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Research Question With HR function transformation and the impact of MHIT on this

transformation being the focus of this study, the discussion points in this article
aim to better understand the HR function, MHIT and HR function transformation . The
main research questions are as follows: What is the role of HRD in the
transformation of HR functions? In addition, a series of stepped sub-questions are
designed to explore the topic from various aspects: What is the human resources
function? What has changed in the HR function and why is this considered a
"transformation"? From a theoretical perspective, what are HRIT's expectations of
the impact of the evolution of the HR function?What are the conclusions of the
current literature? Research Outline In order to clearly delineate the study, a
roadmap is developed to understand the study procedure and how it is organized. The
search was divided into three phases. First, the literature on HR function, MHIT,
and HR function transitions was searched and studied in detail to provide an
exploratory description of HR function. The main task is to understand how
researchers defined the HR function in the past and what new concepts have emerged
in today's HR department.In particular, additional analyzes were carried out on the
HR function described in the model of Ulrich (1997) . The second step is to study
the transformation process of the HR function, and the last step is to find out how
HR information technologies affect the HR function and its transformation.
Figure 1.1 Research overview Thesis structure Figure 1.2 Research route for this
article This article is a meta-analysis of the literature examining the impact of
HRIT applications on the theoretical and practical aspects of functional
transformation of HR.The full text is divided into five chapters: the first chapter
is the introduction of the whole research project, including the background of the
research, the aim, the statement of the problem and the research questions, as
well as the organizational structure of research. Chapter 2 describes the
methodology of the study. Chapter 3 examines the HR function and its transformation
and HRIT from a theoretical perspective, while Chapter 4 focuses on empirical
evidence. The final chapter, Chapter 5, summarizes the results and makes
recommendations for future research. Chapter Two Structured Literature Search
This chapter mainly elaborates the research method of this thesis, and the research
in the following chapters is based on it.The general idea of the research
methodology is described in 2.1. The documentary research procedure is described in
2.2. Finally, the research methodology is briefly summarized in 2.3. Research
Methodology This thesis uses a critical literature review approach to deepen
understanding of previous research and provide the basis for this study. Literature
devoted to theoretical reasoning or empirical data was considered. Theoretical
literature summarizes the relevant theory discussed in the literature, including
books and peer-reviewed articles. Empirical literature collects scientific evidence
from published case studies and qualitative/quantitative data analysis.This
empirical evidence is then reviewed to support a theory relevant to the research
question. Selected journals and articles Describes research in the theoretical
and empirical literature. The first step is to determine literature coverage by
defining search parameters, including language of publication, source media,
keywords, and time period. With these parameters in place, it is possible to
identify a select pool of journals and then select articles of interest from that
pool. Review literature search parameters The first search parameter is
language.All literature published in English, whether scholarly journals or books,
is covered. The target areas of the second parameter are research on "Human
Resources (HR) Function", "Human Resources (HR) Function Transformation", "Human
Resources Information Technology (HRIT)" . Select the following keywords and their
synonyms to search: "Human Resources (HR)", "Human Resource Management (HRM)",
"Management", "Manpower", "Labour Relations", "Resource Functions (HR)",
"transformation", "e-HR" and "Human Resources Information Technology (HRIT)". The
publication period of was different for each study, which was a compromise
between availability and updating. Journal Search Journal Search is a multi-step
process that includes keyword selection, citation research and coverage
expansion.Due to accessibility, the journals searched are limited to the
electronic journal lists of the University of Twente Library. First step, select
journals that contain the keyword "Human Resources (HR)" or its synonyms
(personnel, manpower, etc.) directly in the title, including Human Resource
Management, Journal of Human Resource Management, International Journal of Human
Resource Management, Personnel Review and International Journal of Manpower. Select
a number of interesting articles (see 2.2.3 article searches). Second, a reference
search was performed for these interesting articles, resulting in additional
reviews: Human Resource Planning, Human Resource Management International
Abstracts, Industrial Relations, Employment Relations Today, Employee Benefits
Program Review, European Journal of Innovation Management, Journal of Knowledge
Management, service quality and facility management. Finally, to ensure that
relevant journals are not left out, coverage is extended to general management
journals: Journal of Management Studies, Academy of Management Management. The
academic quality of the selected periodical library is high. Most of the selected
journals belong to the Social Science Citation Index® (SSCI®), the world's leading
social science database.These journals include: Human Resource Management,
International Journal of Human Resource Management, Personnel Review, International
Journal of Human Resources and Journal of Management Research. Two other journals,
Journal of Human Resource Management and School of Administration, are rated 'A'
(= "Highly Rated Journals") in the Business and Management category of the
Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Rankings (ABDC, 2008) ). The high
quality ensures that subsequent articles selected from this repository accurately
reflect contemporary developments in research. Searching for items Searching for
items is a two-step process: first, items are selected from the coarse and fine
filters; second, a reference search provides additional articles. The first step
is to coarsely filter and search for articles in the resulting database of
periodicals.The articles in the "Human Resources Function" section were published
from 2002 to 2007 to keep track of the latest developments. The quick search
method consists of filtering the article titles of each journal one by one. The
literature on "HR function transformation" is very limited. Thus, the publication
period is extended to 1990-2007; and it is not limited to the HR function, but also
covers transformations in related areas of management: knowledge, work, strategy,
etc. As a result, after the first rough selection, a total of 29 articles were
selected for "HR function" and "HR function transformation".Improvements have been
made to subsequent HRIT searches: In addition to the keywords "e-HR" and "HRIT"
used to filter journals, additional keywords have been assigned to article
searches: "HRIS", " HRM systems” and “virtual HR”. , 12 articles were eliminated A
total of 41 articles were found after a rough selection. In the search for
refinement, not only the summary and keywords, but also the table of contents, the
introduction and the conclusion of the article should be carefully checked to
filter out small related articles Finally, following the first search, 30 articles
were obtained.In the second stage, 13 additional articles were obtained by
searching for citations of the 30 articles above. A total of 43 articles were
selected for the literature review. Table 2.1 List of selected journals and number
of articles for HR function, HR function transformation and HRIT, after rough
selection and search of references Journal no. Article (first draft) no.Number of
articles (2nd round of optimization) Human Resource Management 16 11 4444 Human
Resource Management Journal 3 3 Personnel Review 8 5 Academy of Management
Executive 3 3 International Journal of Manpower 3 3 Journal of Management Studies
2 2 444 4 4 Review 1 Employment Relations Today 1 Industrial Relations 1 1
Human Resource Planning 1 1 Employee Benefits Program Review 1 1 Human Resource
Management International Digest 1 1 International Journal of Human Resource
Management 4 2 4 1 1 1 Establishment 1 1 Knowledge management log 1 1 Service
quality management 1 1 Public personnel management 1 1 Ethics log 1 1
Created. Search results for each article. Each table collects basic information
including: authors, source journals, research methods, research objectives and
results. With this information, reviews can be argued by summarizing, comparing and
contrasting, helping to discuss the theory in depth and finally paint a complete
picture of the research problem. The analysis tables are listed in the appendix.
In conclusion, I found lists of articles related to the HR function, HR function
transformation and HRIT.They are carefully examined to generate analytical tables
that provide rich material and in-depth understanding of the phenomena studied for
the discussions in the following chapters. Chapter Three Theoretical Overview
This chapter answers the research questions of 'HR function', 'HR function
transformation' and 'HRIT'. In section 3.1, the concept of HR function is defined
based on traditional and current
interpretations. Section 3.2 Theoretical concerns for the transformation of the
HR function are presented: first, the need for "transition" is raised in 3.3.1;
then a general definition of transformation is discussed in 3.3.2; finally, the
Definition of the HR function transformation of function.Theoretical research on HR
informatics is reviewed in Section 3.4 from its form and function in HR activities.
Concepts of the human resources function There are two axes to understand the HR
function: one is the philosophical axis, which deconstructs the function into its
actors and corresponding activities, and the other is the time axis, where
tradition (the past) is Differences between tradition (past) and current
interpretations of the HR function are considered. Therefore, this section consists
of two parts: a philosophical description part (3.1.1) and the explanation and
comparison part based on Ulrich's model (3.1.2 and 3.1.3); prepare for the
theoretical discussion of the transformation of human resource functions and human
resource informatics.The definition of the HR function is according to Valverde et
al. (2006) The HR function is "the set of managerial actions carried out at all
levels concerning the organization of work and the entry, development and exit of
people from the organization so that their abilities are best used to to achieve
corporate goals”. This includes participants and their associated responsibilities
and tasks. HR function actors of the HR function The actors involved in an HR
function are not limited to the HR function, but involve everyone at all levels:
HR professionals, line managers, employees, etc. (Hales, 2005; Andolsek and Stebe,
2005; Francis and Keegan, 2006; Valverde, Ryan and Soler, 2006; McConville,
2006).The diagram below describes different levels of people as main actors
involved in the HR function based on the literature. Human Resources
Professionals Actors Managers Employees

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