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AGRICULTURAL (Crops, Livestock, Fishery, Agrarian Reform)


Corn Production
The total land area of the Municipality is 78,750 hectares and main livelihood of the
people of Alamada is Agriculture. However, due to the terrain of the area only 22,610 or 28.71
% is cultivated. These 22,000 hectares or 27.94% is planted with corn which is considered as the
major crop. Due to introduction of zero tillage technology area increased by 51%.
The production varies as the variety planted with white corn, has an average yield of 2.9 tons
per hectares. The yellow corn variety is higher by 4.5 tons per hectares. Upper Dado planted the
biggest area of corn of almost 6,480 hectare or 8.22% of the corn planted area of the locality.
Rice production occupies only 660 or 0.77% of the Agricultural area. Irrigated Rice Land has an
area of 660 hectares with an average yield of 4.5 tons per hectare; upland rice has a production
of 2.8 tons per hectare. Irrigation facilities and services are made possible through the
rehabilitation of communal irrigation system and small water impounding system but is was
also observed that the area for irrigation - irrigated was almost reduced by 10 hectares due to
the flashflood which occurred in 2004 and 2006 the area destroyed by flashflood has made the
land barren.
In term of production the total volume per year of corn is 198,000,000 tons
with the value in peso of 2,019,600 but only 1% of the production were being realized for food
consumption all the rest were being delivered outside the municipality, which also some of the
production were controlled by the local traders and made the farmers compromise and could
not demand a better price for corn.


Non-irrigated rice area was decreased from 3,522 to 1,532 hectares due to climate
change, the rainy days come off season. Thus farmers are reluctant to plant upland rice.

In terms of rice food consumption, the Municipality has a food rice shortage, only 270
tons of irrigated rice and most of the rice consumption was being purchase from the nearest

Aside from the rice and corn, Alamada produces rubber. This high value commercial crop
is planted in 14 barangays. The largest area is Rangayen fallowed by Barangiran, the 486
hectares or rubber produces a volume of 1,701 metric tons valued at 127.575 million pesos.

Oil Palm

Oil palm is also a thriving crop planted in 15 barangays with total of 531.9 hectares.
This produces a volume of 11,701 metric tons valued at 58.509 million pesos.

Coconut is planted in all barangays with a total production area of 1,555 hectares.
Volume of production is at 3,732 metric tons valued at 74.64 million pesos.

Other crops produced are banana, fruit trees and vegetables. Alamada is a supplier of
carrots, green onions, cayote and cabbage to the adjacent municipalities within the PPALMA

Alamada raises large animals such as cattle (2,859 heads), carabao (3,153 heads) and
(1,398 heads) horses.

Goat has a total head count of 3,977, pig 4,199 heads and one (1) hectare piggery is
located at Barangay Camansi.

Chicken are raised only in the backyards with a total of 26,030 heads, ducks also raised
in backyards with a total of 3,188 heads. Turkeys are raised also in almost all barangays with
106 heads and geese with 128 heads.

Total area devoted to livestock and poultry is 3,012.703 hectares, and has a total value
of 173,322,400. The fish production of Alamada is derived from the fishpond and fish cage
within having a volume of 2,200 kgs. Other sources are from the existing rivers: Libungan River,
Barangiran and Paruayan River.

The salt water fishes are being sourced out from the coastal Municipality of Parang in
Maguindanao and even as far as General Santos City.

Coconut in is consider a major crop in Alamada having a total land area of 1,555 or
2.30% of the Agricultural Land fallowed by the Oil Palm 532 hectare or 0.67% of the
Agricultural. These crops greatly contribute to the improving ceremony of the Municipality.
Other crops were being raised like banana, fruit trees and vegetables. The Municipality is also
produces carrots, green onions, cayote and cabbages.


Two Hundred Forty Eight (248) fishpond operators in 17 barangays are indulged in fish
production. The common specie raised is tilapia. These backyard fishpond totaled
12.6 hectares as show in table 52. Marketing of fish production is for local consumption.


These are eight (8) communal irrigation systems in of 9 barangays with 546 hectares.
These are managed by irrigator’s association under Communal Irrigation Management Office
(CIMO). Two self-help irrigation system are managed by self-help irrigator association with
service area of 50 hectares and one (1) water impounding irrigation system with serviceable
area of 15 hectares.


There is one (1) unit Corn Post Harvest Facilities and Trading Centre (CPATC) located at
Barangay Camansi, Alamada, Cotabato approximately 5 kms from Poblacion Kitacubong to
cater One Hundred Metric Tons (100MT) capacities Biofeed Mechanical Dryer per day or forty
four (44) hectares per day capacity equivalent 1,980 hectares per cropping or 10% of the total
corn area is being accommodated along with that there is one (1) unit village level corn of cubs
located at Barangay Upper Dado, Alamada, Cotabato with capacity of 10 metric tons per day or
2 hectares per day biofeed mass mechanical dryer equivalent to 200 hectares per cropping or
1% of the total corn area supplemented with existing solar dryer both private and local
government assisted project shown on table.

Credit and Finance

There is only one conduit financing institution for one financing of agricultural
institution the Alamada Multipurpose Cooperative (AMPC) that caters to the financing needs of
agricultural crops estimated to 200 hectares per cropping season or three (3) Million Financing
to cooperative members 10% of the total corn area, 6,600 hectares wide self-finance farmer or
30% of the total area and the remaining area of 15,800 hectares were finance by private
trader’s with very huge interest rate.

Ninety Percent (90%) of Agricultural Product where delivered to adjacent municipality to private
trader deemed to be the financier’s.

Agricultural Support Program and Technical Assistance

The office of the Municipal Agriculturist has a twelve (12) permanent Agricultural
Extension Worker covering the seventeen (17) barangays equipped and trained with
appropriate package of technology handling one or two barangay per Agricultural Technologist
approximately supervising 800-1,000 farmers per extension workers

Agrarian Reform

In terms of Agrarian Reform, Alamada has the total CARP covered area of 67,825.35
hectares with a total of 24,706 beneficiaries. Largest area is Barangay Dado, 7,690 Hectares,
Guiling 3,862 hectares and Malitubog 3,733 hectares.
There are also Agrarian reform Communities (ARCs) is nine (9) barangays covering an
area of 15,879 hectares with 17,879 beneficiaries.

Fifteen (15) out of 17 barangays in the Municipality had irrigated rice population. There
are 660 hectares allocated for lowland rice with estimated 5,940,000 kilos volume of
production. Barangay Barangiran has the largest area with 168 hectares or 25.45% of the total
land area for irrigated rice. This is because Barangay Barangiran is located along Libungan River
and is best suited for lowland rice considering its plain terrain. This was followed by Barangay
Raradangan for same reason with 88 hectares or 13.33% then Barangay Macabasa (9.09%),
Polayagan (7.58%) and Lower Dado (5.45%). Each of barangays Camansi, Bao, Guiling,
Mapurok, Mirasol and Pigcawaran had almost 5%. Only two barangays namely: Kitacubong and
Malitubog had no area allocated for irrigated rice precisely because of the scarcity of water
source for irrigation. For the total 5,940,000 kilos volume of production per year, there is an
estimate income of Php 89,100,000.00 market value when sold at P15.00 per kilo.

All barangays had specified areas allocated for upland rice production. There are 1,332
hectares in all with estimated 7,459,200 kilos volume of production. Barangay upper Dado had
the largest area with 500 hectares or 37.54% of the total land area for non-irrigated rice. This is
because Barangay Dado had the largest area for agriculture and is best suited for upland rice
considering its fertile soil. These was followed by Barangay Guiling for same reason with 300
hectares or 22.52%, then Barangays Rangayen (7.51%), Pigcawaran (7.28%), Polayagan
(4.50%), Bao (3.75%) and Pacao (3.75%). Other barangays like Barangiran, Camansi, Lower
Dado, Makabasa, Malitubog, Mapurok, Mirasol and Raradangan each had smaller area for
upland rice of least 10 to 25 hectares (0.75% to 1.88%) at most. For the total 7,459,200 kilos
volume of production per year, there is an estimated Php 111,888,000.00 market value when
sold at P15.00 per kilo.

Alamada as an agricultural area had corn plantation in all barangays. There are 22,000
hectares or 27.94% of the total land area in the municipality that is planted with corn which is
considered as the major crop. Due to introduction of zero tillage technology, area increased by
51%.The production varies as the variety planted with white corn, has an average yield of 2.9
tons per hectares. The yellow corn variety is higher by 4.5 tons per hectare. Upper Dado planted
the biggest area of corn of almost 6,480 hectare or 8.22% of the corn planted area. This was
followed by Barangay Guiling with 3,377 or 15.35%, Bao (8.50%), Pigcawaran (6.08%) and
Rangayen (4.99%). There is an estimated 198,000,000 kilos volume of production annually that
is two (2) cropping in a year with an estimated Php 2,019,600,000.00 market value when sold at
P10.00 per kilo.

Aside from rice and corn, Alamada also produce rubber. This high value commercial crop
is planted in 14 barangays, the largest area is located at Barangay Rangayen with 100 hectares
followed by Barangiran with 66 hectares. The 486 hectares of rubber produce a volume of 1,701
metric tons valued at 127.575 million pesos when sold at P75.00 per kilo.

Oil palm is also a thriving crop planted at 15 barangays with a total of 531.9 hectares.
The largest area is located at Barangay Camansi with 82 hectares or 15.42%. Followed by
Barangay Mapurok with 80.4 hectares or 15.12%, Kitacubang with 79 hectares or 14.85% and
Barangiran with 59 hectares or 11.09% Lower Dado had the least area with only 2 hectares and
two other barangays have none: Guiling and Mirasol.

For the total 11,701.8 metric tons volume of production for rubber, there is an estimated
Php 58,509,000.00 market value when sold at P5.00 per kilo.

Coconut in Alamada was considered as one of the major production and has a total land
area of 1,555. As a fact, coconut is one of the main agri products in Alamada and is promoted in
the one-top-one-product (OTOP) program of the PALMA-KB. Largest area is in Bao with 310
hectares or 19.94% followed by barangiran with 235 hectares or 15.11%. Other barangays as
shown above in the table above had also been planted with coconut except Barangay Mirasol,
for the total 3,732 metric tons volume of production per year, there is an estimated Php
74,640,000.00 market value when sold at P20.00 per kilo.

There are also large animals such as cattle 2,859 heads, carabao 3,153 heads and 1398
heads horses. Goat has a total head count of 3,977, pig 4,199 heads and one (1) hectare piggery
is located at Barangay Camansi. Chicken are raised only in the backyards with a total of 26,030
heads, ducks also raised in backyards with a total of 3,188 heads. Turkeys are raised also in
almost all barangays with 106 heads and geese with 128 heads. Total area devoted to Livestock
and Poultry is 3,012.703 hectares, and has total value of 173,322,400.

Livestock and Poultry

Livestock raising is also on the economic parameters of this municipality. Limited crop
production is complemented by livestock production of a total of 2,700 hectares of land of
SAFDZ (Pasture Land) or 0.034 percent of the total Municipal area is utilized by one 91)
livestock raisers namely is under PLA 279, PLA 271 and PLA 395 respectively, approximately
1,400 heads of cattle. However small scale on backyard livestock grower comprises of carabao,
cattle, horse, goat, sheep, pig, dog, chicken, duck, turkey and goose. (Population as stipulated
on table 51) Is 45% of livestock production is retain for domestic consumption while the
remaining volume of production is delivered to adjacent municipality, down to the nearest
hyper market like Cotabato City, Davao and Cagayan de Oro City.

There are only three (3) fishpond located at barangay Barangiran, Raradangan and
Pacao with 500 kilos volume of production annually. Other areas for aquaculture production are
the Libungan River with only 100 kilos volume of production.

Existing agricultural support facilities and services in the municipality which includes 58
milling, 142 multi-purpose drying pavements, 3 market Centers located at Dado,

Kitacubong and Bao and 108 warehouses. There are no cold storage facilities and fish
storage/processing plant.

There are 8,180 farmers, 7,018 of which are farm workers. There are 297 orchard
farmers, 541 plant growers and 1,114 livestock or dairy farmers. Barangay Dado considering its
vast agricultural land had the most number of farmers at 2,506. Barangay Mirasol on the other
hand had the least number of farmers with only 18 heads.
comparative area utilization of significant agricultural activities for the past three years (2008-
2010). Crop production increased from 28,000 hectares in 2008 to 30,000 in 2009 and remains
stable in 2010. Livestock/poultry production neither increase nor decrease for the past three
years at 1,500 hectares.


The current situation of the buldon and parang, Maguindanao Municipality is

“environmentally critical area”. It is located in the upstream of the Municipalities of Midsayap,
Libungan and Pigcawayan, North Cotabato ranging from 225m to 1,200m above sea leavel. The
soil is loam to clay loam suited to Agri-forestry such as oil palm, rubber, coconut, coffee,
vegetable and other high value crops. It has a total land area of 78,750 with moderate slope to
steep slope, abundant in spring water source. Considering that the Alamada is the headwater
of the Libungan River Irregation System and Malitubog-Maridagao Irrigation System. The
existing forest land is decreasing due to the presence of squatters and timber Poachers that
deforested the natural forest in the area.

Tree farming in the Municipality is encourage the Local Government exerted all efforts
to extend assistance in terms of Free Planting materials to interested farmers who would invest
in Tree Farming and was able to plant 30,000 Mahogany seedlings in government “Patrimonial
Let” and 3,500 hills rubber seedlings Nine Hundred Ninety Eight (998) hectares more or less.
The LGU strictly implements no cutting of trees policy in natural growth forest areas while
giving opportunity to free farmers to market their forest products from their plantation within
and outside the Municipality.


Alamada is suitable for livestock raising due to its mountainous terrain and availability
of spring water source. The presence of JNS Farm Ranch located in the Barangay Rangayen and
part of Barangiran, Alamada, Cotabato who was privileged to acquire two (2) Pasture Lease
Agreements; PLA 271 and PLA 395 covering an area of Two Thousand Seven Hundred (2,700)
hectares more or less. The Management of JNS Farm Ranch gradually planted mahogany trees
in some steep slope prone to landslide in order to the present spring water source in the areas.
The Municipality is abundant in mineral resources such as; Manganese, Marble, Gold,
Coal, Chromite, Pyrites and Natural Gas in Sitio Pidatan, Guiling covering an area of Three
Thousand Nine Hundred (3,900) hectares more or less. However, there is no exploration at

The Municipality of Alamada is abundant of creeks/ rivers and water tributaries to

Libungan River and Malitubog River. The declaration of Libungan-Alamada River Watershed as
Protected Area under Presidential Decree No. 563 of May3, 1990 by the late President Corazon
Aquino legalized the Creation of PAMB, Covering an area of Forty Four Thousand Two Hundred
Thirty Two (44,232) Hectares as Watershed.

RA 7160, Urban as LGC devolution of duties and function of DENR to LGU including the
Integrated Social Forestry (ICF) as the banner program and JMC 2003-01-DILG-DENR
Memorandum Circular devolving other functions of DENR to LGU One of the devolved
programs of DENR to the LGU. This project gives benefits to the actual occupants of the
deforested Public Land with tenurial security “Stewardship Certificate”, a privilege to own the
area they tilled. The components of which were; free fruits trees planting materials; capability
building or skills development training and possible market linkage of the produce from their
respective farm area. The location of which ISF/CBFM was established are Pacao, Paruayan,
Mapurok, Macabasa and Palipayen, Upper Dado, covering an area of Two Hundred (200)

The area identified are located in the upstream barangays namely Upper Dado,
Rangayen, Guiling, Macabasa and Mapurok covering an area of 54,072 hectares with more
than 30 slope and prone to ladside.

Areas those are suitable for Agricultural Crops, Rubber, Oil Palm, Coconut, Fruits Trees,
Banana, Pineapple, rice and Corn, Vegetables, Livestock and fishery activities. This includes
built- up areas.


Existing Situation

Since the Municipality is an Agricultural area, most of the industries are agricultural
based. Almost all barangays have ( rice ) and corn mills and rice mills. Total is 46 Rice mill, corn
mill and rubber Roller mill. Barangay has corn shellers are also utilized by the farmers with the
total unit of the 95. Barangay has also turtle, were also utilize on the tilling of rice fields.

One of the big industry of the municipality that the corn farmers have a better quality and
price that corn produce in term processing will be constructed grain center by the joint ventured
constructed by the National Agriculture Business Cooperation, Department of Agriculture,
national Food Authority ( NFA ) and Alamada Multi Purpose Cooperative ( AMPC ).

The Grain Center could process 100 tons per day that could address the needs of the farmers in
terms of the quality corn grains, employments is also an opportunity of the Municipality.

There is a bright prospect on cottage industries which utilized the raw materials like rattan
and bamboo. Rattan and bamboo craft in Barangay Dado could possibly generate employments
to its resident. This industry is graining support and acceptance from local resident considering
the affordability and its qualities, technology transfer and skill training have been conducted in
the area. Oil Palm constributes a lot in terms of economy in the people of Alamada. However,
there is no processing plant established in the Municipality.

According to studies, Alamada is abundant in mineral resources such as manganese,

marble, coal, gold and natural gas located in Sitio Pindatan, Guiling. There were a total of 96
Corn sheller and 27 rice and corn Mills which classified as medium Industrial Class Intensity
located in the Municipality.


Existing Situation

Commercial activities in the municipality are concentrated at the Public Market with Market
day is held during Tuesday at Kitacubong. Barangay Markets are also established at Sitio Kitub
of Barangay Bao and Upper Dado every Saturday. Commercial activities/ establishment in the
Municipality has a total area of 27.7 hectares.

The existing commercial establishment is more on retailing. These are 191 refreshment/
carenderias and dry goods.

In the wet market there are 26 vendors. For Personal services, only one barbershop and six
(6) beauty parlors are operating in the Public Market, Two communication facilities were
established at facilities in Barangay Kitacubong, one ( 1 ) Barangay Rangayen.

Financial Intermediation has three ( 3 ) establishment, the Alamada Multi- Purpose

Cooperative served as a mini- bank in the municipality which extended saving and loans to
Member and non- members. There is no other commercial bank in this municipality. Education
sector could also contribute economic activities in the area, one ( 1 ) vocational school and one
(1) secondary school and three ( 3 ) elementary and pre- school which was managed privately
by a certain congregation and individuals.

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