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Delvers of truth! Salvagers of the memory of the world! Seekers of the limits of the tangible reality! You will not find answers here, only more questions. So, go deep if you dare. Just remember. As Above, so Below. Now the Land of the Warp is riven by powers beyond mortal ken. Whatever god may once have watched over this doomed world has long since turned away. Science and learning are shunned as the agents of a barely remembered, now- incomprehensible cataclysm. A hollow religion’s iron-clad fist forces ignorance on the remnants of humanity as they live, mutate and die beneath a shattered, ever-shifting sky. 1 1, Text from Wyrd Science Magazine. Written by Walton Wood. Index Rules Human Attributes Tests Difficulty Modifiers Difficulty Assesment Of An Action Complications Willpower Hit Points Combat Npc Level Levels Special Damage Effects Slashing Bashing Piercing Hit Location Table Combat Distances Create Your Character Personality Flaws Background Table Skills Equipment Coinage Weapons Armor Mounts General Goods Food Services & Lodging Clothing The Tenet Table For Partial Mutations Table For Complete Mutations Table For Mutant Flaws Complications With Artifacts Gifts From The Void Taint Effects Riddles RRR an Sowecoveconmaananan Rules Agility: This relates to the character’s movement, coordination, balance and grace. It is used for Dodging, making Ranged Attacks and Stealth. Most of the physical activities that require nimbleness rather than strength are tested with this attribute. Might: The physical power, resistance, health and stamina of the character. This attribute is used for Melee Attacks and feats of strength. It is also indicative of the character’s total Hit Points. Resistance tests against disease, poison and Warp effects are also performed with this stat. Lore: ‘his measures a character's knowledge and wisdom. It is indicative of his/her capacity to learn and recall. Lore tests are performed frequently during the game session to determine proficiency in a particular task related to Skills, Concept and Gifts. Willpower is equal to half the Lore attribute number rounded down. Wits: A character’s capacity for quick, inventive thought and social interaction. He/she is cunning, has a knack with words and is persuasive. It also covers perception and risk assessment of a situation. Both Initiative and Surprise tests are performed with this attribute. Human attributes range from $ to 10. Attribute Assessment 8 = Good 9 = Very good 10 = Excellent 5 = Poor Mediocre 7 = Regular Tests When a Player wants his/her Character to do something, he/ she must first describe how he/ she wants to do it and his/ her intention. Then the Game Master will indicate the attribute corresponding to that action. The player must then roll 2d6 (two six-sided dice). If the result is equal to or less than the attribute number corresponding to that action, then the action is carried out successfully, and the Game Master narrates the outcome. Tf the result is greater than the attribute number, then the action fails and there will likely be a consequence described by the Game Master. Any successful result equal to or greater than 8 will be considered a Critical Success. These outstanding successes involve a highly effective action that must be described accordingly by the Game Master. In combat, a Critical Success causes a roll in the Hit Location Table and a Special Effect according to the type of damage caused. To sum it up, the higher the result obtained in the 2d6 roll without surpassing the corresponding attribute number, the better the overall performance of the action. Difficulty Modifiers As expected, some actions are more difficult than others. Riding a terror bird for the first time across the dangerous paths of the Wurmspine is not the same as riding the family’s mastodon on a well-known road towards Citadel. Fighting a petty crook in an alley is not as challenging as fighting a city guard. Modifiers that directly affect an attribute when making a roll are used to express these variable difficulties. Difficulty Assesment of an Action ‘These modifiers affect the attribute before the dice roll. Easy +1 Medium+0 Hard -1 Very Hard -2 Almost Impossible -3 What is a scene? Like in theatre, a scene is a situation placed within a context. It is a small narrative unit within a larger narrative. A fight on a crumbling terrace in Citadel, bartering in the marketplace or a seedy meeting in a tavern are all examples of scenes. Complications Whenever a player rolls a 1/1 or 6/6 result on his/her main action, a complication arises. Perhaps that merchant the players are bartering with has become suspicious of the PCs, ormaybe that successful daring jump resulted in a strained knee that requires a Might test to avoid suffering some minor damage and a temporary limp. Complications may require another roll or incur a minor direct consequence at the GM discretion. Ifthe PC rolls a 1/1, the action will be barely successful and will cause acomplication. Ifthe PC rolls a 6/6, the action will fail miserably and will also cause a complication. Combat Complications examples (The GM may simply choose one or roll a d6) The Character... 1- Falls. 2- Drops an item. 3 - Damages his/her weapon (stone, bone and obsidian are rendered useless). 4-Is exhausted. Loses 1 Willpower. 5S - Hurts a nearby ally or himself/ herself for minimum damage. 6 - Becomes dazed. -1 to all rolls on the next round. Willpower is both a powerful resource for players and a variable stat that is equal to half the Lore attribute number rounded down. It can be spent to reroll one single dice in a result. Spending Willpower must always be declared before rolling the dice for an action. Willpower tests are performed by rolling 2d6 equal to or below 5 + the remaining Willpower points. ‘These tests are required by the Game Master when attempting to resist personality flaws, mind- affecting magicks and fear. A character without Willpower left will have a difficult time resisting his tendency to drink heavily or that Confusion spell a sinister sorcerer is preparing for him. Willpower is a dynamic measure of a character’s determination and mental resilience. Players should be careful when spending it. A character with no remaining Willpower will feel exhausted and all of his/her actions will receive a-1 penalty until he/she recovers. PCs can replenish one single Willpower point after having a comfortable sleep. Hit Points of a PC are equal to the Might attribute number. PCs can recover 1 single Hit Point after having a comfortable sleep. Some particularly gruesome wounds might require Might tests to heal over time. WOUNDED characters that have lost half or more of their Hit Points receive a -1 to all their actions. HEAVILY WOUNDED characters that have 1 Hit Point left receive -2 to all their actions. INCAPACITATED characters with zero Hit Points left will die unless their wounds are treated in 1d6 rounds. Treating wounds will stop bleeding and restore 1 HP. This requires a successful Lore test and can only be attempted once per wound received. PCs without the Herbalist skill will receive a -2 difficulty to the action. COMBAT is a fast and dramatic experience that must be roleplayed accordingly. Players should be eloquent with their actions and intentions; Game Masters should be descriptive about the consequences. In Warpland, only the players roll; neither the enemies nor the Game Master. An Action is blocking, casting, treating wounds, etc. An Action is NOT dodging, shouting, moving, etc. attacking, sprinting, MOVEMENT: During combat, a PC can move twice his/her Agility in feet while performing an action, or four times if he/she sprints (forfeiting his/her action). Combat is divided into rounds. At the start of each round, each Player must take a Wits test for Initiative. Those who are successful start before the enemy, and those who fail go after. During each round, Players take turns to act according to their Initiative test results. The GM should decide turn order considering dice rolls and context—prioritizing always both drama and momentum. Melee attacks are made with Might. Ranged attacks are made with Agility. Dodges are made with Agility. To successfully DODGE an enemy’s attack, the PC must roll a result equal to or below his/her Agility stat. Remember that only players roll, so whenever a PC is attacked, he/she must take a Dodge test to avoid damage. BLOCKING an enemy attack is an action that can be performed only if the PC has won Initiative. This action requires a Might test and it works just like a Dodge when assessing damage. DAMAGE is included in the Attack and in the Dodge test. When a PC attacks, Damage is determined by the highest rolled dice plus additional bonus modifiers for the weapon that is being used. (See page 22.) When a PC fails to dodge an enemy’s attack, damage is equal to the difference between the total dice result and the Player Character’s Agility stat plus additional bonus modifiers for the weapon that is being used. A 6/6 on the Dodge roll will trigger Special Damage Effects. After crossing the river, Athor, the character interpreted by Mathew, comes face to face with a Morlock, a Level 0 creature, wielding a crude stone axe. ‘Ihe Game Master calls for an Initiative test. Athor has Wits 7; Mathew rolls 2d6 and gets 42, a total number of 6. A success! He gets to act first. He decides to attack the Morlock with his knife. He must roll a result below his Might (8) to successfully hit his enemy. Mathew rolls 23, a total number of 5. Another success! ‘the highest rolled dice is 3, so he deals 3 Damage plus an additional 1 for his weapon modifier, in this case, a knife. Athor’s attack has delivered a total of 4 Damage to the Morlock. The Game Master describes how the knife is buried in the belly of the subhuman, making him howl in pain. The Morlock now retaliates with his stone axe. The damage received has exceeded half his Hit Points, so he is now considered Wounded and this grants a +1 bonus to Athor to all actions against the Morlock. Athor tries to dodge the attack using his Agility (7, adjusted to 8 because of the enemy’s wounds). Mathew rolls 46, a total number of 10, a miss! The difference between his total dice result and his adjusted Agility is 2. The stoneaxe has a +2 damage modifier. The attack deals a total of 4 Damage to Athor. The Game Master describes how the axe slashes the flesh of his right leg. Things are not looking good for Athor. The Game Master then asks for another Initiative test. NPC Level Each Non-Player Character has a Level (instead of attributes). PCs receive a penalty (to their attribute) equal to the Level whenever they test against that NPC; this means it affects Social Interaction, Initiative, Attacks, Dodge tests, etc. Levels Level 0: Commoners. Simple folk. Morlocks. Small animals. Petty thieves. Level 1: City guards, Professional thieves. Skull Riders. Morlock chieftains. Big animals. Level 2: Veterans. Chimeras. Warlords. Lictors. Minor demons. Level 3: Heroes and champions. Liches. Demons. Legendary monsters of the realm. Morale Tests are done by the GM against a number equal to 5 + NPC level. Druuna, the character interpreted by Lisa, is trying to convince a Lictor that she isn’t involved with a wanted technocrat. ‘The Game Master asks Lisa to take a Wits test with a -2 modifier to the attribute because the Lictor is a Level 2 NPC. Lisa’s character has Wits 8— brought down to 6 in this action after applying the NPC level modifier. She rolls 2/5, a total dice result of 7. She fails. The Game Master describes the look of incredulity in the Lictor’s face, who then orders the city guards to seize her immediately. Special Damage Effects come into play when rolling a Critical Success in an attack. That is a total successful result of 8 or more on the 2d6 roll when a PC attacks ora 6/6 when dodging an NPC attack. Slashing Bleeding. The victim will suffer 1 additional damage in each subsequent round until the wound is treated (a Lore test with -2 difficulty unless the character is askilled Herbalist). Bashing Knockdown. The victim falls to the ground, suffering -2 to all actions until he/she spends an action to get up. Piercing Penetration. The attack willignore the victims armor protection. Use the Hit Location Table to aid the combat narrative of Special Damage Effects. If damage exceeds more than half the total Hit Points, the victim is maimed or crippled for life. Hit Location Table Rolla d6 1-Leg 2- Abdomen 3- Torso 4-Left arm 5- Right arm 6 - Head (+1 dmg) PCs may aim at a specific body location with a -1 penalty. Remember, not all the areas of the body are protected by armor. Combat Distances Close combat 0- Sft_-1 to Ranged Attacks Nearby 6 - 60ft No modifiers Far 61 -100ft -1 to Ranged Attacks Very far 101 - 150ft -2 to Ranged Attacks Create Your Character 1-Think of a concept. Then choose a name and describe your character’s appearance. 2-Choose a Personality Flaw and write down your Proverb. That is a recurring phrase that sums up your character’s ideals and life philosophy. 3-Distribute 8 points among your four attributes, which start at a base of 5. 4-Choose 1 skill for each point greater than 5 in Lore. Write down the equipment you own according to your chosen skills and concept. 5-Roll a d20 on the Background Table. If you decide to be a Mutant, go to Gifts from the Warp. 6-For Wealth, roll 1d6 x 10 copper pieces. Remember! Rules exist to support gameplay. Attention should be focused on the story. 10 Personality Flaws Personality Flaws must be resisted with Willpower tests. The Game Master should make a note of using these when the situation demands it. Additionally, he/she — may occasionally and discretionally reward 1 Willpower point to a player who actively interprets a character’s flaw. If a PC spends all their Willpower, he/she is obliged to represent his/her character’s flaw to the fullest on the following scene. Pick one from the list or make up your own. Addicted Lazy Bad-tempered = Masochist Compassionate Melancholic Coward Naive Cruel Pessimist Delusional Phobic Fanatical Repulsive Greedy Savage Hedonist Superstitious Honorable Thrill-seeker Joker Trickster Kleptomaniac Vain Background Table Roll a d20 or make up your own 1-An embittered —_ warlord considers you a menace. 2-Your village was ravaged by Morlocks. 3-You are blamed for burning a Temple of the Light. 4-A creature from the abyss slaughtered your family before your eyes. 5-You owe a large sum of gold to a powerful merchant from Zur. 6-You are the son ofan infamous witch. 7-A warlock is hunting you. 8-You have disgraced a great warrior who wants to recover his honor. 9-You are responsible for the death of a most respected holy man. 10-You were once a proud priest, but your faith was stolen from you by a terrible sight. 11-You were imprisoned for years in the dungeons of Citadel. 12-You have murdered a member of the Council of Citadel. 13-You have betrayed your friends and loved ones. 14-You served as a slave for the Iron Lords in the infamous peat bogs of Sunno. 15-Your mother has been lost to the corruption of the Taint. 16-For some reason, a Lictor is looking for you. 17-You were kidnapped by Skull Riders when you were a child. 18-You witnessed firsthand the calamities of the Rot. 19-A Spectator has been following you all your life for unknown reasons. 20-Your father was a feared and respected Watcher. Skills measure what your character knows and owns. A Player Character that wishes to accomplish a task in which he/she is unskilled will receive a Very Hard (-2) modifier to the corresponding attribute. For each number greater than § in Lore, a player character can choose one skill. Technocrat Warrior Bard Travelers Thief Hunter Merchant Beastmaster Healer Disciple Ascetic Professional Priests Fool Warlock Equipment Weight Categories: 1-Light (daggers, potions, cudgels, etc.) 2-Medium (swords, clubs, shields, light armor, etc.) 3-Heavy (two-handed weapons, medium armor, etc.) 4-Very heavy (mauls, full metal armor, etc.) Reach provides a +1 to Initiative tests Ranged weapons can be used at all combat distances with their appropriate difficulty modifiers. Small weapons (and punches) receive a -1 to Initiative tests against regular-size weapons. ‘Thrown weapons can be used up to the Nearby combat distance (60ft). Shields confer +1 to armor and provide +1 bonus to Blocks. Slow provides a -1 negative modifier to Initiative tests. Coinage All coinage in the land is made up of crude copper stamped with designs corresponding to the city they were issued in. Gold jewelry iscommonly used in sizable trades, with varying values depending on its weight and craftsmanship.Jade, a precious stone that can be found where Warp lightning has struck obsidian, is also accepted for commercial exchange and is considered a protection against curses. A small jade stone, called a “thumb ‘’, is worth 100-150 cp. A medium-size jade stone, called a ‘‘fist’’, is worth 200-300 cp. A big jade stone, called a “head "’, is worth 400-600 cp. A gold earring is worth 300 cp. A gold ring is worth 450 cp A gold bracelet is worth 550 cp. A gold circlet is worth 600 cp. A gold torc is worth 800 cp. 11 WEIGHT PRICE 2 140 Battle axe * +3 Slashing. Two-handed. 3 250 Bolas +1 Bashing. Thrown (if aimed at legs, automatic knockdown). 1 25 Bow +1 Piercing. Range. 1 120 Buckler +1 to Block. Off hand. 1 60 Club +2 Bashing. Two-handed. 2 20 Cudgel +1 Bashing. Small. 1 20 Dagger +1 Piercing. Small. Thrown. 1 65 Fhil +1 Bashing. Ignores shields. 2 80 Greatsword" +2 Slashing or +1 Piercing. Reach. +1 Block. Two-handed. 3 430 Hatchet +1 Slashing. Small. Thrown. 1 50 Mace * +2 Bashing. 2 90 Maul +3 Bashing. Two-handed. Slow. 4 30 Morning star * +2 Piercing. Two-handed. 2 140 Shield +1 Block. +1 Armor. Off hand. 2 95 Short spear +1 Piercing. Thrown. Two-handed. 1 75 Sling +1 Bashing. Range. 1 10 Spear +1 Piercing. Reach. Thrown. Two-handed. 2 130 Staff +1 Bashing. Reach. Two-handed. 2 25 Sword * +2 Slashing or +1 Piercing. +1 Block. 2 350 THE USAGE DIC! - When you use an expendable item like - Items that are almost empty use a d4. rations, arrows, crystal shards, etc., roll the - Whenever you roll 1 or 2, you must usage dice once. downgrade the usage dice of that item. This - Items at their full capacity use a d8. a simple and effective way of keeping track of - Items at half their capacity use a d6. all the consumable goods. ARMOR DAMAGE REDUCTION WEIGHT PRICE Light armor: hide, bone and leather 1 2 90 Medium armor: leather combined with metal parts 2 3 350 Heavy armor: full metal plates 3 4 650 Cap, bone or leather composite 1 (head) 1 90 Helmet, metal 2 (head) 1 220 War mask, metal 3 (head) and -1 to Perception tests 2 300 MOUNTS CARRYING CAPACITY PRICE & LOCATION “Auroch—~=~*~*~*~<~*«

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