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students, teachers, and the

management being co-
partners in raising the quality
of higher educa on, it is
impera ve that we share a
major responsibility in making
this system credible and

We have complete academic

autonomy from this year. What
differen ates an excellent
educa onal ins tu on from
a mediocre one is the process
of educa on it employs in
training young minds. This
process would include not
only classroom teaching
W hen we look around and see the intensity
and the enormity of violence, intolerance,
terrorism, religious fundamentalism, and so on, we
and extracurricular ac vi es but also the ethos and
climate of the campus. Educa on does not happen in a
vacuum, but in an environment which is conducive for
ask the ques on, “Why are they doing so even though
students to imbibe the values of life and to cope with it.
they have gone through good and sound educa on in
This is exactly what we try to cul vate in our students
pres gious ins tu ons?” The answer to this ques on is
in this new university yet a very old ins tu on– an
the lack of integral educa on which teaches the values
environment for the total growth of an individual.
of life, respect for each other, and religion. Based on
The crea on of such a climate is a con nuous and
the fact that ‘values are caught and taught’, parents,
challenging process and we constantly strive for its
teachers, peers, family, and society should influence
crea on.
the behaviour of young people for the forma on of a
harmonious and peaceful society. Their minds have to
To all the outgoing students, you have lived here for
be regulated and courage must be ins lled to choose
a few years! You blossomed into men and women
what is good and right in every choice that they make.
of excellence and made this great ins tu on greater
This is the responsibility of every sensible person in
again. Do come back to sip again that air of freedom
society so that all may live civilly, respec ng each other
with nostalgia and love. We will be there to receive
as fellow human beings.
you, no ma er what sta on in life you hold, rejoicing
with you and comfor ng you. Good luck! Be great and
St Joseph’s University is precisely trying to impart
be persons for others.
such kind of quality educa on to the youth of today
by helping them to do their best in any field that they
Fr Swebert D’ Silva, SJ
take up, urging them to go far and building in them a
Rector & Pro Chancellor
character that cares for others. The exercise of academic
St Joseph’s University
freedom by teachers in an autonomous university
system is a crucial requirement for the development
of the intellectual climate of the ins tu on and of
our country. Through this climate of freedom, we
can achieve excellence in higher educa on. With
We delight in the beauty of the
bu erfly but rarely admit the
changes it has gone through
to achieve that beauty. Indeed,
what a journey it has been,
through the struggles, the
triumphs, the learnings and the
memories. I am grateful to our
rich roster of Josephite veterans,
staff, alumni/ae and students
who were commi ed to the
dream and not the comfort
zone. God plants dreams in
our hearts to fulfil His purpose
on earth. The mission of our
forefathers that SJU con nues
to advocate is to strive to bring

T ransi on is God’s way of promo on. We praise God a smile to the deprived, the
because of Whom we have made it this far. disadvantaged and the depressed around us; to show
compassion, courage, character and commitment to
To have finally emerged a university, in the land of make every sacrifice required to bring about a radical
universi es and centres of learning that have a racted improvement in the lot of the last, the least and the lost.
scholars from many parts of the world, is indeed nothing In the words of John F. Kennedy who said, “A society that
short of a conquest. I s ll vividly remember waking up cannot help many who are poor, cannot save the few
every day hoping, “Today will be the day”; si ng in this who are rich”, we understand that our be erment lies
very same office checking my emails and no ces to see if in the be erment of the en re society. As a university,
any no fica on had arrived, with my excitement peaking we now aim not just to disseminate knowledge but to
with each passing day. And on July 2, 2022 at 11:00 am, create knowledge. Our na on needs growth, but more
when I visited the Department of University Educa on, importantly, it needs inclusive growth, leaving no sec on,
Government of Karnataka along with Dr Regina Mathias community or individual behind. This means educa on
and Fr Denzil Lobo, SJ, and held the Government for all and research and innova on that create products
no fica on declaring St Joseph’s College a University, and services which are affordable and accessible to all.
our joy and gra tude were boundless. I pictured the Science must solve, technology must transform, and
faces of our forefathers smiling upon us from heaven. innova on must impact. We need inclusive innova ons
From St Joseph’s College in 1882 to St Joseph’s College that are transforma ve and affordable solu ons that can
(Autonomous) in 2005 to now St Joseph’s University save millions of lives. With our eyes set on this next goal,
in 2022, God has been so faithful to us throughout we set out to make St Joseph’s University the heart of
our journey. A new name with new ideas, renewed educa on, innova on and solu on.
commitment and a renewed spirit but spearheaded by
the same me-tested value system, we are St Joseph’s Let us not rest on our laurels, but instead with the spirit
University, the first-of-its-kind Public-Private-Partnership of MAGIS strive to con nuously elevate our University
University in India, upgraded by the Ministry of Human to new heights through unwavering commitment and
Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India innova on. May God bless St Joseph’s University.
under Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), the
third Jesuit University in the country and the first one in Dr Fr Victor Lobo, SJ
South India. Vice-Chancellor
College Day Report 2022-23
At St Joseph’s University, in away on April 11, 2023 This year saw the glorious
keeping with the nearly 150 year Centenary Celebra ons of the SJU
old legacy of Jesuit pedagogy, we Alumni Associa on on Sunday,
have been keeping our focus on Inaugura on of SJU February 5, 2023. During the event,
challenging students to integrate The unprecedented highlight of a special postal cover was released
the intellectual, the spiritual and the year gone by was undoubtedly commemora ng the centennial
the social dimensions of their lives. our transi on from St Joseph’s celebra on of the St Joseph’s
Thanks to Almighty God, in this College to St Joseph’s University! Alumni/ae Associa on, the oldest
academic year too, we were able In February 2021, St Joseph’s alumni associa on in the state.This
to re-dedicate ourselves to the University bill was presented in year also saw 75th Pla num Jubilee
founda onal touchstone of our the Karnataka Legisla ve Assembly celebra ons of the Hostel Block
ins tu on, holis c, transforma ve, and was subsequently passed and illustrious alumni/ae were in
enabling educa on based on our by the Legisla ve Assembly and a endance on January 26, 2023 to
mo o - Faith and Toil. And truly, we Karnataka Legisla ve Council. The mark the occasion.
have been rewarded for following college received its University
our goals consistently, as this year status on July 2, 2022 and was
St Joseph’s College became St inaugurated as India’s first Public- Last College Day & Gradua on Day
Joseph’s University. Private-Partnership University The last academic session came
by the Honourable President of to a close with 139th College Day
India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu on being celebrated on July 13, 2022,
Presen ng the Annual Report for September 27, 2022. The Hon’ble and the Gradua on Day or Farewell
2022-23. This report consists of President unveiled the plaque to being conducted on July 14, at the
the highlights and achievements of mark the historic milestone of College Grounds.
Shi s I (7 am), Shi II (11 am) and the inaugura on. Most Rev Dr
Shi III (3 pm onwards). Peter Machado, the Archbishop of
Bengaluru, offered his prayers and Re ring Staff
invoked the blessings of Christ over Mr Vedavyasa TV (Dept of
Deceased Josephite Family SJU. The occasion was also graced by Chemistry), Dr Veena Adiga (Dept
While we come together in the presence of Hon’ble Governor of Physics), Dr Sajida Ahmed (Dept
celebra ng the ever greater heights of Karnataka Shri Thaawarchand of Hindi), Mr Venkataramana B
of our ins tu on, let us take a Gehlot, Hon’ble Chief Minister of (A ender), Mr Anthony Swamy
moment of silence to remember Karnataka Shri Basavaraj Bommai, (Prakash), (A ender), and Mr
these members of our Josephite Hon’ble Minister for Higher Dominic Savio (Peon) have re red
family whom we have lost this year, Educa on Shri C N Ashwathnarayan, a er a long and illustrious service
in physical form, but we carry them and several other eminent guests. this academic year. We wish them
in our spirit. The ins tu on was hailed by the a healthy and happy re red life
dignitaries not just for being a part ahead.
Dr Putul Banerjee (Department of the growth of Bengaluru but
of Zoology) - passed away on also that of the whole of Karnataka
November 1, 2022 and for giving excellent students Ins tu on Day
Prajanya Thapa (III JIP) - passed to society who have excelled in all It is customary for the members of
away on December 30, 2022 fields. the Bangalore Jesuit Educa onal
Rushil Jain (21BBAA77) - passed Society (BJES) to come together for
away on February, 14 2023 Ins tu on Day and interact with
Yuimi Shaiza (221PM12) - passed Alumni & Hostel Celebra ons one another, strengthen our bonds
of collabora on and honour the par cipants have enrolled for these a grant amount of Rs 8 lakhs 44
veterans who have rendered their courses this year. thousand two-hundred and eighty
valuable service to our ins tu ons. as seed money grant, and the VGST
This year the Ins tu on Day was grant of Rs 10 lakhs.
held on February 25, 2023 at St. Infrastructure Update
Joseph’s College of Law, Bangalore. In the academic year 2022-23, SJU Global Ini a ves
Dr Thimappa Hegde was the special has completed works on campus The Global Engagement Advisory
invitee and delivered the Keynote amoun ng to upwards of Rs three Commi ee of St Joseph’s University
Address. crore. This includes 93 lakh rupees had a series of mee ngs with a
on buying new computer systems delega on from Sea le University
and se ng up new labs, 9 lakhs that visited SJU in 2022. This
BJES Sports Day for the observatory in PG block frui ul mee ng resulted in various
SJU played host to this year’s and 13 lakhs on library storage expressions of interest for offering
Bangalore Jesuit Educa onal Society improvement alone. Further, joint courses, and conduc ng short-
(BJES) Staff Sports Meet - Arrupe nearly 94 lakhs has been spent on term courses in exchange mode.
Cup 2023’ on February 4, 2023 at renova on works for departments Two students from SJU got a chance
the University Grounds. The Chief and labs on campus. to do their upcoming semester in
Guest was Indian Olympian and JESUIT University, namely in Sophia
Josephite Mr Hakimuddin Shabbir University, Japan and in Loyola
Habibulla. The theme this me Library University, New Orleans, USA.
was ‘Alentar Magis’ (the spirit to SJU Library is the brains of the
Do more). The event was very well- campus and caters to the needs of
organised and highly appreciated more than 9000 undergraduate, Examina on Sec on
by members of the BJES family. post graduate and research-level All students who were in need of
staff and students. With a mission results and cer ficates for further
Academic Excellence to provide quality resources and studies, were provided the same
innova ve services to s mulate out-of-turn. Out of the appeared
Admissions, New Courses, Student crea vity, intellectual curiosity, and 6333 students in UG and 1093 in
Orienta on facilitate learning and research. PG, 4724 students in UG and 996
The 2022-2023 academic year began The Central Library has launched an in PG cleared the April 2022 end-
with the first Student Orienta on e-library using ‘Knimbus’ - a remote semester examina ons. The end-
programme held on August 23 and authen ca on system so ware- on semester examina on for the odd
24, 2022. A total of 3071 students August 4, 2022. On the same day, semester in October registered
were admi ed for UG courses and the Arrupe Library and Research a total of 5730 students out of
848 for PG courses in the college. Centre conducted two FDTPs in which 3883 cleared, registering
This year, the college has over 7000 collabora on with the SJRI. an average pass percentage of 73.
students and 458 staff. Around The college conducted centralised
43 faculty members joined our Board of Studies mee ngs for all
Josephite family and we warmly Scholarships departments. This exercise helps
welcome them. The University A total of Rs 16 lakh 20 thousand departments to focus on relevance
proudly offers 42 UG courses, 22 PG and one-hundred and thirty was and quality in their syllabi. The
courses, 22 PhD programmes, and received from Private government en re works related to the
6 Diploma Courses. This year, 51 and other benefactors this year. The Examina on division have been fully
different cer ficate courses were management has lent support in the computerised. From this academic
offered, which included diversified form of management scholarships year, digital evalua on has been
areas such as cinema, music, dance, amoun ng to Rs 1 crore 86 lakhs 67 introduced and all preliminary
mar al arts, culinary science, thousand in 2022-23. works have been completed by the
computer science, psychology COE.
and many more. More than 1300 Grants Received
SJU students and 250 external Over this year, we have generated
St Joseph’s Research Ins tute (SJRI) February 11, 2023. induc on programme for the new
The primary objec ve of SJRI is to faculty members. The main focus of
enable and facilitate research at this programme was Jesuit Ethos,
SJU as well as to set benchmarks Cer ficate Courses teaching, learning and classroom
and standards for the same. The The University offers a wide variety management. JESCOL-1 was
hallmark of a University is the of courses for skill development conducted by the FDP team from
genera on of knowledge through under the flagship of Credit December 8 to 10, 2022. JESCOL-1
research in diverse domains carried Courses. These courses are aimed was basically understanding how
out by its faculty and students. at providing skill and knowledge JESUITS func on; their ideologies,
Through their engagements, outside of the academic syllabi principles and commitment lead to
facilitated by SJRI, we wish to and provide prac cal and field- a be er and evolved society.
create a scholarly community that based experiences to students.
spans the widest range of academic These courses have been part of
domains, making a posi ve SJU tradi on for over a decade IQAC
difference in the world. Members and are now incorporated in the Dr Madappa MB from the
of SJRI conducted file visits to 12 NEP system. Every department department of Biotechnology was
eminent ins tu ons to promote of the University offers a unique appointed as the first director of
Research and Collabora on. Credit Course that has prac cal the IQAC office for St Joseph’s
SJRI conducted many FDTPs, employability demand. These University. Dr Syed Wajeed handed
Lecture Series and Workshops skills promote self-employability, over the charge a er
throughout the year for faculty, entrepreneurship, ap tude and successful 8 years of service as the
research scholars and students. so skills development for students coordinator. Dr (Fr) Richard Rego,
St Joseph’s University signed an that complement their primary SJ, Dr Christo, Mr Kiran Jeevan,
Official MOU with Eurofins on degrees, inculcate confidence, and and Dr Madappa M.B a ended a
November 15, 2022. Eurofins is develop strong personali es. This mee ng with Indiana University-
a French Group of laboratories year, 51 different courses were Purdue University, Indianapolis
headquartered in Luxembourg, offered, which included diversified (IUPUI) from September 12 to
providing tes ng and support areas such as cinema, music, dance, 16, 2022. Dr (Fr) Victor Lobo, SJ,
services to the pharmaceu cal, mar al arts, culinary science, Dr Madappa MB, and Mr Kiran
food, environmental, agriscience computer science, psychology Jeevan a ended the Uni-Italia India
and consumer products industries, and many more, to manifest the educa onal conclave organised by
and to governments. The MOU students’ interests into career the Consulate General of Italy. The
has been signed for the usage opportuni es. More than 1300 team met with Italy’s new Consul
of instruments worth Rs 2 crore, SJU students and more than 250 General in Bengaluru, Alfonso
which will be installed in the lab for external par cipants have enrolled Tagliaferri. A er the interac on,
research of St Joseph’s University. for these courses this year. Mr Maurizio Tira and Dr Monica
The Laboratory was inaugurated on Bofardini from University of
March 29, 2023. Brescia, Italy, visited the campus on
St Joseph’s University inaugurated FDP Dec 9, 2022. Delegates from Loyola
its PhD program on February The first day of the academic year College, Chennai, Loyola Academy,
10, 2023. Dr B Thimme Gowda, in August 2022 was Lexio Brevis Secunderabad, and Maris Stella
Vice Chairman, Karnataka State which was organised by FDP. On College Vijayawada visited SJU
Higher Educa on Council and Dr October 10, 2022, FDP team along to study the best prac ces and
. Madheswaran, Head, Ins tute with School of Humani es and organisa onal func oning of the
for Social and Economic Change, Languages organised a session university. The office completed
Bengaluru were the chief guests. for mentors. The program was the process of applying for the
PhD is offered in over 20 subjects. called ‘Mentorship at SJU: a following rankings: NIRF2023, The
The first batch of students in transforma ve prac ce’. The FDP Week ranking, and India Today
Botany, Chemistry, Physics, and commi ee under the guidance of magazine.
English started their studies from Mr Clement D’Souza conducted an
Miles Educa on in associa on
with Department of Management,
School of Business at St
Joseph’s University conducted
an exam for the Cer fica on in
Strategic Finance from AICPA
(Associa on of Interna onal
Cer fied Professional Accountants)
for final year CMA students
of 2020-2023 batch. AICPA Strategic
Finance Program is a subset of the
US CMA Program and covers key
topics from the CMA Curriculum.
Of the 52 students who a ended,
37 have cleared, bringing the pass
percentage to 71.1 per cent.
ACCA is the global body for
professional accountants. Every
year the exams will be conducted
during the months of March, June,
September, and December. A er
a emp ng these intensive papers,
the university has produced 8 ACCA
affiliates. The School of Business is
also proud of having Janvi Dodeja
(20IFA009) who has secured Global
rank 3 and India rank 1 in Financial
Management in September 2022
a empt of ACCA examina on.
Faculty Achievements
Let’s take a glance at some of our staff achievements this year :


Students’ Achievements
Students of SJU raised the banner high with the following achievements this year:
and diversity through Prathibha
Social Concern 2023: Intra-university fest from
January 30 to February 28, 2023. PRO
Student Council SJU’s annual fes val Visages was The PRO (Public Rela ons Office)
The Student Council Elec on was held on March 24 and 25, 2023. hosted several events during
held on October 11, 2022, at St The fest was themed around street the past year to engage with the
Joseph’s University. A total of 41 style, and many colleges from local community and promote
students stood for elec on, ranging Bangalore a ended. healthcare, educa on, and
from five different posts, namely Fresher’s Day for the Shi 3 entrepreneurship with events such
President, Vice President, General students was organised on October as Health Camps, Eye Check-ups,
Secretary I, General Secretary 6, 2022 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm Placement Fairs, collabora ons
II, Treasurer, and Joint Secretary in the main auditorium to welcome with Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, and a
and the Inves ture Ceremony for the students to the university. Start-up Mela. Open Heart was a
the Student Council was held on talk series organised featuring two
October 31. The Chief Guest was Dr notable speakers - singer Raghu
Rajeev Howda, ex-Rajya Sabha MP Parents’ Council Dixit and ac vist Sharmila Irom
and Na onal Spokesperson for the The SJU Parents Council conducted on February 15, 2023. Corporate
Indian Na onal Congress. The Vice a workshop on ‘Adolescent Mental Genesis was held on February 27,
Chancellor along with the Student Health and Effec ve Paren ng 2023. Former Governor Margaret
Council Governor, Mr Taral Shah, Strategies’ along with Parent Alva and businessman Irfan Razack
administered the oath. Council Elec ons on November were the chief guests of the event.
5, 2022. Dr Manjula V from Christ Neerathon 2022 was a one-day
University was the invited speaker. event held at St Joseph’s University
St Joseph’s University Student The speaker emphasised the on May 8, 2022 to raise awareness
Council hosted the first ever Youth significance of open about water conserva on and
Week which was conducted on and direct communica on pa erns promote sustainable water
January 16, 2023. in family, healthy decision making, management prac ces. The
The University successfully and the need for quality event was organised by the
celebrated the amalgam of energy me with adolescents. University’s Wildlife Awareness and
Conserva on Club (WACC) along to execute this approach more persons contributed to the quality
with the PRO. effec vely and efficiently. This of the program. The team was
aids in documen ng all mentoring composed of dynamic individuals
ac vi es. with exper se in various fields. The
Placements sessions covered topics such as
The placement drive was a great Character Formation Conflict Management and Decision
success with an overall placement Making, Crea ve and Cri cal
rate of 87 per cent. The highest Thinking, Love and Infatua on,
CTC offered to our students this Campus Ministry Stress Management and Self-care,
year was Rs. 21 lakhs per annum. The Campus Ministry at St Joseph’s and Career Guidance.
The Placement Office of SJU co- University is a vibrant team of
hosted seven webinars and talks teaching faculty who take care of
with industry leaders. As of today, the corporal and spiritual needs Outreach
we have a total of 256 companies of students and staff members Bembala is the Outreach division
that are associated with SJU through weekly masses, important of SJU. Students are taught the
placement. These companies occasions, and organising various importance of community service
come from various industries such workshops and conferences. This and how we can help those who are
as IT, manufacturing, healthcare, year, the Campus ministry organized less privileged. Some of the major
hospitality, and many more. Diwali Celebra ons at University projects taken by Bembala during
auditorium on 27th October 2022, the year 2022-23 include Vigilance
in the spirit of celebra ng “Unity Awareness Week; Children’s Day
Women’s Cell in Diversity”. St Joseph’s University celebra ons; rural exposure camps
Women’s Cell conducted a had its first Christmas celebra on to Sindagi and Manvi; paper bag
weeklong event UDAAN ( March on 23 December 2022, in an making and distribu on to local
1 to March 8, 2023) to celebrate enthusias c gathering of faculty, shops; Traffic Awareness Drive, and
Interna onal Women’s Day in the staff and students enthralled by many more. Bembala has received
university auditorium. Chief guests Christmas carols rendered by the awards for the following - An -drug
Ms Sanjana (Product Developer), newly cons tuted University choir, Campaign (Excise Department,
and guest of honour Dr Subhashini Nigh ngale 2.0. The event had a Government of Karnataka); World
Muthu Krishnan dignified the Christmas message delivered by Earth Day Climate Change Rally (
event. The event consisted of a Ms. Parul Batra, and Pro-Chancellor Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs,
panel discussion and a guest talk by Fr. Fr Swebert D’Silva, SJ in his Government of. Karnataka).
Ms Geeta Menon, Founder of Stree address reiterated the need for the
Jagru Sami which was followed spirit of caring and sharing in our
by a cultural programme. troubled world today. NSS
The ac vi es are undertaken at
SJU-NSS are aiming for the overall
Mentorship This year, The Ignitors programme development of the
The Chancellor has directed the was conducted from January 12th students, by empowering them
university’s administra on to train to January 24th, 2023. The sessions through workshops. This year
the faculty on basic counselling were conducted for all students ac vi es like blood
skills and effec ve mentoring so across all three shi s, with 70 dona on camps, planta on drives,
that mentors acquire the required volunteer resource persons leading cleanliness drives, awareness
skills to guide the mentees. It is 6 sessions each for the students over drives, helping the people
the Jesuit perspec ve that every the two-day period. Ignitors 2023 from low socioeconomic status by
student passing through the achieved its mo o of “A Fire that making them aware of their rights,
doorways of our ins tu on should Kindles other Fires” and uniquely helped fuel the students’ social
obtain good mentorship and care. enhanced the students’ intellectual concern. NSS Exposure Camp was
The university has developed a and moral development. The organised to help volunteers to
mentoring record for the first me involvement of diverse resource understand the socio-economic and
cultural condi ons of rural life. The following are the achievements of
camp also helps to inculcate the true the choir for the year 2022-23: first
sense of oneness and understand place in TROIKA (CSI Holy Trinity
the cultural rural knowledge. At Church); second place in Annual
NSS-SJU, we are dedicated to serve Sing Song Compe on (CSI East
the na on and ins l the values of Parade Tamil Church); third place
service and solidarity among the in White Christmas (Rice Memorial
par cipants. We also encourage Church), third place in Christmas
the sharing of ideas, and provide Singing Compe on (online; News
support for those ideas to come to Karnataka).

SJU Sports Day Lt Akshay D Mandlik – Only Ano
The University conducted the in the country to be part of Youth
139th Annual Athle c Meet on Exchange Program 2022 Delhi and
February 17, 2023 in the University recipient of the highest NCC Award,
grounds. The chief guest was Mr Raksha Mantri Padak, by Ministry
Charles D’Souza, a na onal-level of Defence, Govt of India .
hockey player. There were many Cadet Sergeant (CDT/SGT) V Sai
events conducted including 4X100 Subramanian represented the
metres relay for the staff both Karnataka and Goa Directorate
teaching and non teaching. SJU also at the Republic Day Camp 2023.
organised SPORTSTAKES 2023, an He is the All-India Best Cadet gold
Inter-College Sports Fest from April medalist (air wing, SD). He is an
10 to April 13, 2023 for 11 different excellent 0.22 firer and proficient in
games (Badminton, Basketball, academics and extracurriculars.
Carrom, Chess, Football, Handball, Cadet Sergeant (CDT/SGT) Charan
Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Table Tennis, Gowda K R represented the
Throwball and Volleyball). Karnataka and Goa Directorate at
the Republic Day Camp 2023. He is
one of the only two SD cadets from
Josephite Choir 1 Karnataka Air Squadron a ending
The Josephite Choir is blessed with this pres gious camp in 2023. He is
immensely talented singers and an excellent 0.22 firer.
saw a lot of new talented singers 4 NCC Armd Sqdn Wing Cadets
and musicians this year too. Mr completed the Republic Day Parade
Leonard Winston Aiman and Ms Joy 2023 and received Director General
Keren are the coordinators of the Commenda on Cards.
Josephite Choir. This year we have CDT Mandeep Singh – Gold Medalist
about 250 students in the choir in IDSSC Shoo ng Camp.
singing for the greater glory of God.
The choir started its journey this year
from Glorious Fes val of Harmony,
a na onal level choir fes val hosted
by Glorious Choir, Bengaluru. The
Josephite Choir performed in front
of the Honourable President of
India, during her visit to inaugurate
St Joseph’s University. The

St Joseph’s University was officially also in a endance. in the University catering to

inaugurated on September 27, the aspira ons of the students
2022, by Smt Droupadi Murmu, The ceremony began with the through its specialised learning.
the Hon’ble President of India, playing of the Na onal Anthem The Hon’ble Chief Minister hailed
in the august presence of several by the Police Band, followed by the University for being a part of
eminent guests that included Sri a prayer led by the SJU Choir. The the growth of Karnataka and for
Thaawarchand Gehlot, Hon’ble Hon’ble President led the guests on giving back excellent students to
Governor of Karnataka, Sri the dais in ligh ng the ceremonial society who succeed in all fields.
Basavaraj Bommai, Hon’ble Chief lamp. The Chancellor delivered the The Archbishop of Bangalore also
Minister of Karnataka, Sri CN Welcome Address and presented offered his prayers and invoked the
Ashwath Narayan, Hon’ble Minister the Karnataka State Government blessings of the Almighty over the
for Higher Educa on of Karnataka, no ce of the upgrada on of St University.
Sri NA Harris, MLA, Shan nagar Joseph’s College (Autonomous) to
cons tuency, Most Rev Dr Peter St Joseph’s University. The Hon’ble President unveiled
Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, the plaque to mark the historic
and Fr Dionysius Vaz, SJ, Provincial In her address, the Hon’ble occasion. She was felicitated by the
of Karnataka and Chancellor, SJU. President emphasised the Archbishop of Bangalore and the
Around 5000 government officials, responsibility of educa onal Chancellor. The Hon’ble Governor,
media personnel, Jesuits, clergy, ins tu ons towards students and the Hon’ble Chief Minister, and
dignitaries from other ins tu ons, the role of Na onal Educa on Policy, the Hon’ble Minister for Higher
staff, students, and alumni/ae were 2020. She expressed confidence Educa on were also felicitated.
the success of the ins tu on’s This was followed by a campus tour.
THANKSGIVING MASS transi on to a University to the The postgraduate students
people who assisted the ins tu on reported to campus on August 24.
A Thanksgiving Eucharist was held through their contribu ons and Similar to the UG students, they
on November 1, 2022 to offer support. also had a general orienta on in
thanks to the Almighty for the the Auditorium followed by the
upgrada on of St Joseph’s College orienta on by the respec ve PG
(Autonomous) to St Joseph’s UG, PG ORIENTATION Coordinators. They also had an
University and to celebrate All exclusive address by Dr Sandra
Saints Day. The main celebrant of Student orienta on programs are
Misquith who emphasised on the
the mass was the Most Rev Dr Peter an essen al part of college life.
relevance of PG studies and the
Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore. They provide new students with the
importance of research.
Other celebrants included Fr Vivek opportunity to get to know their
The orienta on program
Lionel Basu, Secretary to the new campus, meet fellow students,
facilitated the students to be more
Archbishop, Dr (Fr) Charles Lasrado, and learn about the resources
confident and prepared them for
SJ, Principal, St Joseph’s College of available to them. These programs
opportuni es and challenges of
Commerce, Fr Joy Rodrigues, SJ, are designed to help students make
college life.
Secretary and Treasurer, BJES, and a smooth transi on to college
all Jesuit priests of SJU. life and to acclimate students to
their new environment. For many
In his homily, The Archbishop spoke students, college is their first me
about how saints were ordinary away from home, and they may
people who lived extraordinary lives. feel overwhelmed or anxious about
Ci ng the example of Blessed Carlo their new surroundings. Orienta on
Acu s of Milan as a saint in jeans programs aim to ease these fears
and a T-shirt, His Grace urged that by providing students with a sense
every one of us could be a saint. He of belonging and community.
expressed his and the Archdiocese’s The first student orienta on
pride in the ins tu on becoming program of St Joseph’s University
a university. Jesuit ins tu ons was held on August 23 and 24,
prepared students not to be the 2022. The undergraduate students
businessmen of tomorrow but the of all the shi s of the university
people of tomorrow, who would be reported to the campus on August
sent out to different parts of the 23. The students had a general
world to make a difference. The orienta on in the auditorium
Archbishop was felicitated by the where they were addressed by the
Pro-Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Pro Chancellor, Vice Chancellor
and Pro-Vice-Chancellor. and the Registrar. Following the
general orienta on, the students
The Eucharist was followed had exclusive orienta on by
by a Thanksgiving Programme their respec ve class mentors.
graced by Sri CH Pratap Reddy During the address, students were
IPS, Commissioner of Police, Sri introduced to the various campus
Sandeep Pa l IPS, Addi onal resources. The course schedules,
Commissioner of Police, Sri Srinivas rules of the university, a endance
Gowda IPS, Deputy Commissioner requirements, dress codes were
of Police (Bengaluru Central), other discussed. Informa on about
dignitaries, and the staff of SJU. extracurricular ac vi es, clubs, and
The Vice-Chancellor also addressed organiza ons that are available on
the gathering and a ributed campus was also disseminated.
Lexio Brevis Therea er, Mr Roger Lurshay spoke carried out at SJU. Dr Syed Wajeed
The first day of the academic year on the topic ‘Collabora on and presented on the ac vi es of
on Aug 2022 was Lexio Brevis which Understanding Unconscious Bias.’ the IQAC. The library orienta on
was organised by FDP. The emcees was presented by Dr Shivakumar.
were Dr Padma, Ms Latha, and Session for Class Representa ves Ms Nikita and Mr. Roger Lurshay
Dr Alan. The prayer service was On October 12, 2022, FDP team organised three sessions-Goal
carried out by Fr Francis D’Almeida, along with School of Humani es se ng and classroom performance
SJ, Campus Director. The welcome and Languages organised a session management, collabora on
address was given by Dr Melwin for student representa ves from and conflict management, and
Colaco, Registrar. This was followed the School of Humani es and leadership and self-discovery.
by the Vice Chancellor’s address. Dr Languages. Fr (Dr) Victor Lobo,
(Fr) S Ignacimuthu, SJ, former Vice SJ addressed the gathering, a er JESCOL
Chancellor of University of Madras, which Mr Roger Lurshay spoke JESCOL-1 was conducted by the
Chennai spoke on ‘Excellence on the topic ‘Transforma ve FDP team from December 8, 2022
among Indian universi es – leadership skills: helping to seek a to December 10, 2022. It involved
challenges and prospects for SJU purpose greater than self.’ understanding how Jesuits func on;
as a University with a difference.’ how their ideologies, principles
There were sessions on Jesuit Induc on Programme and commitment lead to a be er
charism and teacher’s involvement, The FDP commi ee under the and evolved society. The session
and challenges and prospects guidance of Mr Clement D’Souza, spread across three days and
to make SJU a top university. Dean of School of Humani es, overall taught that collabora on
This was followed by the Pro- conducted an induc on programme can create wonders. Being brilliant
Vice Chancellor’s address. A er for new faculty members. The alone does not make someone right
this session there was an open main focus of this programme was all the me but collaborators add
discussion by Dr Suhas and Fr Jesuit Ethos, teaching, learning up to the strength of a team- this
Arun Prashanth D’Souza SJ on how and classroom management. The was the base of the session. Some
the API components affect the convenor, Mr Clement, briefed about sessions taught the new faculty
promo on of the faculty members the programme which was followed members how to be successful and
at SJU. The vote of thanks was by the Vice Chancellor’s address. Fr empathe c leaders. The sessions
given by Dr Alan. Post-lunch, the Denzil Lobo, SJ presented on ‘Jesuit made new faculty members
sessions were carried forward by Ethos and Characteris cs of Jesuit proac ve and competent to think
Dr (Fr) Xavier Savarimuthu, SJ, the Educa on.’ Mr Cyril explained how cri cally and act wisely.
research director. There were a examina on and evalua on are
total of two sessions and groups
were formed.

Session for Mentors

On October 10, 2022, FDP team
along with School of Humani es
and Languages organised a session
for mentors. The program was called
‘Mentorship at SJU: a Transforma ve
Prac ce.’ Dr Ronald J Macarenhas,
the Pro-Vice Chancellor gave a
session on mentoring. Fr (Dr) Victor
Lobo, SJ addressed the gathering.
The Alumni/ae Associa on played a ALUMNI CHAPTERS IN USA Dr CN Ashwath Narayan, Hon’ble
stellar role under the leadership of The Vice-Chancellor launched a new Minister for Higher Educa on of
Mr M Lakshminarayana IAS (Retd), ini a ve named Alumni Chapters in Karnataka, Dr CN Ashwath Narayan,
Alumni President in helping our the USA. The mee ng was a ended Shri NA Harris, MLA, Shan nagar
Ins tu on achieve university status by Dr (Fr) Richard Rego, SJ, Director, cons tuency, Most Rev Dr Peter
by relessly working at both the Ins tute of Communica on and Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore,
state and central government levels Media Studies and Convener, Fr Dionysius Vaz, SJ, Provincial of
and ensuring the bill was passed in SJU Global Networking, Dr Karnataka and Chancellor, SJU,
the State Legisla ve Assembly. Tanmay Pramanik, Vice President, government and police personnel,
Ins tu onal Compliance– TRACS, alumni, staff, and students,
Fr Paul Pinto, Interna onal Director, a ended the func on.
Holy Cross Family Ministries, and Dr
Paul Newman, Principal, St Joseph’s Mr M Lakshminarayana IAS
Evening College and Alumnus, (Retd), Alumni President, Mr
among others. It also conducted Frank Noronha, Former Director
a charity drive on September 7, General, Press Informa on Bureau
2022. Support was extended to 300 and Principal Spokesperson,
children in Manvi, 100 children in Government of India, and Former
Mt St Joseph’s and 100 children in St President, Alumni/ae Associa on,
Joseph’s Briand Square through the were involved in the coordina on
distribu on of soaps, toothpaste, efforts between the Rashtrapa
BA HONOURS (ECONOMICS) 1969- and body lo on. Bhavan and the Ins tu on for the
1972 BATCH VISIT event. Mr David Sagayaraj, Vice
Eleven Members of the BA Honours President, Alumni/ae Associa on
(Economics) 1969-1972 batch was instrumental in the planning
came together to celebrate the and the successful conduct of the
Ins tu on’s Golden Jubilee on programme.
May 21, 2022. The Vice-Chancellor
presided over a short prayer,
followed by the self-introduc on
of our alumni/ae, a visit to the
campus, and a photo session. The
mee ng ended with lunch at ITC
St Joseph’s University was
inaugurated on September 27,
2022, at 4 pm by Smt Droupadi
Murmu, the Hon’ble President of MEDICAL CAMP
India. The event was also graced by The Alumni/ae Associa on, St
the presence of Shri Thaawarchand Joseph’s University, in collabora on
Gehlot, Hon’ble Governor of with St. Martha’s Hospital,
Karnataka, Shri Basavaraj Bommai, organized a Medical camp for all
Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka, the staff of SJU on October 17,
2022, from 10 am to 4 pm. and how they contribute in many
ways to the be erment of their
alma mater.

The Special Postal Cover was

released by Mr Reghunathan
and other dignitaries on the dais.
The Associa on also screened a
documentary on the launch of the
new university campus that will
soon be set up at the cost of Rs
2000 crore.

Many senior alumni and re red

ALUMNI/AE CENTENARY staff were present during the
CELEBRATION celebra ons. Their display of
The St Joseph’s Alumni Associa on enthusiasm and zeal for the
celebrated 100 years of its ins tu on inspired the present
forma on on February 5, 2023. alumni/ae to contribute to the
Held in the Campus Auditorium on be erment of the associa on. The
Lalbagh Road, a special postal cover event was followed by an informal
was released commemora ng the programme in the Quadrangle
centennial celebra on of the St
Joseph’s Alumni/ae Associa on,
the oldest alumni associa on in the

The formal programme began

at 11 am with the ligh ng of the
lamp by Chief Guest Mr Bijou
Kurien, Chairman, Retailers which included food stalls, games,
Associa on of India. He joined and music.
Dr (Fr) Victor Lobo, SJ, Vice-
Chancellor, Mr M Lakshminarayana
IAS (Retd), President, St Joseph’s FELICITATION OF MAJ GEN
College Alumni Associa on, Mr SURINDER SINGH SHARMA
Surekh Reghunathan, Senior
Major General Surinder Singh
Superintendent of Post Offices, Fr Sharma, an alumnus of St Joseph’s
Dionysius Vaz, SJ, Chancellor, and Fr
College Batch of 1958 visited the
Swebert D’Silva, SJ, Pro-Chancellor,St Joseph’s University campus on
on the dais. February 21, 2023. He reminisced
about his days as a student and
Mr Kurien expressed his point of remarked about his interac ons
view on the role of alumni in the with Fr Andrade, his principal, and
development of an ins tu on. He his teachers. He was felicitated
stated that alumni should give back by Dr (Fr) Victor Lobo, SJ, Vice-
to their alma mater. He cited his Chancellor. Fr Denzil, SJ and Mr
observa on of universi es abroad, Clement D’Souza were also part of
how their alumni are involved in the felicita on.
many ac vi es of the ins tu on
Student Council Elec on Results organise events, address student SWAGATH 2022
concerns, and create a conducive
The Student Council Elec on was learning environment for everyone. The Student Council welcomed
held on October 11, 2022, at St incoming students of St Joseph’s
Joseph’s University. The elec on Student Council Inves ture University with Swagath 2022,
process started on September 26, Ceremony a memorable day of fun and
2022, when the nomina on forms excitement, on November 12,
were released to the students. The Student Council Inves ture 2022. The event was filled with
A total of 41 students stood for Ceremony was held on October 31, performances by Kalah, the Western
elec on, ranging from five different 2022 at St Joseph’s University to Music Associa on, the North East
posts, namely President, Vice honour the newly elected student Associa on, and MIMA. Members of
President, General Secretary I, leaders. The event was graced by the Student Council also introduced
General Secretary II, Treasurer, the presence of the chief guest, themselves through an address by
and Joint Secretary. On October Dr Rajeev Gowda, ex-Rajya Sabha Ryan Roshan Roncalli, President,
10, 2022, an open address was MP and Na onal Spokesperson of Student Council, and an ice breaker
held during lunch hour, where the Indian Na onal Congress.The performance. The performances
all the candidates were given an ceremony commenced with the con nued through the day with
opportunity to speak about their chief guest conferring the badges a Musical Evening hosted by Alex
campaign and manifesto to the of the student leaders, which was and Akash of SJU. Three contests
student body. The student council followed by Mr Taral Shah, Assistant under the theme ‘Indian cinema’
governor, Mr Taral Shah, developed Professor of the Department of were also conducted for students
the so ware to conduct the elec on, Mathema cs administering the through the week culmina ng in
ensuring a fair and transparent oath. The student leaders pledged Swagath 2022.
vo ng process. A er the elec on, to uphold their responsibili es and
the results were announced. Ryan work for the be erment of the
Roshan Roncalli was elected as the university and its students. Dr (Fr)
President of the Student Council, Victor Lobo, SJ, Vice-Chancellor, TARE ZA-MEME PAR– MEME
while Hajira Kauser was elected as addressed the gathering and gave MAKING
the Vice President. Ajay Paul and an inspiring speech on the story of Tare Za-Meme Par was a unique
Abrial Kajar were elected as General Ratan Tata. He shared anecdotes event which called for talented
Secretary I and General Secretary about the life and work of the students to create the most filmy
II, respec vely. Muaz Ahmed was renowned industrialist and how memes. The event was judged by
elected as the Treasurer, and his vision, leadership, and values Clara. The winners of the event
Suraj S K was elected as the Joint can inspire the young leaders being were:
Secretary. The Student Council invested on that day. The ceremony I. Ram B (222BCAA19)
Elec on was a success, with a high served as a reminder to the elected II. Shubhan (221CST23)
number of candidates standing for student leaders of their du es III. Sayan ka (221BCZ05)
elec on and a fair vo ng process. and responsibili es towards the
The newly-elected student council university and its students. It also
members will be responsible for inspired them to work hard and REEL THE REAL ONE– REELS
represen ng the student body and fulfil their du es with sincerity and MAKING
making decisions that will posi vely dedica on. Reel the Real One called for
impact the student community. innova ve and crea ve students to
They will be working closely with showcase their talent in ac ng and
the university administra on to mimicry to make crazy and catchy
reels based on the concept of members of the Council. February 28, 2023, and was graced
Indian cinema. The winners of the by the presence of award-winning
event were: director and performer Mallika
I. Sayan ka DAY 2 Prasad. The day came to an end
II. Samuel Nixon Day 2 of Youth Week began with with an energe c performance
III. Manasa more performances from the by Renegades x CSB, Fourth Riff,
student popula on. The day Traxler, and DJ Quinixo. A er tough
became a highlight by Anything But compe on put up by all the
PERSONALITY a Backpack Day, where students Schools, the School of Humani es
One of Swagath 2022’s most were asked not to bring any bags and Social Sciences emerged as the
an cipated contests, Personality but to be crea ve in bringing all overall winner.
hunts for Mr and Ms Swagath their books and belongings in
2022 of SJU. The event consists something which is unique and Mr Taral Shah, Governor, Student
of a wri en and talent round, different. A banner launch for Youth Council, oversaw the smooth
culmina ng in a grand finale. Som Week was also hosted by Mr Taral func oning of the first Prathibha
was crowned Mr Swagath 2022 Shah, Governor, Student Council. since the establishment of St
while Amiteshwar was crowned Ms The day was also made memorable Joseph’s University and was
Swagath 2022. through performances by WMA, supported by Fr Dionysius Vaz, SJ,
Kalah, other University bands, and Chancellor, Fr Swebert D’Silva, Pro
dance associa ons. Chancellor, Dr (Fr) Victor Lobo,
YOUTH WEEK SJ, Vice-Chancellor. Prathibha
2023 was made successful by
Youth Week was hosted on January DAY 3 the contribu ons of the Student
16, 17, and 21, 2023, to bring out The third and final day of Youth Council, event heads, crew, and
the youthful spirit and crea vity Week began with the first ever volunteers.
among students. Students were movie screening in the campus.
engaged in fun ac vi es, games, ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’, one of
and movie screenings. Youth Week the most popular films of all me,
flagged off 2023 for a good start was screened to the excitement of AMEYA– INDIAN SOLO DANCE
and prepared students for the the large audience. The ideas of the Ameya saw individual par cipants
many events to come. film was in line with the concept of portray their strengths through
the youth, the inspira on for Youth various Indian forms of dance
Week. The event came to an end like classical, contemporary, folk,
with the Student Council making and many more. The prelims
DAY 1 the official announcement for were held on February 13, 2023,
The Student Council hosted the Prathibha 2023, the intra-collegiate with 51 par cipants judged by
first day of Youth Week on January fest. Ms Thejaswini Balaji, Assistant
16, 2023. The agenda behind the Professor, Department of
event was to celebrate the youth PRATHIBHA 2023 Commerce. 24 contestants had
and their young energy. Students the opportunity of compe ng in
promoted the birth anniversary of St Joseph’s University successfully the finals held on February 21,
Swami Vivekananda on January 16. celebrated the amalgam of energy 2023. The event was judged by Ms
The events focused on promo ng and diversity through the intra- Niveditha Narayanan. Par cipants
freedom and oneness. The first university fest Prathibha 2023. saw the stage as a wonderful
day saw beatboxing performances The fest took place for a month opportunity to display their true
and various stalls. The Emergency from January 30 to February talent. The winners of the event
Band also caught the a en on of 28, 2023. The fest saw different were:
the audience through their songs Schools compe ng against each I. Fida Ashraf (20CZBT50)
in various languages. The day came other through a series of events. II. Harshita R (221MST25)
to a close with a speech from the Its inaugura on was held on III. Sri Divya (20BCOMA079)
The event was judged by Mr Brian talent that exists among students.
Shahaji Thomas, who was met with Despite its hitches, the enthusiasm
THE NEXT MOVE– WESTERN SOLO a tough me choosing the best for of par cipants and the audience
DANCE the Top 8 and Top 4. Amidst the made the event a success.
The Next Move is a solo dance energy of the eager audience, a
event conducted by JStreetCrew, winner was finally picked out of the
the Western Dance associa on, as two finalists. THE HUMAN SOUNDBOX–
an opportunity for all students to BEATBOX BATTLE
showcase their skills and talent. The Beatbox Ba le was held on
The prelims were held on February ADAAH– INDIAN GROUP DANCE January 30, 2023, as an opportunity
16, 2023, with 14 par cipants who Team Mrityunjaya, the Indian for individual students to bring
brilliantly executed their hard work Dance team of the Josephite out their talent in beatboxing. 22
and passion for dancing. The finals Dance Associa on, hosted Adaah, par cipants came together to set
were held on February 27, 2023, an Indian group dance event on the stage on fire with their talent.
with nine par cipants. The tough February 20, 2023. A whopping 62 The event was a grand success from
compe on was felt by the eager teams of 4-8 members from various the par cipa on of students and
audience who were excited to schools par cipated in the event, the cheers of the audience. The
witness the performances. judged by Ms Thejaswini Balaji, winners of the event were:
Assistant Professor, Department I. Tarun K
of Commerce, and Ms Sushmitha II. Virag Gupta
GROOVE2GATHER– WESTERN Vincent, Assistant Professor,
GROUP DANCE Department of Commerce. Teams
Groove2Gather was the Western were allo ed three minutes and AAROHA– INDIAN SOLO SINGING
group dance event organised by performed in various styles such Aaroha was an Indian solo singing
JStreetCrew, the Western Dance as Indian contemporary, semi- compe on judged by Ms Vidya
associa on. Teams came together classical, freestyle, folk, and so Ramachandran and Ms Preksha
to display their moves on the on, with Bollywood and tapang Bharadwaj. The event saw a
stage. The prelims were judged emerging as the popular choices of whopping 117 par cipants ba le
by Mr Stephen Sunil on February dance. The crowds were thrilled by out on February 6, 2023. The
22, 2023, with 14 teams ba ling it the mesmerising performances and finals saw 32 par cipants qualify
out in front of the audience. The dazzling costumes of the teams. on February 13, 2023. Judged by
finals saw the nine best teams 12 teams qualified for the finals, Vid Roopa Srikanth, the event saw
execu ng their passion for dance which saw unique performances students showcase their talent
and pu ng up a good effort to bag put up by the talented par cipants. through their melodious voices.
the first prize. The enthusiasm of The event came to a close with Ms
the audience also made the event a Sushmitha performing on stage
resounding success. with par cipants, much to the MEHFIL– INDIAN GROUP MUSIC
excitement of the audience. Providing a stage for talent and a
break from monotony is the essence
FLOOR WARS– STREET DANCE behind Mehfil, an event where
BATTLE SHAKURSPEARE– RAP BATTLE students explored their musical
Dance aficionados found a place Shakurspeare was an individual rap talents. Hosted on February 20,
to ba le against each other at ba le contest held on February 2023, fabulous performances put
Floor Wars, a street dance ba le 10, 2023, and judged by popular up by 20 teams and applause from
event organised by JStreetCrew. 31 singer SID18. The event saw 11 the audience marked the event
par cipants busted their moves in par cipants display their flair to judged by Ms Preksha Bharadwaj.
an intense compe on on February entertain, impress, and ensnare 11 teams qualified to reach the
11, 2023. Talented par cipants the audience with their cap va ng finals hosted on February 27,
showcased their skills in the allo ed performances. The event was also 2023. Judged by Mr Pranesh and
45 seconds to make it to the Top 16. an insight into the versa lity of Mr Tanush, the event was marked
by exemplary talent showcased final round, Arpeggi. All par cipants I. Chirag
through a conglomerate of songs received astounding praise for their II. Shashank
of languages from every corner of outstanding performances from
the country. Despite unforeseen both the judges and the audience.
circumstances, the event turned The winner was crowned based on MANAO TOH JAANE
out to be a major success. The the judges’ evalua on and audience The Hindi Parishad, in collabora on
winners of the event were: poll. Cadenza provided a pla orm with the Student Council, hosted a
I. Team Sixth Note (School of for aspiring singers to showcase unique event Manao Toh Jaane on
Business) their talent and get recogni on February 22, 2023. 19 par cipants
II. Team Dhwani Madhurya (School from judges. put their skills of persuasion to
of Physical Sciences) the test by convincing opponents
III. Team Karaka am (School of on various topics, ranging from
Humani es and Social Sciences) ACOUSTIC GROUP WESTERN marriage for actor Salman Khan to
The Western Acous c contest was the evils of the dowry system. The
held on February 16, 2023, with event took place over a preliminary
CADENZA– WESTERN SOLO nine teams that consisted up to and a final round, which saw
SINGING eight members pu ng up talented 10 par cipants ba ling for the
Cadenza, the Western solo singing performances. The finals were held posi on of winner. The event was
compe on, took place over four on February 28, 2023 that saw judged by Mr Sa sh Honnanagar,
rounds, prelims - Anima, Suspirium, four teams a ract the a en on Assistant Professor, Department of
and Bends, and finals - Arpeggi on of the energe c audience. Mr Hindi, and Mr Guru Da a, Assistant
January 30 and 31, 2023. Around Marcel Hoover judges par cipants Professor, Department of Hindi.
160 students par cipated to as the audience listened to their The enthusiasm of the audience
showcase their singing abili es melodious performances. was evident from their laughter as
in Anima, making it a resounding they enjoyed the great crea vity
success. Judges based their LEHRA– INDIAN SOLO MUSIC and humour of the par cipants.
evalua on on the criteria of skill Kalah, the Indian Music Associa on, The winners of the event were:
technique, emo on and vocal hosted Lehra, an Indian Classical I. Anurag Tomar
performance, originality, and stage Music event on February 11, 2023. II. Shubham Mishra and Neha Jain
presence. Around 50 par cipants Individual par cipants were allo ed III. Aastha Gupta
qualified for Suspirium, a round one accompanying instrument to
where assigned coaches listened create mesmerising performances.
to par cipants sing while being The event was judged by Mr Mahesh ACTOMANIA
blindfolded, crea ng a unique Prasad, who enjoyed the successful Actomania was a mono ac ng
selec on process that was fair event. The audience enjoyed the event conducted on February 10,
and impar al. Coaches evaluated blissful performances of the 16 2023. Mono ac ng is a performance
par cipants based on their singing par cipants and experienced the where a single actor presents one
ability, vocal quality, and stage talents of the University. or a series of monologues to an
presence. They then created teams audience. 26 par cipants were
based on the performances of the allo ed 3-4 minutes to deliver their
best 32 par cipants for Bends, the DISK BATTLE– DJ WARS performance. The themes of the
next round. Par cipants in 16 pairs DJ Wars was a unique event hosted performances ranged widely from
sang a Western musical duet of on February 25, 2023. Talented humour to personal stories and
their choice. Coaches Agnes John, students from various schools got social issues. Qualifying par cipants
Michael Bright, Manisha Ruth, and the opportunity to set the floor made it to the final round where
Stu Arun evaluated teams based on fire with their mindblowing the best three performers received
on vocal quality, control and finesse, deejaying skills. The event was winning posi ons. Judges evaluated
and stage presence. Each coach judged by music ar st Tork, who par cipants for their delivery and
then each picked two par cipants evaluated nine par cipants. The impact. The event was a testament
who would represent them in the winners of the event were: to the power of storytelling and the
impact a single person can have like history. Nevertheless, it was Josephite Family Feud was hosted
on an audience. It also proved the not easy for many par cipants to through an online preliminary
wide range of talents that can be wrack their brains and bring out round on February 20, 2023, and
found in the student popula on. their enactment skills in the most an offline final round on February
subtle manner. They were also 22, 2023. The prelims saw 58 teams
able to engage the minds of the consis ng of 174 par cipants in
ICE AGE– ICE BREAKERS audience. The event culminated total comple ng the given task in
The MIMA Associa on hosted Ice into a frui ul and memorable 30 minutes. The finals took place
Age, an ice breakers contest over endeavour amongst the many over nine rounds and was able to
two rounds, the prelims on February events of Prathibha 2023. pull the a en on of the crowds.
11, 2023, and the finals on February The winners of the event were:
28, 2023. Nine teams introduced I. Divyashree GM (221PYC37),
their Schools in the most comical MY MONA LISA Pranav Amarnath(221PYC38),
and crea ve manner to a ract the My Mona Lisa was hosted by the Neelganth S(221PYC27)
a en on of the audience. Five Department of French and Rendez- II. Sania Christle Vaz (20EMS36),
teams eventually qualified for the vous, the French Associa on, on Adithya Prakash (20EMS23),
finals where judges Mr Deepak and February 14, 2023. The focus of Bhuvan Kashyap (20EMS20)
Mr Cliferd Alfred allo ed them 10 the event was to allow par cipants III. Chinmae C (21CMS38), Manoj
minutes to prepare and perform. to explore their interpreta on of (21CMS37), Abhijit S (21CMS10)
The efforts of the par cipants was the famous piece of art, the Mona
cheered by the audience, making Lisa. The event was graced by the
the event a success. presence of 30 talented par cipants ELAN VITAL– FFASHION SHOW
who displayed their ar s c skill. They Elan Vital was held on February 6,
were judged by Mr Nevil D’Souza, 2023, with 50 teams par cipa ng
MYSTERY OF SILENCE - UNFOLD Assistant Professor, Ins tute of from various Schools. Judged by
THE MYSTERY WITH HISTORY– Communica on and Media Studies, Lt. Akshay D Mandlik, 10 teams,
DUMB CHARADES and Mr Suhas Srinivas, Produc on including the University Fashion
Mystery of Silence was hosted Faculty, Ins tute of Communica on Team, made it to the finals held
on February 16, 2023 with teams and Media Studies. The event on February 28, 2023. The event
from almost all the Schools of the was successful in giving an insight was able to a ract a large crowd as
University. Due to the popularity into the abili es and talent of the par cipants showcased what the
of the event, 17 teams out of the students of the University. theme meant to them and put in
60 registered qualified from the effort in their costumes and their
preliminary round to take part in AIR CRASH performance.
the event. The event consisted of Air Crash was a unique individual
four rounds where par cipants event that presented a chance to
answered ques ons pertaining to know a variety of talented students PERSONALITY
silhoue es, connec ng various who embellish the University. Held Personality was held on February
images, slogans, and emojis on January 30, 2023, the main event 26, 2023 with 105 students
within the purview of themes was preceded by a ques onnaire par cipa ng in the event. The
of World and Indian Histories as round with five sets consis ng of prelims took place in the wri en
well as Indian Mythology. Five six par cipants. 30 students with mode whereby par cipants
teams were eliminated from each versa le skills displayed their flair answered ques ons in the most
round un l three remained as to entertain, impress, and ensnare crea ve manner. 12 par cipants
the winners. Students had a great the audience with their unique qualified for the finals which took
me par cipa ng with zeal and and cap va ng performances. The place on the stage. Judged by
zest, exploring history with fun event was judged by Mr Arun, Mr Mr Praveen Devasagayam and
amidst the compe on. Many from Anush, and Mr Deepak. Mr Ruben Stalin, the individual
different streams performed well event provided an insight into
in an event based on a discipline JOSEPHITE FAMILY FEUD the talented personali es of the
University. The winners Pranav B qualifying teams. The success of the the three best submissions were
and Sania Philip, were crowned Mr event was evident from the energy declared as the winning entries.
and Miss Prathibha. of the par cipants.


MURDER MYSTERY IMPROV Animania was a quiz compe on
Murder Mystery, an event hosted Students found the opportunity based on all things anime, which
by the French associa on Rendez- of displaying their talent on stage was conducted on February
vouz, was a showstopper as it saw through Improv, a contest held on 22, 2023. A total of 73 teams
over 700 applica ons with over January 30, 2023. The first round par cipated in the preliminary
500 teams. The huge response was was based on prompt ac ng while round. The semi-finals were hosted
accommodated through an online the second round was a ques on on February 27, 2023, which saw
preliminary round held on February game. 28 teams of three par cipants 13 qualifying teams ba le it out
16, 2023. With 40 teams qualifying demonstrated their ability to to make it to the top five teams of
for the finals held on February 17, entertain, impress, and enthrall the the final round. The event brought
2023, it was conducted over two audience with their dis nc ve and anime lovers together as they put
rounds to find the ‘true detec ves’ engaging performances. their knowledge to the test.
of the University. The event received entertain, impress, and enthral
posi ve feedback as teams enjoyed us with their own dis nc ve and
solving the case and its execu on. engaging performances.

JUST A MINUTE MORNING BUSINESS Par cipants came together for a
Just a Minute was held on February Morning Business was a crea ve fun and old-fashioned game of
14, 2023, with 25 bright minds wri ng compe on held online on arm wrestling hosted on February
represen ng various schools. February 25, 2023. The individual 28, 2023. More than 100 students
Conducted over five preliminary event saw 56 par cipants write par cipated in separate rounds,
rounds culmina ng in a grand about the topics ‘morning in eight for boys and four for girls,
finale, the event was judged by Bangalore’ and ‘pockets’. The event to prove their strength in a single
Ms Shireen. Par cipants exhibited was judged by Ms Vijeta Kumar, minute. The smooth progress of the
their remarkable elocu onary skills Assistant Professor, Department of event was a ributed to the constant
while refraining from hesita on, English. The winners of the event enthusiasm and sportsmanship of
repe on, and devia on while were: the par cipants. The winners of the
ar cula ng their thoughts. I. Sharon V (20BCOMD045) event were:
II. Chaitrashree GA (221BCOMB022) Boy: Aidan (21CPE082)
SITHARAM PESUTHADI– III. Ahamika Pa naik (21PMC36) Girl: Shriya (20BVC050)
CONNECTION Special Men on: Anamica Vinod
Sitharam Pesuthadi was a fun (222JIN27)
language-based game hosted by BUSINESS SUMMIT
the SJU Tamil Sangam. The prelims, Business Summit was a group event
held on February 6, 2023, saw CAPTURE THE MOMENT hosted on February 22, 2023. Six
energe c par cipants guessing Capturing the events on campus teams consis ng of 12 par cipants
the names of five popular movies during Prathibha 2023 is the focus in total came together for five
through clips and other clues behind this year’s photography rounds to present a synopsis of a
presented on the screen. The finals compe on, Capture the Moment. business venture. In the first round,
were held on February 15, 2023, Around 20 students from various par cipants built their construc on
with seven qualifying teams. The Schools par cipated in the event. company. They had to come up
semi-finals saw seven ques ons Judged by Mr Anandhu KH, with names for the company and
based on movies and song lyrics, Produc on Faculty, Ins tute of prove how their companies are
culmina ng in the finals with four Communica on and Media Studies, best suited in terms of technology,
human resource, and so on. A er COMEDY REBUTTAL REBELS
a business quiz in the second Laugh at This was a standup Rebu al Rebels was a deba ng
round, a surprise government comedy event hosted over three contest held over two rounds. The
grant le par cipants in a frenzy rounds to give students the first round was hosted with 14
in the third round. Par cipants opportunity of showcasing their par cipants on February 10, 2023,
who were able to make use of talent to ckle the funny bone. Two with the topic ‘Should feminism be
the allo ed grant and other funds preliminary rounds were conducted irrelevant in the 21st century?’. 10
accumulated over the previous on February 10, 2023 and the par cipants qualified for the finals
rounds in auc ons to extract the final round was condutcted on hosted on February 21, 2023 and
most benefits moved to the next February 20, 2023. The first round debated on the topic ‘All drugs
round. While the fourth round saw saw par cipants perform a classic should be legalised’. The event came
presenta on of synopsises and standup set within the allo ed to a close with three par cipants
a rac ng the a en on of poten al three minutes. The second round declared as the winners.
investors, the fi h and final round permi ed qualifying par cipants
had par cipants nego a ng and to pick a topic of their choice and
striking deals amongst themselves. perform within the allo ed five SlAM ME! SLAM POETRY
Judged by Ms Anjali Sharma and Ms minutes. In the third round, the two The poe c prowess of students
Riya, the event became a success finalists fought against each other were witnessed through Slam Me,
through the enthusiasm of its through a roast ba le on script. a slam poetry contest held over
par cipants. Both contestants and the audience two rounds. The first round was
had a fun me laughing and flipping conducted online on February
their stomachs with crazy jokes and 9, 2023 while the finals were
FILM OLYMPICS punch lines, Par cipants were able conducted offline on February 11,
The Rushes Film Club hosted the to impress the judges, Mr Denzel 2023. The preliminary round was
Film Olympics on February 28, Moses and Mr Ritvik, with their judged by event heads Preksha
2023. The event took place in five amazing talent. The winners of the Chanda and Nyx while the final
rounds over three weeks. Industry event were: round was judged by Ms Nirmala
professionals and experts came I. Akash Das Rajah Cynthia, Assistant Professor,
together as judges for the event. II. Sohil Ahmed Department of English. The eight
Par cipants were expected to be III. Mayukkan finalists of the event displayed their
well-versed with their characters excellent talent in poetry wri ng.
and must prepare a ‘roast sheet’
prior to the event before the judges DHUM BEKOLEY Band of the Pacific-Asia Concert
picked par cipants at random for The Kannada Sangha hosted a fun
a face-off. Par cipants explored Sandalwood trivia contest Dhum On February 15, 2023, St Joseph’s
their love and talent for filmmaking Bekoley on February 10, 2023. 78 University hosted a concert by the
through the contest, making the contestants in teams of two took Band of Pacific Asia, which is a United
event a resounding success. part in the event. It was judged States Air Force band that performs
by Mr Dhanush B, former General a diverse range of music, including
Secretary, Kannada Sangha. Despite tradi onal Asian music, pop-
AD FILM MAKING the tough compe on, the event music, and jazz. The concert was
The Rushes Film Club hosted the Ad gave many students to interact and a collabora ve effort between St
Film Making contest on February engage with other Sandalwood Joseph’s University and the student
16, 2023. The individual event fans. The event received a great council. Around 1200 students
was judged by Mr Jacques Nikolai response from the crowd, with a ended the concert, which took
Border and saw 10 par cipants many discussing their cherished fan place in the auditorium. The venue
crea ng ad films based on the given moments and their favourites from was first come, first served, and
topic in their crea ve visions. Kannada cinema. strict security checks were in place.
Dr Cheriyan Alexander, Department
LAUGH AT THIS– STANDUP of English, was the contact who
brought the band to the university Pro Night, which spanned across me limit. The improv round was
to perform. The Band of Pacific- both days with 4000+ students challenging, but the par cipants
Asia consists of Master Sergeant on campus. Winners for all events did a terrific job. They put in a
Joshua Holdridge, Staff Sergeant were announced on the same day, lot of effort and enthusiasm and
Peter Somerville, Tech Sergeant and the overall winners of VISAGES received cheers from the audience.
David Dormeus, Senior Airman 2023 were announced on March 25. Both teams showed excellent
Aus n Pierce, Tech Sergeant St Joseph’s College of Commerce coordina on and teamwork. The
Joanne Griffin, Staff Sergeant Salina emerged as the winners of the fest, judges made their final decisions,
Cruz, and Tech Sergeant Kelcey for showcasing their talent and and the two best teams were
McDonald. The band is known spirit of par cipa on throughout declared as winners.
for their engaging performances, the event.
which include a fusion of tradi onal For the first me in the history of
and contemporary styles of music. the university, an interna onal AFICIONADO
The concert by the band showcased ar st from Sunburn Arena - the AFICIONADO sought to find the
their excep onal musical talent and team of ‘Le Twins’, followed by team with the best managers and
provided a pla orm for the audience other pro night DJs Jonas Monteiro was held on March 24 from 1:15
to enjoy a wide range of musical and Quinixo- performed in the pm to 4:00 pm. The event saw
genres, receiving a standing ova on campus. par cipa on from three colleges,
in the end. The concert was a great Expert judges were selected for with two teams from Christ
success, and it provided a unique all events, and they truly inspired University and one from Presidency
opportunity for the students at St the par cipants to perform their College. The compe on consisted
Joseph’s University to experience best. VISAGES was an incredible of four rounds, with each round
a performance by an interna onal showcase of crea vity, talent, and presen ng different challenges.
band on campus. The success of the passion, and all the par cipants, The first round of the compe on
event highlights the importance of performers, and volunteers made was a group discussion on the
promo ng cultural diversity and this fest a huge success. topic, ‘Is euthanasia ethical?’. The
cross-cultural communica on, both teams were given a set amount
on campus and in society at large. Ice Breakers of me to discuss and debate the
Ice Breakers was held on March topic. This round was designed
24 in the university auditorium. to test the cri cal thinking and
VISAGES 2023 The event was organised by MIMA communica on skills of the
Associa on, and two teams from St teams. The second round was an
VISAGES 2023, a yearly cultural Joseph College of Commerce and HR round, which focused on the
intercollegiate fest organised by Presidency University par cipated theme of ‘hire and fire’. The teams
the Student Council, took place on in the event. The event started were given a hypothe cal scenario,
March 24 and 25, 2023. This year’s at 1:00 pm and concluded at 2:00 and they had to come up with a
fest was centred around the theme pm. The judges for the event were solu on that involved hiring and
of street style, and it brought Anthony Rithvik and Nishanth Pee. firing employees. This round tested
together students and par cipants nThe event had certain rules and their problem-solving abili es and
from more than four con ngents regula ons, including a me limit of understanding of human resource
and ten colleges to showcase their 6+1 and a team size of 6+2. Any sort management. The third round was
talents in fashion, music, and art. of vulgarity was strictly prohibited, a marke ng round that involved the
With over 30 events spanning two and no props were allowed. English launch of a product with a twist- in
days, including dance compe ons, language was given priority usage, the final 10 minutes, the teams
rap ba les, dance compe on, and other languages were to be were asked to switch laptops with
singing events, and more, the fest minimised. It involved two rounds- their compe tors, and the original
was an electrifying celebra on of an introduc on round, and an owners of the project were later
intercollegiate par cipa on and improv round. Both the teams had made to be part of the investors’
street culture. to introduce themselves and their panel. The final round was a PR
Adding to the excitement was the team members within the given crisis round. The teams were
presented with a hypothe cal crisis with eight teams (16 par cipants) music was a blend of classical and
scenario, and they had to come from SRCC, NIFT, Presidency and contemporary Indian music, and
up with a solu on that addressed so on. The event was sponsored by the team members showed great
it. This round tested the teams’ an Instagram store. The first round coordina on and synchronisa on
crisis management skills and ability of the quiz involved 25 ques ons in their performance. Their unique
to think on their feet. The teams including three bonus ques ons, style and the smooth transi ons
from all three colleges performed by the end of which five rounds between different music genres
admirably, and both the first and qualified for the second one. Out of impressed both the judges and
second prizes were bagged by the five teams, the one represen ng the audience. The second team to
Christ University. SJU came first, followed by SJCC. perform was from SJCC. Their music
The cosplay compe on was won was more towards the classical side,
by the team from NIFT. T-shirts, with a strong focus on the vocals.
Street Wars (Council Wars) posters and s ckers were given The team members had excellent
VISAGES 2023 witnessed an intense away as prizes for all winning teams. singing skills and harmonised
compe on between student beau fully with each other. Their
councils of different colleges in 256 Hertz (Beatbox Ba le) performance le the audience
Street Wars. The event was held in Day 2 of VISAGES consisted of more spellbound, and they received a
the main stage and started at 3:20 enjoyable events including a beatbox standing ova on from the crowd.
pm. Two teams represen ng St ba le. The event showcased the The judge for the event was Mr
Joseph’s College of Commerce and talents of eight par cipants, six of Manojavvam Aatreya, a well-
Presidency College par cipated. whom represented other colleges. known musician in the Indian music
The event began with a brief Despite a few setbacks, the event industry. He praised both the teams
introduc on of the teams and rules proceeded smoothly and was for their outstanding performances
of the compe on. The teams were thoroughly enjoyed by all involved. and announced Christ University
given three minutes each to present The event was judged by three as the winner of the event. The
their ideas on how they would highly renowned ar sts in the winning team received a trophy and
tackle a hypothe cal situa on Indian beatbox community, all of cer ficate. Mehfil showcased the
where they had to deal with a crisis whom brought their exper se and talent and skill of young musicians
in their college council. Both teams years of experience to the table. and brought together people who
showcased their crea vity and The judges’ impar al feedback share a passion for music. It was
innova on in their presenta ons, and opinions were crucial to the a true celebra on of Indian music
using various props and visual aids success of the event, as they and culture.
to make their point. SJCC, being provided valuable insights to the
an experienced team, delivered par cipants and ensured fairness
an impressive presenta on, in the compe on. Overall, the Chiral
highligh ng their experience and Beatbox Ba le at Visages 2023 On March 24 , the undergraduate
track record in handling such was a memorable and exci ng Chemical society of Chemistry
situa ons in the past. Presidency event, showcasing the talents of organised Chiral. The event took
College, being the first- mers, some of the best beatboxers in the place in N104, from 12:50 to 3:50
put up a good fight and presented community. It was a testament to pm. Ten teams par cipated in the
their ideas with great confidence the hard work and dedica on of event. Seven teams belonged to St
and enthusiasm. A er a careful all involved, and a fi ng addi on Joseph’s University, two teams were
evalua on of the presenta ons, to the already impressive lineup of from Christ University, and one from
SJCC was declared the winner of events at Visages 2023. Dayanand Sagar College. The event
the compe on. was divided into one preliminary
Mehfil round and three rounds, with the
Otaku Olympics and Cosplay Clash Mehfil was an Indian group music elimina on of two groups each
Otaku Olympics and Cosplay Clash event held on Day 2 of VISAGES. round, based on marks obtained
was an anime quiz along with a The first team to perform was by the teams a er performing
cosplay show. It was a duo event from Christ University. Their the given task. The preliminary
round made the par cipants fill On March 24, Kalah, the Indian with any South Indian character
the periodic table in under five Music Associa on, hosted the of their choice. In round two, the
minutes. The first round was a Indian Classical Durbar as part of judges gave unique characters to
crossword puzzle on facts and puns the Visages inter-collegiate fest. The the par cipants. Each par cipant
related to chemistry, with a me event was conducted at 11:30 am got an opportunity to present
limit of ten minutes. The second and featured three par cipants who themselves with various ways to
round was Guesstures, wherein were expected to perform a mini- convince the judge to give them
the par cipants had to guess the concert, with one to six par cipants the sole parachute. Mayukan from
given word by excluding the taboo including instrumentalists.As part SJU came first followed by Allen
words via just verbal conversa on. of the event, the par cipants Gonsalves from SJCC as the runner-
The teams were given one minute were expected to perform Indian up.
to complete as many cue cards as classical music, which has a
they could. The final round was rich and diverse history. The 24 Frames a Day
ChemJam. From the remaining five performances of the par cipants 24 Frames a Day was a six-hour
teams, one member was selected showcased the beauty and intricacy filmmaking challenge organised by
from each to compete with the of this art form. The judge for the Rushes Film Club under VISAGES
others.Christ university won the event was Manojavvam Athreya, 2023. The event was held on
overall event with the highest score, who thoroughly enjoyed all the campus and the par cipants were
followed by St Joseph’s University in performances of the par cipants. given the theme ‘Instability of Life’
second place. Winning teams were on spot. They were allowed to
awarded with cash prizes. Pantomimist (Mime) submit their films within a dura on
The group event was held on of six hours with a team of one to
Personality March 24 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 six members, and the films had to
Personality started at 3:30 pm pm at Arrupe Atrium. The judge be within a me frame of three
on March 25 in the auditorium. for the event was Stephan Paul, to seven minutes. The films were
The event commenced with a an alumnus of the university. received via a Google form that was
preliminary wri en round. The 12 Teams consisted of seven to nine sent out prior to the submission
par cipants were provided with par cipants, and use of props was deadline, and later tabulated into a
ten ques ons, out of which nine prohibited. They had Five (with an scoresheet for the judge, Nicholas,
par cipants with the most crea ve addi onal one) minutes to perform to mark them across all the criteria.
responses qualified for the main their acts. A er the performances, Stalan Renzo and Team from SJCC
event. The main event involved the judges announced the winners. won first place, and Pavithra from
three rounds. The first round was Last Minute Produc on from Christ Christ University YPR won the
the introduc on round where University secured the first place, runner-up prize. The winner and the
the par cipants had to introduce and Zealous Produc on, also from runner-up’s films were appreciated
themselves in a crea ve way. The Christ University, secured the for their efforts and talent. The
second round was the talent round. second place. winning teams were awarded with
This was an elimina on round and cer ficates and a memento was
six par cipants qualified. The third Funeral Flight (Air Crash) given to the judge.
round was the roast round. All the Funeral Flight was an aircrash
par cipants tried their best to roast event held on Day 1 of VISAGES. Runway Rendezvous (Fashion
their opponents and the best four The event started at 10:30 and it Event)
par cipants qualified for the finals. was the first event conducted in The Fashion Team event was held
Finally, the last round was a face-off the Arrupe atrium on that day. on the second day of VISAGES and
round. Allen Gonzales won the tle The event started with great featured two teams represen ng
of Mr Visages and a er the results enthusiasm from the crowd and all SJCC and SJEC. The event was judged
the judges were thanked with a the students gathered up to support by two high profile judges, Jaspreet
memento from the university \the par cipants from various Kaur and Nikitha Mutha. Jaspreet
colleges. Round one involved the Kaur is a top 16 model in Karnataka
Indian Classical Durbar par cipants introducing themselves and has par cipated in various
fashion shows, while Nikitha Mutha place on Day 2 at 12:45 pm and a
is a senior model who has walked total of twelve teams par cipated. Royale Resonance (Ba le of Bands)
ramps for various shows and has The teams brilliantly showcased Royale Resonance was a ba le
modelled for brands such as AJIO their dancing skills through the of bands event jointly organised
and Myntra. Both teams put up a performances on the main stage. by the WMA and Kalah, taking
great show, and the first place was The first place was bagged by place on Day 2 of VISAGES. The
awarded to SJCC, followed by SJEC. Illusions Crew, followed by Insync event took place from 4:00 pm to
The event was a great success, with Crew in second place. 5:30 pm. Despite a few setbacks,
both the teams showcasing their the par cipa ng teams gave
talent and crea vity in the fashion Pravah (Indian Group Dance) outstanding performances.
domain. The judges were impressed Pravah was the Indian group
with the models’ performances and dance event conducted by Team Aaroha (Indian Solo Singing)
the organisers’ efforts in conduc ng Mrityunjaya, the Indian Dance Team Aaroha, the Indian solo singing
the event smoothly. of the Josephite Dance Associa on. event, hosted by the Indian music
Seven college teams par cipated in associa on, Kalah, on February 24.
Pitch Please! (Western Solo the event, represen ng SJCC, NMIT, The event was conducted in the
Singing) MS Ramaiah, Jyo Nivas College, Arrupe AV room.
Pitch Please! was a western solo MCC, and Presidency University. With a total of 14 par cipants
singing compe on organised All the groups had 6-15 members from various colleges of Bangalore,
by the WMA. The event began at and were given a me limit of 5+1 the event was a complete musical
11:00 am on Day 2 of VISAGES. minutes. journey. There were mul ple
Preene Dias and Agnes John judged The event started at 11:30 am. The genres from folk to melody in the
the event. A total of 11 par cipants teams’ performances incorporated event, with par cipants performing
presented brilliant performances various Indian styles, including in mul ple languages. The judge
which drew cheers from the crowd. Indian Contemporary, Classical, of the event was Mr Pranesh, a
There were two judges, Preene Dias Semi-Classical and Bollywood. renowned Indian singer specialising
and Agnes John. The first place was There were both non-theme and in genres of melody and classical
bagged by Risa Patrick of SJCC and theme based performances. Out of music.
second place by Diya from Christ the seven teams, the three winning
University. teams were:
1st- NMIT, Team Sangharsh Improv
Urban Jukebox (Western Group 2nd- SJCC, Team Lasya Improv was hosted by the Mima
Music) 3rd- MCC, Team Ahilya Associa on on Day 2. There were
Organised by the WMA, this event two rounds and a total of five
began at 12:30 pm and was judged teams with three par cipants each.
by Ricky Mathew, Andrew, and Ly Hara (Indian Solo Dance) The first round involved assigning
Manisha Ruth. There were two Ly Hara was an Indian solo dance tricky hypothe cal situa ons to
registra ons in total, with the event conducted in the auditorium the par cipants. They came up
teams represen ng SJCC and MCC. at 12:30 pm on Day 2 of VISAGES. with hilarious scenes, within a me
SJCC bagged the first place and Contestants from MCC, SJCC, dura on of four minutes. In the
MCC placed second. MVJCE, Christ University, KJC, second round, there was a twist
and Seshadripuram Law College and the par cipants now had to
GROOVE 2GETHER (Western Group par cipated, and had to perform switch languages while ac ng out
Dance) for a maximum of four minutes. The the situa ons of their choice. A
Groove 2Gether was a western event was judged by Ms Thejasvini team represen ng SJCC came first,
group dance event conducted by Balaji, Assistant Professor of the followed by Presidency in second
Jstreets Crew, the western dance Department of Commerce. KJC place, and another team from SJCC
associa on, to give an opportunity came first, followed by SJCC in in third.
to all the students to showcase their second place, and Christ University
skills and talent. The event took (Kengeri) in third. Pushpaka Vimana (Dumb
This event was organised by the
Kannada Sangha on Day 1, in N101
from 11:30 to 1:00 pm. It was
judged by Dr Poonima BN, Associate
Professor, Department of Kannada.
Five teams par cipated in a total
of four rounds. The winning team
was from SJU, followed by a team
represen ng Jyothi Nivas College as
the runner up.

Bid Bash
The Bid Bash auc oning event
organised by the Entrepreneurship
Cell saw high par cipa on with 11
par cipants.The event started off
with the auc oneer introducing
the structure of the auc ons.
Teams ini ally bid for team names,
following which they bid for a total
of 84 players. Team SJCC placed
first, while Christ University YPR
was declared as the runner up.
Diwali is a fes val of lights and St Joseph’s University had its first
symbolizes the spiritual ‘victory Christmas celebra on on December Ignitors
of light over darkness, good 23, 2022. The celebra ons began IGNITORS- Integral Forma on
over evil, and knowledge over with Yule de 2022, a formal Programme 2022-23 (incorpora ng
ignorance.’ St Joseph’s University mee ng in the auditorium at 10:00 the NEP with one credit) was
celebrated Diwali in the universityam. Ms Princy Nisha welcomed the successfully organised for the
auditorium on October 27, 2022. gathering to the celebra on. The students of St Joseph’s University,
The campus was full of light and newly cons tuted University choir, Bengaluru. According to the
decorated with a beau ful display Nigh ngale 2.0, sang Christmas implementa on dra of the NEP
of diyas. The celebra on was held carols. Ms Parul Batra’s Christmas 2021, each student is required to
on the topic ‘Celebra ng Unity message walked the audience earn one credit every semester
in Diversity.’ The programme through memories of Christmas under the Skill Enhancement
started at 1:00 pm by the emcees celebra ons at various stages Category. Therefore, the KJES Youth
welcoming all the dignitaries . It of their lives. Pro-Chancellor, Fr Works organised the programme
was presided over by Dr Ronald Swebert D’Silva, SJ in his address in collabora on with the Campus
Mascarenhas, ‬Pro-Vice-Chancellor. reiterated the need for the spirit of Ministry of SJU.
An invoca on song was performed caring and sharing in our troubled Ignitors, commended as a fire
by students and scriptures were world today. Vice-Chancellor, Dr that enkindles other fires in the
read from different religious (Fr) Victor Lobo, SJ highlighted world today, has helped form
books. A though ul message the relevance of celebra ons like men and women for and with
was delivered by Dr Mudnakudu Christmas to enhance tolerance others. A ending the Ignitors
Chinnaswamy, a renowned poet and compassion. He stressed the programme aids students towards
of Karnataka. Diwali gree ngs aspect of self-giving for facilita ng novel learning and broadens their
were given by Mr Mohammed the efforts toward building an thought percep on. The facilita on
Z Ali. Some staff members and egalitarian society. While the Santa and interac on provided by
students narrated their experiencesClaus enthralled the audience, Ms professional trainers is central to
with Diwali, following which a Sushmita Vincent and Ms Teena this programme. As a result, our
student performed a classical Maria Rani entertained them with university endeavours to transform
dance represen ng happiness and fun-filled games. Decora ng the the individual through holis c
celebra on. Ligh ng of the diyas Christmas tree was the highlight educa on which is humane and
was done by all the dignitaries, of the event. Mr Pramod Harle’s community-centred. It fosters
staff members and students. The quiz made the audience navigate networks to promote peace, unity,
celebra on ended by distribu ng through the history of Bangalore. and love in the socie es they live in
snacks to all the students and The melodious voice of the choir and has helped par cipants discover
staff members. The arrangements reverberated in the auditorium their momentum, uniqueness,
were me culously prepared by Dr as the formal gathering came to and guiding principles in life. As a
A Stephen, Ms Niha Asif, and Dr an end. Dr Sr Saly proposed the result, the growing consciousness
Ahana Pinto under the guidance vote of thanks. Dr Valeen Rashmi among youngsters that they are
of Fr Francis Almeida, SJ, Campus Pereira and Mr Nigel George were ambassadors of jus ce, equity and
Director. the organisers of the ceremony. change has brought them close
Dr Lillyku y Abraham was the towards understanding the no ons
Yule de 2022 coordinator of the formal mee ng. of human development.
Christmas Celebra on at St The celebra ons were concluded Ignitors was conducted in St
Joseph’s University with a sumptuous lunch. Joseph’s University from January
16 to January 24, 2023. The 7. Challenges for youth in India
programme was organised by the 8. Power and Violence
Ignitors Commi ee in collabora on 9. Ac ve Ci zenship for an Inclusive
with the Campus Ministry and Society
Bembala Outreach Team. The
sessions were successful, owing
to the systema c organisa on Semester V: Ignitors Programme
of the programme. Ignitors 2023 on Life Skills
achieved its mo o of “A Fire that 1. Crisis /Conflict Management
Kindles other Fires” and uniquely &Decision Making
enhanced the students’ intellectual 2. Crea ve and Cri cal Thinking
and moral development. The 3. Love vs Infatua on
involvement of diverse resource 4. Self Esteem and Confidence
persons with exper se in various Building
fields contributed to the quality 5. Stress Management & Self Care
of the programme. The sessions 6. Reac ve and Pro-ac ve
were conducted for students behaviours
across all three shi s, with 70 7. Personal and Social Values
volunteer resource persons leading 8. Power of posi ve Thinking
six sessions each over the two- 9. Mo va on
day period. Various in-class and The students have offered a
extracurricular ac vi es gave resounding endorsement of
students a fun learning experience. the sessions they a ended.
Programmes undertaken are as Addi onally, they noted how the
follows: instructors had done a great job
Semester I: Ignitors Programme on of breaking down complex topics
So Skills into more manageable chunks and
1. Goal Se ng & Time Management providing plenty of opportuni es
2. Communica on Skills for asking ques ons and discussing
3. Youth & Media the material. Overall, the students
4. Social E que e appreciated the valuable learning
5. MAG+S-Designing a strong work experience they had gained, as
Ethic depicted in the graphs.
6. Leadership Skills -1 (Basic)
7. Vision, Mission, and Legacy of SJC
8. Peer Power & Peer Pressure
9. Emo onal Issues of Adolescents

Semester III: Ignitors Programme

on Social Analysis
1. India Today -Picturing Socio-
Economic-Poli cal Reali es of our
2. Caste and Gender Discrimina on
3. Human Trafficking & Child Labour
4. Domes c Violence and sexual
5. Youth for Human Rights
6. Youth and Law

BE THE LIGHTS: today. am to 12:45 pm, while the second

TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP shi was held from 3:45 pm to 4:50
PROGRAM ’22 A er a prayer by Lerrin Diaz, State pm. The theme of the event was
AICUF members of SJU took part President, AICUF, Day 2 began the major Bilkis Bano case, which
in Be the Lights, a leadership with a session on inter-religious elicited a healthy response from
programme organised by AICUF harmony led by Dr (Fr) Maxim Diaz, more than 60 par cipants.
Karnataka on September 24 and 25, SJ. Ms Rekha Ahuja conducted the
2022. The occasion was graced by second session of the day, focussing
the presence of Mr Dheenakar, Full on the importance of mental
Timer, AICUF Chennai, Fr Swebert health. A er a series of group Members of AICUF SJU, in
D’Silva, SJ, Pro-Chancellor, and Dr discussions involving par cipants, collabora on with the Catholic
(Fr) Maxim Diaz, SJ, State Advisor, the Sunday Mass was led by Fr Students Associa on SJU,
AICUF. Rashmi DN, Secretary, AICUF Diaz. The two-day event came to an par cipated in Staturos, an inter-
SJU, also marked the day by taking end with a valedictory ceremony, collegiate gospel fest conducted by
oath as a member of the na onal where par cipants were addressed Mount Carmel College, Bangalore,
team during the inaugural and with a Vote of Thanks and awarded on September 30, 2022. Ac ve
inves ture ceremonies. par cipa on cer ficates. par cipa on was observed among
the students of the SJU con ngent,
The first session of Day 1 focused with AICUF members bagging
on the history of AICUF and was SKETCHING/PAINTING & ESSAY first place for various events like
led by Mr Prashanth. The second WRITING COMPETITION Vernacular, Gospel Beats, Ice
session was led by Br Reuell while AICUF Council Members kickstarted Breakers, and Beat Box.
the third session by Fr Arun Louis a new year for the associa on with
focused on the issue of migrants. the hos ng of a sketching and essay
Par cipants were also engaged in wri ng compe on. The event OUTREACH PROGRAMME
group discussions regarding the was held on September 17, 2022, Students visited Vidyaranya Trust,
role AICUF members could play in at the Magis Block. The first shi Koramangala, Bangalore, on
resolving the important issues of of the event was held from 11:45 October 01, 2022, as part of the first
outreach programme of the year with a social ini a ve of
by AICUF. Volunteers and Council decora ng a government school. In
Members, under the leadership of collabora on with AICUF Karnataka, CHILDRENS DAY 2022
Richard Ruben, Cultural Secretary, they visited the site on December To mark the occasion of Children’s
conducted food service and cultural 23, 2022, under the leadership of Dr Day, volunteers and office bearers of
events for the children of the (Fr) Maxim Diaz, SJ, State Advisor, AICUF visited a government school
orphanage. The event was made AICUF. Students of the school were on November 14, 2022. Volunteers
memorable by the smiles and joy taught the importance of skill-based spent quality me with children as
in the children. Volunteers learnt classes, co-curricular ac vi es, and they enjoyed themselves in games
the importance of sharing and physical educa on. The day was and other ac vi es. The event was
compassion as they spend the day filled with carol singing, dances a joyful experience as par cipants
in the company of eager children. by school children and volunteers, learnt the importance of emo ons
a flash mob by the State Council, of love, sharing, and kindness.
with a Santa performance by
FLASH MOB & BAND SET– Richard Ruben, Cultural Secretary.
INAUGURATION WEEK The event le happy memories in OUTREACH TO BETTADA
In the lead-up to Inaugura on Week, the minds of volunteers as they HALASURU
the members of AICUF conducted a welcomed the spirit of joy of the AICUF conducted an outreach
flash mob and band performance upcoming Christmas fes vi es. programme to Be ada Halasuru
to promote the associa on and to on April 10 and 11, 2023, under
invite Josephites to the inaugural the guidance of Fr Francis
ceremony. The events were QUIZ COMPETITION D’Almeida, SJ, Campus Director,
conducted by the band Trinity as AICUF SJU, under the leadership and Ms Gisa George, Faculty
well as various dance teams. The of Council Members, conducted Representa ve, AICUF. Volunteers
event was made successful by the a quiz compe on on the history were accompanied by Ms Arpita,
enthusias c response from the of the associa on on October Professor, and Mr Salman.
audience and the support of the 02, 2022, at AV Room, PG Block.
management. Set by Hemavathi, President, 10
teams consis ng of four members
each ba led it out to become the
MERRY CHRISTMAS 2022 winners. The event was a success
The members of AICUF SJU with ac ve par cipa on and a good
welcomed the spirit of Christmas response from par cipants.

3RD YEARS FAREWELL EBSB MYSORE regions and states, through inter-
On July 11, 2022, the farewell for The Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat Camp personnel interac on and power-
the batch of the year 2019-22 2022 was organized by 3 KAR GIRLS point presenta ons. Cadets were
was held in Loyola Hall. The event BN NCC, NCC Group Headquarters, acquainted with fes vals, food,
was planned two weeks prior by Mysore, under the commandership tradi onal a re, dance, cultural
the second and third-year cadets. of Group Commander Col R.R. heritage, tourist and historical
The chief guest, ANO Sqn Ldr Dr. Menon assisted by Col M K Mishra. places etc. Apart from this, skill
K Paul Newman, was welcomed The camp was held from July 12 to development training was given
along with the gathering. A recap July 23 2022. Camp ac vi es began by ex-par cipants of NCC from
video of the NCC journey of the with an opening address from Col various parts of the country.
batch of 2019- 2022 was displayed R.R. Menon, Group Commander, Besides this, pain ng, debate,
on the scene, bringing back fond Mysore Group NCC. During the sports compe ons and cultural
memories. The batch was then 12-day camp, various ac vi es programmes were also been
addressed by ANO Sqn Ldr Dr K including ‘Mysuru Darshan’ for organised. Cadet Kethan P from
Paul Newman, following which the cadets were organised. A St. Joseph’s College a ended this
Elizabeth Kuriyakose, CUO Ashna total of 600 cadets par cipated esteemed camp. It was an amazing
Yadav and CUO Hrishikesh spoke in the camp, including 150 cadets experience of great learning and
about their journey in NCC. The from North East Region (NER) experience of visi ng the significant
batch was awarded mementoes Directorate, 18 cadets from Goa sites and interac ng with cadets
following a group song and dance. and 432 cadets from Karnataka. In from all over the country and
A er the vote of thanks, the event the EBSB camp, besides military learning about their culture, as per
was concluded with refreshments. training, cadets were exposed to the mo ve of the camp – Ek Bharat
the culture and tradi ons of other Shreshth Bharat.
BLOOD DONATION CAMP par cipated. The skeet shoo ng
INDEPENDENCE DAY On August 8 2022, a blood was scheduled on September 27
On August 15 2022, the 75th dona on camp was organised at but postponed to September 28
Independence Day was celebrated St. Joseph’s University by a Who is owing to organisa onal issues. One
at St. Joseph’s University 1 KAR AIR Hussain? a non-profit organisa on, SD and SW from each directorate
SQN NCC. On this day the deserving with Narayana Health. Blood bank a ended the event. Every evening
cadets got promoted in pipping partners were TTK Blood Bank and was dedicated to cultural prac ce.
ceremony. The parade started at Indira Gandhi Ins tute of Child An aeromodelling compe on,
8:00 a.m through repor ng session. Health and Blood Center. The camp including three different ac vi es,
The celebra ons started at the was part of a world record-breaking was held on September 29 and
college ground with a welcome challenge aiming to collect an con nued on September 30.
speech and hois ng of the flag. excess of 50,000 units of blood
Deserving third-year air wing across the globe. The dona on EBSB Camp 2022.
cadets were promoted to CSUO, camp was held at the basketball The Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat camp
CUOs, CWOs, and SGTs, while court of St. Joseph’s University. A 2022 was organized from October 9
second-year cadets were promoted total of 6 cadets of 1 KAR AIR SQN to 18, in collabora on with ISRO,
to CDT, CPLs, and LFCs. Air wing and SJU NCC volunteered for this blood with a theme of Aerospace. It was
armoured wing cadets took part in dona on camp. conducted by 1 KAR AIR SQN NCC,
parades inside the college as well Jakkur under the commandership
as in drill prac ce. The parade was of Group Captain S. Kundu and
dispersed at 5:30 p.m. a er the flag the deputy camp commandant as
was lowered and the NCC song was Captain P.F Khan. In line with Prime
sung. Minister Narendra Modi’s Mann Ki
Baat, the camp was organised and
SELECTIONS DAY executed with the aim of providing
On September 11 2022, selec ons exposure to India’s prowess in
were held for the batch of 2022-25 space. Cadet Corporal Janhavi
and were a ended by a total of 20 Sharma from St. Joseph’s University
cadets including both second and a ended this esteemed camp.
third years. The cadets reported at ALL INDIA VAYU SAINIK CAMP
6:15 a.m. near the NCC Office and On September 23 2022, the cadets EBSB BELLARY
were briefed about the protocol arrived at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, The Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat- II
for the day. Registra on began at which was used to organise cadets’ camp 2023 was organized from
6:45 a.m. and a total of 44 aspirants paperwork and assign lodgings to January 16 to 27 2023 by the 38
were divided into 4 groups each directorate. The following KAR Ba alion, Gadag, in PRTC
namely Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and day, September 24, was taken up Toranagallu. The camp aimed to
Delta. The process began with with paperwork and the arrival of enhance the understanding and
the conduc on of physical tests another directorate. On September bonding between the states,
including a 1600-metre run, situps, 25, the DDG Rajasthan directorate, innovate the knowledge of the
pushups and burpees. Further, Air Commodore LK Jain and other culture, tradi ons and prac ces
the candidates were evaluated commanding officers in charge held of different states and hereby
through group discussions where the opening ceremony and welcome strengthen the unity and integrity
each group was given two topics address. This was followed by a of India. The main objec ves of
to discuss. At 1:00 p.m., the cadets flying test conducted for all cadets, the camp are to develop leadership
and aspirants broke off for lunch. On including both special subjects and skills, enhance the knowledge
returning at 1:45 p.m., the cadets the standard opera ng procedures base and public speaking abili es,
were divided into three panels and (SOP) of their respec ve aircra . peer learning through mutual
interviewed aspirants. The process A .22 firing compe on was held interac on, foster team spirit,
was concluded at 6:00 p.m. on September 26, in which 1 SW improve so skills and understand
and 2 SDs from each directorate the culture of own state and the
par cipa ng state. Ac vi es such AIR SQN NCC SJU represented the Yelahanka Air Force Sta on. Sarang
as language classes, presenta ons Karnataka & Goa Directorate at the display team had just started
on fes vals, dances, and songs of republic day camp held between showboarding their helicopter
the NER directorate and Karnataka January 1 to 29 2023. The selec ons skills making forma on with white
Directorate. An EXPA program too started in the month of October smoke released by the aircra s.
was organised for SDs and SWs, at the unit level. The first training This was the first edi on of Aero
along with an educa onal tour camp was held in Kolar followed India where the world’s stealthiest
of the JSW Steel plant and a visit by an Inter-Group Compe on in aircra Lockheed Mar n F-35
to Hampi. The cadets celebrated the month of November. Cadets performed in the air show. The
republic day at the campsite and were shortlisted in this camp for air show also involved exhibi on
had cultural compe ons on the the next three pre-Republic Day of the might of various other
same day. Cadets of respec ve training camps. The hard work and renowned military aircra like F-16
directorates performed various efforts of the cadets paid off when Falcon, LCA Tejas, LCH Prachand
cultural ac vi es represen ng their they reported to the DG NCC Can . and Dakota. The helicopter air
directorates. And a er which we in New Delhi on December 31 display team of the IAF Sarang and
had our closing ceremony. 2022. They visited the Chief Of Air the aeroba c display team of the
Staff, Air Chief Marshal Vivek Ram IAF Surya Kiran also performed in
REPUBLIC DAY Chaudhari’s house for a tea party this air show which acted like the
The 74th Republic Day was as well as a ended similar events show stopper. The air show was
observed by the cadets of 1 KAR with the Defence Minister of India, later followed by an orienta on on
AIR SQN NCC at St. Joseph’s Defence Secretary of India, Chief career opportuni es in the IAF by
University on January 26, 2023. Of Defence Staff and Chief of Naval the officers of the force and cadets
The Pilots escorted the principal, Staff during the camp. On January visited the Museum of the Air
Dr (Fr) Victor Lobo, SJ, and the ANO 28, they took part in the Prime Force Sta on. This air show gave a
of Air Wing, Squadron Leader Dr Minister’s Rally. The cadets also memorable experience and some
K Paul Newman, who were both interacted with officers of the Indian knowledge of military avia on.
present for the inspec on of the Army, Navy and Airforce as well as
con ngent that came a er. Cadets a ended cultural programmes.
from the air wing, army wing, the
NSS, and the student council made AERO show 2023
up the con ngent. The principal Prime Minister Narendra Modi
hoisted the tricolour on the college on February 13 inaugurated the
grounds a er which the na onal five-day Aero India 2023 on the
anthem was sung by everyone theme ‘The runway to a billion
present. The pipping ceremony was opportuni es’ at the India Air Force
held a er the parade, where cadets sta on at Yelahanka, in Bengaluru,
were promoted. The dignitaries to showcase India’s growth in
addressed the con ngent with aerospace and defence capabili es. Unit Skeet Shoo ng
a speech a er which all the The focus of Aero India 2023 On the 1st of March , 2023, 11 Cadets
cadets and students dispersed for will be on displaying indigenous of 1 KAR AIR SQN SJU , reported
breakfast arranged by the college. equipment/technologies and to Unit, at Jakkur , Aerodrome, at
The Indian flag was guarded by the forging partnerships with foreign 0900hrs. The cadets conducted
NCC cadets and was lowered at companies, in line with ‘Make in the cleaning of the microlights
6:00 p.m. on the same day, folded, India, Make for the World’ vision. sta oned at the aerodrome.
and escorted safely back to the NCC The cadets of 1 KAR AIR SQN were Cadets were also briefed about
office by the pilots. given the opportunity to witness how to use fire ex nguishers
the AERO SHOW on the 15th and handle situa ons during fire
REPUBLIC DAY CAMP 2023 of February. They were asked to accidents. D.D.G Air Commodore
CDT/SGT V Sai Subramanian CDT/ report to the Jakkur Aerodrome by B.S Kanwar, arrived for inspec on
SGT Charan Gowda K R from 1 KAR 0950hrs and were then taken to the at the unit, received by Captain
P.F. Khan and A.O. Squadron leader
Tanya Srinivas. The cadets had an
opportunity to hold the double
barrel 12 gauge shotgun and were
briefed about the func oning,
cleaning and the procedure for
skeet shoo ng. The cadets put on an
excellent display of marksmanship,
by landing mul ple hits and kills
on the range for skeet shoo ng ,
with the double barrel 12 Gauge
shotgun, despite the unfavourable
weather condi ons, such as wind
speed, faulty cartridges. Cadets got
an opportunity to dry run the drill
for skeet shoo ng and cleaning
procedures. A er which, cadets
were given Visarjan.

IDSSC Selec ons

IDSSC selec ons were held at
selec ons for All India Vayu Sainik Centre), Victoria Hospital,
the Parachute Regiment Training
Camp, on 6th March,2023, at Unit Bengaluru in St. Joseph’s University,
Centre. It was a two-day selec on
HQ, Jakkur Aerodrome, Bengaluru. Bengaluru.
process. The cadets reported at
The cadets reported at the unit at The Cadets reported to the senior
0800hrs at the PRTC. The cantor
0600hrs where they were briefed in charge who assigned them
with the target sheet, frames,
about the double barrel gun, the tasks. They were asked to go to
.22rifles and ammuni on also
trap machine, and basics of skeet classrooms around the college to
reached by 0830hrs.
shoo ng. Each cadet was then inform and remind the students
The target sheet was placed at a
given 3 rounds for shoo ng. The that the blood dona on drive has
distance of 25yards. On day 1, the
cadets who got either a hit or a commenced and encourage them
cadets got three a empts i.e. 3
kill, were given 2 extra rounds. Even to donate blood. The Cadets
target sheets with 5 rounds each,
though the cadets were introduced were then assigned to prepare the
whereas on day 2 two a empts
to skeet shoo ng for the first apprecia on cer ficates for the
were given with the same 5 rounds
me, they successfully followed donors and also helped maintain
each. On the first day only one
the instruc ons by the instructors the decorum and guide them
first year cadet from SJU a ended
without any inconveniences and The drive concluded at 170Ohrs
and got the second-best grouping
gave their best in each round. a er which the cadets helped pack
amongst the group. On the second
These selec ons gave the cadets a the equipment. This blood dona on
day 5 first and second years tried
good experience and opportunity camp gave a clear orienta on on
their hand out and the best on day
of skeet shoo ng and also inspired administering large events of this
2 was 4.6cm.
the cadets to get selected for the kind.
One cadet each from first and
All India Vayu Sainik Camp.
second year got selected from 1
Welcoming of the new CO of 1KAR
KAR AIR SQN to compete amongst
Blood Dona on Drive (2023) AIR SQN NCC
others selected from Bangalore ’B’
The Cadets of 1 KAR AIR SQN SJU New journey brings new
on 9th March, 2023 volunteered excitements, new experiences and
in organizing the Blood Dona on new challenges and to take on
Skeet Shoo ng
Camp conducted by Department these challenges we need someone
The Cadets of 1 KAR AIR SQN, SJU
of Immuno Hematology (Blood to guide us all the way up.
par cipated in skeet shoo ng
The post of the commanding officer launch of Indian satellites. Cadet Sergeant (CDT/SGT) Kethan P
of 1 KARNATAKA AIR SQUADRON Cadet Sergeant (CDT/SGT) Vathsala represented the Karnataka and Goa
NCC was taken over by Wing T M represented the Karnataka and Directorate at the
Commander PR Ponnappa and 14 Goa Directorate at the All India Vayu Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Camp.
first year Cadets with 7 second year Sainik Camp 2022. She was part Leading Flight Cadet (LFC) Thomas
cadets of 1 KAR AIR SQN NCC, SJU of the line area, drill con ngent, Rino represented the Karnataka and
with other cadets of the unit were and flying and skeet shoo ng Goa Directorate at the Ek Bharat
present to welcome our new CO on compe ons. Ini ally, a range firer Shreshtha Bharat Camp 2023.
9th March, 2023. she advanced her way to becoming Cadets from the North Eastern
All the Cadets reported at Jakkur the only SW cadet to represent Regions and the Karnataka & Goa
Aerodrome at 0620hrs and began Karnataka & Goa Directorate at the Directorate a ended the camp
the prepara ons for the ceremony. na onal level skeet shoo ng for and performed various ac vi es
Wing Commander PR Ponnappa AIVSC 2022. enhancing the cultural exchange
arrived at 0815hrs and was first Cadet Sergeant (CDT/SGT) Tharun among the cadets.
welcomed by the guard team M R represented the Karnataka Cadet Sergeant (CDT/SGT) V Sai
of SJU cadets and was escorted and Goa Directorate at the All India Subramanian represented the
to the podium by the pilots. Vayu Sainik Camp 2022. He was Karnataka and Goa Directorate
Wing Commander PR Ponnappa part of the tent pitching, line area at the Republic Day Camp 2023.
addressed the parade with his and flying compe ons. He won He is the All-India Best Cadet gold
encouraging words. A tea party first place in the health & hygiene medalist (air wing, SD). He is an
was hosted where our new CO compe on at the directorate level. excellent 0.22 firer and proficient
interacted with the PI Staff, ANO’s, Cadet Sergeant (CDT/SGT) in academics and extra-curricular
Civilian Staff and the cadets and Leiyapam Kashak represented the ac vi es.
mo vated them to reach greater Karnataka and Goa Directorate Cadet Sergeant (CDT/SGT) Charan
heights. All the cadets cleared the at the All India Vayu Sainik Camp Gowda K R represented the
stage and set everything aside for 2022. He was part of the drill Karnataka and Goa Directorate at
the next event and were safely back con ngent, 0.22 range firing and the Republic Day Camp 2023. He is
home by noon. flying compe ons. He was among one of the only two SD cadets from
the only two SDs to represent 1 Karnataka Air Squadron a ending
Achievements Karnataka & Goa Directorate in .22 this pres gious camp in 2023. He is
firing compe ons at the na onal an excellent 0.22 firer.
Cadet Sergeant (CDT/SGT) level for AIVSC 2022.
Manjunath N represented the
Karnataka and Goa Directorate
at the All India Vayu Sainik Camp,
in 2022. He was part of the tent
pitching, line area, drill con ngent
and flying compe ons. He was the
top scorer in the flying compe on.

Cadet Corporal (CDT/CPL) Janhavi

Sharma represented the Karnataka
and Goa Directorate at the Ek Bharat
Shreshtha Bharat Aerospace Camp
2022. This was the first edi on of
the EBSB camp partnered up with
ISRO and HAL. She was recognised
as an exemplary cadet by the
DDG for her ac ve par cipa on
in realising the development and
NSS UNIT 1 & 2
NSS UNIT 1 achievers who have made
unprecedented contribu ons.
WALKATHON Various state-level literary and VOLUNTEERS GOT TALENT
On the occasion of World cultural programs were organised Volunteers Got Talent was
Standards Day, the Bureau of for the event. The compe ons conducted to bring out the best
Indian Standards paid tribute to organised were Janapada Group talents among our volunteers
the collabora ve efforts of experts Dance, Janapada Singing, and through compe on. It was held on
worldwide who develop voluntary Speech Compe on. Winners November 5, 2022, from 1 pm to 3
technical agreements published were awarded cash prizes along pm at Aloysius Hall and De Nobili
as Interna onal Standards by with medals and cer ficates while Hall. Among the cultural ac vi es,
conduc ng a Walkathon, a quality volunteers who par cipated were more than six were conducted
run, on October 16, 2022, at 8:00 awarded par cipa on cer ficates. offline on campus. More than 60
am from Bangalore Palace to Selected volunteers from each unit volunteers showcased their talents
Vidhana Soudha. About 80 to 100 also took part in the event. and took part ac vely. The events
students par cipated in this event conducted were Dancing, Singing,
hosted by the NSS Cell of SJU. Stand Up Comedy, Instrument, and
Par cipants were provided with so on.
shirts, caps, badges, water and KOTI KANTA GAYANA
refreshments, ambulance service Ko Kanta Gayana was held at
and medical assistance. Volunteers Kanteerava Stadium on October 28,
from all five units, including 20 to 2022, at 11:00 am to commemorate
25 volunteers from Unit 1, also took Kannada Rajyotsava. The event
part in the event. was organised by the Department
of Kannada and Culture Gok
in partnership with the NSS
Department. Nearly 200 volunteers
took part in this program
represen ng NSS Unit 1 and the
NSS Cell of SJU. Par cipants sang
songs and took the pledge. WALKATHON
In collabora on with the Elec on
Commission of India, a walkathon
INAUGURATION CEREMONY was organised to add names to the
The Inaugural and Badging Voter List and create awareness
Ceremonies for newly elected about vo ng. The Na onal Voter
NSS FESTIVAL commi ee members of NSS Units Awareness Contest by the Elec on
The University of Mysore, in 1 and 2 were held on October 31, Commission of India’s SVEEP
collabora on with the Na onal 2022, at 12 pm. The event was (Systema c Voters’ Educa on
Service Scheme Cell and CREDIT-I conducted offline at Xavier Hall, and Electoral Par cipa on)
organisa on, celebrated the PG Block. The Chief Guest was Ms program taps into the talent
fi eenth year of meritorious service Santa Sylvia, founder of Hope Nest, and inven veness of young
of the Mysore CREDIT-I organisa on and Mr Selwyn Paul, NSS Program people, while also strengthening
on October 29, 2022, by organising Coordinator. The event saw an democracy through their ac ve
the NSS Fes val. This auspicious unprecedented response with over involvement. Accessible to all age
day was celebrated by honouring 200 volunteers taking part in it. groups, it aims at celebra ng ideas
and content curated on the theme Field Study Centre is a fully ended his address by saying that
of the importance of every single func onal rus c house set amidst it is the people of a country who
vote in a democracy. The event was the local community where one can make the cons tu on work. Mr
held on November 09, 2022, at 6:30 enjoy ge ng away from the hustle Thakur elaborated on the poli cs
am from the Cubbon Park Main and bustle of city life. of defec ons in the backdrop
Gate, Hudson Circle and ended at 8 of upcoming elec ons. Ci ng
am at Bala Bhavan Front End with some examples from history he
breakfast for par cipants. NSS CELL INAUGURAL CEREMONY elaborately expressed his views
The 53rd Inaugural Ceremony of on the topic. Secularism is the
all five units of the NSS was held basic structure of the Indian
A TALE OF TWO ELEPHANTS on November 19, 2022, at 3 pm. cons tu on. He also spoke of the
The forests of Southern India are The event was conducted offline state intervening in the interstate
cri cal for the conserva on of at the University Auditorium. The freedom of religion. Supers on
many threatened large mammals, Chief Guest of the event was Dr and religion don’t go together.
but they have high-density human Shalini Rajneesh, IAS. The event Personal law is with the consent
popula ons. Situated in the Eastern was also graced by Shri Prathap of the sovereign and subject to
Ghats, the Bannergha a Na onal Lingaiah, GoK, Shri YM Uppin, GoI, fundamental rights. He ended by
Park (BNP) protects roughly 256 and Mr Selwyn Paul, NSS Program saying that freedom of religion is
sq km and is just 22 km south Coordinator. The event was met more of a progressive and liberal
of Bangalore, India’s third most with great success with more than area. Laws should be ra onalised.
populous city. It is part of the 500 volunteers taking part in it. The purpose of fundamental rights
country’s largest scrub forests and is to establish the rule of law. It
is a cri cal landscape as it connects gives us legal rights. Fundamental
to larger forest tracts in the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION DAY rights are jus fiable and enforced to
South, providing an undisturbed The guest speaker, Mr Vasanth, protect the dignity of an individual.
link between the Eastern and Advocate, Karnataka High Court Ar cle 24 encloses those rights.
Western Ghats. Community is said that freedom of India is not a fundamental rights aims to restore
essen al to conserva on and gi . The seminar which took place the individual or collec ve interest.
therefore, there is a requirement on November 26, 2022, from 1 However, fundamental rights also
for sensi za on and collabora on pm to 3 pm in the Loyola Hall, was face challenges such as lack of
among local key fac ons. A Rocha hugely informa ve and provided informa on on fundamental rights,
India’s conserva on programs the par cipants, academicians and adjustments that make us comply
are largely based on mi ga on the teaching faculty with enormous with the wrong, no cri cal thinking
measures reducing the threat knowledge on various aspects of and evalua on in choosing our
of human-animal conflict in the the Indian Cons tu on and the representa ves, decriminalisa on
highly fragmented landscape of fundamental rights of its ci zens. on the basis of religion, priva sa on
the Bannergha a Na onal Park. Mr Vasanth informed about the in the government and ci zens
About 25 volunteers visited A recent amendments made to the not cas ng their votes or using
Rocha India First Field Study on Indian Cons tu on and how it has NOTA. The event was successfully
November 12, 2022, to take part posed contemporary challenges conducted with 25 volunteers
in an orienta on programme and to modern India. It took 27 years taking part in it.
listen to researchers share their 11 months and 18 days to dra
field experiences working with the Indian cons tu on. The final
elephants. Conserva on in India dra was wri en in 1950 by Dr NATIONAL YOUTH WEEK
depends upon the support of Ambedkar. The challenges of The volunteers were welcomed
future genera ons. Such educa on modern India are money and for the first session of the new
programs are based on a hands- muscle power. Mr Thakur said semester on January 16, 2023
on approach to understanding the that nurturing secularism helps in Loyola Hall. The first year
reality and challenges facing our get rid of intolerance and linguis c volunteers were then briefed about
natural heritage. The Kasserguppe pluralism has to be nurtured. He SEC classes and their ques ons
were answered. A er that, the 75 volunteers into groups of eight to task. Once all the volunteers had
volunteers were divided into 12 nine. Each group selected its team reassembled, the emcee explained
teams for a group ac vity. A few sub leader and a name for the group. the role of UNODC in the world
topics were chosen based on the The leaders had to blow and burst and played two videos related to
quali es of youth: communica on, a balloon to reveal their topic. This drug awareness. A few important
educa on, pa ence, self control, game was organised like a treasure announcements were made and
mo va on/self esteem, mental hunt, where the leaders had to the session was concluded by
health, dreams, responsibility, hunt for their topics. The group taking a endance of the volunteers
leadership, volunteering, posi ve members had to prepare charts present. The volunteers were also
thinking and teamwork. Each team based on the government schemes taught the NSS clap.
was supposed to choose one leader in the given topic. A short seminar
from their group and the selected by Ms Akkai Padmashali, Indian
leaders had to pick-up three chits Ac vist, was also held. She gave a UNITY IN DIVERSITY
from a box. 12 words were divided short speech for 10 minutes and This was the fourth event of this
amongst three chits. For example, the programme officer honoured semester. It was held on January
‘communica on’ was divided into the guest speaker. A er the speech, 25, 2022 in Loyola Hall from 1:30
three chits (words) i. e., com mun each group presented their chart in to 4:30 pm. The event was planned
ica on. The leaders were supposed front of all the volunteers. At the and executed to celebrate unity
to choose three chits from the box end of the event, the charts were in diversity. The volunteers were
to solve the puzzle. The teams collected by the members and the welcomed for the 4th SEC session.
were given a role play based on the programme was completed by The topic of the day was introduced
word that they solved. If team 1 taking a endance. to the volunteers. The volunteers
solved the puzzle ‘communica on,’ were first divided into seven groups
they had to do a role play on for a short nonverbal ac vity where
communica on. Each team had DRUG ABUSE AND ILLICIT the group members were given
to perform for 4+1 minutes. TRAFFICKING a single coconut broom s ck and
Addi onally, to give a be er The Monday batch students and they had to pick up a ball kept in
understanding on the importance of the volunteers of second and third the middle of a circle by working
communica on, a game of chinese years a ended the event. The event together. It was an interes ng
whisper was conducted. A balloon was held on January 23, 2022 in the ac vity. Then to start the real
and straw ac vity where a balloon basement of Loyola Hall auditorium task of the day, the volunteers
had to be passed using a straw was from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. The emcee, were shuffled again. The group
held to give a be er understanding Mr Sagar welcomed 70 volunteers representa ve had to share a
about teamwork. This event was and introduced the topic. There chocolate with everyone and get
conducted to educate and develop were a few general ques ons back to the emcee to reveal their
the importance of youth skills. asked. Then, the volunteers were topic. A er everyone’s topic was
divided into groups of seven. The given, they were asked to prepare a
volunteers were asked to make skit. The me limit was 20 minutes.
GOVERNMENT SCHEMES crea ve bookmarks with slogans The a endance was taken while the
This was the first SEC class for the and drawings. All the volunteers groups were presen ng their skits.
Wednesday batch volunteers. enjoyed this ac vity. The best
Mr Leander was incharge of the bookmark was selected from each
event conducted from 1:30 pm to group by the staff incharge to be REPUBLIC DAY
4:15 pm on January 18, 2022 in displayed on the no ce board. The NSS volunteers, NCC cadets and
Loyola Hall. The volunteers were For the remaining bookmarks, other associa ons’ members and
welcomed and told about the volunteers were asked to go around facili es were part of the Republic
importance of SEC classes. Then, the university, explain the event day programme organised on
the session started where the to someone and give them the January 26, 2022 in the university
emcee Mr. Leo introduced the topic bookmark. The volunteers were grounds. The volunteers were
to the 70 volunteers. He divided the given 15 minutes to finish their asked to assemble on the ground
by 8:00 am. At 8:55 am, protocol in the auditorium basement. were instructed to return to the
officers escorted the dignitaries The volunteers had two different Bangalore Palace on foot and the
to the venue. The Vice Chancellor ac vi es which were drawing the event concluded at 10:35 am.
inspected NSS and NCC units. freedom fighters and face pain ng. Breakfast was provided to the
The event began by unfurling the All the unit one volunteers took an volunteers. The volunteers gained
na onal flag while the na onal ac ve part. The first hour was for informa on on the concept of ISI
anthem was sung. Then, the Vice introduc on and sketching of the marks and how product quali es
Chancellor administered the freedom fighters and the second are lowered due businesses using
na onal pledge. Various officials hour was for face pain ng where fake marks.
and student leaders greeted the interes ng outcomes were seen Outcome – This event was
dignitaries a er which the piping due to talented ar sts. conducted to increase awareness
ceremony was held wherein the about water usage.
Vice Chancellor conferred ranks on
selected NCC cadets. A erwards, NSS UNIT 2
both the Pro Chancellor and Vice KOTI KANTA GAYANA
Chancellor addressed the gathering. WALKATHON The Karnataka government hosted
The dignitaries were escorted back Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, in ‘Ko Kanta Gayana,’ on the occasion
a er the na onal salute. All the collabora on with the Ministry of of Kannada Rajyotsava, on October
NSS and NCC units took group Youth Affairs and Sports, organised 28, 2022 from 11 am. A goal was
photographs and breakfast was a walkathon from Bangalore Palace set to achieve a world record by
arranged for them. NSS and NCC to Vidhana Soudha on October involving one million volunteers
special duty took posi on. At 6:00 16, 2022, to commemorate World in the programme. The volunteers
pm, the protocol officer lowered Standards Day. Drinking water is were informed on the importance
the na onal flag and escorted it intended for human consump on. of language and to understand its
back to a safe place. The Bureau of Indian Standards significance. Songs about Karnataka
established IS 10500: 2012 as the and Kannada were sung as part of
standard quality of drinking water the programme. All the volunteers
in India. Since 1955, the ISI mark has le the University at 10:22 am and
served as a standard compliance arrived at Kanteerva Stadium by
mark for industrial products in India. 10:40 am. A few volunteers were
The mark cer fies that a product given Karnataka flags. Everyone
complies with an Indian standard present in the stadium were given
(IS) developed by India’s na onal cookies and vegetable puffs.The
standards body, the Bureau of Indian programme began at 11:00 am. Six
Standards (BIS). The volunteers songs of five minutes each were
were asked to include their names sung:
in the volunteers list and provide State Anthem
MARTYR’S DAY their contact details with their Udayavagali Namma Cheluva
Martyr’s Day or Shaheed Diwas is signature, when they arrived at the Kannada Nadu
observed in India on several dates. Bangalore Palace. The volunteers Barisu Kannada Dindimava
March 23 is remembered as the were given an ISI-branded water Hacchevu Kannada Deepa
day when Bhagat Singh, Shivaram bo le. The volunteers were briefed Vishwavinutana Vidyachetana
Rajguru, and Sukhdev Thapar, were on the event by the organisers. Hu di Kannadali Nadalli Utdi Udali
hanged to death by the Bri sh They were also informed about Nadu
government. January 30 is observed fake ISI symbols on utensils. The The six Kannada songs were sung
as Martyrs Day or Shaheed Diwas event commenced at around 10:00 at the same me by more than a
in memory of Mahatma Gandhi. am. The final venue (Vidhana thousand people. The programme
70 volunteers were present to Soudha) was cancelled as the concluded at 11:40 am. The
celebrate the event on January permission from the minister had volunteers’ a endance was tracked
30, 2022 from 1:30 to 3:45 pm not been obtained. The volunteers by scanning their ID cards before
and a er the event. A photo shoot Bhumika, a student of St. Joseph’s the new office bearers or council
was held with the NSS coordinator University, Bangalore won third members of each unit took charge
and volunteers present. The NSS place in the Janapada singing of their respec ve units. Ms Raj
unit le the stadium at 12:15 pm. compe on along with a cash Kiran, Program Officer Unit two,
and arrived at university at 12:35 prize of Rs. 2000. The programme administered the oath, and the units
pm. concluded at 7:00 pm a er which were assigned to their respec ve
Outcome – This event was the team le Mysore at 8:00 pm. designa ons. The event concluded
conducted to create an awareness The volunteers reached Bangalore with the volunteers’ vote of thanks.
about Kannada and the Karnataka at 11 pm along with the Assistant OUTCOME- This event helped
Rajyotsava. Programme officer. volunteers understand the
Outcome – This event was a importance of a service mentality
NSS FESTIVAL, MYSORE compe on conducted to explore and the implica ons of service
Credit-I, in collabora on with the volunteers’ talents. oriented characteris cs in their
Mysore University, organised future, as well as the role of in
the NSS fes val to celebrate personal development.
the organisa on’s 15 years of ORIENTATION AND INVESTITURE’S
meritorious service. Several CEREMONY
state level interuniversity literary The Na onal Service Scheme NATIONAL UNITY DAY
and cultural compe ons were Unit one and two began the The Na onal Service Scheme unit
held. St. Joseph’s University academic year 2022 on October one and two hosted Na onal Unity
provided 11 volunteers. Mr Prasad 31, 2022, with an inaugura on and Day on October 31st at 12:00 pm.
accompanied the volunteers when orienta on of both units. The event The aim was to bring awareness
they le Bengaluru at 5:00 am. on began at 12:00 pm with a welcome of unity among people. Ms Santa
Saturday, October 29, 2022. The speech. The lamp was lit by the Sylvia, founder of Hope Nest, NGO
team arrived in Mysore at 8:25 am. guests of the day, Ms Santa Sylvia, was the chief guest for the event.
They went to Kala Mandira a er founder of Hope Nest, NGO and Ms Sylvia welcomed the students
breakfast where they were briefed Mr Selwyn Paul J, NSS programme and gave them a brief introduc on
on the compe ons. Following coordinator, accompanied by Dr about herself. She talked about the
the briefing session, volunteers Hanumantharayapa, Department social service schemes conducted
from all universi es headed to of Kannada, and Ms Raj Kiran, by her for the society and led the
the respec ve venues where the Department of Commerce. A video event by explaining how she got
compe ons were being held. Nine presenta on was shown to depict into the field of social services. Ms
volunteers par cipated in Janapada the history, evolu on, ac vi es, Sylvia shared the fact that she was
Singing held in NSS Bhavan. Eight and various camps held, as well bad at studies but she pursued a
volunteers took part in Janapada as the impact of the exposure degree in social work. She wanted to
Dance that was held at Lalitha gained by the camps. Ms Santa help people around her. In doing so,
Kala Mandira and two volunteers Sylvia, the honourable guest, she realised her duty was to serve
par cipated in the Janapada spoke about service, its impacts on the People. Later she recounted
speech compe on at NSS Bhavan. students, and how students should the discrimina on faced by her
The volunteers were served lunch posi vely respond to situa ons. due to her dark skin which led to a
at 1:30 pm once the compe ons She also encouraged the students, campaign promo ng equality based
had concluded. A two hour mono- volunteers, faculty, and the rest of on skin colours. She gradually found
act drama was performed by a the audience to take an oath with her NGO, “Hope Nest.” She advised
Mysore university. Following the the goal of serving and catering to everyone to extend their selfless
drama performance, a valedictory the na on’s well-being. Mr Selwyn services. Following that, she gave
programme was held in which the Paul J discussed NSS policies a brief introduc on about unity
Janapada compe on winners were for the fiscal year 2022-23, and and quoted, “Like than individually,
announced. Karnataka kanmani held an interac ve session with results are always be er when done
awards were also presented to volunteers about NSS and their together.” She meant to expound
achievers from rural backgrounds. personal perspec ves. Wherea er, on how strength lay in unity. She
encouraged students, faculty, of the slides displayed in the
volunteers and the audience to background. A endance was taken
serve people without expec ng towards the end. The volunteers BEST OUT OF WASTE
any return. The celebra on was were asked to fill up a google form Best Out Of Waste was held on
held to create an awareness on containing a short test based on November 10, 2022, from 1 pm
the ideas of staying together what was discussed in the webinar. to 3 pm under the leadership of
and upli ing society. This event The quiz consisted of 30 ques ons, Amrutha M. It is a cra which follows
helped volunteers understand the with 10 ques ons about Karnataka. environmentally-friendly principles
importance of a service mentality The rest of the ques ons were and creates useful objects out of
and was a great opportunity to about NSS and its history. Even waste products. Par cipants were
deepen bonds by bringing people though it was an online event, it given an hour to create anything
together. was a very successful event. that was the best out of waste,
Outcome – This helps the volunteers Outcome – This event was a er which the final objects were
to know about the Na onal Unity conducted to make the volunteers displayed. Par cipants used their
Day and the reasoning behind it. gain knowledge about NSS and imagina on and crea vity to make
Karnataka. innova ve objects using bangles,
plas c bo les, CDs, and so on.
QUIZETON Things which are seen as waste in
NSS unit two held ‘QUIZETON’ on WALKATHON our day-to-day lives were used in a
November 5, 2022, from 1:00 to In collabora on with the Elec on construc ve manner and a variety
2:00 pm. This test’s major message Commission of India, a walkathon of items were made from them. Ms
was to show “the measure of was organised to spread awareness Raj Kiran CA, the Staff-in-Charge
intelligence is the ability to about adding names to the Voter of the event, oversaw the crea ve
change”. QUIZETON was conducted List and about vo ng. Volunteers prepara ons of the par cipants.
for students to showcase their were called on to par cipate in the Mr Ebenezer Wilson, Department
skills and the knowledge that they event and create awareness. The of Sta s cs, was the judge for the
possess. This was the first online walkathon began from Cubbon Park event. Par cipants were judged
webinar of the semester a er the Main Gate, Hudson Circle, followed based on their crea vity, design,
college was officially announced as by Central Library, Karnataka High and presenta on. The event saw
a university, under the guidance of Court, Vidhana Soudha, Press Club, volunteers explore their crea ve
Vinay M, University Representa ve, and finally ended at Bala Bhavan talent as they used their ar s c
unit two. The speaker for the Front End. Par cipants were briefed ability to save the environment.
program was Ms Veena Nirmala on the vote before the start of the
from the mathema cs department. event. The speaker addressed the
A quiz based on Karnataka and gathering and said that the right to CLEANLINESS DRIVE
NSS followed the webinar. During vote is one of the fundamental rights The Cleanliness Drive was conducted
the webinar, Ms Veena offered of every ci zen of our country. He on November 11, 2022, to create an
a thorough explana on of the also men oned that many s ll did opportunity for volunteers to assist
crea on and opera on of the NSS not know how to apply for a Voter’s in the daily running of the college
as well as the state of Karnataka. ID. Par cipants enjoyed spreading premises. About 30 volunteers
She also gave a brief explana on of awareness about vo ng with the from all units took part in the event,
the NSS logo. She insisted that the help of placards and posters. They who were then divided into groups.
volunteers must act responsibly and also learnt the importance of the Volunteers cleared the Store Room,
with discipline in order to portray right to vote and that it is the duty College Basement, where groups
themselves as effec ve volunteers. of every ci zen to take part in the were assigned to arrange files
The webinar was bilingual, having vo ng process. Par cipants were in the Admin Office and arrange
the essence of both Kannada and served refreshments at the end of tables, chairs, and other office
English, which made it a bit difficult the event. furniture. They also assisted in the
to understand at the beginning, segrega on of useful items and
but with me, it got easier because scrap materials. Volunteers were
provided refreshments and lunch. regula ons, and road safety among been inculcated in the educa onal
They were able to spend a day in the general public on the occasion syllabus to encourage students to
the shoes of the hardworking non- of Road Accident Preven on Day. engross themselves in the service
teaching staff and understand their Nearly 100 students of SJU took of society on a larger scale. He also
du es. part in the awareness drive, out of enriched the gathering with many
which 20 students from NSS Unit facts about NSS and the na on. Shri
2 took part. Many other schools Uppin congratulated the NSS at St.
and colleges in Bangalore also Joseph’s University for comple ng
CREATE AND REFLECT took part in the event. The rally 53 successful years, right from the
Create and Reflect was conducted began from Kanteerava Stadium establishment of the organisa on
on November 15, 2022, from 12 Main Gate and travelled by Cubbon in the na on in 1969. He gave
pm to 3 pm in the Auditorium Park, Chinnaswamy Stadium, and insights about how NSS would
Basement. Many NSS volunteers Vidhana Soudha, before reaching help in the personal and social
par cipated in this event. As the the star ng point. Par cipants development of students through
name suggests, par cipants must held placards and banners on rural camps, surveys, and so on. He
create posters and perform skits road safety and traffic rules and also highlighted that it helped in
based on the topic given on the spread awareness among the encouraging students to do more
spot. Groups were created on the public. Volunteers were served for society. Dr Mascarenhas shared
spot and their representa ves refreshments at the end of the different instances when he could
were given topics. Seven groups event. The event was met with sense the fire of social service
were created that were given success and became a moment of ligh ng up and its impact not only
topics ranging from caste-based learning for all the volunteers as at a personal level but also on
discrimina on and gender they showed their social skills and society as a whole. He also shared
discrimina on to child labour. proved to be responsible ci zens of valuable quotes which created a
Par cipants were given 30 minutes India. great impact on the volunteers. The
to complete their posters and 10 event came to an end with a Vote
minutes to discuss their skits. Ms of Thanks by Mr Prashanth, Unit
Raj Kiran CA was in a endance and INAUGURAL CEREMONY Program Officer, where he thanked
witnessed the event, apprecia ng On November 19, 2022, the NSS the honourable Guests and Dr (Fr)
the par cipants for addressing Cell conducted the Inaugura on Victor Lobo, SJ, Vice Chancellor,
their topics crea vely. The fun- Ceremony of the Na onal Service the Program Officers of all Units,
filled event encouraged volunteers Scheme. The event commenced at teaching and non-teaching staff,
to discover their hidden talents, 3 pm with a Welcome Speech by and volunteers.
through which they became Ms Raj Kiran CA, Unit 2 Program
aware of important subjects like Officer. The event was graced with
discrimina on. the presence of honourable Chief NATIONAL CONSTITUTION DAY
Guests Dr Ronald Mascarenhas, (QUIZ)
Pro Vice Chancellor, Shri Prathap An online quiz to be taken by
Lingaiah, NSS State Officer of volunteers was arranged by Council
WALKATHON Karnataka, and Shri YM Uppin, Members to commemorate
A walkathon was organised on Youth Officer of the Government Na onal Cons tu on Day on
November 17, 2022, from 7 am to of Karnataka. They were cordially November 26, 2022. Volunteers
9 am at Kanteerava Stadium by the welcomed by Mr Selwyn Paul J, NSS were addressed by Members
Na onal Service Scheme (NSS), in Program Coordinator. The guests before being given instruc ons
collabora on with the Department then inaugurated the significant to be followed during the quiz,
of Youth Empowerment and Sports, event with the ligh ng of the lamp conducted using Google Forms. A
the Indian Red Cross Society, and and untying of the banner of the NSS compe ve spirit filled the air as
other like-minded organisa ons. Cell. Shri Lingaiah highlighted the par cipants took part in the quiz
The event was conducted to spread importance of service in a student’s with a en on. Volunteers were le
awareness about traffic rules, life and gave insights on how NSS has with an enriching and enlightening
experience a er the quiz came to a to focus on the good things that the park, as well to protect the
close. he stood for. He also spoke about environment and wildlife that
HUMAN RIGHTS DAY how Gandhi’s life had everything live there, moreover to provide
NSS volunteers came together to - reforma on, making mistakes, a rac ve environment for visitors,
celebrate Human Rights Day on admi ng them, correc on, insult, encouraging more people to use
December 10, 2022, from 3:30 pm determina on, and at last victory. and enjoy green spaces. Volunteers
to 7 pm at the Indian Social Ins tute, Overall, the remembrance of were also very well in encourage
Benson Town. The Chief Guest Mahatma Gandhi is an essen al community engagement in park
addressed the gathering about the event for volunteers who seek maintenance and improvement
importance of commemora ng this inspira on from his teachings and projects. Clean parks help to
day. Volunteers also took part in strive to make the world a be er prevent the spread of disease and
various ac vi es arranged by the place. The program may have ensure the safety of park visitors.
NSS Commi ee like dance, singing, also inspired the volunteers from This is par cularly important in
and skits based on the theme of Joseph’s University NSS to con nue busy parks where large numbers
the day, with the winners taking promo ng these values and of people gather. Later volunteer
home prizes. Refreshments were teachings in their own community was gathered in one place both the
also served to all par cipants. As Outcome: The outcome from this groups were combined and brought
the event came to a successful program is likely to be increased back to campus.
ending, volunteers lit candles and awareness and apprecia on for the OUTCOME: Improved appearance
prayed for a be er tomorrow for values and teachings of Mahatma found in both park and post
our na on. Gandhi among the a endees. office, volunteers also increased
Cleanliness Drive: NSS UNIT-2 awareness on cleanliness, we
Walkathon: “WALKATHON” was held Held “CLEANLINESS DRIVE” On brought the health and safety to
on February 01,2023. On February February 01,2023. We organised people living around, a sustainable
1st, 2023, volunteers from Joseph’s this event for crea ng awareness and a rac ve local environment
University NSS a ended the Gandhi on cleanliness. Volunteer were was created.
Smarana Gandhi Naman program in assembled in the venue; volunteer
Vidhana Soudha Bangalore, which was given manual items to clean. Na onal Integra on Camp
was conducted by the government Volunteers were taken out of the (Mysore): The students from
of Karnataka. During the program, campus volunteers were split into various states were assembled and
the volunteers listened to the Chief two major groups. Volunteers were accommodated at the NSS Bhavan
Minister of Karnataka, Basavaraj taken to nearby post office and to Mysuru, then the ceremony of
Bommai, speak about the life and clean the surrounding of the post inaugura on commenced by the
values of Mahatma Gandhi and office. Post office was swept and officials of the University of Mysuru.
his achievements. In his speech, wiped; racks were cleaned from Later in the a ernoon, the students
CM Basavaraj Bommai praised volunteers all the messed-up things from all states were allocated
Mahatma Gandhi as a great were arranged in their places. A in various teams along with the
humanitarian whose life was filled half-broken wall of stones and was schedule for the performance of the
with truth and real patrio sm. He cleaned. Volunteers were asked events for the upcoming six days.
stated that Gandhi was the only to separate the stones and sand, The teams were, Ganga, Yamuna,
soul who truly represented India later that placed was cleaned. And Kaveri, Sindhu, Brahmaputra &
all over the world, and that it all the stones were picked and we Kapila.Special lecture on Personality
was thanks to him that the whole built a wall using the stones which Development was, made by Sri R.A.
universe began to treat India with were looking bad. Another group Chethanram who cul vated the
respect a er democracy was was taken to a park and were made knowledge of personality traits
established following World War to clean the in and out of the park. with real me examples in the
II. The Chief Minister emphasized Dry leaves, plas c (bag, paper, evening all the Volunteers from
the importance of remembering bo le) was picked up from the Tamil Nadu performed Group song
Gandhi’s values and teachings, such park and This helped to maintain represen ng the devo onal Gods
as non-violence, and urged people the appearance and hygiene of of Tamil Nadu. Later Dinner was
served and Lights were off for the with Mysore Zoo. Later Dinner was of Gandhi’s principles in real life.
fresh beginning to day 2. served and Lights were off for the Cultural were performed on Tamil
The flag hois ng was done by fresh beginning to day 4. folk songs. Later Dinner was served,
the team “Ganga” along with the The flag hois ng was done by the and Lights were off for the fresh
Shibiravani which is the technical team “Yamuna” along with the beginning to day 6.
report of Yesterdays’ event by Shibiravani which is the technical The flag hois ng was done by the
the team “Sindhu”. The fitness report of Yesterdays’ event by team “Brahmaputra” along with the
class was made by Sri S. Naveen. the team “Kaveri”. The fitness Shibiravani which is the technical
Team “Yamuna” were at the food class was made by Sri S. Naveen. report of Yesterdays’ event by the
service whereas the other teams Team “Sindhu” were at the food team “Kapila”. The fitness class
were at stage prepara on and service whereas the other teams was made by Sri S. Naveen. Team
making the wakeup call. Later were at stage prepara on and “Kaveri” were at the food service
a er the breakfast the volunteers making the wakeup call A er the whereas the other teams were at
were asked to remove plas cs breakfast the volunteers head out stage prepara on and making the
from the surroundings to keep the to “ManasaGangotri, University of wakeup call. A er the breakfast the
environment clean. Special lecture Mysore”. We explored the Gandhi volunteers head out to prepare for
on Blood Cancer Awareness by Dr. bhavan, Library and the clock solo dance compe on, later on the
Kruthika & Mahamitra by taking the tower inside the university. Group volunteer of Tamil Nadu Mr. Abdul
saliva samples of the volunteers to singing compe on was conducted Askar secured 4th place by dancing,
match the stem cells. Later in the and the volunteers of Tamil Nadu Kavadiya am, the folk Dance of
a ernoon solo singing compe on secured 4th place by singing a Tamil Nadu. Special lecture on
was conducted and our volunteer fusion patrio c song on peace, and Importance of na onal Integra on
Mrs. Nandha Kumar has par cipated unity in diversity. Special lecture by prof. K.M. Veeraiah helped us
and won 1st prize. Special lecture on Youth & Swami Vivekananda with the importance of shubira
on Secularism conducted by Prof. by Swamy Veereshahnanda by Jothi. Cultural were performed
Natraj Huliyar where he spoke depic ng Swamy Vivekananda’s Bajans. Later Dinner was served
about secularism in India the thoughts in real life. Cultural were and the event of ShubiraJothi
cultural were conducted in the performed on Tamil Classical songs. Commenced. The volunteers lit the
evening where the classical dance Later Dinner was served and Lights lamp and place it around the rangoli
of Tamil nadu “Bharatanatyam” were off for the fresh beginning to on Mother India and each State
was performed by Vishnu Vardhini. day 5. sang their respec ve State anthems
Later Dinner was served and Lights The flag hois ng was done by along with Na onal Integra on
were off for the fresh beginning to the team “Kaveri” along with the song. Later all paid homage to
day 3. Shibiravani which is the technical Mother India. Then Lights were off
The flag hois ng was done by report of Yesterdays’ event by for the fresh beginning to day 7.
the team “Kapila” along with the the team “Yamuna”. The fitness The flag hois ng was done by the
Shibiravani which is the technical class was made by Sri S. Naveen. team “Sindhu” along with the
report of Yesterdays’ event by Team “Brahmaputra” were at the Shibiravani which is the technical
the team “Brahmaputra”. Team food service whereas the other report of Yesterdays’ event by the
“Ganga” were at the food service teams were at stage prepara on team “Ganga”. The fitness class was
whereas the other teams were at and making the wakeup call A er made by Dr. R. Raghavendra. Team
stage prepara on and making the the breakfast the volunteers “Kapila” was at the food service
wakeup call Then the volunteers head out to prepare for group whereas the other teams were
explored the beau ful city of dance compe on, later on the at stage prepara on and making
Mysore. The first place was the volunteers of Tamil Nadu secured the wakeup call. On comple on of
Chamundeshwari temple, followed 4th place by dancing Oyila am, the breakfast the prepara on for the
by the Mahabaleshwar temple. folk Dance of Tamil Nadu. Special valedictory func on begins. Mrs.
Later we visited the Mysore palace lecture on Gandhiyan thoughts Shylaja the registrar of Mysore
followed by regional museum of was conducted by Mr. Nadoja.Dr. university was the chief guest, and
Natural History and the day ended Wooday P Krishna on applica on the valedic on ceremony was at a
grand success a er the distribu on Kiran CA. s gma and taboos were eradicated
of Prizes and cer ficates. Lunch was OUTCOME: The event was a among us, and there was ques on
provided and everyone dispersed huge success, as we were able to and answer session. A er all that
to their respec ve states with lots provide food to people in need. event was concluded with vote of
of good lesson, habits, happiness The beneficiaries were grateful thanks.
and memories. and appreciated our efforts. Video
Food for Needy & Health and Well- helped in knowing about the basic Outcome: Increased awareness by
Being : NSS UNIT-2 Held “FOOD exercise needed for our body and providing accurate informa on and
FOR NEEDY & HEALTH AND WELL- ac vi es which are harmful. dispelling of myths. Educated the
BEING” On February 0,2023. The Menstrual Myths : NSS UNIT-2 volunteers about the truth behind
objec ve of the event was to help Held “MENSTURAL MYTHS” On the myths. Event helped in breaking
those who are struggling to find February 08, 2023. An event was down s gmas and promote open
food and to spread awareness about held to address menstrual myths conversa ons about mensura on.
the issue of hunger and poverty. and promote accurate informa on First Aid Awareness: NSS UNIT-
This helped volunteers to go out about menstrua on. The event 2 Held “. A first aid awareness
and know how many are in need aimed to raise awareness about campaign was held aimed at
for food and starve for their daily the nega ve impact of menstrual promo ng safety and health
basic meal. Volunteers were told myths on women’s health, break in the community. The event
to prepare food in their own house down s gmas surrounding was organized in collabora on
and we’re told to a ach pictures menstrua on, and promote policy with UNIT-1. The event started
of them giving away the food for change for menstrual equity. A with a brief introduc on on the
the needy people. The team made brief introduc on was given on importance of first aid and how it
sure that the food was hygienic, mensura on for volunteers. A can save lives. This was followed
nutri ous and sufficient for the video was played on the menstrual by a series of presenta ons and
people in need. We also provided myths for volunteers to be aware demonstra ons by professional
clean water to everyone who came of women’s health and wellbeing. first aid trainers on the basic first
to the. Ac vity was held on health It also emphasized that throughout aid techniques and procedures.
and wellbeing The objec ve of the the event, the speakers addressed Three major problems were
event was to promote healthy living, common menstrual myths, demonstrated as per the request of
raise awareness about various including the idea that menstrual volunteers they were Heart a ack,
health issues, and provide free blood is dirty or impure, that Suicide and Fain ng. volunteers
health screenings and consulta ons menstrual pain is normal and should were told the importance of
to the public, Volunteers were split be endured, and that women should the golden hour. If you suspect
into groups on the spot and we’re not engage in certain ac vi es someone is having a heart a ack,
given chits for choosing their topic or prac ces while menstrua ng. call for emergency medical services
related to health and wellbeing. Importance of seeking medical right away. In the mean me, Have
Volunteers were spread across the a en on for menstrual pain or the person sit down and rest in
campus to make a reel and gather unusual symptoms and encouraged a comfortable posi on. Loosen
necessary informa on required for a endees to break down s gmas any ght clothing, such as a collar
their video. Volunteers were asked and promote open conversa ons or belt. First aid can make the
to make a video on the topic given about menstrua on. A er the difference between life and death
to them. Volunteers submi ed necessary informa on provided in an emergency situa on. Prompt
the reel/ video which was done as to volunteers theirs was an open and effec ve first aid can stabilize
the part of their ac vity. Through conversa on on menstrual myths a person’s condi on and prevent
videos volunteers learned the that was followed by their own further harm. First aid can help to
necessary informa on. The event parents or seen prac cing out or reduce the severity of injuries and
was then concluded with a vote of heard of etc., were discussed in minimize the risk of complica ons.
thanks to our Principal Fr. Victor, the event. Lot of volunteers shared This can lead to faster recovery
NSS Execu ve Officer Mr. Selwyn, their experience many boys were mes and be er outcomes for
NSS Unit 2 Program Office Ms. Raj called up just to make sure that the person affected. The event
was then concluded with a vote of the athletes to run through the rescue, medical and psychological
thanks to our Principal Fr. Victor, ground. A er which official an oath support, and rehabilita on and
NSS Execu ve Officer Mr. Selwyn, was taken by sports teachers and reconstruc on. Effec ve disaster
NSS Unit 2 Program Office Ms. Raj all the captains. Followed by official management requires strong
Kiran CA. lit of torch with great personali es leadership, communica on, and
Outcome: The first aid awareness of sports department was with coordina on among all stakeholders
campaign was a success, raise the huge round of applause by the involved. volunteers were given
awareness about menstrual myths crowd. Later crowd was dispersed the opportunity to prac ce these
and promote accurate informa on breakfast was provided to all the techniques under the supervision
about menstrua on volunteers volunteers. Followed by many of the trainers. There were
gained a be er understanding sports ac vi es took place in the also interac ve sessions where
of the menstrual cycle and how ground as the official torch for a endees could ask ques ons
it relates to overall health and sports beginning was lit. and share their experiences
wellness. The Volunteers gained OUTCOME: Volunteers were management on disaster.
valuable knowledge and skills on encouraged to have fun, to get Outcome: volunteers had an
how to respond to emergencies, ac ve and to work together in effec ve result on emergency
and were encouraged to share various fun physical ac vi es and response and preparedness
this informa on with their family, challenges. measures. Volunteers gain a be er
friends, and colleagues understanding of the principles and
March Past: 17th February 2023 Disaster Management : NSS UNIT- prac ces of disaster management,
on the occasion of sports day 2 Held “DISASTER MANAGEMENT” including risk assessment,
celebra on, all NSS volunteers On February 20, 2023. A disaster mi ga on, preparedness, response,
represented the civilian con ngent management campaign was held and recovery. Volunteers also had
in the sports day Celebra ons aimed at promo ng safety and knowledge on Improved planning
organized by St. Joseph’s University. health in the community. The event and coordina on The mely and
On this occasion all the volunteers was organized in collabora on coordinated efforts of emergency
were in white dress code. Dignitaries with UNIT-1. Disaster management services, community members,
were escorted to the venue event mainly focused on preparing and other stakeholders can make
followed by profile reading and the for, responding to, and recovering a significant difference in reducing
achievement of the great player from natural or man-made disasters the number of casual es in a
and alumni of St Joseph’s college. or emergencies. It also needed disaster or emergency situa on.
This was a special moment for all a coordinated and integrated Social Jus ce : NSS UNIT-2 Held
of us because it was the first ever approach that brings together “SOCIAL JUSTICE” On February
sports meet from universi es. NCC, various stakeholders, including 22, 2023. The main aim of this
NSS volunteers followed by all the government agencies, emergency event event is to raise awareness
third year were part of march past. services, non-governmental about social issues that affect
The marching teams moved around organiza ons, and community marginalized and oppressed
the field in perfect synchrony, members. The primary goal of communi es, and to advocate
maintaining a steady pace and disaster management is to minimize for equal rights, opportuni es,
maintaining proper forma on the impact of disasters and and access to resources for all
throughout the event. The cheering emergencies on people, property, individuals regardless of their race,
from the crowd, including parents, and the environment. This is ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion,
teachers and students, added to achieved through various measures, socioeconomic status, or ability.
the excitement of the event. A er such as disaster risk reduc on, A brief introduc on was given on
which posi ons were told. Followed emergency preparedness, social jus ce. Volunteers were split
by speech by chief guest, and response, and recovery. Disaster into groups on the spot, and given
vice chancellor also spoke some management included ac vi es, me for discussion, and perform
energe c words for encouraging such as hazard iden fica on and risk a street play in front on other
the crowd. Followed by which assessment, con ngency planning, volunteers. The topics addressed
sports teacher and chief guest, told emergency response, search and at social jus ce events depended
on the par cular cause and issue members to have lunch as there 12 pm we all returned back to the
being addressed in the real world. were rituals being conducted in the campsite, a er returning back it
In order to bring out the effec ve village. A er lunch students were was our personal hygiene me.
remedies to overcome the problem. informed to collect firewood for Again at 1 pm lunch was prepared
Topic covered through street play cooking dinner. All the students had and all were asked to assemble
gender equality educa on, equality to collect some firewood and return for lunch. The menu for lunch
in reserva on, child marriage, back to the camp site and help out was curd rice. Soon a er lunch it
disability, discrimina on, bullying, in camp for se ng up. Around 6 was rest me since everyone was
racism, caste. These events provide pm all were asked to assemble completely red, they all took
a pla orm for volunteers come near the temple for a cultural rest at 3:00pm. From 3 onwards
together to share their experiences, program(inaugura on). A er the resource person prof. Veena ma’am
voice their concerns, and demand event students and staff members and Rama Gokula Krishnan sir had
change from policymakers, return back to camp for dinner. At conducted an ac vity and spoke a
ins tu ons, and society at large. 9:00 pm all the volunteers had to few words about personality check.
Volunteers raised an awareness that assemble in a room for evalua on. From 5pm to 5:10pm it was a tea
are essen al for promo ng social Selvin sir spoke a few words. Later break. Again from 5:10 to 6 pm we
jus ce. This included educa ng on, the evalua on process was had me to prac se for cultural
individuals about the history and handed over to prof. veena ma’am performances. From 6 to 8 we had a
impact of systemic inequali es and Veda Kumar(convenor). The cultural performance conducted by
and discrimina on, as well as evalua on process went up to a cultural team. At 8 all volunteers
promo ng cultural competency 12:30am. had assembled with their plates
and understanding of different The day started off by a mekeeping and stood for prayer then dinner
perspec ves and experiences. commi ee waking up the cooking was served. Un l 9, volunteers were
OUTCOME: outcomes of social commi ee at 4am. Later on, all allowed to eat dinner and speak to
jus ce volunteers knew that there the commi ee woke up at 5 and their parents. At sharp 9:00pm all
are o en complex and mul faceted, were given half an hour to freshen the volunteers had to assemble in
reflec ng the diverse goals and up at 5:30am. All the volunteers the boy’s room for the evalua on
strategies employed. However, if assembled on the ground for process. The evalua on process
we work towards greater fairness, exercise. Last 10 mins to 6 am all went up ll 1:00am
equity, and equality, social jus ce the volunteers were taken outside The me keeping commi ee got up
ini a ves have the poten al to for jogging by the convenor (Veda at 4:00am in order to wake up the
create meaningful change and Kumar). At 6 am an assembly was cooking team to prepare breakfast.
improve the lives of individuals and held by the cultural community. Also, they had to wake up all the
communi es around the world. Flag hois ng was done by volunteers at 5 am. At 5:30 am all
NSS Annual Rural Camp : ( 26TH OF panchayat members a er hois ng volunteers 4 assembled on the
FEBRUARY 2023 TO 5TH OF MARCH the flag nss song was sung and ground, as a morning exercise was
2023 ) reading out prayers from Bhagavad to do a sprint. It went on for up
At 10 am Dr. Fr. Victor Lobo S. J. Gita, 3 Quran and Bible. One of the to 30 minutes. It was a tea break
came and spoke a few words about panchayat members spoke a few for 10 minutes. Again at 6:10 am
how we are going to represent our words about how important NSS the cultural team started off the
college, to be safe and have fun. A is. Breakfast was served at 7am by assembly by Flag hois ng followed
small prayer was done. Later on, the Shak man team. The breakfast by singing the NSS song and reading
we le the college. We reached for the day was Pongal with peanut all 3 religions prayers. The panchayat
Doddagangawadi, Ramnagar at chutney. A er breakfast at 7:30 am member Umesh sir gave a speech
11:45am. Students were asked all the volunteers were asked to about NSS and the importance of
to form lines and unload all the assemble in the ground to collect NSS and why we need it. breakfast
luggage and goods. By 1pm all the all the manual items and leave for was served at 6:30am. At 7 all had
unloading work was done. 2 A er manual work. Few groups were to assemble for manual work m.
se ng everything up, Teachers and assigned to clean temples, drainage Team Shakthi man, VIBGYOR, DDF,
Students were invited by panchayat cleaning and so on ll 12pm. At known for service team and team
spectrum started off working at members a er hois ng the flag exercise. Last 10 mins to 6 am all
7:40am and it was distributed by nss song was sung and reading out the volunteers were taken outside
the manual commi ee on that prayers from Bhagavad Gita, Quran for jogging by the convenor (Veda
day. Refreshments were provided and Bible. One of the panchayat Kumar). At 6 am an assembly was
at 10:30 am by the cooking members spoke a few words about held by the cultural community. Flag
commi ee. At 12 all teams came how important NSS is. Breakfast hois ng was done by panchayat
back from manual work. 12 to 2 was served at 7am by the team members a er hois ng the flag
was personal hygiene me. Lunch known for service. The breakfast for nss song was sung and reading out
was served at 1pm. Before serving a the day was Puliogere with peanut prayers from Bhagavad Gita, Quran
small prayer was done. A er lunch chutney. A er breakfast at 7:30 am and Bible. One of the panchayat
it was the responsibility of all the all the volunteers were asked to members spoke a few words about
commi ee to conduct sports day assemble in the ground to collect how important NSS. Breakfast was
for the children of the school. Each all the manual items and leave for served at 7am by the team known
team was given a few sets of classes manual work. Few groups were for service. A er breakfast at 7:30
to make them play and par cipate assigned to clean temples , drainage am all the volunteers were asked to
in games. Different classes had cleaning and so on ll 12pm. At assemble in the ground to collect
different games conducted. The 1st 12 pm we all returned back to the all the manual items and leave for
3 of them would be given awards. campsite, a er returning back it manual work. Few groups were
The type of games conducted were was our personal hygiene me. assigned to clean temples, drainage
smash the balloon, dumbbells, etc. Again at 1 pm lunch was prepared cleaning and so on ll 12pm. At
Around 5 :30pm all the commi ee and all were asked to assemble for 12 pm we all returned back to the
were given what to perform for lunch. On comple on of lunch, we campsite, a er returning back it
the cultural event. At 5:30pm the had me to prepare for cultural. was our personal hygiene me.
cultural team started to decorate at 3 pm A er we had a community Again at 1 pm lunch was prepared
for the event. The cultural event visit, all the volunteers were given and all were asked to assemble
started at 6. The event went on survey forms to do village surveys. for lunch. On comple on of
ll 8. At 8 all the volunteers were Each of them had to go to each lunch, we had me to prepare
assembled for dinner. Small Prayer house. From 5pm to 5:10pm it was for cultural. at 3 pm A er we had
was done and followed by dinner. a tea break. Again from 5:10 to 6 pm a community visit, our task was
At 9pm all the volunteers were we had me to prac ce for cultural to do an awareness ac vity by
asked to assemble in the room performances. From 6 to 8 we had a holding placards. All the volunteers
for the evalua on process. The cultural performance conducted by went around the village with their
evalua on process extended ll 12 a cultural team. At 8 all volunteers respec ve groups by shou ng out
:50 am A er that a few volunteers had assembled with their plates the quotes such as “Kadu belesi
went to bed. As few volunteers and stood for prayer then dinner nadu ulisi’’. The placards were
were watering the ground. The was served. Till 9, volunteers were also done by volunteers in chat.
lights were off at 2 am. allowed to eat dinner and speak to From 5pm to 5:10pm it was a tea
The day started off by a mekeeping their parents. At sharp 9:00pm all break. Again from 5:10 to 6 pm we
commi ee waking up the cooking the volunteers had to assemble in had me to prac ce for cultural
commi ee at 4am. Later on, all the boy’s room for the evalua on performances. From 6 to 8 we had a
the commi ee woke up at 5 and process. The evalua on process cultural performance conducted by
were given half an hour to freshen went up ll 1:00am. A er 1 all a cultural team. At 8 all volunteers
up at 5:30am all the volunteers volunteers went to sleep. had assembled with their plates
assembled in the ground for The day started off by a mekeeping and stood for prayer then dinner
exercise. Last 10 mins to 6 am all commi ee waking up the cooking was served. Till 9, volunteers were
the volunteers were taken outside commi ee at 4am. Later on, all allowed to eat dinner and speak to
for jogging by the convenor (Veda the commi ee woke up at 5 and their parents. At sharp 9:00pm all
Kumar). At 6 am an assembly was were given half an hour to freshen the volunteers had to assemble in
held by the cultural community. Flag up at 5:30am all the volunteers the boy’s room for the evalua on
hois ng was done by panchayat assembled in the ground for process. The evalua on process
went up ll 1:00am. A er 1 all allowed to eat dinner and speak to instructed to pack the luggage and
volunteers went to sleep. their parents. At sharp 9:00pm all at 10am a valedictory ceremony
The day started off by a mekeeping the volunteers had to assemble in was held with the village panchayat
commi ee waking up the cooking the boy’s room for the evalua on members. At 11:30 the bus arrived
commi ee at 4am. Later on, all the process. The evalua on process at the campsite, and we started
commi ee woke up at 5 and were went up ll 1:00am. A er 1 all loading the luggage in the bus. We
given half an hour to freshen up at volunteers went to sleep. le the camp site at 1:00pm and we
5:30am all the volunteers assembled The day started off by a mekeeping reached the college by 2:30 in the
in the ground for exercise. Last 10 commi ee waking up the cooking a ernoon. All the volunteers were
mins to 6 am all the volunteers commi ee at 4am. Later on, all asked to shi back all the items
were taken outside for jogging by the commi ee woke up at 5 and that were used back to the store
the convenor (Veda Kumar). At 6 were given half an hour to freshen room. Once that work was done,
am an assembly was held by the up at 5:30am all the volunteers everyone greeted each other and
cultural community. Flag hois ng assembled in the ground for le the place with happy smiles and
was done by panchayat members exercise. Lag hois ng was done by memories.
a er hois ng the flag nss song was panchayat members a er hois ng
sung and reading out prayers from the flag nss song was sung and Women’s Day
Bhagavad Gita, Quran and Bible. reading out prayers from Bhagavad NSS UNIT-2 Held “women’s day”
One of the panchayat members Gita, Quran and Bible. One of the on March 08, 2023. The purpose
spoke a few words about how panchayat members spoke a few of celebra ng Women’s Day was to
important NSS is. Breakfast was words about how important NSS recognize and celebrate the social,
served at 7am by the team known is. Breakfast was served at 7am by economic, cultural, and poli cal
for service. A er breakfast at 7:30 the VIBGYOR team. The Yuvarani achievements of women around
am all the volunteers were asked to team was a manual team on the 7th the world. It was also a day to
assemble in the ground to collect day of the camp. They bought the raise awareness about the ongoing
all the manual items and leave for manual items from the manual in struggle for gender equality and
manual work. Few groups were charge and started to distribute the to advocate for women’s rights.
assigned to clean temples, drainage items to the volunteers at 7:40am Volunteers were assembled in
cleaning and so on ll 12pm. At and all the volunteers went for the venue. All the women were
12 pm we all returned back to the manual work Refreshments were assembled on one side of the
campsite, a er returning back it was served at 10 am. Again at 1 pm venue and were provided self-
our personal hygiene me. Again at lunch was prepared and all were defence technique in order to
1 pm lunch was prepared, and all asked to assemble for lunch. On protect them from any sort of
were asked to assemble for lunch. comple on of lunch, we had me abuse and violence. 10 techniques
On comple on of lunch, we had to prepare for cultural at 2:10pm were taught in the session. On
me to prepare for cultural. at 3 pm all the volunteers were sent out to the other side all the men were
A er we had a community visit, our collect the firewoods required for asked to prepare the gree ngs for
task was to collect the listed items the campfire. at 3 pm A er we had a women. A er the defence session.
from the villages without paying community visit, our task was to do cut cu ng was held for all the
any cash. we had asked them to mapping. Each team started doing women to celebrate their moment,
take it so that we would return. mapping in a given chat. Evening and make this event a memorable
From 5pm to 5:10pm it was a tea at 6:00 pm in the village we had one for all the women. A er the
break. Again from 5:10 to 6 pm we our culture events and a er that cake cu ng session, all the women
had me to prac ce for cultural evalua on was done for an hour were assembled together. And
performances. From 6 to 8 we had a and then we started the campfire were gi ed with the gree ng cards
cultural performance conducted by and it went on ll 3 o’clock in the prepared by men as a surprise. All
a cultural team. At 8 all volunteers morning. the women were very happy seeing
had assembled with their plates On the 7th day of the camp, we the gree ng card. Those gree ng
and stood for prayer then dinner woke up at 5:00am and breakfast cards represented quotes which
was served. Till 9, volunteers were was served. All the volunteers were made all women smile in the venue.
We empower women and promote organisa on. All the collected funds Photos and short stories were
gender equality so that all people, were distributed to heads of the shared with volunteers in order
regardless of gender, can enjoy par cular associa on. For the great to put the basic values of helping
equal rights, opportuni es, and development of the associa on. nature in volunteers. Dignitaries
respect. Through the event we raise Event was further concluded with were felicitated by Selwyn Paul. The
awareness about women’s rights, a vote of thanks. And refreshments event was concluded with a vote of
and promote gender equality. were provided to all the volunteers thanks. Volunteers were provided
Event was concluded with a photo and made this event a great success. with the pots by the Water for
session. Outcome: Volunteers generated Voiceless associa on. In order to
Outcome: Women’s Day interest and support for the scheme, bring awareness, a er distribu ng
celebra ons served as a pla orm for building partnerships, and crea ng the pots volunteers were requested
advocacy and ac vism, volunteers momentum for its implementa on. to share the pictures of pots by
were given the opportunity to come water for voiceless associa on.
together and advocate for change Outcome: The event showcased
on important issues. Water for Voiceless : On March the organisa on’s work in various
27th 2023, Water for Voiceless countries, highligh ng the
Amrita swabimani kurigahi yojana: organisa on hosted a fundraiser importance of clean water access
On 23/03/2023, an event was event to raise awareness and funds and animal welfare. This increased
organised for the inaugura on of for the organisa on’s mission to awareness can help volunteers
four major schemes by Basavaraj provide clean water access to to foster a culture of compassion
Bommai, chief guest was escorted communi es in need and advocate and responsibility towards the
to the venue, the event started off for animal welfare in collabora on environment and animals.
with the state na onal anthem. with the Na onal Service Scheme. Namma Bangalore Icons :Bruhat
Followed by janapada song. All the Volunteers were assembled in the Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike
dignitaries assembled followed venue. A er a short introduc on (BBMP) on 28th March 2023.
by a small welcome speech and on spider man of Bangalore. Event The event is aimed at launching
profile reading. All the organisers was started off with a speech. Soon “Namma Bangalore icons’ ‘ who
shared the importance and gave a a er the speech the NSS anthem act as mo vators to crease the
brief introduc on of every scheme was sung. A er the anthem we voter turnout in the upcoming
and the importance on which the started off with giving introduc on general elec ons. Achievements
scheme was introduced. to all the dignitaries. A er the of these iconic personali es who
Four major schemes that were introduc on dignitaries were have made a significant impact in
organised by the organisa on were: asked why and what is the purpose various fields, serving as a source of
1. Swami Vivekananda yuva shakthi of the Voice for Voiceless was inspira on for the ci zens, thereby
2. Shree Samarthya yojana established and the importance of to promote voter educa on and
3.Vidhya Nidhi this organisa on was shared. Chief increase electoral par cipa on in
4. Amra swabimani kurigahi guest highlighted the importance the upcoming Karnataka assembly
Funds were collected for of the organisa on’s mission and general elec ons. Volunteers
implementa on of these schemes. its impact on improving the lives were assembled in the venue. For
Huge amount was collected of both humans and animals. making this a successful event
through the raised funds. These It was passionately discussed and spreading the awareness and
schemes were introduced to about the need for environmental importance of elec on and vo ng.
improve efficiency in a par cular conserva on and animal welfare. All the dignitaries assembled
area. Schemes were introduced She praised the organisa on’s followed by a small welcome
to encourage people to adopt a work and encouraged volunteers speech and profile reading of the
par cular behaviour, to discourage to support its mission. Short video Bangalore icon. Dignitaries shared
harmful behaviour. Basavaraj clips were played as a part of their experience of vo ng for the
bommai gave a brief introduc on showing bringing awareness to first me. They also shared that by
on the above men oned in details, volunteers about the problems vo ng, ci zens can express their
and shared some short clips on the faced by animals without water. views and opinions on the issues
that affect their lives. This allows
them to have a say in the policies
and decisions made by their
elected representa ves. Followed
by Mohan sir was asked to sing as
he had great vocals. Photo session
was held in between. A er the
session there was a ques on-and-
answer session where volunteers
could clear their doubts on the
elec on. A er the ques oner
session. Dignitaries were honoured
by the commissioner for their
contribu on for making this event
a successful one. A er honouring
the dignitaries there was a small
photo session. Event was ended by
a vote of things. Volunteers were
informed about the food.
OUTCOME: volunteers got an
idea on the importance of vote;
volunteers were how to choose
the correct person by vo ng for a
suitable and right candidate.

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