Hoi 3 Assignment

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Name Muskaan Taudon

ubpel tishay s Indka

Roll No:- dk21/ H3/4+3

Teachesy Signalare
Topic.. **** '*' *****°
* '

* * * * * *
**** ''* '**"'***

tHous Centmliztd OH &Cetualidd wos the tanly

Meditwal uiod?
nbuduc hon
htanly medwal peutd dpanning pom c boo CE-1300 CE
A to bel situatid btuun the eakly hupmal k nm dval

wa ldenhud as A phasc un the uanaH0n b

mtoliual. haugu Au bnt{hed mat muuly Tn drashe
uphtauel kut a L alao Locathdun Soc- bconomit,
poli'hcalaud cultuual condiont.
Ou etu icbist hutouital dath hat h he
udaleion debale uouu auound hin eutd.

Lalaun touly Mdiiun! puin aud

Jhin Hetimt puiod kilunen post-upt
Umngutc muphal impUL.
Semu scholans Aays that fheuu l lntaaiud lou
0 nnment, omu Aay hat heu udas cena lztd
Louin gouvunmnt
hugLu 3lypu Adrinualuatit uctne
Cnualiud dab onedel Tn tin model
the was
tht n t u o tae povey, hau all admnis tra'iue
pouer. kng alao had militauy pluttr aud all funds
camm hande o knq. Dnly he can qAant laue..

e-Ceialud e h model- Thdan udalusn stai

ne gatui tmpaet hi mdel Teacher s Sign ..
Topic.. *** *** ********

dorns aud muw

deudtd the ugionat Rngdom
qubrng land grant
ma de kirigs anu
nd ad
uialf stat Laus omonopoly evu
evUt au
tele Model: u mode!
wos wn
gentauy to hum
Burter SteinAccouding i
has bot talures otntralizal De- tenea
h i medel has mot yt th
thu a
th Lachud
Aten cntualzed nuclini kut tu ha
u i u k u ciiualirtd medel hauL u l eua
undir kuiy only tn_tou aud heDe-cei
sluuetuw e feoiivus nLLN aten In luuhn

Bt accerding o buuion Stin n Stymtntauyt

pu eatinu unu Aln pm heth LOuL andl paisua

To know whetheu hu sloh as Aubuaiie


Nor rda udelin dehals

-D.Chatiipadhyau-He ldentied 3 mau
eu pekioy
Auan fu has el Zaunilon
pecluis obta mpuu
Coming a salpi suttanati Teacher'sSin
...Date........ **********
Topic.. *** ****
****** *** *** ** ************'**

hi as u peuu'od _Negleet
ecay euubauiam
eu t clela kin9s ullr
eu eonatuucliig lov langt fenuplo
cau't say ct a puuwd dredne'
heuou uu

hn Lds abuaklesen_n concept cuulialo

(decoudluy to Maux)
2louu bupTa empuu dyyadlin conturuud ou n loop
yeas eut alta Gupta dynashs DM only booyeoz
Healno dubilird 3 rmajor puousuulhuch wun
openaltuu huoughout Dhdian histouy
1 Zhu trpansien oAtat ADcieby thnougl the puoc
local atak"feunation
olPeasandizaliom o u k cansl caat houmation
3Cut 0ppruapuualion aud artegualion.

5 ShaumAdecoudin t hn heu va
clne ad
Knentu alizalion a atat
Meuumud o peopl iu uitla 9es.

te uaualirad thu dectr ef Thday ong drslan

aduuith vanuou peti uould au u (all
uptau, Wbanuzatin aho aulleud.1n loustguuncu
puulhny m the coremy'y Ruualualuen

hu PosiHcal all ut thu deep aatid Aecal cui

Lotle'n knouenan kalyug Uisis tn anound thcentuny.
hun uisis ufletla tnabelity t uluus To
cacher's Sign *************
OpI... . * ******

erecise thei comuu aulhotuty ldoaf

To calliet wasuntLs aud
by suuunmmiany

h poutèal aulhonily took suceun

ndiitaucu o lausl quaAtA to u don
Zh denes uuy net enly evdausdd,
cut alio admnustnatiu
uith lau
!jvdiual ju
uwnal aud aeluas peasauilY: (Termdianiuh
u denets tnurgtd a
S0 emw
hes mte-mediaiu hen wa m
Lg1pral Ringde1 aus u l y Omirgnwy
Lunabl Zo(yeuLn Aoncion2

colluct tax Clack af Rnowtdge
kcamm mouL pauwrtul
nowtdt atqa 7

Sculau_donen_uee also puaut at that ti

Rs Shanma ako clasmd that hu king had
Citii/sm P s Shauma
uldea dtclin si tacls ufutrl k
b) Chatts padtuyay and Ranbi Chahvavauity

ALSucau tutcized thuLmanyif hutoppn

thet fmability tu disungush lauellouaum ari
Jon Inda uom udallm

taseban Muklia lommittd a prochhenen oMa

hutoay. uutng lm addluus
1n hdràn hiufory
Teachers Suu..
Topic **************** *********** .....Date...
************** * * ' * ' ' * * **************** **********'*

Rs Shuma wlo usas aluLady unclet attack sue-

corsideadsmm hu tauti peadion aud guuaty
n t d his u On Jralau lerudalsm
Sot ansfnud hu thiaiy fuom Kalyuga Cyuu>
Ccenemi aud soeal busin.
kaushambi - Hin thuny krouen 4 hup-wy
fhaouyarondng to hun fudallm fek placu In
aPhasuy Fusdabm piem lae
Heudalm om akou huans a Atat whvuna
a bing Luitd ubut pom Sub:oudnatin uaho atil
hultd h m n enwn uisht as lon4 as ay pabd fo kng
#Hu taxu uun sallectu diucty by kayal
Fudalsnkum &lo
A alapt _shenn a dan laudownun deuwlepd be Tunen
t h atat aud peasauiy nithin uietaje do nseild aumed
penur ruA hu tocal pepulalien. Taxesutre Colllelid
ky dnal lo+ts-9ntdiakies
Bp Chattopadhypy :-h gau Monutauy Smam ZuuO
h o s howw hat heuu au bougl euldeice
t he wueau duuelspmil auol nat decay m fasdy
maiual nod t haui bappntd at least a intoy ázo.

BD Chatlopalhyay, BNMukhjet and John& eyel

Undenmined ia amunption t dcastity e menuy.
He auguud hat kii had albundance 2ash lhut
uith lauel qrarita
an doyalty u goa
N Zha n hú Aerk Zn eudnl 4dor oaluded
paper plouing th ultunal aud ldeslogical dintuaex
Teachyr s Sign ...

dmenaion txplusud in

paptelat nulgion or Bhakti ln both luyenm

21p1 and douh

cult popuula pralst

likt a

d Alhakd Ao thi

Beeahmnno suUvwnder
Jo dety easil, .

Jabyiclir aval eyalty

keadal lora

South nde CabolU on Nalznu e pelk

h clubau e South Indià h basially on mo

polity 0hehun t b
Centealizd alat model decntralincd o

Sgmuntany Alat mdel

hus iuu modtels capet tru lauly Mmdtual peuia

ef Tndan kingdem uthe a AAuong_aud
utualezd slat oras ene decenbsálszel aud
du fontcgualien o a1 a atah ualicl has yet not
Ju ochkd to tu pealiin a a m g Dud cestraluied
Atat hough k d bau Attme af i chamc?
ptis h cou asenl Hu tapilal

hu phocen uhuil uokrd towand admnniti

cenbauitd anu Mrlallu aeun to deuuLO
Pnactui making laual 44aiti aleng uith
admuninhaiu puuuuges
hu bueak don of "OnOpoly o u e anmy
alat' monopoly
h hall
mask e a l y mdival polity 1s1 Sanas
ys em eizhubedriy
Topic.. ****'***''* '* '*
***************** ****. ......bate...
. ** *

theouiital mmodel krnoun ps

HaLO pluo quitlontd hu nadeAgmulay
m.aclil a4 JDel To plain u ptuwaillng yoti

An 5teu- He n puud hy thi atudau f to

Ocuty oy A:Southhall, Zu Stgmlukany ticon
uw thu ing ashauing wjsytd only bmihdthtir
uutouial aovuuigity
he lewnt e tialik, enidled enly an thu co
aua uun uhene thu puitneu ef qpusi Autonomous loei
admunin ion_ veas olsnalid ky cholas
ccouduiy o Stein the chanatleustis of Segnentauy madel-
Zhe dudl Aovesigmity conaiutid o acthaspoliHeal Aovtueignly
hat ucalud nituak Aegemer
Maultpiul cutas
uuimin the
6ppcnlrtd aclmunuabatiu Atal opvmatiny
a paut s
and mat micvaily beng
r i l i s alen.
h pumauy
Jhis theouy iu _also guun ky
Rihal Soveueigo hum contuucton o Srnassiuu
lein. decouiny'to pewn kut
lnkrpild nat a s mauk
emplu suncotaunittes, the kiny kung
a ymptema e polihal
punäpá uíhali

t t bas ualiond Teacher s/Sgn...
Heyman kulke
.Datc ***


u hual ANUugntiy
dcconduy him uin a asllionof .

in Tndia nibual ADuU101gn

t be An rpnal pat Ammmtrme and wtAumm
poc makes ef politcal pormet.
Bp thattopadhypy Gaut hiu orkeaalinliuu paliu
palu suu
And piúphural
days fhat enen agpny aCeu
Aouth Tndia kut i
m e t only thi katuu o
sealuu ushich me 2pmerally Au uá Nørth uada b

dccordiny t i hun hu srgmnlany_Aali
comcpte silaal sevvignly dannatifaet puuelu
uikaaaton ne
th besblm gf petiticalbainAtalh conupt
a ulzid uai a segmentauy
tud"do netLLally,AU
hum_A_tu puphery
Aut met unAu thum a conpornt Alak
tuat tu Blakti
MGSAaayamas1 tu aupuud lntisically aud
pSeutu audil uau
mmownuemt an
Lnhally eudal corlet
puguul that tnlu
Kshguuau Uiluhat
-te has
mudtivak path
p.olilical Abuurn,
h anuky
dnalis a s heudal au tanly
nola poluly

decondiny ihin u t ' i agLauiam kal

tin Aenk
Alak nly ttit uon hu eudy
fpotlicol peuty e
tpainun T e a c h e r ' s S g n... . . * * *
Topic.. Date.

YSubbaualu He puapoud thu mods! o

enly stat utuch wa latn uaud lay Jamu
titnan Za explain alah ecordlrg T hum tu
Laly_stath a hugbly sluabiid serio
palilucal yanmzalisn qnval b sug1la
ABcLal lation ma conplhn atlalliud
Aeiut oluded int *
Ruluhou uulaluenabip _usas

Rulld ky tu pelihcal hominaueL lem

aud tuikutnny 'ohlippten Lgultiud t a laar

l connat dicd ushthn u atat Laulu

mdtvnd pumod wwa nliialird s de
culnalhrud Jatcoun on_ont haud Achalasu
Lik R-S Shauma says tsad tuu atah Whs
d tiniualtd n main kut e nthw
Amu Aelhelany pntid out tha many ky
i t may
inplyum AoMaluuetd in Sota Ao
he Lulialrd lat.
aSo, LAunot Cmoludl it uin o u
pount. huu u Atl a mud othuY appeusachuo
ldentuku tu r u
maliu Atat aud
u a t a r h aswell.
thu u a Aop uthur

Teacher s Sign . . . ***

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