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Name: Ange Rose S.

Suello Date: 01/1/23

Course & Year: BSN-3


1. I know one person who has become a successful entrepreneur. His name is Melquiades Ausa
Evardo, but he is known by the name Boss Kyad. Boss Kyad grew up in a poor family, where he
learned the importance of hard work. Instead of studying, he worked at the age of 19 as a
construction worker in Manila. He supported his sibling in their study while he stopped his study.
He experiences not eating because all the money he earns will be sent to his family. One day he
meets a girl who is working as a maid in Manila. He pursues her and builds their own family. All
things were happening in short order, and their situation was getting worse because his salary
was not enough to feed his family. He couldn’t bear seeing his family starving and experiencing
what he had been through before. So, he doubled his work, he became a construction worker, a
10-wheeler driver, and also started to apply his skills to making hollow blocks. All of the hard work
of boss Kyad made him start to save money as he thought of building his own business someday.
After 5 years, he had a conversation with her wife about supporting him in opening a construction
supply store. His wife agreed, and they traveled to their hometown, which is in Talibon, Bohol.
Everything was prepared, and they made it and opened a construction supply store, but suddenly
they didn’t make their business bloom because they lacked workers and trucks to deliver orders.
Boss Kyad didn’t lose hope; instead, he sees life in a positive way. He asked his cousin to
become his partner in the business and help it bloom. His cousin purchased a four-wheel-drive
truck to deliver orders. After that, his business became known in Talibon, and he even built a
place where they make their hallow blocks. He has 20 workers for now, and his business is still
getting stronger and more known; they even became a supplier in Buenavista for making a peir
and a tourist spot in Overland, Buenavista, Bohol. I believe that hard work and luck played a role
in their success because, based on the story of boss Kyad, he used to work hard and be lucky
because he gained support from his cousin. Without hard work and luck, they wouldn’t be where
they are today. Our different stories and experiences in life inspired us to dream and work to have
a better life.The Boss Kyad story is one of my inspirations to keep on dreaming, no matter how
hard life is.

2. Do I believe myself lucky or unlucky, from my own perspective, I believe I am lucky. First, I am
lucky because I was able to see the world and experience the roller coaster rides that happen in
it. Second, I have a family, a family that made me strong and taught me how to turn negative
things into positive ones in life. Lastly, when God chooses me to become a survivor of all those
people who are sick, then I would say that for all that reason, I am one of those billion people who
see themselves as lucky.

3. I’ve experience having a chance or opportunity in life because I was open to it, 4 years ago I was
declared to become a youth president in our barangay because our president that time was going
to Davao to studied there in college. By the chance they give me to lead my co-youth, I take that
as an opportunity to boost my confident and improve my skills in leading. I might make myself
seeing every opportunity as a positive one that will come into my life. Thinking that there is no
wrong in trying things specially if you think you are capable of doing it and if it also going to help
you in your life.

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