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I. Write the things into the right column!

a box a shark a human virus

a handphone a car a melon plant a bike
Living Things Non Living Things
.... ....
.... ....
.... ....
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II. fill in the blanks using the correct answer!
5. All living things need nutrition or food to .....................................................................
6. The smallest living thing is called ................................................................................
7. We cannot easily see the micro-organism so we need a tool called ...........................
8. One example of stimuli is ..........................................................................................
9. We call the non living thing as .....................................................................................
10. ………………………… makes food for the plants.
11. ………………………… supports the plants and carries useful materials to all parts of the plants.
12. ………………………… holds plants firmly in the ground and takes water and minerals.
13. ………………………… develops into a fruit that contains seeds.
14. The only plant that live on the rock is …………………………
15. cattail lives in the ……………………
III. Label the body part of the plant below from the words below!

IV. Answer the questions completely!

16. Write 3 characteristics of living things!
17. Mention 2 reason why living things can die!
18. a. What is parasitic plant? Give one example!
b. What is non-parasitic plant? Give one example!
19. Why are plants useful for us?
20. Mention three ways to take care of the plants!

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