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AANGXy Real DESI Angle of attached SCTN in XZ plane of joint
AANGYz Real DESI Angle of attached SCTN in YZ plane of joint
ABOP Position(3) DESI Bottom of arrive pipe
ABOre Real DESI Arrive bore
ACOnnection Word DESI Arrive connection type
ACPOrt Reference DESI Access port reference
ACTLength Real DESI Actual length
ADESParam Real(100) DESI Design parameters of attached element
ADIrection Direction(3) DESI Arrive direction
AGRADient Real DESI Arrive p-point gradient
AIRTight Text(120) DESI Air tight control method
ALLOwance Real DESI Allowance
ANGle Real DESI Angle
ANPJoint Position(3) DESI Attached neutralpoint of joint (steelwork)
ANPSection Position(3) DESI Attached neutral point of section (steelwork)
ANTYpe Text(120) DESI Analysis type
AODiam Real DESI Arrive p-point outside diameter
APARam Real(100) DESI Attached catalogue parameters
APOSition Position(3) DESI Arrive position
AREA Integer DESI Area
ARRive Integer DESI Arrive p-point
AT Position(3) DESI Position
ATLEngth Real DESI Length of arrive implied tube
ATLSt Word(50) DESI Access type list
ATOP Position(3) DESI Top of arrive pipe
ATTConnection Word DESI Attached connection type
ATTNAme Text(32) DESI Attribute name expression for ATTRRL elements
ATTRUle Text(1000) DESI Attribute rule expression for ATTRRL elements
ATTYpe Word DESI Attachment type
AWDRef Ref(20) DESI Return reference to AWELD element
AWELDs Integer(20) DESI Weld numbers of attached welds
AZIDefault Real DESI Default azimuth value
AZIFactor Real DESI Azimuth attractor factor
AZILimits Real(2) DESI Azimuth limits (min/max)
AZISetflag Logical DESI Azimuth set flag - ignore azimuth values if FALSE
BANGle Real DESI Beta angle



BBFF Ref(500) DESI Array of boundary formers
BEADefault Real DESI Default bearing value
BEAFactor Real DESI Bearing attractor factor
BEALimits Real(2) DESI Bearing limits (min/max)
BEASetflag Logical DESI Bearing set flag - Ignore bearing values If FALSE
BFRF Reference DESI Reference to real boundary former
BJOInt Text DESI Bolt joint
BOLTPartnum Integer(20) DESI Spooling bolt part numbers
BORe Real DESI Pipe bore
BRCOG Position(3) DESI Branch centre of gravity
BRICOG Position(3) DESI Branch insulated centre of gravity
BRIWEIght Real DESI Branch insulated weight
BRLOck Integer DESI Branch positioning status code for Router
BRWCOG Position(3) DESI Branch wet centre of gravity
BRWEIght Real DESI Branch weight
BRWICOg Position(3) DESI Branch wet insulated centre of gravity
BRWIWEight Real DESI Branch insulated wet weight
BRWWEIght Real DESI Branch wet weight
BSELector Text(3) DESI Bolt selector
BSTAtus Integer DESI Branch status code for Router
BTLSt Word(50) DESI Boundary former type list
BTOTal Integer DESI Bolt joint total
BUIlt Logical DESI Built/Unbuilt flag
BULGefactor Real DESI Bulge factor
BURF Reference DESI Reference to real Building element
CAREa Text(12) DESI Isodraft Compipe attribute
CASReference Reference DESI Case reference
CATreference Reference DESI Catalogue reference
CCEntre Integer DESI Cost centre
CCLass Integer DESI Cost class
CCOLour Integer DESI Default spec item colour (in Catalogue)
CCOnnection Word DESI Connection type (structural p-line)
CDPList Word(100) DESI List of valid current design properties
CDPRoperty Real DESI Current design dataset property
CDRG Text(24) DESI Isodraft Compipe attribute
CEND Text DESI Connection at other end of Cref (Head/Tail)



CERFarray Ref(500) DESI Array of faces generated
CFDProperty Reference DESI Current design dataset property
CFFArray Ref(500) DESI Array of faces generated
CFRArray Ref(10) DESI Cofitting reference array for Pfittings
CLLength Real DESI Branch centreline length
CMPX Text(20) DESI Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
CNUMber Text(22) DESI Isodraft Compipe attribute
CPARam Real(100) DESI Catalogue Parameters
CPFArray Ref(500) DESI Array of ports pointed to
CPLOt Text(120) DESI Plot (in catalogue)
CPOSition Position(3) DESI Conditioning position for curve geometry
CREFerence Reference DESI Connection reference
CRFarray Ref(10) DESI Connection reference array
CSFBReak Logical DESI Spooling marker attribute for components
CSPC Text(6) DESI Isodraft Compipe attribute
CSTAndard Text(120) DESI Catalogue standard
CSTReference Reference DESI Constraint reference
CTYAttached Word DESI Attached connection type
CTYEnd Word DESI End connection type
CTYStart Word DESI Start connection type
CURTYpe Word DESI Curve type
CUTBack Real DESI Cutback
CUTLENgth Real DESI Cut length (steelwork)
CUTPlane Direction(3) DESI Cutting plane normal
DAREF Reference DESI Reference of associated dataset area
DATE Text(12) DESI Date
DBOttom Real DESI Bottom diameter
DCONnection Word DESI Design p-point connection type
DDEFaults Real(3) DESI Port distance flexibility defaults
DDESParam Real(100) DESI Design parameters as distance
DDIRection Direction(3) DESI Design p-point spherical direction
DDRFArray Ref(10) DESI Array of default design datasets
DELDSG Word DESI Delivery designation flag
DELPE Real DESI Easting of delta-position (in STRU)
DELPN Real DESI Northing of delta-position (in STRU)
DELPosition Position(3) DESI Delta-position (in STRU)



DELPU Real DESI Upping of delta-position (in STRU)
DEPDefault Text(250) DESI Default value of local design property
DEPList Word(100) DESI List of local design properties
DEPRoperty Text(250) DESI Local design property value
DERCUT Real DESI Derived cut length
DERLEN Real DESI Derived length
DESParam Real(100) DESI Design parameters
DETail Logical DESI Detail flag
DETReference Reference DESI Detailing text reference
DFNM Text(120) DESI Document filename
DIAmeter Real DESI Diameter
DMFArray Ref(2) DESI Isodraft reference dimension array
DMTYpe Word(2) DESI Isodraft reference dimension type
DNSTy Real DESI Density
DOCRef Reference DESI Document reference
DOCXRf Ref(500) DESI Return reference from Design element to DOCITM element
Down Real DESI Downing of position
DPBOre Real DESI Design point bore
DPCOnnection Word DESI Design point connection type
DPCOUnt Integer DESI Number of valid design points
DPDIrection Direction(3) DESI Design point direction
DPFName Text(120) DESI Isodraft dynamic detail plotfile name
DPGRadient Real DESI Design point gradient
DPGRIdref Integer DESI Isodraft dynamic detail grid reference
DPLSt Integer(100) DESI List of valid design points
DPPS Position(3) DESI Design point position
DPSF Reference DESI Design p-pointset reference
DPVIsibility Integer(100) DESI List of visible design points
DRGPriority Integer DESI Drawing priority (defines how to draw SCTN)
DRNEnd Direction(3) DESI End cutting plane normal (SCTN/GENSEC)
DRNStart Direction(3) DESI Start cutting plane normal (SCTN/GENSEC)
DRPS Position(3) DESI Derived position (steelwork)
DRPSE Real DESI Easting of derived position
DRPSN Real DESI Northing of derived position
DRPSU Real DESI Upping of derived position
DRRF Reference DESI Old Spooler drawing reference



DSCOde Text(120) DESI Design code
DSETflag Logical(3) DESI Displacement limits flag: ignore values if FALSE
DTOp Real DESI Top diameter
DTXRtext Text(120) DESI RTEXT of detailing text
DTXStext Text(120) DESI STEXT of detailing text
DTXTtext Text(120) DESI TTEXT of detailing text
DUNIOn Integer DESI Draft element union detail flag
DUTy Text(120) DESI Duty
East Real DESI Easting of position
ECCentricity Position(3) DESI Eccentricity (steelwork)
ECCJoint Position(3) DESI Eccentricity of joint (steelwork)
EFORce Real(3) DESI End force vector components
EMOMent Real(3) DESI End moment components
ENDAngle Real DESI End angle
ERECtion Integer DESI Erection class
ERELease Integer DESI End releases (packed)
EVOLume Real(6) DESI Enclosing box volume in local coordinates
EZDIstance Real DESI End load point in Section
FAREA Text(5) DESI Focus construction area
FDEPDefault Text(250) DESI Formatted local design property default value
FDEPRoperty Text(250) DESI Formatted local design property value
FDRAWing Text(32) DESI Focus isometric drawing number
FGRF Ref(500) DESI Reference to boundary faces
FIREsistance Real DESI Fire resistance
FIXITy Text(12) DESI Structural fixity
FLOWdirection Word DESI Flow direction
FLUReference Reference DESI Fluid reference
FPLINE Text(32) DESI Focus process line number
FPONumber Integer DESI From port number
FPRDEfault Text(250) DESI Formatted property default
FPROPerty Text(250) DESI Formatted property value from dataset
FRADius Real DESI Fillet radius
FRDRawing Text(32) DESI Focus reference drawings
FREFerence Reference DESI Fitting reference
FREVision Text(4) DESI Focus isometric drawing revision
FTCDDefault Text(250) DESI Formatted current design property default value



FTCDProperty Text(250) DESI Formatted current design property value
GCOFg Position(3) DESI Gross centre of gravity
GMOFi Real(9) DESI Gross moments of inertia
GRADE Real DESI Steel grade
GRADIent Real DESI Gradient of implied tube
GSRFarea Real DESI Gross surface area
GTXT Text(120) DESI Text storing rule to generate inventory list
GTYPe Word DESI Generic type
GVOLume Real DESI Gross volume
GWEIght Real DESI Gross weight
HBOre Real DESI Head bore
HCOnnection Word DESI Head connection type
HDIrection Direction(3) DESI Head direction
HDMFarray Ref(2) DESI Isodraft reference dimension array
HDMType Word(2) DESI Isodraft reference dimension type
HEAd Reference DESI Synonym of HREFerence
HEIDefault Real DESI Default height
HEIFactor Real DESI Height attractor factor
HEIght Real DESI Height
HEILimits Real(2) DESI Height limits (min/max)
HEISetflag Logical DESI Height set flag: ignore height values if FALSE
HEND Text DESI Connection at other end of Href (head or tail)
HHBOP Position(3) DESI Bottom of hanger head
HHBOre Real DESI Hanger head bore
HHCOnnect Word DESI Hanger head connection type
HHDIRection Direction(3) DESI Hanger head direction
HHGRadient Real DESI Hanger head gradient
HHOD Real DESI Hanger head outside diameter
HHPOsition Position(3) DESI Hanger head position
HHTOP Position(3) DESI Top of hanger head
HIERarchy Ref(5000) DESI Structural connection hierarchy
HMAVerage Real DESI Average humidity
HMMAximum Real DESI Maximum humidity
HMMInimum Real DESI Minimum humidity
HPOSE Real DESI Easting of head position
HPOsition Position(3) DESI Head position



HPOSN Real DESI Northing of head position
HPOSU Real DESI Upping of head position
HPREFerence Reference DESI Head point reference
HREFerence Reference DESI Head reference
HRELative Logical DESI Branch member head relative flag (Router)
HSPEcification Reference DESI Hanger specification
HSROd Reference DESI Head rod specification
HSTube Reference DESI Head tube specification
HTBOP Position(3) DESI Bottom of hanger tail
HTBOre Real DESI Hanger tail bore
HTCOnnection Word DESI Hanger tail connection type
HTDIRection Direction(3) DESI Hanger tail direction
HTGRadient Real DESI Hanger tail gradient
HTOD Real DESI Hanger tail outside diameter
HTPOsition Position(3) DESI Hanger tail position
HTTOP Position(3) DESI Top of hanger tail
HTYPe Word DESI Hanger type
HWRF Reference DESI Head working point (Router)
ICAtreference Reference DESI Insulation catalogue reference
IDEtail Reference DESI Insulation detail text reference
IDRText Text(120) DESI Insulation detail RTEXT
IDSText Text(120) DESI Insulation detail STEXT
IDTText Text(120) DESI Insulation detail TTEXT
IMATref Reference DESI Insulation material text reference
IMXText Text(120) DESI Insulation material XTEXT
IMYText Text(120) DESI Insulation Material YTEXT
IMZText Text(120) DESI Insulation Material ZTEXT
INCO Text(2000) DESI Array of integers for Router internal points
INREference Reference DESI Insulation reference
INRFarray Reference DESI Array of inventory items
INSChedule Text(120) DESI Inspection schedule
INTHickness Real DESI Insulation thickness
INTYpe Word DESI Inventory item type
INVFarray Ref(500) DESI Array of inventory items
INVIsible Logical DESI Visibility state
IPARam Real(30) DESI Parameters of insulation catalogue component



ISPecification Reference DESI Insulation specification reference
ISPRef Reference DESI Insulation specification component reference
ITLEngth Real DESI Length of implied tube
ITPOSition Position(3) DESI Position of implied tube
JFREe Logical DESI TRUE if Section position dominates connection
JLINe Word DESI Joining line
JLNEnd Word DESI Joining line end
JLNStart Word DESI Joining line start
JMAXimum Integer DESI Maximum joint number in current spool drawing
JNTREf Reference DESI Return reference from p-point to IJOINT element
JNUMber Integer(2) DESI Old Spooler joint number
JOIEnd Reference DESI End joint
JOIPrefix Word(2) DESI Old Spooler joint number prefix
JOIStart Reference DESI Start joint
JUSline Word DESI Justification p-line
LAXEs Orient(3) DESI Local axes (X,Y,Z)
LBOP Position(3) DESI Bottom of leave pipe
LBOre Real DESI Leave bore
LCASe Integer DESI Load case number
LCNFArray Ref(500) DESI Elements with local names stored on template
LCOnnection Word DESI Leave connection type
LDIrection Direction(3) DESI Leave direction
LDISP Logical DESI Display property flag for design datasets: if True, display property value on form
LDPRoperty Real DESI Local design dataset property
LEAve Integer DESI Leave p-point
LEND Logical DESI Line end
LENGth Real DESI Length (steelwork)
LEVel Integer(2) DESI Drawing level
LFDProperty Reference DESI Local design dataset property
LGRADient Real DESI Leave p-point gradient
LHEad Logical DESI Logical head flag
LINEType Word DESI Line type
LINKs Ref(5000) DESI Linked elements
LISSue Logical DESI TRUE if drawing has been issued
LMIRRor Logical DESI TRUE if mirroring required
LNAMe Text(20) DESI Local name as stored in template



LNFArray Ref(480) DESI Hidden reference array for linked vertices
LNLSt Text(1000) DESI List of local names for current template
LODiam Real DESI Leave p-point outside diameter
LOFFline Logical DESI Offline flag
LOHEight Real DESI Ploop height - from first Ploop in owning Panel
LOOse Logical DESI Loose
LPOSition Position(3) DESI Leave position
LREFerence Reference DESI Link reference
LSRod Reference DESI Leave rod specification
LSTRessed Logical DESI Stress flag
LSTube Reference DESI Leave tube reference
LTAil Logical DESI Logical tail flag
LTLEngth Real DESI Length of leave implied tube
LTOP Position(3) DESI Top of leave pipe
LVOLume Real(6) DESI Enclosing box volume in local coordinates
MATReference Reference DESI Material reference
MAXBore Real DESI Maximum bore
MAXMIn Real(2) DESI Max. and min. values of design property
MEMLine Word DESI Member line for SCTNs
MFARray Word(50) DESI Model function word array
MFLG Logical DESI Master link flag: slave if FALSE
MIDPoint Position(3) DESI Section midpoint (steelwork)
MODUle Text(120) DESI Module
MOFi Position DESI Moments of inertia
MTBEgref Reference DESI Reference of pipe component beginning a material tube
MTCLength Real DESI Material tube centreline length
MTENdref Reference DESI Reference of pipe component ending a material tube
MTLEngth Real DESI Material tube length
MTOComponent Word DESI Material list control for components (Isodraft)
MTOHead Word DESI Material list control for head tube (Isodraft)
MTOLength Real DESI Material list text length (Isodraft)
MTOPArtnumbers Integer(20) DESI Additional spooling item part numbers (Isodraft)
MTOQuantity Real DESI Material take-off quantity (Isodraft)
MTOReference Ref(20) DESI Extra material list spec refs. (Isodraft)
MTOTube Word DESI Material list control for leave tube (Isodraft)
MTOXarray Integer(20) DESI Old Spooler additional items



MTXReference Reference DESI Material text reference
MTXXtext Text(120) DESI XTEXT of material text
MTXYtext Text(120) DESI YTEXT of material text
MTXZtext Text(120) DESI ZTEXT of material text
MVERtex Reference DESI Reference to master vertex
NCOFg Position(3) DESI Nett centre of gravity
NLOAd Real DESI Nominal load
NMOFi Real(9) DESI Nett moments of inertia
NOFG Logical DESI Link constraint inversion flag
North Real DESI Northing of position
NPOSE Real DESI Easting of position in owner
NPOSition Position(3) DESI Position in owner
NPOSN Real DESI Northing of position in owner
NPOSU Real DESI Upping of position in owner
NRELease Integer DESI Nodal release
NSRFarea Real DESI Nett surface area
NUMber Integer DESI Number
NVOLume Real DESI Nett volume
NWELDs Integer DESI Number of attached welds on piping component
NWEIght Real DESI Nett weight
OBStructions Integer DESI Obstruction level
ODESParam Real(100) DESI Owning design parameters
OFFLine Logical DESI Synonym of LOFFline
ONPJoint Position(3) DESI Owning neutral point of joint (steelwork)
ONPSection Position(3) DESI Owning neutral point of section (steelwork)
OPARam Real(100) DESI Owning parameters - catalogue component
OPDIrection Direction(3) DESI Origin plane direction
ORIAngle Real(3) DESI Orientation as angles
ORIentation Ori(3) DESI Orientation
ORIFlag Logical DESI Orientation flag
ORRF Reference DESI Origin reference (for templates)
OWNConnect Word DESI Owning connection type
PALIGnment Real DESI Panel alignment
PARTNumber Integer DESI Part number of spooled component or leave tube
PBENDnumber Integer DESI Spooling pulled bend number
PBOP Position(3) DESI Bottom of pipe



PCREFerence Integer(4) DESI P-point and reference of connected piping component
PFREference Reference DESI Pfitting reference for cofittings
PGRADient Real DESI P-point gradient
PHBOP Position(3) DESI Bottom of pipe head
PHBOre Real DESI Pipe head bore
PHCOnnection Word DESI Pipe head connection type
PHDIRection Direction(3) DESI Pipe head direction
PHGRadient Real DESI Pipe head gradient
PHOD Real DESI Pipe head outside diameter
PHPOsition Position(3) DESI Pipe head position
PHTOP Position(3) DESI Top of pipe head
PLCNflag Logical DESI P-line centreline flag
PLCOnnection Word DESI P-line connection
PLDEscription Text(120) DESI P-line description
PLEDirection Direction(3) DESI Plane entry direction
PLENCut Position(3) DESI P-line end, allowing for cutback
PLENd Position(3) DESI P-line end
PLLEvel Integer(2) DESI P-line level
PLLst Word(100) DESI List of valid p-lines
PLNAmes Word(100) DESI List of available p-line names
PLORientation Ori(3) DESI P-line orientation
PLPMethod Word DESI Plane pipe packing method - nearest or weighted (Router)
PLPPosition Word DESI Plane pipe positioning code word (Router)
PLPUrpose Word DESI P-line purpose
PLRDirection Direction(3) DESI Plane routing direction
PLREFS Ref(5000) DESI P-line references
PLSTart Position(3) DESI P-line start
PLSTCut Position(3) DESI P-line start, allowing for cutback
PLTUflag Logical DESI P-line tube flag
PLWWposition Word DESI Plane wall-to-wall positioning code (Router)
PMAXimum Integer DESI Maximum part number in current spool drawing (Isodraft)
POBOre Real DESI Port bore
POCKet Word DESI Is a branch component in a pocket?: TOP for air lock BOTT for sump NONO for no pocket
POCOnnection Word DESI Port connection
POD Real DESI P-point outside diameter
PODIrection Direction(3) DESI Port direction



POEFlag Logical DESI Post-evaluation flag
PONAme Text(120) DESI Port name
POORientation Ori(3) DESI Port orientation
POPS Position(3) DESI Port position
POSEE Real DESI Easting of end point position
POSEnd Position(3) DESI End point position
POSEU Real DESI Upping of end point position
POSFlag Logical DESI Positioning flag
POSLine Word DESI Positioning line
POSN Real DESI Northing of position
POSSE Real DESI Easting of start point position
POSSN Real DESI Northing of start point position
POSStart Position(3) DESI Start point position
POSSU Real DESI Upping of start point position
POSU Real DESI Upping of position
POTArget Reference DESI Port target reference
PPBOre Real DESI P-point bore
PPCOnnection Word DESI P-point connection type
PPCOUnt Integer DESI Number of valid p-points
PPDEscription Text(120) DESI P-point description
PPEXSt Logical DESI TRUE if p-point exists
PPLSt Integer(100) DESI List of valid p-points
PPNUmber Integer DESI Design p-point/port number
PPOSition Position(3) DESI P-point position
PPSKey Word DESI P-point PSKEY
PPURpose Word DESI P-point purpose
PPVIFlag Integer DESI P-point visibility flag
PPVIsibility Integer(100) DESI List of visible p-points
PRAVerage Real DESI Average pressure
PRDEfault Text(250) DESI Property default
PREFlag Logical DESI Pre-evaluation flag
PRESsure Real DESI Pressure
PRFL Text(120) DESI Profile
PRLSt Word(100) DESI List of valid properties - catalogue or design
PRMAximum Real DESI Maximum pressure
PRMInimum Real DESI Minimum pressure



PROPerty Text(250) DESI Property value from catalogue/design dataset
PRPUrpose Word DESI Property purpose
PRTItle Text(120) DESI Property title
PSIZE Real(2) DESI Panel size
PSPEcification Reference DESI Pipe specification
PTBOP Position(3) DESI Bottom of pipe tail
PTBOre Real DESI Pipe tail bore
PTCOnnect Word DESI Pipe tail connection type
PTDIRection Direction(3) DESI Pipe tail direction
PTGRadient Real DESI Pipe tail gradient
PTNBarray Integer(20) DESI Old Spooler bolt item part numbers
PTNHead Integer DESI Old Spooler head tube part number
PTNO Integer DESI Old Spooler component part number
PTNTube Integer DESI Old Spooler leave tube part number
PTOD Real DESI Pipe tail outside diameter
PTOP Position(3) DESI Top of pipe
PTPOsition Position(3) DESI Pipe tail position
PTSPecification Text(120) DESI Paint specification
PTTOP Position(3) DESI Top of pipe tail
PTYPe Word DESI Property type
PURPose Word DESI Purpose code
RADDefault Real DESI Radius default value
RADFactor Real DESI Radius attractor factor
RADius Real DESI Radius
RADLimits Real(2) DESI Radius limits (min/max)
RADSetflag Logical DESI Radius set flag - ignore radius values if FALSE
RDEFaults Real(3) DESI Port rotation flexibility defaults
RDEProp Real DESI Synonym of LDPRoperty
REFAtt Word DESI Reference attribute used in ports
REFIndex Integer DESI Reference array index
RESOlution Real DESI Model resolution (distance)
REVision Integer DESI Revision
RINside Real DESI Inside radius
RLACtion Integer(500) DESI Rule action array
RLEXclude Ref(20) DESI Array of references of special exclusion rules
RLINclude Ref(20) DESI Array of references of special inclusion rules



RLLOgical Integer(500) DESI Rule logical array
RLOCk Integer DESI Branch member creation status code (Router)
RLSElection Integer(500) DESI Rule selection array
RLSTored Text(500) DESI Array of saved rules (Router)
ROBBRules Ref(500) DESI Router rules applying to piping element or members
ROUtside Real DESI Outside radius
RSEQArray Integer(500) DESI Sequence numbers for rule execution
RSEQFArray Ref(500) DESI Rule sequence ref. array for local names
RSEQNumber Integer DESI Sequence number for rule execution
RSETflag Logical(3) DESI Rotation limits set flag - ignore values if FALSE
RVOLume Real DESI Rough gross volume
SAFClass Integer DESI Safety class
SBRP Reference DESI SBFR to RPLA reference link (Router)
SCODe Text(3) DESI Short code (Isodraft Compipe)
SFLIMit Word DESI Spooling limits
SFORce Real(3) DESI Start force vector component
SFREF Reference DESI Return reference from piping component or leave tube to spool or field
SHOp Logical DESI Shop/site flag
SJUStification Word DESI Surface justification for PALJs
SKEY Text(4) DESI Symbol key
SKEYScale Integer DESI Universal SKEY scale factor
SMAXimum Integer DESI Maximum spool number in current spool drawing (Isodraft)
SMOMent Real(3) DESI Start moment component
South Real DESI Southing of position
SPKBrk Logical DESI ATTA flag to treat as a real element
SPLH Text(120) DESI Old Spooler head tube spool number
SPLN Text(120) DESI Old Spooler component spool number
SPLPrefix Text(120) DESI Spool number prefix (Isodraft)
SPLT Text(120) DESI Old Spooler tube spool number
SPMA Real DESI Specification angle maximum answer
SPOONumber Text(120) DESI Spool number including spool prefix
SPOWner Reference DESI Reference of SPEC owning SPCO of branch members
SPRA Real DESI Specification angle answer
SPRB Real DESI Specification bore answer
SPReference Reference DESI Component specification reference
SPSP Text(2) DESI Old Spooler spool prefix



SPWD Text DESI Specification text answer
SRELease Integer DESI Start releases ( packed )
STALEngth Real DESI Length of arrive straight tube
STAngle Real DESI Start angle
STLEngth Real DESI Length of leave straight tube
STLRef Reference DESI Steel reference
STMF Reference DESI Template selection pointer
STSPecification Reference DESI Structural specification
STYPe Text DESI Specon type question
SUPRef Reference DESI Support reference
SURFace Text(120) DESI Surface preparation
SZDIstance Real DESI Start load point in section
TAIl Reference DESI Synonym of TREFerence
TARFlag Reference DESI Target port reference
TBOre Real DESI Tail bore
TCAtreference Reference DESI Trace catalogue reference
TCDDefault Text(250) DESI Current design property default value
TCDProperty Text(250) DESI Current design property value
TCOnnection Word DESI Tail connection type
TCTLength Real DESI TRUE cut length
TDEtail Reference DESI Trace detail text reference
TDIrection Direction(3) DESI Tail direction
TDMFarray Ref(2) DESI Tail reference dimension (Isodraft)
TDMType Word(2) DESI Tail reference dimension type (Isodraft)
TDPRoperty Real DESI Template design dataset property
TDRText Text(120) DESI Trace detail RTEXT
TDSText Text(120) DESI Trace Detail STEXT
TDTText Text(120) DESI Trace Detail TTEXT
TEMperature Real DESI Temperature
TEND Text DESI Connection at other end of Tref (Head/Tail)
TEXIST Logical DESI TRUE if component has TUBI
TFDProperty Reference DESI Template design dataset property
TMATref Reference DESI Trace material text reference
TMAVerage Real DESI Average temperature
TMMAximum Real DESI Maximum temperature
TMMInimum Real DESI Minimum temperature



TMPReference Reference DESI Template reference from SPCO
TMXText Text(120) DESI Trace Material XTEXT
TMYText Text(120) DESI Trace Material YTEXT
TMZText Text(120) DESI Trace Material ZTEXT
TPONumber Integer DESI To port number
TPOSE Real DESI Easting of tail position
TPOsition Position(3) DESI Tail position
TPOSN Real DESI Northing of tail position
TPOSU Real DESI Upping of tail position
TPREFerence Reference DESI Tail point reference
TRANSformation Real(12) DESI Local transformation matrix
TREFerence Reference DESI Tail reference
TSFBReak Logical DESI Spooling marker attribute for components
TSPecification Reference DESI Tracing specification reference
TSPRef Reference DESI Trace specification component reference
TTYPe Word DESI Template type
TUCllength Real DESI Tube centreline length of branch
TULEngth Real DESI Tube length of branch
TWRF Reference DESI Tail working point (Router)
UBULGefactor Real DESI Used bulge factor for curve geometry
UCURType Word DESI Used curve type
Up Real DESI Upping of position
URADIus Real DESI Used radius for curve geometry
VALIDvalue Text(1000) DESI Valid value expression for VVALUE element
VIRFlag Logical DESI Virtual flag
WAMAximum Real DESI Maximum water level
WDESParam Word(100) DESI Design parameters as words
WEIghting Real(3) DESI Weighting value
West Real DESI Westing of position
WIDth Real DESI Width
WLDNumber Integer DESI Weld sequence number (Isodraft)
WLDPrefix Text(4) DESI Weld number prefix (Isodraft)
WLDREf Reference DESI Return reference from p-point or WELD to IWELD or RWELD
WMAXimum Integer DESI Maximum weld number in current spool drawing (Isodraft)
WORIentation Ori(3) DESI World orientation
WORPOSition Position(3) DESI World position



WTRANsformation Real(12) DESI Transformation matrix to World
WVOLume Real(6) DESI Enclosing box volume in World coordinates
X Real DESI Easting of position
XBOttom Real DESI Bottom X length
XBShear Real DESI Inclination of bottom face to local X axis
XLEngth Real DESI X length
XOFfset Real DESI X offset
XTOp Real DESI Top X length
XTShear Real DESI Inclination of top face to local X axis
Y Real DESI Northing of position
YBOttom Real DESI Bottom Y length
YBShear Real DESI Inclination of bottom face to local Y axis
YDIRection Direction(3) DESI Preferred Y axis direction
YLEngth Real DESI Y length
YOFfset Real DESI Y offset
YTOp Real DESI Top Y length
YTShear Real DESI Inclination of top face to local Y axis
Z Real DESI Upping of position
ZDIRection Direction(3) DESI Additional axis direction
ZDIStance Real DESI Position along p-line in section
ZLEngth Real DESI Z length


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