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This paper is submitted as the requirement to fulfill the assignment of Assessment in

Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) subject

Created By Group 7:
Yasmine Rafi’ah Darojat (20322032)
Dhea Eka Syafitri (20322046)
Pipit Indah Aryaningrum (20322035)
Muhammad Syahan Irsyad (20322116)


Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER I (ONE) INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 3
I.1. Study Background ...................................................................................................................... 3
I.2. Problem Identificationa ............................................................................................................. 3
I.3. Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 3
I.4. Benefits of Writing ..................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II (TWO) DISCUSSION .................................................................................................. 5
II.1. Defining Assessment For ESP .................................................................................................. 5
II.2. Characteristics of Good Language Assessment for ESP ....................................................... 6
CHAPTER III (THREE) CLOSING .................................................................................................. 9
III.1. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 9
III.2. Suggestion and Recommendation .......................................................................................... 9
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 10

I.1. Study Background

For many years, language assessment has been a crucial component of language
acquisition and instruction. It gives students feedback on their strengths and faults as well
as a measure of their proficiency. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a method of
language instruction that attempts to help students learn the language for certain contexts
and objectives. This specificity indicates that ESP language assessment differs from normal
language assessment in its requirements.

According to Brown (2004), “ESP is a subfield of linguistic theory that deals with
language instruction and learning in relation to particular subject matter and goals." This
implies that with ESP, language learning and assessment are customized to each learner's
particular requirements and objectives, which may include social, professional, or
academic ones. Therefore, ESP assessments must be created to gauge both the learners'
language proficiency and their capacity to use language successfully in a particular

Considering the specialized character of ESP, it is essential to create assessments that

are targeted to the objectives and demands of the learners. By way of explanation, ESP
assessment needs to be intentional and context-specific. So, prior knowledge and expertise
of the learners in the particular field for which they are studying the language must be taken
into consideration while conducting assessments.

I.2. Problem Identification

Referring to the background described above, the problems to be faced in this paper are
as follows:
1. What is the definition of assessment for ESP?
2. What are the Characteristics of Good Language Assessment for ESP?
I.3. Objectives
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the writing of this paper aims to:
1. To understand the definition of assessment for ESP.
2. To know the Characteristics of Good Language Assessment for ESP.
I.4. Benefits of Writing
This article is expected to be useful for writers, especially in the writing process where
the writer studies and gathers information to deepen understanding of theoretical concepts
and assess the reliability of completing coursework. In addition, this article is also useful
for writers as a learning reference about the characteristics of a good ESP language test.
Readers are also expected to benefit from this article as an additional reference as insight
and new knowledge on the assessment for ESP.

II.1. Defining Assessment For ESP

Assessment is critical in developing student learning motivation. Assessment becomes
a very important object in English Language Learning in determining the measure of
learning capacity and knowledge that pupils acquire. (Mauludin, 2018). Jo-Anne Baird
also indicated that assessment helps investigate how far the competence level learns and
determine whether the learning achievements are as expected. While assessments are
obtained from the results of the student learning process, they are assured to be used as
competence inference. (Baird et al., 2017) Meanwhile, one of the researchers, Dudley
Evans and St. John (1998, p.210), presents the definition of assessment of ESP: “The
ultimate goal of the ESP assessment is for learners to achieve successful outcome in using
English language according to the needs of targets, with the hope that as a result of that
assessment, students will be more confident and effective in using English as a target.
There are still many ESP assessments that do not meet the target needs, such as courses
that are followed by only a few sessions practice.” (Spirovska Tevdovska & John, 1996)

Assessment in ESP itself, to show that learners are equipped with knowledge of
English to excel in the profession or simply pass for further study (Alderson, 1998). in the
assessment process to determine a person’s ability to learn and understand the language
for use in the professional domain to the required level. Therefore, to find out more deeply
about assessment in the ESP course, it is recommended to refer to the special design of the
ESP course to understand what defines other assessments.

A learning-centered approach to course design (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987)

II.2. Characteristics of Good Language Assessment for ESP
Language assessment is a crucial component of English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
since it establishes learners' skill levels in a specific context. The phrase "English for
Specific Purposes" describes the use of the English language to a certain subject or
profession, such as finance, law, engineering, or medical. The language assessment in ESP
should, therefore, be applicable to the specific needs of the learners and the setting in which
they will use the language. These are some characteristics of good language assessment for

1. Reliability

Reliability is one of the most fundamental characteristics of a competent

language assessment for ESP. Reliability, according to Brown (2004), describes
the test’s result consistency and stability across time and across several test
versions. In other words, a credible test produces comparable results when given
to the same set of students on multiple occasions or when the same students take
the same test in various forms. Hence, high levels of reliability should be
guaranteed in any language assessment for ESP.

Reliability is an important aspect of language assessment for ESP. A dependable

test produces consistent results in a variety of testing situations and over time.
Two types of reliability that are particularly important in ESP assessment are
test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability. The consistency of test scores
when the same test is administered to the same group of learners at different
times is referred to as test-retest reliability. The consistency of test scores when
the same test is scored by different raters is referred to as inter-rater reliability.
Both types of reliability are required to ensure that test scores accurately reflect
the language proficiency of learners. (Douglas, 2000, p. 45-47)

2. Validity

Another key component of an effective language assessment for ESP is validity.

Brown (2004) states that validity refers to the extent or the level to which a test
measures what it is supposed to measure. In the context of ESP, an effective
language assessment should be created to gauge the learners’ proficiency in
using English for Specific Purposes in everyday context. So, the assessment
should be tangible and pragmatically meaningful, and the assessment should be
applicable to the needs and goals of the learners.

Three types of validity are particularly relevant to ESP assessment: content

validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity. The extent to which a
test assesses the specific language skills and knowledge required for a particular
field or profession is referred to as content validity. The degree to which a test
is related to other measures of the same construct is referred to as criterion-
related validity. The extent to which a test measures the underlying constructs
or abilities that it is intended to measure is referred to as construct validity.
(Douglas, 2000, p. 51-53)

3. Authenticity

Authentic language assessment is essential for ESP. Bachman and Palmer

(2010) defines authentic assessment as the use of tasks that closely reflect the
situations where language is used in real life. In addition to reflecting the
authentic communicative requirements of the target language, the assignments
should be suitable to the needs and objectives of the learners. Therefore,
effective language assessment for ESP should involve appropriate activities that
depict how the target language is used in the learners' specialty area or field of
Assuring that learners are evaluated in tasks and scenarios that closely resemble
those they would experience in real-world settings is a crucial element of
authenticity in language evaluation for ESP. In order to complete authentic
assignments, students must use language in ways that are comparable to those
they would encounter in their specific field or job position. The learners'
particular field of study or occupation should be reflected in the language and
communication patterns of the context. Using tasks and resources that are taken
directly from or closely modeled after real-world scenarios can help to establish
authenticity. (Douglas, 2000, p. 70-71)

4. Relevance

Lastly, effective language assessment for ESP should be linked to the objectives
and needs of the learners. The goal of ESP classes, according to Dudley-Evans
and St. John (1998), is to address the specific unique requirements of students
who require English for academic or professional purposes. Hence, effective
language assessment for ESP should be in line with the needs and objectives of
the learners as well as the linguistic requirements of their particular field of
study or profession.

Since it guarantees that students are evaluated on the language knowledge and
skills that are most crucial to their occupation or field of study, relevance is a
crucial component of language assessment for ESP. By matching the
assessment's format and content to the specific needs and goals of the learners,
relevance can be attained. For instance, a business professional's assessment
would concentrate on the language used in meetings and negotiations, whereas
a medical professional's assessment might concentrate on the language used in
patient interviews. We may make sure that the assessment gives meaningful and
practical information about the learners' language skills by making sure it is
applicable to their particular field of study or occupation. (Douglas, 2000, p. 87-

III.1. Conclusion
In conclusion, assessment is a crucial tool for learning the English language,
particularly in ESP. It is used to assess students' levels of learning capacity and knowledge
acquisition as well as to look into whether their academic progress is on target. The primary
objective of ESP assessment is for students to successfully use the English language in
accordance with the requirements of targets.

A solid English for Specific Purposes (ESP) language assessment should have
several important characteristics, such as reliability, validity, authenticity, and relevance.
Validity ensures that the test measures what it is intended to measure, whereas reliability
ensures that the test delivers reliable outcomes. Real-world language use in the learners'
field of expertise must be reflected in the test to be authentic, and the test must also be
relevant to the goals and needs of the learners. Language assessments for ESP can
accurately measure learners' language skills in particular contexts and provide useful
information for their academic or professional development by taking these factors into

III.2. Suggestion and Recommendation

This paper is generally created as a complement and requirement for Assessment in
Teaching English for Specific Purpose Assignment. Readers are encouraged to supplement
the references with supplementary texts to gain a better understanding of the characteristics
of good language assessment for English Specific Purpose (ESP). The author sincerely
hopes for suggestions and recommendations in order to enhance writing and
comprehension of good language assessment characteristics for English Specific Purpose

Alderson, J. C. (1988). Testing and its administration in ESP. In D. Chamberlain, & R. J. Baumgardner
(Eds.), ESP in the classroom: Practice and evaluation (pp.87-97).

Bachman, L. F., Palmer, A. S. (2010). Language Assessment in Practice: Developing language

assessments and justifying their use in the real world. Oxford University Press.

Baird, J. A., Andrich, D., Hopfenbeck, T. N., & Stobart, G. (2017). Assessment and learning: fields
apart? Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice, 24(3), 317–350.

Brown, J. D., Andrich, D. (2004). Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practice. Pearson

Çelik Servet dkk (Eds). (2021). Language Assessment and Test Preparation in English as A Foreign
Language (EFL) Education. Chapter XIV, 359-360.

Douglas, D. (2000). Assessing Languages for Specific Purposes. Cambridge University Press.

Dudley-Evans, T., & St John, M. J. (1998). Developments in English for specific purposes: A multi-
disciplinary approach. Oxford University Press

Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). English for specific purposes. A learning- centered approach.
Cambridge University Press.

Mauludin, L. A. (2018). Dynamic assessment to improve students’ summary writing skill in an ESP
class. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 36(4), 355–364.

Spirovska Tevdovska, E., & John, S. (1996). Language experts (McNamara. Bachman and Palmer.

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