling water to generate electric power. Dams
also hold water for drinking and crop irrigation , and provide flood control.
Learning Outcome/Objectives
To solve problems about Dams
Learning Content/Topic
Lesson 6 Dams
- hydraulic structures built to impound water.
Dams are built for the following purposes:

1. Irrigation and drinking water

2. Power Supply (hydroelectric)
3. Navigation -Dams can be built to permit ships to travel on rivers
that had been unnavigable. For example, dams can maintain a
minimum depth of water year-round on rivers that would otherwise
be too low for ships for part of the year. In some cases, shipping may
be blocked by a waterfall or rapids.
4. Flood Control
5. Multi purposes
Upstream Side
A dam is subjected t hydrostatic Downstream Side

forces due to water which is raised �1 Tailwater

on its upstream side. These forces Headwater w.s �4

cause the dam to slide horizontally �1

on its foundation and overturn it
about its downstream edge or toe. Projection of �2
these tendencies are resisted by the submerged
face of dam F
friction on the base of the dam and h �3

gravitational forces which causes a �3

moment opposite to the
overturning moment. the dam may
also be prevented from sliding by 1m Heel Rx
keying its base. Uplift Toe
Diagram �1
�1 R

�2 �2 Ry
I. Consider 1 - unit ( 1m ) length of dam (perpendicular to the sketch) and identify the heel
and the toe.

II. Determine all the forces acting:

A. Vertical Forces
1. weight of the dam
��   =  �� ��  ;  ��   =  �� ��  ;  ��   =  �� ��  ;  
2. weight of water in the upstream side ( if any)
��   =  �� ��
3. Weight or permanent structures of the dam
4. Hydrostatic Uplift
��   =  � ���
�� = � ���
B. Horizontal Force
1. Total Hydrostatic Force acting at the vertical projection of
the submerged portion of the dam,
2. Wind pressure
3. Wave action
4. Floating bodies
5. Earthquake load
III. Solve for the Reaction
A. Vertical Reaction (resultant force), Ry
Ry = ��
Ry = �1   +  �2  + �3   +  �4   −  �1   −  �2

B. Horizontal Reaction (resultant force) , Rx

Rx = �ℎ
Rx = P
IV. Moment about the Toe
A. Righting Moment, RM (rotation towards the upstream side)
RM = �� ��   +  �� ��   +  �� ��   +  �� ��
B. Overturning Moment, OM (rotation towards the downstream side)
OM = P y + �� ��   +  �� ��  
V. Location of Ry (�)

�� − ��

�� ��
� = unit weight of water  =  9.81 3 (�� 1000 3 )
� �
�� = unit weight of concrete

�� = 2.4γ (usually taken as 23.5 kN/ �3

Consider 1-m length

Forces Acting :
W = all weights transmitted to the base
P = total hydrostatic pressure on the
vertical projection of the 1 –m length
U = upward force of water on the base due
to seepage.
Factor of Safety Against Overturning:
Forces Reacting :
F.O. = 
�� = horizontal component of ��
the reaction at the base. Factor of Safety Against Sliding:
�� = vertical component of the
 reaction at the base. F.S. = 
Foundation Pressures:
The design is said to be good if Ry is within the middle third of the base.

If e < B/6, use:

� ��
�=   ±   ]
� �

�� �(�� )�
=   ±  �
�(�) �(�)
�� ��
�=   [ �  ±    ]
� �
�� − �� �
�=  � = |    −  � |
�� �
Foundation Pressures:
The design is said to be good if Ry is outside the middle third of the base.

If e > B/6, use:

�� =    (��)(���� )

���� = 

�� − �� �
�=  � = |    −  � |
�� �
A masonry dam of a trapezoidal section with one face vertical is 0.6m thick at the top
and 3.0m at the bottom. It is 6.6 m high and has a horizontal base. On the inclined face
water stands 4.5m deep. Assume sg = 2.4 for the dam and hydrostatic uplift varies from
60% at the heel to zero at the toe. Use sg = 2.4 for concrete.
a. Find the vertical component of the foundation reaction.
b. What is the factor of safety against overturning?
c. What is the factor of safety against sliding assuming μ = 0.51
d. How far from the toe will that force intersect the base?
e. What is the intensity of the pressure at the toe?
a. Find the vertical component of the foundation
reaction. �1 = 2.4 (9.81)(0.6)(6.6)
�1 = 93.23 ��
�2 = 2.4 (9.81)(1/2)(2.4)(6.6)
�2 = 186.47 ��

�� = (9.81)(1/2)(1.64)(4.5)
�� = 36.2 ��

�� =  �1 +  �2 +  ��   − � U = 1/2(3)(26.487)

� = 39.73��
�� =  �ℎ �ℎ = 9.81(2.25)(4.5)(1)
�ℎ = 99.33 ��
a. Find the vertical component of the foundation
�1 = 93.23 ��

�2 = 186.47 ��

�� = 36.2 ��

� = 39.73��

�� =  �1 +  �2 +  ��   − � �ℎ = 99.33 ��

�� =  �ℎ �� = 276.17 ��
b. What is the factor of safety against overturning?
c. What is the factor of safety against sliding assuming μ = 0.51

OM = P y + �� ��   +  �� ��  
OM = (99.33)(4.5/3) + 39.73 (1/3)(6)
OM = 228.46 kN - m

RM = �� ��   +  �� ��   +  �� ��
RM = (93.23)(0.3)+186.47[ 0.6 + (2.4)+ 
�1 = 93.23 �� � = 39.73�� 36.2(3 – 1/3(1.64)
RM = 377.84 kN - m
�2 = 186.47 �� �ℎ = 99.33 ��

�� = 36.2 ��
�� 377.84
�. �.   =   = 
�� 228.46
�. �.   = 1.65

� 0.51(276.17)
�. �.   =   = 
�� 99.33

�. �.   = 1.42
d. How far from the toe will that force intersect the base? ���.��−���.��

� = 0.54 m

�� − ��
e. What is the intensity of the pressure at the toe? �
� = |    − �. ��|

� =  �. �� �
�  �
= = �. � �
� � �>

(�� is outside of
���� = �
middle third)

��� �(���.��)
���� = = = 340.95 kPa
� ��� �� �(�.��)
� = |    −  � | �= To identify
� �� qmax :
���� = �40.95 kPa kung saan
malapit ang
Ry .
A trapezoidal concrete dam is 20 m high. The upstream face is vertical and the water is
flush with the top, which is 3m wide. The coefficient of friction between the base of the
dam and the foundation is 0.60. If it is required to have a factor of safety of 3 for
overturning and knowing that specific gravity of concrete is 2.40.
a. Find the required width of the base.
b. Find the factor of safety against sliding.
c. Find the pressure at the heel.
d. Find the pressure at the toe.
SOLUTION : a. Find the required width of the base. �1 = 2.4 (9.81)(3)(20)
�1 = 1412.64 ��

�2 = 2.4 (9.81)(1/2)(�)(20)
�2 = 235.44�

�ℎ = 9.81(10)(1)(20)
�ℎ = 1962 �� = ��
�� = 1412.64 + 235.44�
20 2
�� = 1962 = 13080 �� = 1412.64(� + 1.5) + 235.44�( )�
3 3
�� 2
1412.64(� + 1.5) + 235.44�( )�
�� = 3= 3
�� 13080
� = ��. �� � B = ��. �� �
b. Find the factor of safety against sliding. ���


FS= 1.26
c. Find the pressure at the heel. �����−�����
d. Find the pressure at the toe. �= = 6.34

� ��. ��
� =    −  �  = |    − �. ��|
� �

� = �. �� � �

�  ��. �� (�� is inside of the
= = �. �� middle third)
� �
�� ��
�=   [ �  ±    ]
� � To identify
�� − �� qmax : kung
�= ���� = ���. �� ��� = ���� saan
�� malapit ang
Ry .
���� = ���. �� ��� = �����
Teaching and learning activities
To solve problems about Dams
Flexible Teaching Modality (FTLM) adapted
Google classroom, Module,Lecture
Assessment Task`
Quiz about To solve problems about Dams
1. Mays, Larry W. 2004. Water Resources Engineering, 2005 Edition, USA
2. Robert L. Daugherty, Joseph B. Franzini and E. John Finnemore. 2002 Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications SI Metric
Edition, USA
3. Linsley, Ray K.: Franzini, Joseph B. Freynerg, David L. Tchobanoglous, David L. 1992. Water Resources Engineering, Fourth Edition.
4. John J. Cassidy & M. Hanif Chaudhry. 1988. Hydraulic Engineering Second Edition, USA
5. H.W. King, J. O. Wisler and J.G. Woodburn. 1980. Hydraulics, 5th Edition R.E. Krieger Publishing Compay.

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