Chapter 8 Environmental Chemistry

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Environmental Chemistry
Question Notes
Which of the following is a non-renewable source of A source energy is that which is capable of providing enough useful energy at a
energy? ________ steady rate over a long period of time.
A good source of energy should be:
A. Coal. - Safe and convenient to use
B. Solar. - For example nuclear energy can be used only by highly trained
C. Bio-mass. engineers with the help of nuclear power plant. It cannot be used for
D. Wind our household purpose.
- Easy to transport
- Easy to store.
A. Coal

Supplementary Explanation Non-Renewable sources of energy:
- These sources of energy are exhaustible and cannot be replaced once
they have been used.
- These sources have been accumulated in nature over a very long period
of millions of years.
- Example of Non-Renewable sources of Energy:
Natural Gas
- All these fuels are called fossil fuels.
Question Notes
Which of the following gases does not formed by  A biogas plant consists of a 10-15ft deep concrete tank.
biogas? ________  Biowaste are collected here and a slurry of dung (which contains the
methanogens) is fed into it.
 A floating cover is placed over the slurry and it keeps rising with
A. Hydrogen gas increasing biogas production.
 This is connected with an outlet that may be connected to pipelines for
B. Sulphur di-oxide supply of the biogas.
C. Methane.  The spent slurry is removed through another outlet and can be used as
D. Carbon dioxide
 Biogas plants are essentially more convenient in rural areas where it can
have easy access to cattle dung.
B. Sulphur di-oxide
Supplementary Explanation  A biogas plant is an industrial setup for the production of biogas.
 Biogas refers to a mixture of gases produced by microbial activity and
uses as fuel.
 The microbes used here are known as methanogens. Examples,
 They grow anaerobically on cellulosic material.
 The biogas produced contains CH4 (methane), CO2 (Carbon dioxide),
and H2 (Hydrogen)
 Oxygen and sulphur dioxide is not produced in this process.
 Methanogens are present in cattle rumen which help in the digestion of
cellulose and give nutrition to the cattle.
Question Notes
Among the following, the one that is not a green house Green House Effect
is? ________  It is the heating effect on the earth in which energy from the sun is trapped
near to earth’s surface by the gases present in the atmosphere of the earth.
A. Nitrus Oxide  Heat trapped once cannot escape out.
B. Methane  Radiations from the sun are enclosed in such a way that the blanket of these
C. Ozone radiations behave like a greenhouse whose temperature is much more than
D. Sulphur dioxide without these radiations. Due to which the temperature on earth is
 Gases responsible for the absorption of these radiations are called green
D. Sulphur Dioxide
house gases.
 Green house gases include CO2, methane, nitrus oxide (N2O),
Chlorofluoro carbon, water vapours, ozone, etc.
Supplementary Explanation As discussed above green house gases that absorbed heat energy from the sun near
to earth atmosphere. Nitrus Oxide, methane and ozone are the primary green
house gases.
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is not a green house gas.

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