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Quarter 4
In today’s world dominated by computers, a great deal of change has happened that have
taken away the very essence of our physicality as human beings: the opportunity to move. A massive shift
from physical labor to office jobs, engagement in passive forms of entertainment and recreation, and
development of a sedentary lifestyle are just but natural consequences of the luxury offered by the
advancements in science and technology.
Increased weight gain has led leading to obesity, development of heart diseases, diabetes, and certain
types of cancer just some of the eventual disadvantages of physical inactivity. This is the very reason why
you will be introduced to cheer dancing and contemporary dancing as means to achieve healthy living.

Cheerdance is coined from the words, cheer and dance. To cheer is to shout out words or phrases that may
help motivate and boost the morale of a playing team and perform better during a game. Dance, on the other
hand, is a physical activity where one expresses emotions or gestures while performing bodily movements
usually in time with rhythm. Cheerdancing rooted from cheerleading. Cheerleading is the performance of
a routine, usually dominated by gymnastic skills such as jumps, tumbling skills, lifts and tosses combined
with shouting of cheers and yells to lead the crowd to cheer for a certain team during a game or sport. It
originated in the United States. Due to Filipinos’ love for dancing, they added more dance routines to their
cheers and came up with the term cheerdance wherein it is a routine composed of yells and cheers,
gymnastic skills (pyramids and tosses, stunts, tumbling skills, arm and hand positions and jumps), and dance
(fusion of different dance genres). Today, cheerdancing is identified as one of the most spectacular events in
one of the biggest collegiate sports events in the country, the UAAP (University Athletic Association of the

Common Injuries Involved In Recreation
A sprain is a stretch or tear of a ligament, the band of connective tissues that joins the end of one bone with
another. Sprains are caused by trauma such as a fall or a blow to the body that knocks a joint out of
position and, in the worst case, ruptures the supporting ligaments.

A strain is a twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon - a cord of tissue connecting muscle to bone. It is an
acute, non-contact injury that results from overstretching or over-contraction. Symptoms of a strain include
pain, muscle spasm and loss of strength. On the other hand, it is hard to tell the difference between mild and
moderate strains, severe strains not treated professionally can lead to permanent damage and loss of

Knee Injuries
Due to its complex structure and weight-bearing function, the knee is the most commonly injured joint.
Each year, more than 5.5 million people visit orthopedic surgeons for knee problems. Knee injuries can
result from a blow to or twist to the knee, from improper landing after a jump or from running too hard,
too much or without proper warm up.
A fracture is a break in the bone that can occur from either a quick, one-time injury to the bone (acute
fracture) or from repeated stress to the bone over time (stress fracture).

When two bones that come together to form a joint become separated, the joint is described as being
dislocated. Contact sports such as football, basketball and lacrosse, as well as high impact sports that can
result in excessive stretching or falling, cause the majority of dislocations. A dislocated joint is an
emergency situation that requires medical treatments.

II. Learning Skills from the MELCs:
 Assesses physical activities, exercises and eating habits (PE10PF-IIIa-h-39)
 Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day in and out of
school (PE10PF-IIIc-h-45)

Summative Test

_____1. What do you call the repeating movement sequence from end to beginning of the step?
a. Retrograde b. Successionc. Mirroring d. Theme and variation

_____2. What movement of the body is changing position less than 360 degrees turn?
a. Twist b. Pivot c. Rotation d. Turn

_____3. What bone injury occur when two bones (ball & socket joint) forcibly separated?
a. Fracture b. Strain c. Dislocation d. Sprain

_____4. How do you execute tabletop arm movement in cheer dance?

a. Hands in blades, at the chin, elbows in
b. Arms bent at elbow, fist in front of shoulders
c. Arms extended straight and parallel to each other, fist facing in
d. One arm extended straight up, one arm on hip, in a fist

_____5. How do you execute punch arm movement in cheer dance?

a. Arms extended straight and parallel to each other, fist facing in
b. Hands in blades, at the chin, elbows in
c. One arm extended straight up, one arm on hip, in a fist
d. Arms bent at elbow, fist in front of shoulders

Performance Task-Use the space/page available in this LAS.

Draw your final position/posing of a cheer dance.

Prepared by:


Noted by: Approved by:


OIC, T-III MAPEH Dept. Assistant School Principal II, JHS


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