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Grade 4 3 2 1 0

Active Almost always tries to Usually tries to participate Participates in class rarely Hardly ever No show /
participation participate in class in a in class in a respectful (generally only when asked) participates in class. Never participates in
respectful manner manner without interfering OR usually participates in a class.
without interfering with with others’ performance. disrespectful manner.
others’ performance.
Attitude & Almost always Most of the time interested Seems interested, but lacks Rarely interested and No show /
Behavior Interested in learning and in learning and motivated to motivation. Student mostly unmotivated Never shows interest
motivated to learn. learn. Student rarely occasionally displays Student almost always in learning, always
Student never displays displays disruptive behavior disruptive behavior during displays disruptive displays disruptive
disruptive behavior during class. class. behavior during class. behaviours.
during class.
Preparedness Almost always comes to Mostly comes to class with Has failed to come to class Hardly ever comes to No show /
class with required class required class materials, with required class materials class with required Never brings the
materials. Makes use of mostly makes use of many times, and often class materials, and necessary materials
resources effectively. resources effectively. doesn’t make use of the when he/she does, to class.
material present. he/she doesn’t use
them effectively.
Involvement in Almost always listens to Listens to instructions, but Sometimes doesn’t listen to Is rarely on task, loses No show /
Task instructions, asks for occasionally loses track. instructions and/or doesn’t track of the lesson Never performs the
clarification if instruction Most of the time, cooperates ask for clarification. May most of the time, and given tasks in class.
is not understood. with peers to perform the fail to cooperate with peers doesn’t cooperate with
Cooperates with peers to given task. Most of the time, to perform the given task peers to perform the
perform the given task. uses time effectively to and close up Sometimes falls given task but wants to
Uses allocated time complete a task. behind the class to complete chat with them. Fails to
effectively to complete a a task. use time effectively,
task. tasks are incomplete.
Responsibility Almost always comes to Is sometimes late to class Is often late to class and Is often late to class No show /
class on time and comes and does not attend all does not come to most and never comes to Never joins online
to tutorials when asked. assigned tutorials. assigned tutorials. Only any tutorials even classes on time, joins
comes to 1-2 tutorials. when assigned. online tutorials or
follows guidelines
and announcements.

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