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Role of Human Resources Manager

Prepared BY;

Daniyal and kazim

Role of Human Resources Manager

Operational Roles
Administrative Role
Fire fighting Role
Management of Services
Contemporary Role
Role of HRM

Operational Roles
Advising management for effective use of HR
Strategic Human Resources Planning
Recruitment, selection, Training and Development
Meseasurement and assessment of Individual and group role
Job analysis, Job description and Job evaluation
Performance appraisal, Merit rating, compensation and benefits
Organisation Development and Planning
Research in HR problems, policies and survey
Role of HRM:

Administrative Role:
Time Keeping
Salary and Wage administration
Maintenance of records
Human Engineering-Man/Machine relationship
HR information and assessment system
Role of HRM:

Fire fighting Role:

Grievance Handling
Settlement of Disputes and Union Management negotiations
Disciplinary Procedure
Collective Bargaining
Joint council and Workers participation in Management
Industrial relation issues
Role of HRM

Role of HRM Management of welfare services:

Management of Canteen, co-operative stores,
Transport, Crèche, Hospital and first aid, Health care and safety,
Group Dynamics
Individual and group counselling, motivation
Leadership development
Statutory compliance like PF, ESI, Gratuity and so on
Role of HRM

Contemporary Role:
Top 10 activities in terms of priority of HR professionals
Performance management Systems
Talent acquisition
Measuring HR performance
Leadership Development
Role of HRM:

Potential assessment
Induction of new entrants
Integrating Human Resources
Managing information Systems
Retaining strategies
Multiskill development
Knowledge management
Change the culture of the organization if it is not productive
Use emotional aspect as a tool of getting people to change how they
This will require a proactive approach to make internal
communications more frequent and more effective. It will require an
admission that mistakes will happen when people innovate
Out sourcing activities in HR

Top 10 activities which can be outsourced:

Out bound training
Compensation surveys
Salary administration
Psychometric Tests
HR Audit
Attitude surveys
Assessment Centre
E Learning concepts
HR Accounting
Competency Mapping
HR Manager-Competencies

General competencies/Characteristics required for a HR Manager:

Sense of Vocation
Sense of Social responsibility
Leadership development
Personal Integrity
Capacity for persuasion
Dynamic personality which consist of Spontaneous speech, public
speaking, understanding face expression and gestures, courtesy,
social awareness, personal dignity and Negotiator and good
HR Manager-Competencies:

Specific competencies of HR Manager:

Managerial competency : Knowledge of business, Aligning HR with
organizational functions, Cross functional exposure and planning and
Functional Competency : Ways to retain talent, Methods to assess
effectiveness of training, creating value (in HR) in business, Acting
facilitators for organizational transformation and Business driven HR
activities rather than vice versa
HR Manager-Competencies:

Specific Skills:
Managing change, Building organizational culture, e-learning design
and development,

IT Savvy, Computer driven testing, Global bench marking and tools for
managing large scale changes in HR
• HR Manager-Competencies:
• Attitudinal change :
• Pro active in anticipating issues and problems
• Willingness to focus on business objective
• Building effective relationship between the individuals and
• As such HR Manager is a Strategic partner, Administrative expert,
Employee champion and act as change agent
• As such HR Manager……..
• HR must turn outside business trends and stakeholder expectations
into internal actions
• HR should focus on both business results and human capital
• HR should target both individual ability and organisation capabilities
and bring sustainable and integrated solutions
•Thank You

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