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AFP Armed Forces of the Philippines

AOR Area of Responsibility


BDRRMC/s Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Committee/s

BFP-AFS Bureau of Fire Protection-Alamada Fire Station

CCCM Camp Coordination and Camp Management

MDRRMC Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management


MDRRMO Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office

CMC Crisis Management Committee

Alamada MDRRMC EOC Alamada Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Council Emergency Operations Center

Alamada MDRRMP Alamada Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Alamada MIMT Alamada Municipal Incident Management Team

Alamada RRC Alamada Regional Response Cluster

CSO/s Civil Society Organization/s

DDO/s Detailed Duty Officer/s

DRRM Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

MSWDO Municipal Social Welfare and

Development Office

EDUC Education

EOC Emergency Operations Center

ETC Emergency Telecommunications

FNI Food and Non-food Items

IC Incident Commander

ICP Incident Command Post

ICS Incident Command System

ICT Information Communication Technology

ID/s Identification Card/s

IDPs Internally Displaced Persons

IMT Incident Management Team

INFOBOARD Information Board

ITCZ Intertropical Convergence Zone

LAO Law and Order

LDRRMC Local Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Council

LDRRMO Local Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Office/r

LGU Local Government Unit

LOG Logistics

LPA Low Pressure Area

MCI Mass Casualty Incident

MDM Management of the Dead and the Missing

NFA National Food Authority

NGA/s Non-Government Agency/ies

NGO/s Non-Government Organization/s

OCD XII Office of the Civil Defense XII

OPCEN Operation Center

PAGASA Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services


PDNA Post Disaster Needs Assessment

PDRA Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment

PDRA-APP Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment – Actions Protocols and Programs

PDRRMC Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

PDRRMO Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office

PHIVOLCS Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

PNP-MPS Philippine National Police-Municipal Police Station

PRC Philippine Red Cross

PWD/s Person with Disability/ies

QRF Quick Response Funds

RA Republic Act

RC/s Response Cluster/s

RDANA Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis

RO Responsible Official

SAR Search and Rescue

SDO/s Staff Duty Officer/s

SitRep/s Situational Report/s

SMS Short Message Service

SOP/s Standard Operating Procedure/s

SRR Search, Rescue and Retrieval

SWB Severe Weather Bulletin

TC/s Tropical Cyclone/s

TCWS Tropical Cyclone Warning System

TOR/s Terms of Reference/s



1. 1987 Philippine Constitution

2. Republic Act 1021 – Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010

3. Implementing Rules and Regulations or RA 10121 – Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Act of 2010

4. Republic Act 9710 – Magna Carta of Women

5. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations Center Standard Operating

Procedures and Guidelines

6. CSC Memorandum Circular No. 33, s. 1997 dated December 22, 1997 – Policy on Working

Conditions at the Workplace

7. NDRRMC Memorandum Circular No. 04, s. 2012 dated March 28, 2012 – Implementing

Guidelines on the Use of Incident Command System (ICS) as an On-Scene Disaster

Response and Management Mechanism under the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management System (PDRRMS)

8. NDRRMC Memorandum No. 17, s. 2014 dated August 18, 2014 – Institutionalization of the

Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA)

9. NDRRMC Memorandum Circular (unnumbered), s. 2014 dated November 4, 2014 –

Guidelines in the Conduct of Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA)

10. NDRRMC Memo Circular No. 19, s. 2016 – Rules and Regulations Governing the

Implementation of the Management of the Dead and Missing Persons

11. NDRRMC Memorandum No. 43, s. 2016 – Guidelines on the Interoperability of Incident

Management Teams (IMTs) and the Response Clusters

12. NDRRMC Memorandum no. 44, s. 2016 – Guidelines on the Mobilization of Incident

Management Teams (IMTs)


Definition of Terms. - For purposes of this administrative policy, the following

shall refer to:

Adaptation – the adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic
stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.

Affected - a disruption of the normal activity of population and/or areas covered by the impact of

Armed Conflict - any use of force or armed violence between States or a protracted armed violence
between governmental authorities and organized armed groups or between such groups
within that State: Provided, that such armed violence gives rise, or may give rise, to a
situation to which the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, including their common
Article 3, apply. Armed conflict may be international, that is, between two (2) or more
States, including belligerent occupation; or non-international, that is, between governmental
authorities and organized armed groups or between such groups within a state. It does not
cover internal disturbances or tensions such as riots, isolated and sporadic acts of violence
or other acts of a similar nature.

Basic Services – activities undertaken in the course of disaster relief and recovery, rehabilitation or
reconstruction such as, but not limited to, heath and social welfare services, shelter,
agricultural services, environmental protection and financial assistance to calamity victims
and such other activities essential to disaster control and management.

Capability – qualitative assessment of human and material resources such as ability, competence,

Capacity – a combination of all the strengths and resources available within a community, society or
organization that can reduce the level of risk, or the effects of a disaster. Capacity may
include physical, institutional, social or economic means as well as skilled personal or
collective attributes such as leadership and management. Capacity may also be
described as capability.
Casualty – a victim of disaster, who died, got injured and was missing and who was physically injured
or killed by a destructive event.

Check-In - the process whereby resources report to an incident or planned event to receive tactical

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) – non-state actors whose aims are neither to generate profits nor
to seek governing power. CSOs unite people to advance shared goals ad interests. They
have a presence in public life, expressing the interests and values of their members or
others, and are based on ethical, cultural, scientific, religious or philanthropic
considerations. CSOs include non-government organizations (NGOs), professional
associations, foundations, independent research institutes, community-based
organizations (CBOs), faith-based organizations, social movements and labor unions.

Climate Change – a change in climate that can be identified by changes in the mean and/or variability of
its properties ad that persists for an extended period typically decades or longer, whether
due to natural variability or as a result of human activity.

Close out - a formal concluding meeting of the response operation to discuss the incident summary and
actions taken, major events that may have lasting ramifications, documentation concerns,
evaluation and other relevant matters.

Cluster - a group of agencies that gather to work together towards common objectives within a
particular sector of emergency response.

Command and Control - exercise of authority and direction by the Incident Commander over
resources checked-in to accomplish the objectives.

Command Staff - a group of incident management personnel consisting of the Public Information
Officer, Safety Officer, and Liaison Officer. They report directly to the Incident Commander
and may have Assistants, as needed.

Compensatory Time-Off (CTO) – number of hours or days an employee is excused from reporting for
work with full pay and benefits. It is a non-monetary benefit provided to an employee in lieu
of overtime pay. (CSC-DBM Joint Circular No. 02-04)

Conflagration – a large disastrous fire involving numerous buildings, houses or structures.

Contingency Planning – a management process that analyzes specific potential events or emerging
situations that might threaten society or the environment and establishes arrangements in
advance to enable timely, effective and appropriate responses to such events and

Coordination - system for gathering information, making decision, and recording action that must be clear
and known to all.
Damage and Needs Assessment – is an estimation and description based on actual physical observation
conducted by local disaster risk reduction and management councils on the nature and
extent of damages resulting from a disaster to determine the needs and requirements for
purposes of providing immediate assistance from the government or private individuals or

Delegation of Authority - a statement or instruction given to the Incident Commander by the

Responsible Official delegating authority and assigning responsibility. The Delegation of
Authority includes objectives, priorities, expectations, constraints and other
considerations or guidelines for managing the incident or planned event as needed.

Demobilization - the release and return of resources that are no longer required for the support of an

Disaster - a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human,
material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the
affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Disasters are often
described as a result of the combination of: the exposure to a hazard; the conditions of
vulnerability that are present; and insufficient capacity or measures to reduce or cope with
the potential negative consequences, Disaster impacts may include loss of life, injury,
disease and other negative effects on human, physical, mental and social well-being,
together with damage to property, destruction of assets, loss of services, Social and
economic disruption and environmental degradation.

Disaster Mitigation – the lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters.
Mitigation measures encompass engineering techniques and hazard- resistant construction
as well as improved environmental policies and public awareness.

Disaster Operations – any concerted effort by two or more agencies, governmental and/or otherwise, to
provide emergency assistance in relief to persons who are victims of a disaster/calamity
and in the restoration of essential public utilities and facilities. Specific aid and assistance
that may be provided in disaster operations include: issuance of medical supplies ad
equipment and emergency medical treatment; food, water, and shelter, rescue and
firefighting services; police protection route clearances and traffic control; prevention of
panic; communications; and restoration of facilities.

Disaster Preparedness - the knowledge and capacities developed by governments, professional

response and recovery organizations, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate,
respond to, and recover from, the Impacts of likely, imminent or current hazard events or
conditions. Preparedness action is carried out within the context of disaster risk reduction
and management and aims to build the capacities needed to efficiently manage all types of
emergencies and achieve orderly transitions from response to sustained recovery.
Preparedness is based on a sound analysis of disaster risk and good linkages with early
warning systems, and includes such activities as contingency planning, stockpiling of
equipment and supplies, the development of arrangements for coordination, evacuation and
public information, and associated training and field exercises. These must be supported by
formal institutional, legal and budgetary capacities.
Disaster Prevention – the outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters. It
expresses the concept and intention to completely avoid potential adverse impacts through
action taken in advance such as construction of dams or embankments that eliminate flood
risks, land-use regulations that do not permit any settlement in high-risk zones, and seismic
engineering designs that ensure the survival and function of a critical building in any likely

Disaster Response - the provision of emergency services and public assistance during or immediately
after a disaster in order to save lives, reduce health impacts, ensure public safety and meet
the basic subsistence needs of the people affected. Disaster response is predominantly
focused on immediate and short-term needs and is sometimes called "disaster relief".

Disaster Risk – the potential disaster losses in live, health status, livelihood, assets and services, which
could occur to a particular community or a Society over some specified future time period.

Disaster Risk Reduction – the concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts
to analyze and manage the causal factors of disasters, including through reduced
exposures to hazards, lessened vulnerability of people and property, wise management of
land and the environment, and improved preparedness for adverse events.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management – the systematic process of using administrative directives,
organizations, and operational kills and capacities to implement strategies, policies and
improved coping capacities in order to lessen the adverse impacts of hazards and the
possibility of disaster. Prospective disaster risk reduction and management refers to risk
reduction and management activities that address and seek to avoid the development of
new or increased disaster risks, especially if risk reduction policies are not put in place.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (DRRMC) - organized body of government
agencies, to include the civil society organizations and private sector, mandated to
undertake DRRM functions from the national to local levels. The composition, powers and
functions of the DRRMC are defined in RA 10121.

Disaster Victim – person/s or group or persons who have been adversely affected by a natural or human-
induced hazard who have to leave their habitual places of residence due to existing or
impending threats, damaged shelter units, with casualty among immediate family members
or those who remained in their habitual places of origin when still habitable but whose main
source of income or livelihood had been damaged and are experiencing hopelessness and
difficulty in coping or responding to the onslaught of the hazardous events on their own

Displaced Persons – are persons who have involuntarily moved from their places of origin as a result of
war, armed conflict, generalized situation of violence, violation of human rights and natural
disasters to a safer ground hence the change in environment and a nee d to adjust thereto.

Displaced Population – they are part of the affected population who are uprooted from their original
place of residence and employment due to a disaster.

Early Warning System - the set of capacities needed to generate and disseminate timely and
meaningful warning information to enable individuals, communities and organizations
threatened by a hazard to prepare and to act appropriately and in sufficient time to reduce
the possibility of harm or loss. A people-centered early warning system necessarily
comprises four (4) key elements: knowledge of the risks; monitoring, analysis and
forecasting of the hazards; communication or dissemination of alerts and warnings; and
local capabilities to respond to the warnings received. The expression "end-to-end warning
system" is also used to emphasize that warning systems need to span all steps from
hazard detection to community response.

Earthquake – a weak to violent shaking of the ground produced by the sudden movement of rock
materials below the earth’s surface. These disturbances usually occur along existing
fault lines or zones of structural weaknesses.

Emergency - unforeseen or sudden occurrence, especially danger, demanding immediate action.

Emergency Operations Center (EOC) - the facility that serves as repository of information and main hub
for coordination of resources to support the management of an incident or planned event.

Epidemic Outbreak – it is the occurrence of communicable/non-communicable diseases or

illnesses of the same nature in excess of the normal.

Exposure - the degree to which the elements at risk are likely to experience hazard events of different

Facilities - physical locations that are necessary to support the requirements of the operation such as
incident command post, base, camp, staging area, helibase and helispot.

Flood - a condition that occurs when water overflows the natural or artificial confines of a stream or body of
water, or when run-off from heavy rainfall accumulates over low-lying areas.

Epidemic Outbreak – it is the occurrence of communicable/non-communicable diseases or

illnesses of the same nature in excess of the normal.

Exposure - the degree to which the elements at risk are likely to experience hazard events of different

Facilities - physical locations that are necessary to support the requirements of the operation such as
incident command post, base, camp, staging area, helibase and helispot.

Flood - a condition that occurs when water overflows the natural or artificial confines of a stream or body of
water, or when run-off from heavy rainfall accumulates over low-lying areas.

Incident Management Team (IMT) - a team composed of the Incident Commander and appropriate
Command and General Staff personnel assigned to an incident or planned event. The IMT
members may be expanded as needed.
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) or Persons Displaced by the Disaster - person or group of
persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or leave their homes or places of their
habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of natural or
human-induced disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized border.

Landslide - a massive outward and downward movement of slope-forming materials. It is restricted to

movement of rocks and soil masses.

Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council - a group of people at the provincial, city,
municipal and barangay government level duly organized for the purpose of preparing the
people under its jurisdiction, to mitigate the effects of disasters and to control the disaster
operations of its tasked units.

Mitigation - structural and non-structural measures undertaken to limit the adverse impact of natural
hazards, environmental degradation, and technological hazards and to ensure the ability of
at-risk communities to address vulnerabilities aimed at minimizing the impact of disasters.
Such measures include, but are not limited to, hazard-resistant construction and
engineering works, the formulation and implementation of plans, programs, projects and
activities, awareness raising, knowledge management, policies on land-use and resource
management, as well as the enforcement of comprehensive land-use planning, building
and safety standards, and legislation.

National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) - is empowered with policy-
making, coordination, integration, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation functions with
regard to the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management initiatives of the Philippines.

National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations Center (NDRRMOC) - a facility
formerly known as the NDCC Operations Center based in Camp General Emilio
Aguinaldo shall henceforth be known as the “National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Operations Center” or the “NDRRMOC”, which shall serve as the Operating
Facility of the NDRRMC. It shall be operated and maintained on a 24-hour basis by OCD
personnel during normal situation to be complemented by the Detailed Duty Officers
(DDOs) from NDRRMC member-agencies during Emergency Condition (Blue and Red

Office of Civil Defense (OCD) - is a bureau under the Department of National Defense and serves as the
Executive Arm and Secretariat of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council (NDRRMC). It has the primary task of coordinating the activities and functions of
various government agencies and instrumentalities, private institutions and civic
organizations for the protection and preservation of life and properties during emergencies.
Under RA 10121, the OCD is mandated to “administer a comprehensive national civil
defense and national disaster risk reduction and management program by leading the
continuous development of strategic and systematic approaches to reduce the vulnerabilities
and risks to hazards as well as to manage the consequences of disasters”. The Law also
tasked OCD to “develop and ensure the implementation of national standards in carrying-out
disaster risk reduction programs including preparedness, mitigation, prevention, response,
and rehabilitation works, from data collection and analysis, planning, implementation,
monitoring, and evaluation”.
Partially Damaged Houses - still habitable.

Planned Event - organized gathering such as parades, fiestas, concerts, conferences, and
other events usually characterized by having high-density population of audiences and
significant profile of attendees among others.

Post Disaster Recovery - The restoration and improvement where appropriate, of facilities, livelihood and
living conditions of disaster-affected communities, including efforts to reduce disaster risk
factors, in accordance with the principles of “build back better”.

Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment-Actions, Programs and Protocols (PDRA-APP) – a process to

evaluate a hazard’s level of risk given the degree of exposure and vulnerability in a
specific area. It presents the possible impacts to the populace and form as a basis to
determine the appropriate level of response actions from the national level government
agencies down to the local government units. It is hazard-specific, area-focused, and time-
bound method of assessment.

Preparedness - pre-disaster actions and measures being undertaken within the context of disaster risk
reduction and management and are based on sound risk analysis as well as pre-disaster
activities to avert or minimize loss of life and property such as, but not limited to,
community organizing, training, planning, equipping, stockpiling, hazard mapping, insuring
of assets, and public information and education initiatives. This also includes the
development/enhancement of an overall preparedness strategy, policy, institutional
structure, warning and forecasting capabilities, and plans that define measures geared to
help at-risk communities safeguard their lives and assets by being alert to hazards and
taking appropriate action in the face of an imminent threat or an actual disaster.

Private Sector - the key actor in the realm of the economy where the central social concern and process
are the mutually beneficial production and distribution of goods and services to meet the
physical needs of human beings. The private sector comprises private corporations,
households and nonprofit institutions serving households.

Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA) - a disaster response mechanism that is
used immediately in the early emergency phase to determine the extent of impacts and
assess the priority needs of the communities.

Reconstruction - refers to activities that revitalize affected economic sectors, rebuild critical infrastructure,
and allocate appropriate budgetary resources, among others.

Recovery - the restoration of all vital support systems such as electricity, potable water system,
transport system, communication system, educational, cultural and medical facilities.
Regional, Provincial, City Municipal, and Barangay DRRMC - the organizations responsible for the
conduct of disaster risk reduction programs at their respective levels as well as monitor
the effects and manage the consequences of disaster incidents in their respective areas
of responsibility.

Rehabilitation - measures that ensure the ability of affected communities/areas to restore their normal
level of functioning by rebuilding livelihood and damaged infrastructures and increasing the
communities’ organizational capacity.

Rehabilitation - refers to the process by which the affected communities/areas or damaged public
infrastructure are restored to their condition prior to the occurrence of the
disaster/calamity. It is also ta process providing affected population with critical incidence
stress debriefing, psychological and spiritual support necessary to enable them to return
to their condition and functioning prior to the calamity.

Relief - the immediate activities following a disaster that seeks to provide the immediate and basic
needs of victims such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and emotional security.

Resilience - the ability of a system, community or society exposed to hazards to resist, absorb,
accommodate and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient
manner, including through the preservation and restoration of its essential basic
structures and functions.

Resources - personnel and major items of equipment, supplies, and facilities available or potentially
available for assignment to incident or planned event operations and for which status is

Response - any concerted effort by two (2) or more agencies, public or private, to provide assistance or
intervention during or immediately after a disaster to meet the life preservation and basic
subsistence needs of those people affected and in the restoration of essential public
activities and facilities.

Response Clusters – response clusters are part of the NDRRMC’s strategic action on providing
humanitarian assistance and disaster response services. These are organized groups of
government agencies that are designated to undertake coordination functions at the
strategic level to provide resource support for tactical response.

Responsible Official (RO) - the overall in charge of an agency, organization or institution who has the full
authority for making decisions and providing directions to manage an incident or planned
event within his/her jurisdiction. The RO is usually the Chairperson of the DRRMC, the
Crisis Manager of the Crisis Management Committee, the head of an agency or
organization, or any individual vested with authority as mandated by law according to
his/her respective jurisdiction.

Risk - the combination of the probability of an event and its negative consequences.
Risk Assessment - a methodology to determine the nature and extent of risk by analyzing potential
hazards and evaluating existing conditions of vulnerability that together could potentially
harm exposed people, property, services, livelihood and the environment on which they
depend. Risk assessments with associated risk mapping include: a review of the technical
characteristics of hazards such as their location, intensity, frequency and probability; the
analysis of exposure and vulnerability including the physical, social, health, economic and
environmental dimension; and the evaluation of the effectiveness of prevailing and
alternative coping capacities in respect to likely risk scenarios.

Standard Operating Procedures and Guidelines

State of Calamity - a condition involving mass casualty and/or major damages to property, disruption
of means of livelihoods, roads and normal way of life of people in the affected areas as
a result of the occurrence of natural or human-induced hazard.

Survivor - a person who has survived the effects of disaster and a victim who is either dead or missing.

Totally Damaged Houses - no longer habitable.

Transfer of Command - the process of moving the responsibility of command and control from one
Incident Commander to another Incident Commander.

Tropical Cyclones - a general term given to describe a major weather disturbance in the tropics,
characterized by a low central atmosphere pressure and stronger winds relative to its

Tropical Depression - a tropical cyclone with winds that do not exceed 63 kph. Most common in the
region of the equatorial or intertropical convergence and less frequently in the trade winds.

Typhoon - a tropical cyclone with winds that exceed 118 kph. The name is applied to a severe tropical
cyclone in the western Pacific.

Volcanic Eruption - the ejection of volcanic materials such as lava, ashes, rock fragments steam and
other gases through a fissure brought about by tremendous pressure which forces open
the rock formation overlying pockets of molten rocks or steam reservoirs found under the
earth’s crust.

Vulnerability - the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it
susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard. Vulnerability may arise from various
physical, social, economic, and environmental factors such as poor design and
construction of buildings, inadequate protection of assets, lack of public information and
awareness, limited official recognition of risks and preparedness measures, and disregard
for wise environmental management.

Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups - those that face higher exposure to disaster risk and poverty
including, but not limited to, women, children, elderly, differently-abled people, and ethnic

Weather Forecast - a forecast of the future state of the atmosphere with specific reference to one or more
associated weather elements.



a. Declaration of Principle

i. “The maintenance of peace and order, the protection of life, liberty, and

property, and promotion of the general welfare are essential for the

enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of democracy.” (Section 5, Article II, 1987
Philippine Constitution)

b. Office of Civil Defense

i. The Office of Civil Defense shall have the primary mission of administering

a comprehensive national civil defense and disaster risk reduction and

management program by proving LEADERSHIP in the continuous

development of strategic and systematic approaches as well as measures

to reduce the vulnerabilities and risk to hazards and manage the

consequences of disasters.(Section 8, Republic Act 10121)

c. Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (MDRRMC):

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Organization at the Municipal Level(Section

11, Republic Act 10121)

i. The Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils

(MDRRMCs) which shall coordinate, integrate, supervise and evaluate

the activities of the BDRRMCs;

ii. The MDRRMC shall be responsible in ensuring disaster sensitive

municipal development plans, and in case of emergencies shall convene

the different line agencies and concerned institutions and authorities;

iii. The MDRRMC shall establish an Operating Facility to be known as the

Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations Center

(MDRRMOC) whenever necessary;

iv. The Local Chief Executive or Municipal Mayor shall serve as the

Chairperson of the Municipal DRRM Council.

v. LDRRMO shall serve as the secretariat of the MDRRMC. The MDRRMC

shall be composed of the Local Chief Executive of the municipality as

Chairperson and its members; Local Planning and Development Officer,

LDRRM Officer, LSWD Officer, Local Health Officer, Local Agriculture

Officer, Gender and Development Officer, Local Engineering Officer, Local

Budget Officer, DepEd Supervisors, highest-ranking officer of the AFP

assigned in the area, Chief of Police of the Municipal Police Station,

Municipal Fire Marshall of the BFP, President Of Association of Barangay

Captains, Philippine Red Cross, Four Accredited CSOs and one private

sector representative.

d. Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

(MDRRMC)(RULE 4, Implementing Rules and Regulations, Republic Act 10121)

i. Section 3.1 The MDRRMC Chairperson must tap the facilities and

resources of other government agencies and private sectors, for the

protection of life and properties in pursuit of

disaster risk reduction and management.(RULE 4, Section 3, Subsection3.1.

, Implementing Rules and Regulations, Republic Act 10121)

ii. Section 3.2 The MDRRMC shall constitute a technical working group

composed of representatives of the member agencies that shall coordinate

and meet as often as necessary to effectively manage and sustain regional

efforts on disaster risk reduction and management.(RULE 4, Section 3, Subsection3.2.

,Implementing Rules and Regulations, Republic Act 10121)

iii. Section 5: Operations Center – the MDRRMC shall establish an operating

facility on a 24 hour basis, to be known as the

MDRRM Operations Center (MDRRMOC). Every member agency of the

MDRRMC shall establish its respective Emergency Operations Center (EOC),

subject to exemptions granted by the municipal Council and shall designate

focal officer

for DRRM. (RULE 4, Section 5, Implementing Rules and Regulations, Republic Act 10121)

e. Gender-Mainstreaming in DRRM

i. As a declared policy, RA 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Act of 2010 “ensures that disaster risk reduction and climate

change measures are GENDER RESPONSIVE, sensitive to indigenous

knowledge systems, and respectful of human rights” (RA 10121, Sec. 2, j.)
ii. “Gender Mainstreaming refers to the strategy for making women’s as well as

men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design,

implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies and programs in all

political, economic,

and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is

not perpetuated. It is a process of assessing the implications for women and

men of any planned action, including legislation, policies, or programs in all

areas and at all levels.” (Section 4, (i), Republic Act 9710)

iii. As clearly provided in the Magna Carta of Women, “women have the right to

protection and security in times of disasters, calamities, and other crisis

situations especially in all phases of relief, recovery, rehabilitation, and

construction efforts. The State shall provide for immediate humanitarian

assistance, allocation of resources, and early resettlement, if necessary. It

shall also address the particular needs of women from a gender perspective

to ensure their full protection from sexual exploitation and other sexual and

gender- based violence committed against them. Responses to disaster

situations shall include the provision of services, such as psychosocial

support, livelihood support, education, psychological health, and

comprehensive health services, including protection during pregnancy.”

f. Policy on Working Conditions at the Workplace: The Civil Service Commission

thru Memorandum Circular No. 33, s. 1997 provided policy on working conditions at

the workplace.

i. All government offices shall provide the following: (a) health program for

government employees which includes hospitalization services and annual

mental, medical-physical examinations, (b) adequate office ventilation and

lighting, (c) clean and adequate comfort room facilities, (d) portable drinking

water, (e) first aid kit/facilities and (f) hazard insurance

ii. All government offices shall create a safety committee that

would enforce a safety program for the employees including basic safety

orientation and drills; and

iii. All government offices should be non-smoking areas.

The Matalam Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

Emergency Operations Center (Matalam MDRRMC EOC) should always adhere

to this policy for the personnel manning the operations center.


a. This Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Guidelines for the ACTIVATION of

the Matalam Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council Emergency

Operations Center (Matalam MDRRMC EOC) is formulated, with sensitivity to gender

needs and equality, to provide a unified understanding and a well-coordinated plan of

actions among the members of the Matalam Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Council (Matalam MDRRMC).

b. The mission of the Matalam MDRRMC EOC, in coordination with relevant line

agencies, is to operate on a 24/7 basis, to continuously provide and disseminate

gender-sensitive disaster response and population preparedness guidelines and to

facilitate effective management of emerging situations that require interventions in

order to minimize adverse effects of disasters on lives and properties by employing

adequately competent people backed-up by adequate equipment, stable systems and

sound procedures.

c. This is also to meet the goals and objectives provided (for) by the Matalam Local

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (Matalam LDRRMP). As the

Matalam LDRRMP provides, the

council must accomplish its mission to save lives and alleviate suffering and minimize

or avert damages to properties in support to Barangay Local Government Units

(BLGUs) as the first line of defense in their area of jurisdiction.

d. To efficiently accomplish the aforementioned goal, this SOP provides the following:

i. Matalam Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

Emergency Operations Center (Matalam MDRRMC EOC)

1. Warning Dissemination;

2. Core Functions;

3. Alert Level System;

4. Raising and Downgrading of Alert Status;

5. Triggers and Conditions on Matalam MDRRMC EOC Alert Status;


6. Courses of Action during Alert Status.

ii. Matalam Municipal Response Clusters (Matalam MRC)

iii. Matalam Municipal Incident Management Team (Matalam


iv. Interoperability of the Matalam MRC, Matalam MIMT and the


v. Detailed Duty Officers (DDOs)

1. Designation of DDOs; and

2. Roles and Responsibilities of DDOs.

vi. Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA) and

Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA)

i. Guidelines in the Matalam MDRRMC EOC

ii. Manning the Matalam MDRRMC EOC

ix. Meetings/Conferences, Social Media and Media Management

x. Reporting System
Figure 1.0: Organizational Structure of the Matalam Municipal DRRM Council



a. The Matalam MDRRMC maintains and operates an Operation Center on

a 24/7 basis. This center is translated into Matalam MDRRM Emergency

Operations Center (Matalam MDRRMC EOC) once activated by the

Matalam MDRRMC. Below is the protocol on manning the operation

center during normal condition and on activation.

i. During Normal Condition or White Alert – MDRRMO Personnel


ii. During Blue Alert – MDRRMO personnel with augmentation

from selected member-agencies; and

iii. During Red Alert – MDRRMO with all council members in full


b. Once this center is activated , concerned member agencies of the

Matalam MDRRMC shall render duty at this center on a 24/7 basis to

support the “Golden Hour Principle” of emergency response and to

assist in the facilitation of immediate monitoring, coordination and

request facilitation.

c. The Chairperson appoints or selects among the Matalam MDRRMC

member agencies that shall render duty at the center before the

commencement of alert status. Once activated, the Matalam MDRRMC

EOC serves as the central command and control facility. It undertakes

information management function serving as the nerve center of all

response coordination at the provincial and municipal level. It does not

normally control field assets and leaves tactical decisions to barangay

disaster risk reduction and management committees (BDRRMCs).

d. Every member agency of the Matalam MDRRMC shall establish its

respective Emergency Operations Center (EOC) as per Implementing

Rule and Regulations of RA 10121.

e. As a matter of protocol and proactive action, all Operations Center of

Matalam MDRRMC member agencies shall likewise follow the level of

activation and alert status and shall be in synergy with the Matalam


f. The concerned Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Committees shall likewise follow the level of activation and alert status and

synchronizes communication with the Matalam MDRRMC EOC.

Figure 2.0:National DRRM Operations Center Schematic Diagram of the Communication/Information Flow
Figure 3.0:Soccsksargen Regional DRRM EOC Schematic Diagram of the Communication/Information Flow
Figure 4.0 MDRRMC EOC Schematic Diagram of Communication/Information Flow

a. Upon receipt of any information from warning or surveillance agencies,

Matalam MDRRMC EOC shall process and issue warning advisories to all

stakeholders through the use of all available means of communication

such as short messaging system (SMS or Infoboard), facsimile, electronic

mail, cell phone, social media and official website/s;

b. Advisories can be accessed through the OCD XII website

( or official websites of the warning or surveillance

agencies like PAGASA and PHIVOLCS; and

c. Following are advisories received from surveillance agencies:

1. 24-Hour Public 10. Presence of

Weather Forecast terrorism/lawless

2. Daily Weather violence

Advisory 11. Thunderstorm

3. Severe Weather Advisory

Bulletin 12. Weather Outlook

4. Gale Warning 13. El Nino and La


5. Rainfall Advisory Advisory

6. General Flood 14. Dam Monitoring

Advisory/Bulletin 15. Tsunami

7. Road conditions/road Alert/Warning

alerts 16. Volcano Bulletin

8. Disease/epidemic 17. Earthquake

outbreak Information

9. Power interruptions
Figure 5.0: Waning Dissemination Flow of the Matalam MDRRMC EOC


a. Alert and Monitoring

i. Provide warning, in close coordination with national warning agencies

and through all available means to areas threatened by slow-onset

disasters like tropical cyclones and consequent flooding/landslide,

providing the public a clear understanding of what to expect and

advisories on the appropriate precautionary measures to be


ii. Monitor the probable consequences of potential, ongoing and past

disasters or emergency situations around the Matalam Municipality

in close coordination with the Operation Centers of relevant Matalam

MDRRMC-member agencies through the Baranagay Disaster Risk

Reduction and Management Committees (BDRRMCs) channels, the

Red Cross Chapters, NGO networks,volunteer groups, Armed Forces

of the Philippines (AFP), Philippine National Police (PNP-MPS),

Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP-MFS) and other units and sources;

iii. Alert available response assets of the Matalam MDRRMC and all

concerned BDRRMCs and closely monitor the conduct of disaster

response operations, mobilizing additional resources available as

may be needed on the ground; and

iv. To a limited, and as maybe required by the Matalam MDRRMC

Chairperson, monitor the transition from emergency response and

relief to recovery phase.

b. Operational Coordination

i. Coordinate pre-defined pre-disaster and post-disaster

operational activities being undertaken by relevant agencies;

ii. Initiate and lead the conduct of a multi-agency damage and

needs assessment mission as the post disaster situation

iii. Provide operational updates to the Provincial Disaster Risk

Reduction and Management Council and the Regional Office of

Civil Defense, Humanitarian Assistance aid agencies and other

Provincial and Municipal response organizations;

iv. Allocate gender-friendly and sensitive working stations for pre-

identified MDRRMC-Member Agency representatives.

v. Facilitate the conduct of a multi-agency debriefing of past

disaster situations;

vi. Promote a synergistic multi-agency approach; and

vii. Facilitate the provision of holistic support to operational units.

c. Response Resource Mobilization

i. Maintain an updated database of all available response resources in

the municipality that can provide capacities on the ground in the area

of airlift operations, fire suppression, emergency health services,

ambulance service/emergency evacuations, security, emergency

social services, environmental emergencies, hazardous materials

emergencies, urban search and rescue, engineering and basic


ii. Assist in the formulation of mobilization SOPs for the response

resources and operational support arrangements; and

iii. Facilitate the conduct of a post mobilization debriefing for all

units deployed and utilized to look into areas of strength and

areas for improvement.

d. Information Management

i. Maintain an updated database of relevant baseline information of

population demography in the different regions, hospital and

health facilities, schools, etc.;

ii. Collect, collate, validate, analyze information and undertake the

appropriate steps to be taken based on pre-delegated tasks and

responsibilities, otherwise recommend to the Chairperson, Matalam

MDRRMC the necessary steps to be taken based on processed

information for an enhanced decision making process;

iii. Document all past disasters situation to include a review of the

pre- and post- disaster activities undertaken by all key actors; and

iv. Maintain a database of these documents.

e. Program Coordination for Operational Capability Upgrade

i. Maintain active linkages with established Operations Centers of

Matalam MDRRMC-member agencies and partners to facilitate the

synchronization of actions to be taken, alert status and programs for

operational capability upgrade;

ii. Explore possibilities of cross fertilization with other Operations

Centers in the area of staffing, skills and competencies, equipment

operations and maintenance, in-house systems and procedures,

database management and granting of access; and

iii. Provide operational guidelines on the management of Barangay

DRRM Operations Centers.

f. Triggering Mechanism for Activation

i. The trigger mechanism prescribes the manner in which the disaster

response system shall be automatically activated after receiving

early warning advisories or signals. As proactive system, activities

envisaged in this SOP under the response phase shall be initiated

timely and simultaneously by concerned offices. The objective of

having a trigger mechanism for hazards is to have a PRO ACTIVE

mechanism for spontaneous response action of the Cordillera

RDRRMC member agencies.


a. Sudden Onset Situation

i. Should the emergency (e.g. earthquake, landslide, etc.) occur at

night or on weekends during normal condition, Staff Duty Officer/s

shall immediately report the incident to response agencies (e.g.

PNP, BFP, or any local group of responders); and

ii. Said incident should be properly monitored and recorded and be

reported to the Chairperson of the Matalam MDRRMC for proper

actions and recommendations.

b. Slow Onset (e.g. weather disturbance, high-density population

gatherings, etc.):


i. Normal Operations or White Alert- refers to regular or normal

operations, communication monitoring and reporting;

ii. Blue Alert Level - pertains to a condition of stand-by readiness in

preparation for a full scale response operation. This is commonly

done in situations of slow-onset disasters. In this condition, at least

50% of human and material resources are made available for duty

or deployment. The detection, tracking, monitoring, and result of

pre-disaster risk assessment triggers this status; and

iii. Red Alert Level - signifies the highest level of readiness in

anticipation of an imminent emergency situation, or in response to

a sudden onset of disaster. In this condition, all human and

material resources are made available for duty and deployment.

This may result to the activation of the Response Cluster/s (RCs)

and Incident Management Team (IMT) including the escalation of

the highest level of response. As such, inter-cluster action planning

is done during this status.

iv. During BLUE and RED status, regular duty personnel and

Operations Services Alert Teams shall render 24-hour duty at the

Matalam MDRRMC EOC for the duration of emergency, regardless

of the day of the week.



ü Agency specific ü Detection ü Result of PDRA-APP
action ü Tracking ü Response level 3
ü Agency monitoring ü Monitoring ü RC and/or IMT
ü Agency routine ü Early actions activation
ü Agency, cluster,
and inter-cluster
ü Result of PDRA operations


ü Daily administrative ü risk analysis and ü Response cluster

and operational monitoring operations

ü minimum ü incident
ü Continuous preparedness management team
preparedness action operations
ü advance ü force provider –
action force employer
ü contingency
planning for ü RDANA operations

se Response Level 1 Response Level 2 to 3
Table 1.0: Alert Levels with Indicators and Response Levels Utilized by the Response Clusters

v. Activation of response operations must be calibrated prudently

to uphold timely and effective response while, at the same time

utilizing efficiently material and human resources.

Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
ü Agency preparedness ü Specific cluster ü Inter-cluster
and response preparedness and preparedness and
operations response operations response operations
Figure 6.0: Level of Disaster Response Actions
vi. The following levels of action shall be used as reference at

different levels of response:

1. Level 1 is the lowest form of individual and respective

organizational planning. It delves with specific

organizational arrangements to provide the consequence

management services that the organization is mandated

to deliver

2. Level 2 defines how the lead agency of specific cluster

and its members will work together to achieve its specific

objectives. It entails the coordination among cluster

members under the command and control of the lead

agency of the cluster

3. Level 3 is the highest form of preparedness and

response planning and operations. Under this phase, the

vice chairperson for response provides a common

strategic planning and operational framework and

process to warrant configuration of consequence

management operations to all-encompassing principles

and goals.

a. Raising Matalam MDRRMC EOC’s Alert Status vis-à-vis Various


i. The Chairperson of the Matalam MDRRMC, in consideration of

the recommendation/s of warning/response agencies, has the

authority, discretion, and responsibility in raising the Matalam

MDRRMC EOC alert status.

ii. Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA)

1. Raising of the Alert Status may emanate from the

deliberations and discussions during the PDRA meeting

based on analyses and scientific studies (by PAGASA,

PHIVOLCS, etc) or upon the recommendation of Matalam

MDRRMC member-agency.

iii. PDRA is a process to evaluate a hazard’s level of risk given the

degree of exposure and vulnerability in a specific area. It presents

the possible impacts on the populace and forms a basis to

determine the appropriate level of response actions from the

national government agencies down to the local government units.
(NDRRMC Memorandum No. 17, s. 2014, item 2, parag. 1)

iv. In view of a slow and sudden onset hazard, PDRA Core Team

composed of authorized and designated representatives from the

following offices shall be convened at the Matalam MDRRMC

EOC(NDRRMC Memorandum No. 17, s. 2014, item 4)

1. Office of the Municipal Agriculturist (OMAg);

2. Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG-


3. Office of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development


4. Office of the Municipal Planning and Development (MPDO);

5. Office of the Municipal Engineering (MEO);

6. Office of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources

(MENRO); and

7. Office of the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management (MDRRMO).
v. The PDRA Core Team members are directed to organize and may

wish to call on other Matalam MDRRMC member-agencies and

organizations to facilitate the immediate execution of needed

assessment and dissemination of results, as deemed necessary.

(NDRRMC Memorandum No. 17, s. 2014,item 4 parag. 2)

§ Results of the conduct of PDRA

§ If a forecast of weather disturbance

that will traverse Matalam.
§ Severe Weather Bulletin (SWB)
§ Severe Weather Bulletin (SWB) from
§ expected to enter PAR § Location: within PAR

§ Tropical Depression (TCWS #1) § Tropical Storm (TCWS #2)

1. Tropical Cyclones § In preparation for a potential
emergency or a developing § Severe Tropical Storm
(TCs) § Weather Advisories from imminent threat.
1.1 Flooding § Typhoon
PAGASA § At least 10 families or 50 persons
1.2 Landslide will be affected and/or will be § Super Typhoon
displaced. § An imminent emergency situation
1.3 Severe Wind is foreseen
§ Result of the conduct of PDRA
§ Rainfall Advisory from PAGASA
(ORANGE Advisory) § Rainfall Advisory from PAGASA
(RED Advisory)
§ 15-30 mm RAIN observed in 1
hour and expected to continue in § More than 30 mm RAIN
§ Rainfall Advisory from the next 2 hours
PAGASA (YELLOW observed in 1 hour and
Advisory) § Flooding is threatening
§ 7.5-15 mm RAIN
2. Other Weather observed in 1 hour and § Two (2) or more barangays are expected to continue in the next
expected to continue in affected
Disturbances the next 2 hours § In preparation for a potential 2 hours
2.1 Monsoon Rains emergency or a developing
§ Flooding is possible imminent threat. § Serious flooding expected in
2.2 ITCZ low lying areas
2.3 Tail-end of a § At least 10 families or 50 persons
coldfront will be affected and/or will be § Two (2) or more barangays are

§ An imminent emergency situation

is foreseen
§ Result of the conduct of PDRA

§ Normal § Alert Level Three (3) § Alert Level Four (4)

§ Quiet
3. Volcano Alert § Unrest that could lead to eruption § Hazardous eruption within 1-2 days
3.1 Landslide § No eruption foreseeable
in the future § Increasing likelihood of a hazardous § An imminent emergency situation
eruption, possibly explosive, is foreseen
probably within 1-7 days
§ In preparation for a potential

emergency or a developing
imminent threat.

§ At least 10 families or 50 persons

will be affected and/or will be
§ Intensity VII and above

4. Earthquake § No reported damage § Intensity V-VI § Very destructive

4.1 Landslide
§ Not expecting aftershocks § Has damages and aftershocks § Requires immediate
H U M A N – I N D U C E D I N C I D E N T S
§ Result of the conduct of PDRA

§ Level 3 Crisis (Municipal)

§ Situation requires employment
of security forces and

utilization of resources of the

Municipal/Provincial level
organizations and beyond
§ Level 1 and 2 Crises § Upon the recommendation of
(Barangay/Municipal the Municipal CMC of a
particular crisis
§ Local security forces or law
enforcers and Crisis § Incident affects two or more
Management Committee (CMC) barangays in the municipality
are in control of the situation § Crisis involves foreign
national/s, either perpetrators
§ Appropriate resources are or victims
available and capable at either
Municipal or Barangay level § Crisis affects peace process,
local tourism industry, and
§ Barangay/ Municipal CMC other major industries
recommends elevation of the
crisis level § Local security forces or law
§ Incident affects two or more
barangays within the municipality enforcers at the municipal
§ Incident is continuously leveling up (to level are unable to resolve
affect more than one barangay) the crisis within their
5. Armed Conflict, § Recommendation from the AFP/PNP
Civil Strife, Rido or § An imminent emergency situation
Clan Feuds § Peacetime
is foreseen
§ Result of the conduct of PDRA
§ Critical installation/ structures
are at stake

§ Compounding factors: informal

settlements or environmental

§ Result of the conduct of PDRA § Requires other

§ Recommendation from the BFP as agencies support
approved by the Matalam § Recommendation from the BFP as
MDRRMC Chairperson approved by the Matalam
6. Fire, Conflagration MDRRMC Chairperson
§ Result of the conduct of PDRA
§ Scheduled special/planned event in
the Municipality of Matalam

§ Special event in any part of Matalam

which demands maximum security

§ A planned mass gatherings (i.e.

Sallahmat Festival, National and
Local Elections and other
7. Special political exercises) and mass § Result of the conduct of PDRA
Holidays/Planned actions or demonstrations. § Occurrence of a major incident in a
Events § National and Local events, holidays, scheduled major event
and celebrations with potential for
Mass Casualty Incidents (MCI).
§ Result of the Conduct of PDRA

§ Level 2-3 – Outbreak is affecting a

municipality or several barangays
but within a muniipality § Level 4 – Outbreak is affecting
several barangays but within
8. Disease/Epidemic § Recommendation from RHU- the muniipality
Matalam and DA-Matalam · Uncontrolled epidemics/ outbreak
Outbreak (animal/fishery/ crop outbreaks)
Table 2.0: Conditions and Triggers (either 1 of the listed triggers/conditions)
ALERT STATUS Memorandum or an official SMS · All activated Operation Centers
message shall immediately notify the


· Convene the members
of the Matalam · Makes a roll call of activated Operations
MDRRMC for an
emergency meeting to Centers. · Regularly submits report on actions
discuss situation and taken and or updated agency
response concerns reports to Matalam MDRRMC

· Facilitate and implement in full blast the EOC (11AM, 6PM and 6AM or as
regular sending of accurate alert and timely as possible)
· Recommend for pre- warning advisories to partner agencies,
emptive evacuation in media and public through INFOBOARD
high risk areas or issuance of official advisories.
· Matalam MDRRMC member
agencies shall automatically render
duty at Matalam MDRRMC EOC
· Activate protocols · The Matalam MDRRMC EOC gathers, on a 24/7 basis to support the
(Contingency Plans, validates reports, analyzes and requirement of “Golden Hour
Regional Disaster consolidates information from Matalam Principle” in emergency response,
Response Plan & MDRRMC members and Barangayl assist in the facilitation of
Incident Management DRRMCs. immediate monitoring, coordination
Teams (IMTs)) and request facilitation.

· Consolidates and submits report to

· Deploys Municipal

· Upholds it core functions in full blast:





Table 3.0: Courses of Actions of Matalam MDRRM Council during Blue and Red Alert Activation
· Regular and daily issuance of weather forecast and advisories through
information board (INFOBOARD). Frequency is twice a day, 5:00 AM and
5:00 PM.
· Regular daily monitoring routines within area of responsibility (AOR) (e.g.
weather conditions, road status and monitored incidents)

· Upholds its core functions :




· Submits report to PDRRMO whenever it may deemed
· Regular daily monitoring routines within AOR
· Provides information to MDRRMC Operations Center on monitored
major and minor incidents within the AOR.


Table 4.0:Operations During Normal Conditions (or White Alert)

b. Downgrading of Alert Status

i. Downgrading or lowering the Matalam MDRRMC EOC’s alert status shall

be based on the recommendation of the Matalam MCR, Matalam MIMT

on the ground, by warning/response agencies or any concerned member-

agency to be duly approved by the Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson.

Downgrading from RED to BLUE to WHITE shall be determined based on

the condition of affected areas. Termination of disaster response such as

relief operations, search, rescue and retrieval can be the bases of

downgrading the alert status.

ii. However, when downgraded into normal condition (white), Matalam

MDRRMC member-agencies are still required to submit report or

update to the Matalam MDRRMC EOC as deemed necessary.

Downgrades the alert level from BLUE to NORMAL or from RED to BLUE to
NORMAL status when situation warrants
 The Matalam MDRRMC EOC coordinates to concern member
agencies and BDRRMCs for the submission of final report.
 Matalam MDRRMC OC submits final report to PDRRMOC/OCD XII
on the effects/impacts of the disaster and the humanitarian
responses undertaken a week after the termination of operations; 3 to
4 weeks for typhoons and 1 week after for the other incidents
 Mobilizes member-agencies to activate their short to
medium term rehabilitation and recovery programs.
 Organizes the regional team to conduct Post Damage and Needs
 Assessment (PDNA).
 Conducts debriefing and initiate actions for improvement



Table 5.0: Downgrading of Alert Level




a. The Matalam Municipal Response Cluster (MMRC) system is an

aggrupation of responders according to their specific line of service or

expertise during emergency response. It is the aggregation of

responding government agencies, humanitarian organizations, faith-

based organizations, private and civil society organizations, including

volunteers according to their specific line of services or expertise

during emergency response.

b. The system defines the roles and responsibilities of each cluster

towards a more systematic delivery of response and services. The

Matalam MDRRMC established eleven (11) response clusters as

presented in the table below.


Camp Coordination and Camp

Management (CCCM)

Internally Displaced Persons Protection


DepEd-Matalam Education (EDUC)

MDRRMO Emergency Telecommunications (ETC)

MSWDO Food and Non-Food Items (FNI)

PNP-MPS Law and Order (LAO)

MEO Logistics (LOG)

Management of the Dead and Missing


AFP/BFP/MERT Search, Rescue, and Retrieval (SRR)


Roads and Bridges Clearing and


Management (RBCM)

Table 6.0: Matalam Municipal Response Clusters

c. These clusters shall be activated by the MSWDO as the Vice-

Chairperson for Disaster Response during emergencies or disaster


a. The Incident Command System (ICS)“is a standardized, on-scene, all-

hazard management concept; allows its users to adopt an integrated

organizational structure to match the complexities and demands of

single or multiple incidents without being hindered by jurisdictional

boundaries. ICS is non-permanent organization and is activated only in

response to disasters or emergencies”. (NDRRMC Memorandum Circular No. 04, s.

2012, item IV, parag. 31)

b. The Matalam MIMT is an agglomeration of Matalam MDRRMC

member agencies and response groups personnel who satisfactorily

satisfied the criteria under NDRRMC Memorandum No. 44, s. 2016. It

is structured to provide leadership, coordination, communication,

logistics and integration by avoiding duplication of efforts and providing

accountability for an orderly and effective response delivery and to set

the conditions for a sustainable response and recovery.

c. The team is composed of a Command and General Staff, and is

headed by an Incident Commander who is appointed by a Responsible

Official in line with doctrine of chain of command. The following figure

illustrates the basic organizational structure of an incident management











Figure 7.0: Basic Organizational Structure of an Incident Management Team

Guidelines for the Matalam Municipal Incident Management Team (as
provided in NDRRMC Memorandum No. 44, s. 2016)

d. Duties and Responsibilities of the Matalam MIMT: The Matalam MIMT

shall perform the following duties and responsibilities.

i. Overall in-charge of planning, organizing, staffing, directing,

coordinating, reporting and managing on-scene response


ii. Manages all resources checked-in for disaster response

operation by the member-agencies of the Matalam MDRRMC

and other instrumentalities including CSOs, private sector and

other stakeholders;
iii. Receives and implements the directive of the Responsible

Official (RO) (in case of MMDRRMC, the Chairperson) to

respond to incident;

iv. Ensures the safety of all personnel and other resources

deployed for operations;

v. Manages the provision of logistical requirements to support the

conduct of operations;

vi. Documents and reports all situation updates and actions taken to

the RO through the Matalam MDRRMC EOC;

vii. Requests for additional resources from the RO through the

Matalam MDRRMC EOC: and

viii. Facilitates the complete process on demobilization of resources.

e. Selection of a Matalam MIMT Member:

i. The following criteria are as follows:

1. Must come from a government agency/office, local

government unit, civil society or private sector, or a

private individual with authorization to operate in the area;

2. Preferably must have completed the ICS training

requirements and standards set by the OCD; and

3. Must be allowed by the sending agency/office/ unit/

organization to be deployed as an IMT member immediately

even on short notice from the RO.

ii. The RO shall have the primary responsibility to select the IC

through delegation of authority. Once designated, the IC shall

select the appropriate members of the Command and General

Staff to compose the whole Matalam MIMT; and

iii. All selected IMT members shall temporarily be relieved from their

regular office duties and responsibilities to perform in full- time

the expected functions of their respective IMT positions.

f. Activation of the Matalam MIMT

i. For disasters or incidents, the criteria for the activation of the

Matalam MIMT according to levels shall be as follows:

IMT Level Criteria

Barangay IMT Incident affects one barangay

Municipal/City IMT Incident affects two or more barangays

Incident affects two or more municipalities

Provincial IMT or cities

Incident affects two or more

Regional IMT provinces/chartered cities

Incident affects two or more regions/

National IMT
Incident has corresponding national impacts

Table 7.0: Incident Management Team Levels

ii. For management of planned events, Matalam MIMT shall be

activated in response to the worst case scenario. Higher level

IMTs shall be on stand-by and be activated as the need arises;

iii. The RO shall decide for the activation of the Matalam MIMT

based on any of the following:

1. Recommendation from PDRA-APP;

2. Recommendation from RDANA;

3. Recommendation from intelligence reports;

4. Official request for higher-level IMT assistance from

another RO;

5. Absence of report or contact from the BDRRMC/agency/

organization/office/ BLGU presumed to be affected;

6. Occurrence of sudden-onset of disasters with immediate

great impact; or

7. Recommendation from other relevant sources of

vi. The Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson as the RO shall issue a

formal memorandum to officially activate the Matalam MIMT for

dissemination to all relevant stakeholders. The said memorandum

shall clearly specify the names and affiliations of the members of

Matalam MIMT;

vii. Once activated, all IMT members shall report to the designated

area by RO for briefing; and

viii. In the event that there is already initial IMT that is activated,

transfer of command shall take place to the higher level IMT

when deemed as necessary.

g. Concept of Operations

i. After the conduct of briefing by the RO, the Matalam MIMT shall

proceed to the designated area of operation, establish the Incident

Command Post (ICP) and other appropriate ICS facilities;

ii. All resources of assisting BDRRMCs, government agencies,

bureaus, offices, units, and instrumentalities, including CSOs,

private sector and other stakeholders shall be required to check- in

to the Matalam MIMT. Once checked-in, the said resources shall

work under the command and control of the Matalam MIMT;

iii. The Matalam MIMT shall request for additional resources to the

RO through the Matalam MDRRMC EOC for implementation;

iv. All status updates and actions taken shall be documented by the

Matalam MIMT to be reported to the Matalam MDRRMC EOC for

inclusion in the official periodic situation report;

v. The Matalam MIMT, with clearance from the RO, shall have the

decision to expand or downsize the response organization

depending on the size and complexity of the incident. For this

purpose, resources that are no longer needed for the operation shall

be demobilized; and
vi. The maximum duration of the operation of the Matalam MIMT

shall be up to fifteen (15) days. Afterwards, the RO shall

designate new members of the Matalam MIMT.

h. Termination of the Operation

i. The decision to terminate the operation of the Matalam MIMT

shall be recommended by the IC, for the approval of the RO,

based on any of the following conditions:

1. For disaster incidents:

a. The emergency phase has been lifted on the ground,

as indicated by decreased need for response

activities and tactical resources, and the situation is

proceeding to early recovery; or

b. The lower level IMT can already handle the

management of the disaster incident.

2. For planned/special events:

a. The conduct of the planned event has ended and

resources are ready to proceed for demobilization; or

b. The lower level IMT can already handle the

management of the planned event.

ii. During the termination process:

1. The Matalam MIMT shall facilitate the demobilization of all

resources as appropriate;

2. For planned events, resources shall be demobilized

within five days after the conduct of the event except in

which longer duration for the operation is required; and

3. The Matalam MIMT shall transfer the command to lower

level IMT and turnover all the necessary reports, tools and

other response documents.

iii. Upon termination of operation, the IC shall organize a team

close out meeting with the Command Staff and General Staff to

discuss the strengths, areas for improvement, and

recommendations for the operation. There shall also be the

conduct of Critical Incidents Stress Debriefing/ Psychosocial

Debriefing for the IMT members and key service providers. The

output of the team close out meeting is the After Action Review

that shall contain the consolidated evaluation of the IMT’s

performance as well as lessons learned for future operations.

iv. The Matalam MIMT shall participate in the close out meeting to

be organized by the RO. During the meeting, the Matalam

MIMT shall endorse necessary reports, tools and other

response documents to include the After Action Review.

i. Funding: Funding for all the activities of the Matalam MIMT during the

operation shall be charged against the funds of the RO.



a. The Matalam MRC and Matalam MIMT serve as the two (2) main

operating arms of the Matalam MDRRM. The Matalam MRC acts

as the resource provider while the Matalam MIMT acts as the

resource employer. The two are linked by the Matalam

MDRRMCEOC. Thus, the Matalam MRC provides resources to the

Matalam MIMT through the resource unit of its planning section in

accordance with the check-in procedure. Thereafter, the resources

received shall be placed under the control of the operations

section of the Matalam MIMT.

Guidelines for the Interoperability of the Matalam Municipal Incident

Management Team and the Matalam Municipal Response Clusters(as

provided in NDRRMC Memorandum No. 43, s. 2016)

The following are the guidelines to be observed upon the activation

of the Matalam MIMT and Matalam MRC during disaster response

operations, management of planned events, and exercises:

b. Matalam MIMT
i. The Matalam MIMT shall exercise command and control

functions over all checked-in resources for response;

ii. The Matalam MIMT shall request for additional resources to the

RO through the Matalam MDRRMC EOC; and

iii. The Matalam MIMT shall facilitate the demobilization of

resources mobilized and/or provided by the Matalam MRC. The

RO shall be properly informed on the demobilization details.

c. M a t a l a m M RCs

i. The head or authorized representative of each Matalam MRC

shall report in person to the RO;

ii. The head or authorized representative of each Matalam MRC

shall exercise coordination functions within the Matalam

MDRRMC EOC level to monitor the situation on the ground and

stand-by for resource requests from the Matalam MIMT;

iii. Upon receipt of resource requests from the Matalam MIMT

through the Matalam MDRRMC EOC, the concerned Matalam

MRCs shall facilitate the availability of the requested resources;

iv. All resources mobilized and/or provided by the Matalam MRCs

shall check-in to the Matalam MIMT; and

v. Once the resources have checked-in, the Matalam MRCs shall

cease command and control over the resources.

d. Coordinating Instructions

i. The Matalam MDRRMC EOC shall facilitate all communication

between the Matalam MIMT and the Matalam MRCs;

ii. The Matalam MDRRMC EOC and ICP are separate facilities

that shall not be collocated during response operations;

iii. The Matalam MDRRMC EOC shall consolidate, process and

synthesize the reports of the Matalam MIMT and the Matalam

MRCs for inclusion in the official periodic situation report;

iv. The RO, upon the recommendation of the IC, shall decide for

termination of the operation of the Matalam MIMT and Matalam


v. Upon termination of the operation, the RO shall organize a close

out meeting with the Matalam MIMT and the Matalam MRC to

determine the strengths, areas for improvement and

recommendations for future operations; and

vi. The following figure shows the interoperability of the response

clusters with the incident management team and the role of the


Figure 8.0: Interoperability of Matalam MIMT and Matalam MRC



a. Upon notification of alert status, Matalam MDRRMC member- agencies

shall immediately deploy DDOs (Officer and Non-officer) at Matalam
MDRRMC EOC during emergency status to render 24-hour duty on a
rotational basis. The Cordillera RDRRMC Chairperson shall:

i. During Blue Alert Status, call at least two (2) DDOs , whether male or
female, coming from member-agency/ies to be determined by their
respective Heads of Office/Agencies, capable to render duty, and
assist other duty personnel at the Matalam MDRRMC EOC especially
on report development and coordination; and

ii. During Red Alert Status, call at least three (3) DDOs , whether male or
female, coming from member-agency/ies to be determined by their
respective Heads of Office/Agencies, capable to render duty, and
assist other duty personnel at the Matalam MDRRMC EOC
especially on report development and coordination.



ü 3 or more
ü (Officer and Non-
ü None ü As determined

Table 8.0:Number of DDOs in Different Alert Levels

b. Duties and responsibilities of said DDO’s shall be to:

i. Provide information and other related requirements to Matalam

ii. Attend emergency council meetings/ press conferences at the

Matalam MDRRMC EOC; and

iii. Inform respective Head of Agencies on relevant matters taken up during the
c. Upon notification, each Matalam MDRRMC member agency shall submit
to MDRRMC Operations Section/ Matalam MDRRMC EOC (thru email
and facsimile) the weekly duty schedule of DDOs which include the
following information:

i. Name
ii. Sex
iii. Designation/ Position
iv. Office/ Division
v. Contact Numbers (mobile numbers and office landline)

2. DDOs are expected to:

a. Report to Matalam MDRRMC EOC wearing appropriate office uniform

and ID, log their name in along with the date and time of arrival;
b. Observe the subsequent periodic reporting in submission of consolidated

c. Be conversant, knowledgeable of the situation and response actions, and

prepared to represent their respective agencies and attend in emergency
meetings as deemed necessary;

d. Stay at the Matalam MDRRMC EOC during their entire tour of duty in
which gender-sensitive facilities such as sleeping quarters/toilet and
bathroom shall be provided;

e. Refrain from doing other unofficial business outside the Matalam

MDRRMC EOC. In case of emergency, Matalam MDRRMC EOC Senior
Officials should be informed prior to leaving the office premises;

f. Stay at the Matalam MDRRMC EOC until appropriate alternate of (i.e.

duty buddy) incoming personnel have reported for duty; and

g. Observe proper turn-over of assignment/ responsibility.

3. DDOs shall perform the following activities during their tour of duty:

a. Coordinates with the MDRRMC Operations Service Alert Team SSDOs/SDOs on

duty for their agency’s inputs in the preparation of Situational Report;
b. Coordinates with the appropriate office/s of their agency regarding any
matters or actions being undertaken pertaining to the prevailing disaster.
This includes communication with their field offices;

c. Keeps a logbook or journal of all actions done and accomplishments

during the tour of duty. Keep a separate logbook for incidents involving
women and children and other vulnerable sectors;

d. Fill-ups the Situational Report Input Template (Tab A) to be consolidated by

the MDRRMC Operations Service Alert Team. This template should be
submitted at least three (3) hours before the release of a Situational Report.
Answer only the portion applicable to your agency/ office; and

e. Supports the MDRRMC Operations Service Alert Team in report development thru
consolidating and analyzing their respective reports prior to submitting to the duty team
and in coordinating with their respective central and regional/ field offices or chapters.



1. Name of Detailed Duty Officer:

2. Department/Agency/Office:
3. Date:
4. Type of Emergency/ Disaster:

5. For BDRRMC SitRep No: Date of Issue:

6. Disaster Preparedness Initiatives/ Measures:

a. Issuance of Warning Information
i. PAGASA- Weather Bulletin, Advisories on LPA, SW Monsoon,
Tail- End of the Cold Front, Flood Advisories, Gale Warnings,
Weather Forecasts, and Status of Dams, River Basins and
Waterways, El Niño/La Niña Advisories
ii. PHILVOLCS- Earthquake Information/ Bulletins, Tsunami
Warning, Volcano Advisories
iii. RHU-MATALAM- Diseases Outbreak, Biological Threat
iv. AFP and PNP-MPS- Information Concerning Security Matters,
Armed Conflict, Civil Strife, Complex Emergency, and Law and

v. DA-MATALAM- Animal Diseases Outbreak, Drought/ Dry Spell,

Fisheries and Crops
vi. PNRI- Radiological and Nuclear
vii. DOT-MATALAM- Advisory for Tourists

b. Issuance of directives regarding Activation of Respective

Operations Centers (national, regional, local level) and
dissemination of alert notices, warnings and advisories to local
offices)-All agencies

c. Prepositioning of resources in strategic areas for possible


i. AFP, P N P - M P S , BFP-MATALAM, PRC K i d a p a w a n

Chapters, LGUs- Search, Rescue and Retrieval assets
(manpower, equipment and logistics)
ii. MSWDO- Relief supplies (Food and Non- food items) and
standby funds

iii. R H U - M A T A L A M - Drugs and medicines, medical supplies and

medical teams, standby funds.

iv. M E O - Clearing tools, equipment and manpower, standby funds

v. LGUs, DILG-MATALAM- Identification of evacuation centers
d. Conduct of Pre-Emptive Evacuation
MATALAM- conduct of pre-emptive evacuation

7. Disaster Response Management

e. Monitoring on the status of lifelines and affected sectors:

i. Local Electric Cooperatives - power interruptions/ outages and

ii. Local Water Districts- water interruptions/ restoration
iii. DPWH 3rd Dist., LGUs and local DRRMCs (provincial,
municipal, barangay)- roads and bridges emergency repairs,
clearing operations and restoration of damaged flood control
and other infrastructure projects

iv. LGUs and Local DRRMCs (Suspension of Classes), DepEd-

MATALAM, Private Schools and Colleges, (Suspension,
Cancellation and Resumption of Classes)
v. SMART Communications, GLOBE Telecommunications and
other TelCos- communication lines

f. Conduct of Law and Order Operation

i. PNP-MPS as Cluster Lead
1. Assets deployed/ dispatched
2. Agencies/ units involved in the operations
3. Areas of deployment

g. Conduct of Search, Rescue and Retrieval Operations

i. AFP as Cluster Lead
1. Assets deployed/ dispatched interms of manpower,
logistics and supplies

2. Agencies/ units involved in the operations

3. Areas of deployment

4. Number of families/ persons rescued, bodies recovered

dead and families/ persons evacuated
h. Assessment of Affected Population, Casualties and
Stranded Passengers
Casualties (Dead, Injured Missing)
ii. MSWDO and LGUs, Local DRRMCs- Affected/ evacuated

i. Conduct of Clearing Operations

i. DPWH 3rd Dist., AFP, BFP-Matalam, PNP-MPS, LGUs- areas
cleared, units involved, time of deployment

j. Conduct of RDANA
i. RHU-Matalam, LGUs and Local DRRMCs- hospitals and other
health facilities
ii. M S W D O and LGUs, Local DRRMCs- damaged houses
(totally and partially)
iii. DPWH 3rd Dist., DILG-Matalam and Local DRRMCs- roads and
bridges, flood control projects and other national infrastructures
iv. DepEd-Matalam and Local DRRMCs- schools and other
educational buildings and facilities
v. OMAG, NIA-Cotabato, NFA, LGUs and Local DRRMCs-
agricultural productions (livestock, fisheries, crops) and farm
implement, agriculture and fishery infrastructure and equipment,
irrigation and warehouses.

vi. Local Electric Cooperatives - damages to power supply facilities

and dam structure

vii. Local Water Cooperatives- damages to water supply facilities

k. Conduct of Relief and Recovery Operations- implement the cluster
approach mechanism in addressing the needs of the affected population.

l. Coordination and validations of critical information from all sources-

all agencies.

m. Monitoring of emergency incidents

i. Matalam MDRRMC/LDRRMCs and DILG-Matalam, DENR-MGB
XII- natural hazards (e.g. flood, tornado, rain-induced landslides)

ii. Matalam MDRRMC/LDRRMCs, BFP-Matalam, DILG-Matalam -

human-induced hazards (e.g. explosion, fire, road mishaps)
iii. RHU-Matalam- surveillance/ diseases outbreak
v. DENR-EMB-COTABATO- chemical related incidents
vi. PHILVOLCS- earthquake- related hazards and volcanic

vii. AFP, PNP-MPS, LGUs- armed conflict/ complex emergency,

civil strife
viii. BFP-Matalam- response to CBRNe, fire (forest fire/ conflagration)

8. Rehabilitation Programs/ Projects

a. All Agencies- Final Report- 2 weeks after deactivation and upon
termination of disaster operations
b. All Agencies- Rehabilitation program per agency (if there is any)


Detailed Duty Officer




(NDRRMC Memorandum Circular (unnumbered), s. 2014 dated November 4, 2014)

a. A rapid assessment provides general information on priority needs, as well

as identifies available resources and services, for immediate emergency
measures to preserve and save lives and alleviate the sufferings of the
affected population. RDANA results serve as basis for project planning
and implementation of humanitarian assistance. The integrated approach
of a rapid assessment addresses these needs for assistance in a joint
manner and aims to satisfy RDANA in the best way possible through
actions that can resolve the assessment simultaneously and not
independently by sector.
b. Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA) is a disaster
response tool that is used immediately during the early and critical
state of a disaster as soon as the conditions allow disaster survey teams to
operate. It aims to determine the immediate relief and response
requirements and is dependent upon the type of disaster. It is broad in
scope and focuses on overall patterns and trends. It identifies the
magnitude of a disaster (without necessarily delivering exact

figures) by focusing on the general impact on the society and the

people's capacity to cope.

c. This tool is composed of the following:

i. Damage assessment - depicts the overall picture of the incident
situation by providing a "snapshot" of the disaster's magnitude and
impact on population and infrastructure. It answers the question "what
has happened?"; and

ii. Needs analysis - defines the level and type of immediate

assistance required for the affected population. It answers the
question "what needs to be done?"

d. RDANA comprises situation, resource, and needs analysis in the early and critical
stage of a disaster and is intended to determine the type of immediate response and
relief needed and appropriate follow-on actions. The assessment provides information
about the needs, possible intervention strategies and resource requirements, and aims
to identify the following:

· General overview of the damage in terms of:

1. the nature of the disaster;
2. its extent of damage and the secondary threats;
3. its impact on the availability of resources and local
response capacity; and
4. the level of continuing or emerging threats.
· Assessment of the situation and recommendation of the
1. most urgent relief and psychological needs of men,
women, children and other vulnerable sectors;
2. potential methods for delivery or priorities for action;
3. utilization of resources for immediate response;
4. options for relief assistance;
5. need for detailed assessment of specific geographical
areas or sectors; vulnerable sectors (i.e. women,
pregnant, ad/or lactating women, children, PWDs, elderly,
sick, marginalized); and

6. need for international assistance.

e. General Strategies

i. Rapid damage assessment missions shall be concluded jointly and

in coordination with the national and/or regional government
agencies, the affected local government/s using the approved
assessment form;

ii. Matalam MDRRMC shall organize, equip, and train RDANA


iii. RDANA Teams shall be mobilized and deployed to affected


iv. Deploy and utilization of technology through the use of DRONE

and satellite imagery shall be implemented, as necessary;

v. Collection, collation and analysis of data shall be concluded; and

vi. Preparation and submission of RDANA Report shall be held.

Copies of which will be provided to the affected LGUs and responding

agencies on the ground.

f. Operational Guidelines and Procedures

i. Triggers – Any of the following conditions triggers a joint

RDANA in the affected area/s:
1. Declaration of a state of calamity;
2. Request for assistance from the BDRRMC Chairpersons to
the Matalam MDRRMC or its member agencies;

3. Request from an agency to the Chairperson of the

Matalam MDRRMC;
4. As directed by the PDRRMC Chairperson
5. No contact in six (6) hours in areas affected and/or
suspected to be severely affected; and
6. Devastation as depicted in Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment
(PDRA) and as reported by more than one media reports.

g. Mobilization and Deployment i.


1. Upon confirmation and recommendation of the Pre- Disaster

Risk Assessment (PDRA) Core Team and/or of any one of
the triggers and/or categories, the Chairperson of the
Matalam MDRRMC calls for an

emergency meeting with all concerned member-agencies an

response cluster leads to discuss and determine the

a. Situation – based on initial information on the

disaster or event, initial report of damages, local
response and projected developments in the
emergency situation, including secondary risks; and

b. Mission Objectives – shall reflect the RDANA

Teams’ Terms of Reference (TOR) and include the
specific objectives of the mission based on the
direction of the Chairperson of the Cordillera
RDRRMC, the estimate of the evolving emergency
situation and LGU support requirements. The mission
objectives shall indicate the main focus of the mission,
the duration, main activities, areas to be covered, and
data collection methodology, and forms of daily
outputs required.
2. The PDRA will determine the possible area of
deployment of the RDANA Teams. And provide guidance
with the mission objectives, assessment tools, logistics,
reporting and any other concerns;

3. The Chairperson of the Matalam MDRRMC informs the

LDRRMC of the organization, terms of reference and
deployment of RDANA Teams in its operational area and
advises the same of the logistical support that needs to be
extended to the RDANA Team/s while on mission within its
4. Possible augmentation from the national government shall
be in discretion of the Chairperson of the Matalam

5. At the municipal level missions, all costs (transportation,

equipment, gears, etc.) related to the conduct of these
missions shall be charged against MDRRMO Quick
Response Funds (QRF).

ii. Mobilization

RDANA Teams shall be headed by the MDRRMO and shall consist

of the following agencies: LDRRMCs/LGUs, MSWDO, AFP, CSOs,
OMAG, DepEd-MAtalam, MEO, DILG- Matalam, BFP-Matalam,
PNP-MPS, MENRO, RHU-Matalam, PRC and CSOs. The
composition of the team may vary, depending on the nature of

1. Once the RDANA Teams are constituted and Team Leaders

are designated, the Team Leaders shall develop a Plan of
Action (PoA) on how to achieve the mission objectives based
on their TORs;

2. Upon arrival in the disaster affected areas, the Team Leader

shall report to the BDRRMC Chairperson and discuss the
team’s TOR, PoA and how best to achieve the team’s mission
3. The RDANA Teams shall submit daily updates to the
Matalam MDRRMC EOC for consolidation, analysis and
4. PoA should be gender-sensitive;
5. RDANA Forms should be properly filled out and signed.

iii. Termination

1. Upon mission termination at the municipal level, the

Chairperson of the MDRRMC directs the MDRRMO to
facilitate the conduct of debriefing at the Matalam MDRRMC
EOC and submits an After Mission/Debriefing Report to the
Chairperson of the Matalam MDRRMC, highlighting what
went well and identified areas for improvement in the
conduct of future missions;

2. RDANA Team Leaders shall submit an accounting of all

mission-related expenditures during the debriefing session;

3. There shall be a psychosocial/stress debriefing for the

deployed RDANA Teams.


a. The key objective of the PDNA is to assess the impact of the disaster and
chart out a holistic and viable recovery strategy. The PDNA will address
areas such as funding implications, livelihood restoration, economy and
services, rehabilitation and reconstruction of housing and infrastructure,
while ensuring resilient recovery based on the concept of “Build Back
Better”, among others. Finally, it will present recommendations on
institutional mechanisms and policy options required for efficient, effective
and resilient growth promoting reconstruction.

b. The other objectives of this tool are to:

i. identify the capacity of the LGU to undertake on its own all
recovery and rehabilitation programs and activities;

ii. help the Matalam MDRRMC determine whether provincial assistance

should be requested or ascertain whether to recommend national
assistance to the RDRRMC;
iii. identify specific public and private interventions to be
undertaken in the short, medium, and long term to ensure
recovery and rehabilitation; and

iv. estimate financial, technical, and human resource requirement

including psychosocial interventions for men, women and children
and other vulnerable sectors or needs for the implementation of
agreed programs of recovery and rehabilitation duly broken into
actions at the regional, provincial, municipal, city, and barangay
level to provide child-friendly spaces.

c. PDNA shall be conducted upon a declaration of transition to post- disaster

phase from the Matalam MDRRMC. The Matalam MDRRMC shall, through
their respective Emergency Operations Center, organize PDNA Teams that
will prepare all necessary documents and available data to facilitate a speedy
assessment in accordance with guidelines.


a. The Matalam Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
Emergency Operations Center (Matalam MDRRMC EOC) shall, upon
directive or recommendation to raise the alert status (e.g. PDRA meeting
result, due to sudden onset disaster), notify all member- agencies and
concerned stakeholders thru all means of communication; and

b. Consequently, an approved/signed Memorandum re raising the alert status

shall be disseminated to concerned agencies and offices thru all means of

a. Monitors the preparedness activities of the Barangay DRRM Committees;
preparations and actions of Matalam MDRRMC member-agencies; and the
disaster response requirements in the disaster-stricken areas;

b. Directs all Response Agencies to immediately report their available assets

for immediate deployment to the threatened areas upon receipt of initial
warnings/alerts/advisories issued by surveillance/ warning agencies.
Further concerned government agencies shall evaluate their existing
resources and reinforce its local counterparts if needed, and direct them to
preposition bulk of their respective assets within accessible and safe
distance to the areas that are likely to be affected;

c. Maintains a close coordination and partnership with private transport

companies (air and land) for further augmentation of transport services of
response agencies to expedite the immediate delivery and distribution of
necessary supplies and equipment in the threatened/disaster-affected
areas; and
d. The Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson shall convene the PDRA Core
Group for a meeting on the council’s preparedness measures and
appropriate course of actions.


a. Process warnings/alerts/advisories issued by surveillance/response agencies for

dissemination to all stakeholders;

b. Prepares Matalam MDRRMC Situational Reports for the Matalam

MDRRMC Chairperson, OCD XII, PDRRMC Chairperson and to all
concerned member-agencies;

c. Coordinates with implementing agencies to maximize mobilization of

resources to the disaster-affected areas;

d. Monitors and documents the Municipal and Barangay DRRMC’s response

and early recovery efforts;

e. Recommends the declaration of State of Calamity to the Barangay

government as the need arises;

f. Facilitates Matalam MDRRMC meetings to effectively address

requirements in the affected areas;

g. Ensures that the requirements of affected communities in terms of search,

rescue and retrieval (SRR) resources, logistics, relief and medical
supplies, and other basic services are immediately referred to appropriate
agencies on duty in Matalam MDRRMC EOC; and

h. In coordination with Matalam MDRRMC Member-Agencies and

MDRRMO, ensures that the status of ongoing disaster operations and the
evolving situations in the affected areas are properly monitored and
reflected in the progressive Matalam MDRRMC Situation Report/s, to
include the following information (in any order):


1. Name of Weather Disturbance
2. Weather Advisory Time and Date
3. Track of Typhoon/Storm
4. Date and Time of Landfall
5. Date and Time of Exit from PAR


DILG-Matalam, MGB XII, LGUs)
1. Barangay
2. Flood Level

3. Remarks

iii. STATUS OF LIFELINES (DPWH 3rd Dist., Local Water Utilities,

Electric Cooperatives, LGUs)
1. Roads (Description, Location, Situation/Status, Actions
Taken, Remarks)
2. Bridges (Description, Location, Situation/Status, Actions
Taken, Remarks)
3. Power (Affected Barangay, Date and Time of Interruption, Date
and Time Restored, Remarks)
4. Communications (Affected Barangay, Date and Time of
Interruption, Date and Time Restored, Remarks)
5. Water (Affected Barangay, Date and Time of Interruption, Date
and Time Restored, Remarks)


1. Barangay
2. Level (Class)
3. Remarks
4. Date of Suspension/ Resumption


DepEd Matalam)
1. Number of Barangay
2. Number of Families and Persons
3. Number of Evacuation Centers
4. Date of Pre-Emptive Evacuation
5. Remarks


1. Affected Barangay, Families and Persons
(To provide further classified into number of males or females
(pregnant or lactating) indicating age bracket (i.e. 0-
5, 6-14, 15-18, 19-59), elderly, PWD or sick)
2. Number of Evacuation Centers
3. Served Inside Evacuation Centers (Families and Persons)
4. Served Outside Evacuation Centers (Families and Persons)
5. Total Served Inside and Outside Evacuation Centers
(Families and Persons)

vii. CASUALTIES (DILG-Matalam, RHU-Matalam, LGUs)

1. Barangay
2. Name (except those of military personnel, leftists, high profile
personalities and foreigners)
3. Nationality (in case of incidents involving foreigners)
4. Sex
5. Age
6. Address
7. Cause/Date/ Remarks

viii. COST OF DAMAGES (OMAG, MEO, DepEd-Matalam, RHU-

Matalam, MDRRMO)
1. Infrastructure (Roads, Bridges, and Other Structures)
2. School Facilities
3. Health Facilities
4. Agriculture (Crops, Livestock, High Value Commercial Crops,
Fisheries, other agricultural facilities /equipment)

a. With indicated area damaged/affected in hectares,

number of trees, physical number of livestock,
poultry, etc.
5. Other Properties (Private Properties)


1. Barangay
2. Number of Totally Damaged Houses
3. Number of Partially Damaged Houses


3. RHU-Matalam
5. NGOs

xi. RESPONSE ASSETS DEPLOYED (Response Clusters)

1. Response Agency/Office/Unit
2. Areas of Deployment
3. Assets Deployed (Personnel, Vehicles, others)


1. Barangay
2. Number of Animals (Farm Animals/Domestic Animals)
3. Number of Evacuation Centers


1. Barangay
2. Resolution Number and Title
3. Effectivity Date/Date of Issuance


ANALYSIS (Response Cluster)
1. Consolidated RDANA Report


a. Immediately disseminates information to all concerned stakeholders
through SMS, fax, e-mail or any available means of communication;

b. Prepares a report through a Memorandum which shall include actions in

terms of dissemination, coordination, and response actions, for the
Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson, and if applicable to concerned member-

c. Upon approval/signature, the said report shall be sent to the

d. Monitors possible effects and actions taken by Barangay DRRMCs and
Matalam MDRRMC member-agencies for inclusion in the next report; and
POLICE OPERATIONS, the following must be STRICTLY observed or


1. Informs the Chairperson of Matalam MDRRMC for possible
actions and recommendations.


1. Upon the go signal of the Chairperson of Matalam MDRRMC,
the Matalam MDRRMC EOC submits report to the PDRRMOC
of any incidents resulting from the above-mentioned incidents;
2. The report must contain the following information:
1. What
2. When
3. Where
4. Why
5. How the incident happened
6. What steps were initially undertaken
3. Provide situational report on a regular basis.

1. Said report is NOT TO BE UPLOADED to any website, thus,
PDRRMOC, unless otherwise instructed by the higher-

a. Immediately disseminates information to all concerned stakeholders
through SMS, fax, e-mail or any available means of communication;
b. Prepares a report through a Memorandum which shall include actions in
terms of dissemination, coordination, and response actions, for the
Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson, and if applicable to concerned member-
agency/ies; and

c. Indicates in the SDO report the specific actions made per report
received (example: Prepared memorandum and disseminated the
same to member agencies concerned).


a. Disseminates initial information of an emerging disaster thru SMS
prioritizing the Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson, Matalam MDRRMC Vice
Chairpersons, council members and concerned BLGU/s;

b. Disseminates alert notices to the Matalam MDRRMC member- agencies’

Detailed Duty Officers: PAGASA, PHIVOLCS, MSWDO, DILG-Matalam
RHU-Matalam, DepEd-Matalam, PNP-MPS, BFP-Matalam, AFP, and
other bureaus, as needed to render duty at the Matalam Municipal
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations Center to facilitate
coordination with their respective Officers for the needed
requirements/assistance in the affected areas;

c. Refer to the Matalam MDRRMC member-agencies’ DDOs on dut at

Matalam MDRRMC EOC the immediate needs/requirements of the
affected areas in terms of transportation, search and rescue (SAR)
equipment, logistics, relief supplies (FNI, drugs and medicines, and
medical supplies), and other basic services;
d. Coordinates with Matalam MDRRMC Response Cluster for the needed
disaster response requirements/operations (e.g. prioritization

of relief goods, SAR personnel/equipment, delivery of basic services to

the disaster-affected areas with the concerned agencies and private
e. Monitors the status of the prevailing disaster operations and the
evolving situations in the affected areas in the progressive Matalam
MDRRMC situational report; and

f. Submits the final documentation of every major disaster to PDRRMOC and

OCD XII within two (2) weeks after the termination of the disaster operations.


a. Log all disaster and non-disaster related incoming documents and
communication in separate folders provided for easy tracking;

i. Disaster related documents shall be filed and properly recorded in

an Operations Logbook;

ii. Non-disaster related documents are documents regarding

workshops, request for data, request for assistance, etc. which
should be recorded in the Administrative Logbook and be routed to
where the document is addressed; and

iii. Specific binders for disaster and non-disaster documents, be it

incoming or outgoing, should be utilized for proper recording,
duplication and file safekeeping.
b. MDRRMO Duty Personnel shall ensure that all coordination and
feedback, using the Matalam Municipal DRRM Operations Center
Communication Work Flow (Figure 3.0), are validated, recorded in the
Operations Logbook, and reported for inclusion in the situational report;

c. MDRRMO Duty Personnel shall endorse the Operations Logbook,

monitored incidents (if any) and other recording logbooks to the incoming
duty personnel for continuity.


a. All duty personnel shall observe telephone/phone call courtesy,
regardless of who the callers are:

i. Answer promptly (by the second ring);

ii. Maintain a pen and paper near the phone for note taking

iii. Before picking up the receiver, end any other side conversations
and ignore distractions;
iv. Never talk with anything in your mouth;
v. Be sensitive with the tone of your voice;
vi. Be polite and courteous;
vii. Always identify yourself and office at the beginning of all calls
(see example);
viii. Respectfully request for the caller’s full identity;
ix. Address the caller properly (i.e. Ma’am, Sir, Ms., and/or Mr.) and
never address an unfamiliar caller by his or her first name;
x. Listen carefully to the message of the caller. You may repeat
his/her message for clarification;
xi. Speak clearly especially when leaving message;
xii. Always ask if you can put the caller on hold;
xiii. Never leave the person on hold for more than a few seconds or
they may become upset and hang up; and

xiv. Smile. – It shows, even through the phone lines.

b. Personal phone calls using the office’s landlines and mobile phones are
STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Should there be any need to do so (due to
emergencies), inform first the MDRRMO Operations Chief / Senior Staff
Duty Officer present.


a. All duty personnel shall properly acknowledge receipt of any
information, updates, and reports received thru email, SMS and
facsimile/telefax; and

b. Incidents which require decision-making by high officials shall be

reported or coordinated through the fastest means of communication.

i. E-mail
1. Use only the official email address in sending reports such as
Situational Reports, Incident Monitored, Matalam MDRRMC
Advisories and Updates, etc. This shall also be applied at the
barangay levels;

2. Reports such as situation reports, incident monitored and

other necessary reports from the Barangay Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Committees shall be sent to the
official email address/es of the Matalam MDRRMC EOC;

3. Begin with an acknowledgement and always maintain a

cordial tone in composing an email;
4. The complete name of the sender must be indicated;
5. Coordination thru phone calls must be reiterated and sent thru
email for tracking purposes, liability and accountability; and

6. Emails received especially with attached reports/documents

must be acknowledged properly (see example):

“Dear Sir/Ma’am,

This is to acknowledge receipt of your message.

Thank you and regards!

Juan dela Cruz

Matalam MDRRMC EOC Duty Officer”

ii. Short Message Service (SMS)

1. Reporting information and updates thru SMS should be
accurate, clear and concise. Avoid using too much
abbreviation (shortcuts);

2. Always maintain cordial tone in composing a text


3. Always cite or include the source of the information;

4. When receiving an update/report through the Operations
mobile phones, acknowledge it properly (e.g. “Noted,
Ma’am/Sir.”, “This is duly noted. Thank you!”);
5. Significant changes/updates on reports sent thru SMS shall still
be reflected on the submitted official/signed report to Matalam
MDRRMC EOC/PDRRMOC for proper tracking, liability, and


a. The MDRRMO Operations Section Chief shall be responsible in the
preparation of schedule of duty of MDRRMO Personnel and shall
constantly coordinate with the LDRRMO Officer or any authorized officer;

b. MDRRMO Duty Personnel shall report for duty ahead of the prescribed
time of duty:
i. DAY SHIFT:8:00 AM to 5:00 PM of the same day
ii. GRAVEYARD SHIFT:5:00 PM to 8:00 AM of the following day

c. Outgoing duty personnel shall not leave their posts until the incoming
duty personnel arrives and shall observe proper turn-over of documents
and responsibilities. Each member of the duty personnel shall personally
endorse/turn-over any unfinished business before leaving the port to
ensure continuity of the work assigned;

d. The duty personnel shall prioritize his/her duty at Matalam MDRRMC

EOC in case the duty personnel is/are required by other Offices (outside)
and MDRRMO Sections/Divisions to attend meetings and participate to
activities (even with prior issuance of Travel/Memo Order);

e. All duty personnel shall stay at the Matalam MDRRMC EOC during their
entire tour of duty and shall refrain from doing other unofficial business
outside the operations center. In case of emergency, concerned
personnel shall inform the senior official/s prior to leaving the office

f. MDRRMO Operations Section Alert Team member/s shall immediately inform

the team leader (SSDO/SDO) if he/she cannot report for duty in the event of an
emergency and the team leader shall subsequently inform the MDRRMO
Operations Section Chief;


Senior Staff Duty Officer
Personnel X Personnel X Personnel X
Staff Duty Officer/Report Developer
Personnel X Personnel X Personnel X
Personnel X Personnel X Personnel X
Personnel X Personnel X Personnel X
ICT/Logistics Officer
Personnel X Personnel X Personnel X
Detailed Duty Officer/s
Personnel X Personnel X Personnel X
Public Information Officer
Senior Staff Duty Officer
Personnel X Personnel X Personnel X
Staff Duty Officer/Report Developer
Personnel X Personnel X Personnel X
Personnel X Personnel X Personnel X
Personnel X Personnel X Personnel X
ICT/Logistics Officer
Personnel X Personnel X Personnel X
Detailed Duty Officer/s
Personnel X Personnel X Personnel X
Public Information Officer
Table 9.0: Alert Teams Compositions (to be crafted by the MDRRMO Operations Section Chief and
to be approved by the Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson)
g. Personnel on official travel or official leave (trainings/seminars,
scheduled medical services, vacation) shall be removed on the duty
schedule. MDRRMO Operations Section Chief shall immediately issue
the revised duty schedule and subsequently inform concerned
personnel on the change of schedule;

h. Personnel who will not be able to render duty due to personal reasons shall
look for replacement ahead of time, at least two (2) days before his/her
scheduled duty. A written agreement shall likewise be submitted to the
MDRRMO Operations Section Chief;

Figure 9.0: Staff Duty Officer Substitute Form

i. Duty driver and a corresponding vehicle shall be dedicated for the Matalam
MDRRMC EOC during blue and red alert status and shall not be used for
other purposes. All trips shall be with the consent of the MDRRMO
Operations Section Chief, SSDO/SDO; and

j. Leaving the Matalam MDRRMC EOC premises during the tour of duty
shall be subject to corresponding disciplinary action or penalty to be
determined by the MDRRMO Operations SectionChief with the approval of
the Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson.


a. All duty personnel shall wear appropriate attire and Identification Cards
(IDs) during office hours: Office uniform during normal condition and
prescribed Matalam MDRRMC polo shirt with collar and pants during
emergency conditions (preferably with Operations Vest);

b. Personnel who attend related meetings at Operations Center or at any

office and messengers who deliver reports and communications to these
offices shall wear the prescribed dress code; and

c. Wearing of shorts and slippers at the Matalam MDRRMC EOC is prohibited

at all times.


a. Compensatory Time-off refers to the number of hours or days an employee
is excused from reporting for work with full pay and benefits. It is a non-
monetary benefit provided to an employee in lieu of overtime pay:

b. All duty personnel who have rendered 24 hours duty shall be entitled to a
half day off the following day;
c. During Fridays, the assigned duty personnel may report for duty at 1:00

d. During BLUE or RED alert, all duty personnel shall be provided with
food during their tour of duty.


a. On normal condition (regular duty), all duty personnel who render duty
until 8:00 AM Monday shall be automatically excused from attending the
flag raising ceremony; and

b. During emergency condition (BLUE/RED Alert), incoming and outgoing duty

personnel for 8:00 AM Monday duty are likewise excused from attending the flag
raising ceremony.




a. Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA) Meeting

i. Notification, coordination, facilitation of PDRA meetings (Core
Group/Extended) shall be spearheaded by the Matalam
MDRRMC Secretariat in order to capture important discussion
points, instructions, and agreements.

b. Emergency Meeting (during Emergency Condition)

i. Notification, coordination, facilitation of emergency meetings shall
be spearheaded by the Matalam MDRRMC Secretariat:

1. Matalam MDRRMC Secretariat shall accomplish necessary

documents (i.e. Notice of Meeting, Provisional Agenda, and
Purchase Request);
2. Concerned MDRRMO sections shall facilitate the Financial,
Administrative and other Logistical requirements; and

3. DDOs at the Matalam MDRRMC EOC shall coordinate with their

respective offices re Emergency Meeting.


a. Press Conferences
i. Facilitation of press conference and media coverage shall be
spearheaded by the Matalam MDRRMC Secretariat/LDRRMO

ii. The press conference shall be facilitated by MDRRMO personnel

other than the Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson, to brief and manage
the media, as well as the proceedings. The facilitator shall ensure that
the media will be given ample time to ask questions; and

iii. Area for press conference shall be identified and established by the
Matalam MDRRMC Secretariat.


a. Media Interview and Coverage at the Matalam MDRRMC EOC

i. Media personnel are strictly not allowed in the report development
area of the Matalam MDRRMC EOC in order to avoid unwanted
/untimely disclosure of information that still necessitates further
verification and validation. They shall stay at the designated area for
the media;

ii. Request for media coverage inside the Matalam MDRRMC EOC
facility shall be coursed through the Matalam MDRRMC Secretariat
for approval of the Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson or any
authorized high official;

iii. Recording of videos, taking of pictures, media staff and crew will be
guided accordingly by the Matalam MDRRMC Secretariat observing
the restrictions inside the Matalam MDRRMC EOC;

iv. All pictures and videos shall be sensitive to the dignity of the
subject and, if necessary, shall conceal the identity of the

v. Media personnel are required to stay at the lobby of the

Matalam MDRRMC EOC. Entering the Matalam MDRRMC EOC
without permission is strictly prohibited; and

vi. Members of the Alert Teams and other duty personnel are not
allowed to entertain questions from the media. Only the
Chairperson of Matalam MDRRMC, Matalam MDRRMC
Secretariat and designated Spokesperson/Official are authorized
to accommodate interviews.

b. Before an interview, the following must be STRICTLY OBSERVED:

i. The Chairperson of Matalam MDRRMC, Matalam MDRRMC
Secretariat or any designated Spokesperson/Official must be
informed first of any significant changes and updates.
ii. Information and figures especially on casualties (disaggregated),
damages and affected population must be verified and validated
first; and


a. Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) are utilized for alert, monitoring,
and information management purposes;

b. Member-agencies of Matalam MDRRMC are advised to utilize with

effectiveness and efficiency their official social media accounts in
disseminating disaster information for the public; and

c. All posts on the official social media account should be gender- sensitive and
maintain the dignity of every subject.



a. The Matalam Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Council Emergency Operations Center (Matalam MDRRMC EOC) is the
repository of all disaster information in the regional level. Disaster
data/information comes from the Matalam Municipal Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council (Matalam MDRRMC) member-
agencies and Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Committees (BDRRMCs). Any data/information received from various

sources needs to be reported/coordinated with the concerned member-

agencies and BDRRMCs for verification and validation. Once validated and
verified, said information is then processed by the Matalam MDRRMC EOC
into an official Matalam MDRRMC report for the information of

b. The Matalam MDRRMC Report has the following objectives:

i. To process information received from various sources and

provide an analysis so that stakeholders get a clear picture of the
magnitude of the situation as well as identify gaps and

emergency needs in addressing the requirements of the affected

ii. To reduce the risks and effectively manage the consequences of
disasters and ensure “near real-time reporting”;

iii. To recommend appropriate actions to be undertaken in order to

expedite the decision-making process; and

iv. To capture and store useful and valuable data/information in various

forms (soft and hard copies [filename and location of the file in a
storage for easy retrieval]) for statistical purposes to include sex
disaggregated data and to serve as basis for decision-making by
responsible authorities, readily available for sharing and
dissemination to all concerned.

2. Policies and Guidelines in Reporting

All major and minor incidents, both natural and human-induced are
i. Monitored;
ii. Recorded;
iii. Documented;and
iv. Reported.

b. The Matalam Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office

(MDRRMO) shall:
i. Automatically determine if incidents are worth reporting following the
criteria for reporting incidents. If so, ensure that they are reported on
a near real-time basis for the immediate information of:

1. Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson;

2. MDRRMO Operations Service Chief; and
3. MDRRMC Secretariat

ii. Consolidate all reports gathered form Matalam MDRRMC member-

agencies and BDRRMCs and subsequently translate it into an
official report;

iii. Incidents which require decision-making by high authorities shall be

reported through the fastest means of communications;

iv. All planned events/observance/Holidays which have the

potential for an emergency situation shall be:

1. Clearly monitored;
2. Documented; and
3. Reported by concerned DRRM Operation Centers.

v. New entries/updates in a progress and situational reports shall be

typed inbold and in blue; and

vi. All press releases should be cleared or approved by the

Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson.

3. Reporting Major and Minor Incidents at the Matalam MDRRMC EOC

a. MAJOR INCIDENT CATEGORY with any of the following conditions:

i. Criteria:
1. At least 3 persons died in the incident, with or without report of
injuries and missing;
2. At least 5 injured and/or 5 missing without report of
3. At least 15 families or 85 persons are affected and/or
4. At least 10 houses damaged (partially and totally);
5. At least more than Php 500,000.00 worth of damage to the
means of livelihood, shelter, critical infrastructures, major roads
and bridges, agricultural production, as well as disruption of
lifelines (water, electricity, transportation, and communication
systems) which cannot be restored within 24 hours; and

6. All the data should be disaggregated as sex, age, PWDs,

elderly, etc.

ii. When there is a call for assistance for disaster operations by

BLGU to Matalam MDRRMC;

iii. When there is a need for the declaration of affected areas under
State of Calamity by the Barangay Sanggunian;

iv. An incident of suspected case of communicable disease which can

possibly cause an outbreak shall fall under the major incident
category when there is clustering of cases in given area or among
specific group of people over a particular period of time, regardless
of the number of deaths or hospitalized persons as validated by the
v. A slow-onset condition such as drought affecting at least 40% of the
agricultural productive area, or as confirmed by the OMAG, severely
affecting low-income farmers as certified by RDANA team
conducting socio-economic indices in an entire province;

vi. Volcanic activity, earthquake incidents, severe weather bulletin of

tropical cyclones with or without effects (casualties or damages
incurred), chemical/ biological/ radiological/ nuclear/ explosive
incidents, shall automatically fall under major incidents and reported
to the Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson though the fastest means of
communications; and

vii. All reports on major incidents (including progress/updates) shall be

signed by the Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson before sending to

b. MINOR INCIDENT CATEGORY with any of the following conditions:

i. All incidents reported that are considered to be important BUT
did not satisfy the criteria shall be consolidated together with
major incidents by MDRRMO Operations Section to be
submitted semi-monthly (every first and 16 day of the month)
to the PDRRMOC; and

ii. MDRRMO Operations Section shall have its own database of

all recorded major and minor incidents for safekeeping and
statistical purposes.
4. Reporting Special Events (e.g. Sallah-Mat Festival, Holy Week, All Saints
and Souls’ Day, and other high profile/high-density gatherings)

a. All directly related incidents which transpired during the period or

observance of the event shall be included in the Situational
Report (SitRep); and

b. Self-inflicted incidents (i.e. under the influence of intoxicated

liquor/drugs, etc.) shall not be included in the SitRep even though
it transpired during the period or observance of the event.

5. Reportorial Requirements
MDRRMO shall submit the following reports to the PDRRMOC:

a. Initial Report is submitted within two (2) hours to confirm whether

the incident has actually occurred. It includes information on who,
what, when, where, why and how the incident happened, and what
steps were initially taken.(See Annex for a Sample Initial Report)

b. Situational Report (SitRep) including Preparedness Measures in

cumulative form shall be submitted by Matalam MDRRMC member-
agencies and DRRMCs whenever there are updates/changes. It shall
indicate the prevailing situation, weather condition, consolidated
effects, emergency response, and issues and concerns with
corresponding recommendations (if there’s any). Subsequently,

Matalam MDRRMC SitRep shall be submitted to the PDRRMOC at

the prescribed coverage and time of releases as indicated in the
periodic submission and release of reports below.(See Annex for a Sample
Situational Report)
Matalam Matalam MDRRMC Members &

Not later than

1st Week of Disaster Operations (every
6 hours)
(NLT) 03:00


08:00 AM

As earlier as possible than the

required sending time
of the Cordillera

12:00 NN
NLT 09:00 AM

05:00 PM
NLT 03:00 PM

12:00 MN
NLT 09:00 PM
After a Week of NLT 03:00 AM
Disaster 08:00 AM
Operations (every
12 hours)

05:00 PM
NLT 03:00 PM
After 2 weeks of Disaster Operations
(once a day)
08:00 AM
NLT 03:00 AM

Note: The subsequent periodic reporting may change upon the discretion/directive from the M at al am MDRRMC

Table 10.0: Subsequent Periodic Reporting

c. Final Report/Terminal Report is the summary of previous reports
with lessons learned two (2) weeks after the termination of disaster
operations taking in consideration of the following but not limited to:

i. Majority of severely affected areas in bunkhouses,

initial resumption of business activity;

ii. Partial restoration of electricity, power and water, and there is

predictability ad manageability of the situation with complete
and cumulative information/statistics /documentation of effects
(damages, affected population, affected lifelines, casualties,
assistance provided, etc.); and

iii. Disaster operation activities (photos/pictures, declaration of

stats of calamity with resolution, damages and needs
analysis/assessment reports, narrative reports, etc.) in disaster-
stricken areas for record purposes or future references.

6. Reporting Casualties, Affected Population and Damages

a. Casualties (dead, injured, missing WITH IDENTITY (disaggregated


Casualties Municipal Level Provincial Level

Official and
consolidated report
Official and from DILG-
DEAD consolidated report Cotabato
from DILG-
Official and

consolidated report
from DILG

Official and
INJURED consolidated report Official consolidated
from DILG- Matalam MDRRMC
Matalam report thru MDRRMO
Official and
Official and
MISSING consolidated report
consolidated reports
form DILG-
from DILG-Matalam
(identified) Cotabato

Table 11.0: Reporting Casualties

i. Through the approved Guidelines on the Management of the

Dead and the Missing Persons (MDM)(NDRRMC Memorandum Circular No.
19, s. 2016), the DILG-Matalam, with the support of other agencies and
offices, shall submit the official consolidated report on casualties
and shall be the source of Matalam MDRRMC EOC;

ii. Only reported missing persons WITH IDENTITY will be reflected in

the Matalam MDRRMC SitRep. HoweverMatalam MDRRMC EOC
may still reflect the number of missing persons
(without identity) with an intent only to provide advance
information to the PDRRMOC;

iii. The number of unidentified dead casualties can be

reported/noted “subject for validation/confirmation”; and

iv. Reporting of casualties to the media – prior to an interview and/or

disclosure of update on casualties thru local media and social media
(Facebook, Twitter, etc), Matalam MDRRMC EOC must ensure first
that the Matalam MDRRMC Chairperson, MDRRMO Secretariat and
other high officials are well- informed/updated before disclosure to
avoid discrepancies in the report
b. Population affected and/or displaced shall be:

i. Validated and confirmed by the MSWDO;

ii. Subsequently, cross-checked by the Matalam MDRRMC EOC

duty team and MSWDO personnel; and

iii. Disaggregated in terms of sex, age, and PWD as much as


c. Cost of damages submitted by BDRRMCs shall be:

i. Reconciled by the MDRRMO with the local engineering office,

OMAG, DepEd-Matalam, RHU-Matalam and DILG-MAtalam
before reporting to PDRRMOC; and

ii. Subsequently, cross-checked by the Matalam MDRRMC EOC duty

team and MEO (infrastructure), OMAG (agriculture), DepEd-Matalam
(education), and RHU-Matalam (health) duty personnel.

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