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Foundation Public School

Junior Campus Defence Review Stencil

Grade VII
Topics: Hazrat Usman R.A, The Battle of Hunain, Rights of fellow Human Beings, Taqwa

Name: _______________________ Sec: ___________ Date: ____________

Answer the following Questions

I.Our Holy Prophet SAW said:

“Jibraeel A.S used to stress so often on treating neighbours well, that I
thought they would be named among the heirs”
Elaborate the extensive rights of neighbours in the light of the above-mentioned

Answering Technique

 General opinion about rights of neighbors

 Explanation of the hadith
o Rights of neighbors in Islam
o Instructions by Prophet SAW about the rights of neighbors.
o Reference of any hadith/Ayat

II.Comment on the statement “A true leader is necessary for Success” with respect to
the magnificent event of the Battle of Hunain fought in 8th Hijri. Reflect upon the
leadership qualities displayed by Prophet Muhammad SAW during the battle which led
the Muslims to victory.

Answering Technique
 Opinion about the statement
 Introduction to war
o Causes and Preparation of war
o Muslims’ good number elated them
o Insufficient planning and discussion of war strategies
o Chaos amongst the Muslims after the attack from the non-believer’s
o Muslims started to flee from the Battle field
o Inspirational Speech by Prophet SAW
o Muslims fought with valour and succeed
o A large amount of booty received.
o Prophet’s SAW decision about the distribution of booty of war
o Dealing with the prisoners of war.
o Reference of any hadith/ayat

III. Hazrat Usman Ghani R.A was bestowed with the titles of “Ghani”. Reflect upon
his character traits and personality with respect to the title bestowed upon him.
Answering Technique: -
 Reference and explanation of the given lines
 About Hazrat Usman R.A
o Introduction
o Order of succession as a Caliph
o Background
o Personality
 Simple and noble even before accepting Islam
 Generous, title of Ghani
 Calm
 A true worshipper; used to fast during day and pray at night
 Simple life style
 Just
 Loyal Caliph
 Title of Jama-al-Quran/ Zun-An-Noorain
 Extension of Masjid-e-Nabawi
 Reference of any hadith about his personality.
 Any incident from the Caliph’s life reflecting his

IV. Write notes on the following: -

a) Martyrdom of Hazrat Usman R.A

b) Benefits of Taqwa
c) Causes behind the Battle of Hunain.
d) Rights of hosts and guests in Islam.

V. Observe the picture given below and answer the following questions: -

a. Name the graveyard given in the


b. Name of any one Companion R.A

of Prophet SAW who is buried

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