4th Quarter-Science 4 TD

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SY. 2022-2023



Teacher: Ms. Chrislyn G. Gomonit Date: May ___, 2023

Direction: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1) Which of the following is NOT an element of weather?

a) Temperature
b) Wind
c) Elevation
d) Precipitation

2) Which of the following weather conditions is most likely to lead to the formation
of a tornado?

a) A calm and sunny day with clear skies

b) A cool and breezy day with scattered clouds
c) A hot and humid day with thunderstorms in the area
d) A cold and dry day with gusty winds

3) Which element of weather can be measured using a barometer?

a) Wind speed
b) Cloud cover
c) Air pressure
d) Humidity

4) In which of the following situations is a thunderstorm most likely to occur?

a) A hot and dry day with clear skies

b) A cold and snowy day with cloudy skies
c) A warm and humid day with partly cloudy skies
d) A cool and windy day with scattered showers

5) You wake up in the morning and notice that the air outside feels heavy and
damp. Which element of weather is likely responsible for this sensation?

a) Temperature
b) Pressure
c) Humidity
d) Wind

6) Carlos is planning a picnic and want to know if it will be too hot to be comfortable
outside. Which element of weather should he check?

a) Temperature
b) Air Pressure
c) Humidity
d) Wind Speed

7) Laura sees trees bending and hear branches hitting against her window. Which
element of weather is likely causing this?

a) Temperature
b) Air pressure
c) Humidity
d) Wind

8) John is a pilot and needs to know what the weather will be like for his flight
tomorrow. He checks the weather report and sees that it will be fairly cool and
slightly humid, with a moderate wind blowing from the southwest. Which element
of weather is most important for John to consider for his flight?

a) How hot it will be

b) How much air pressure there will be
c) How damp the air will be
d) How strong the wind will be

9) Emily is planning a beach day with her friends. She checks the weather and
sees that it will be mostly cloudy, with scattered thunderstorms, high humidity,
and moderate winds. Which element of weather should Emily be most
concerned about?

a) How hot it will be

b) Humidity
c) Wind speed
d) Amount of precipitation

10) How does humidity affect the comfort level of Sarah who is hiking in a

a) Sarah will feel cooler if the humidity is high.

b) Sarah will feel warmer if the humidity is low.
c) Sarah's body will lose moisture quickly if the humidity is low.
d) Sarah's sweat will evaporate quickly if the humidity is high.

11) During a period of heavy rainfall, the soil in an area becomes saturated
with water. How might this impact the risk of landslides or mudslides?

a) Decreases it
b) Increases it
c) Has no effect
d) Causes a drought

12) If the pressure in a region where Emily lives drops suddenly, what weather
conditions can she expect?

a) Clear skies and sunny weather

b) Rain and thunderstorms
c) Strong winds and tornadoes
d) Fog and misty conditions

13) The sun's gravity is the dominant force that determines the motion of all
the objects in the solar system. How does the sun's gravity affect the planets in
the solar system?

a) It keeps them in orbit

b) It causes them to collide
c) It repels them away
d) It has no effect on them

14) The sun is one of the most powerful sources of energy in the universe.
How does it produce this energy?

a) Through nuclear fusion

b) Through chemical reactions
c) Through photosynthesis
d) Through nuclear fission

15) The sun is essential for life on Earth, playing a key role in several natural
processes. Which of the following is NOT one of the sun's key roles?

a) Provides warmth
b) Drives weather patterns
c) Provides a source of light for photosynthesis
d) Causes earthquakes

16) The sun is an extremely active object, and it is constantly releasing energy
in the form of solar flares and coronal mass ejections. What is the impact of
these solar events on Earth?

a) They can disrupt communication and navigation systems

b) They have no effect on Earth
c) They cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
d) They can enhance the growth of plants and crops

17) The sun is the largest object in our solar system, with a diameter of
approximately 1.4 million kilometers. How does the sun's size compare to that of
other stars in the universe?

a) The sun is one of the largest stars in the universe

b) The sun is an average-sized star
c) The sun is one of the smallest stars in the universe
d) The sun is not a star

18) Sarah is a farmer who grows crops for a living. She's noticed that some of
her crops seem to be struggling to grow, and she's concerned that the sun may
be having a negative impact on them. Which of the following effects of the sun
could be contributing to the problem?

a) Increased soil fertility

b) Decreased water availability
c) Increased photosynthesis
d) Decreased pest populations

19) Jason is a high school student who is interested in the effects of the sun
on human health. He's learned that UV radiation from the sun can cause
damage to the skin, and he's curious about ways to protect himself. Which of the
following options could help reduce his risk of skin damage from the sun?

a) Wearing dark clothing

b) Applying coconut oil to the skin
c) Staying indoors all day
d) Using a sunscreen with high SPF

20) Venz is a gardener who takes care of a variety of plants in his backyard.
One sunny day, he notices that some of his plants are thriving and growing well,
while others appear to be wilting and struggling. Venz wonders about the effects
of the sun on these plants and their overall well-being. What might explain the
variation in growth and health of the plants in Venz's backyard during a sunny

a) The plants receiving direct sunlight benefit from photosynthesis and favorable
b) The plants not exposed to direct sunlight may suffer from radiation damage,
causing wilting.
c) The plants thriving in shaded areas have adapted to low light conditions.
d) The plants may experience deterioration due to pollution caused by the sun's

21) John is a night shift worker who sleeps during the day and works at night.
He's been experiencing trouble sleeping and feels like his body is out of sync
with the natural rhythms of the world. He's learned that exposure to sunlight can
help regulate the body's circadian rhythms and improve sleep. Which of the
following options could help John improve his sleep?

a) Keeping the bedroom very dark during the day

b) Drinking a cup of coffee before bed
c) Taking a walk outside during the day
d) Using a blue light filter on electronic devices

22) Mark is a student who is studying the effects of the sun on aquatic
ecosystems. He's noticed that some fish populations seem to be declining in
areas where there's a lot of sunlight exposure. Which of the following effects of
the sun could be contributing to the problem?

a) Increased oxygen levels in the water

b) Decreased water temperature
c) Increased algae growth
d) Decreased water acidity
23) Maria is a dermatologist who frequently advises patients to apply
sunscreen before going outside. What is the primary reason for using

a) To prevent skin aging

b) To promote skin tanning
c) To reduce risk of sunburn
d) To increase vitamin D production

24) Minda is a fair-skinned individual who spends several hours outside without
wearing sunscreen. What is the likely effect of the sun on her skin?

a) Improved skin texture and appearance

b) Increased risk of skin cancer
c) Stronger immune system
d) Reduced risk of sunburn

25) Jack is a construction worker who works outdoors for several hours a day. What
is the likely effect of the sun on his skin?

a) Increased risk of vitamin D deficiency

b) Reduced risk of skin aging
c) Increased risk of melanoma
d) No effect on skin health

26) Lisa is a farmer who grows crops in an area with limited sunlight. How does the
lack of sunlight affect her crops?

a) Decreases crop yields

b) Increases crop yields
c) Improves crop taste and quality
d) Has no effect on crop growth

27) Amy is a marine biologist studying the effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on fish.
How does UV radiation affect fish eggs?

a) Increases the survival rate of fish eggs

b) Decreases the survival rate of fish eggs
c) Has no effect on fish eggs
d) Causes fish eggs to hatch earlier

28) Tom is a space enthusiast who has learned about the sun's important role in the
solar system. Which of the following statements is true regarding the sun's role in the
solar system?

a) The sun is responsible for the formation of the solar system

b) The sun provides energy to all planets in the solar system
c) The sun provides a gravitational force that holds all planets in orbit
d) The sun is responsible for the evolution of life on Earth

29) Mark is on a hike and the weather suddenly turns cold and rainy. What
precautionary measure should he take?

a) Continue the hike as planned

b) Take off his wet clothing to avoid hypothermia
c) Put on warm, waterproof clothing and find shelter
d) Eat all of his snacks to keep warm

30) Rachel is at the beach and there is a high wind warning. What precautionary
measure should she take?

a) Go swimming
b) Stay close to the water's edge
c) Stay away from the water and seek shelter
d) Start building a sandcastle
31) Johnny is at home and a tornado warning has been issued for his area. What
precautionary measure should he take?

a) Open all the windows in his home

b) Get in his car and drive to a nearby shelter
c) Stay indoors and go to a small, interior room on the lowest level of his home
d) Go outside and try to watch the tornado

32) You are flying in an airplane and look out the window to see a blanket-like cloud
that covers the entire sky. What type of cloud is this?

a) Cumulus
b) Stratus
c) Cirrus
d) Altostratus

33) Cassiopeia is outside on a clear day and notice a thin, wispy cloud high in the
sky. What type of cloud is this?

a) Cumulus
b) Stratus
c) Cirrus
d) Altostratus

34) Rigel is outside and notice a white, fluffy cloud that looks like a cotton ball. What
type of cloud is this?

a) Cumulus
b) Stratus
c) Cirrus
d) Altostratus

35) Polarisia is outside on a hot and humid day and notices a large, dark cloud in
the distance. What type of cloud did Polarisia see?

a) Cumulonimbus
b) Stratus
c) Cirrus
d) Altostratus

PART II. Read and answer briefly.

How important are accurate weather forecasts in your day-to-day activities? Cite some
personal experiences that you encounter which affect you once weather changes occur.


1 Point

Not important - The student indicates that accurate weather forecasts do not
significantly impact their day-to-day activities, and they provide little or no personal
experiences to support their response.

2 Points

Somewhat important - The student acknowledges that accurate weather forecasts

can have some impact on their day-to-day activities, but they provide few personal
examples to support their response.

3 Point

Moderately important - The student recognizes that accurate weather forecasts are
important to their day-to-day activities, and they provide several personal examples of
how weather changes affect them.

4 Points

Very important - The student strongly believes that accurate weather forecasts are
crucial to their day-to-day activities, and they provide many personal examples of how
weather changes impact their daily routine.

5 Points

Extremely important - The student considers accurate weather forecasts to be

essential to their daily activities, and they provide a comprehensive list of personal
examples to illustrate how weather changes affect their work, school, transportation,
and other areas of their life.

10 | P a g e
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all
your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6

11 | P a g e

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