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the current medical device used to detection of kidney failure

chronic kidney disease is global health problem earely detection is ineffective but early detction is good
for future prevention. currently detection of kideny failure using serum creatinine test,blood urine
nitrogen test and imaging test such as ultra sound,MRI and CT scan . and also know kidney failure using
glomerular filtration rate(GFR) clculation below 60ml per minute per 1.73 m^2 for above three monthes
we can see the indication of kidney damage. [1]

serum creatine test is despite an average serum creatinine rate is blood filter measurement severe renal
dysfunction may still exist. compared to a serum creatinine level alone, an estimation of the GFR based
on the level correlates better with actual measurements of the GFR. it can identify more instances of
chronic kidney disease. Additionally individuals with similar serum creatinine levels could have various
estimated GFRs.After adjusting for age, sex, and race, clinically relevant GFR estimates are generated
from the measured serum creatinine level. [1] For women, a normal GFR is 100 mL per minute per 1.73
m2. for males, a normal GFR is 120 mL per minute per 1.73 m2. [1]

GFR = 186*(Scr/88.4)^-1.154 *(age)^-0.203 *(0.742,if female)*(1.21 ,if black)

Scr=0.5to 1.1 mg/dl for women and 0.6to 1.2 mg/dl for men for normal condition

i.e GFR=glomerular filtration rate Scr=serum creatinine rate

blood urinary nitrogen test is series of urine test it includes visual,microscopic examination of urine
sample as well as dip stick measure various substance in stick.

Imaging it can be provides structural information. Non-invasive imaging by ultrasound, magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) are helpful to imaging of kideney structure in
our body.These imaging modalities empower palatable visualization and assessment of the urinary tract
and additional renal pathologies influencing the kidneys. CT and MRI imaging display their dangers and
downsides, counting radiation presentation and potential renal harm from the organization of iodinated
differentiate medium within the case of CT filters, being expensive to perform, and within the case of
MRI, having constrained persistent choice due to specific contraindications. . consider CT and MRI
imaging have been delivered informative in specific situations do not commonly used in chronic kideney
disease diagnosis . [2]

Biosensors and chemical sensors can be utilised to detect and evaluate several CKD salivary biomarkers.
[3]The biosensor is a device that analyses biological samples to determine the presence or concentration
of a specific component. The transducer is the most important component of a biosensor. It is responsible
for converting a biological response into an electrical signal. Depending on the application, transducers
can be electrochemical, optical, piezoelectric, or thermal. The sensor's selectivity is determined by the
receptor that identifies the target analyte. Enzymes, antibodies, lipid layers, nucleic acids, and
immobilised cells are all examples of receptors. The analogue signal produced at the transducer's output is
transformed to a digital signal and processed to obtain the readings at the display unit. One of the most
efficient biomarkers for detecting renal illness is urea. The urea concentration is measured in this study to
detect CKD. [3]There are several equipment and methods for determining urea concentration. To detect
CKD, numerous sensors and techniques have been proposed. Desai et al. created an ultrasensitive sensor
for the detection of CKD. [3]


[1] n. k. foundation, "google scholar," 9 march 2002. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 february 2005].

[2] K. M. M. H. e. w. k. U Rajendra Acharya, "Automated detection of chronic kidney disease using

higher-order features and elongated quinary patterns from B-mode ultrasound images," 25 juanary
2019. [Online]. [Accessed august 2020].

[3] s. s. a. s. satyanayarana myrthy nimmagadda, "google scholar," 13 december 2022. [Online].

Available: [Accessed no no 2022].

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