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1.Magnet : A magnet is an object, having property of attracting materials

that are made up of iron, steel, nickel and cobalt.Magnets comes in a
different shapes and sizes depending upon their intended use .

3.They are used in appliances such as electric motors, electric fans and
electric bells.They are used in lifting heavy loads of iron and scrap and are also
used in cranes to lift vehicles .They are used to deflect beams of electrons in
TVs.They are used by doctors to cure certain diseases.

4.Attractive property :A magnet attracts the magnetic substance like

Iron,Nickel,Cobalt and steel.This property is called as attractive property.Pair
property :Magnetic poles exist in pairs and they cannot be
separated.Monopoles or single poles cannot exist.
Directive property :A freely suspended bar magnet always comes to lie in
north-south direction.Magnetic Poles are always Directional.

5.If natural magnet is brought near a magnetic substance like iron,cobalt

,steel,nickel etc…they acquire the magnetic properties.Natural magnet
induces magnetism in substances like steel,iron,nickel etc…

6.a) take a steel bar and put it on a table.then take a bar magnet and place
one pole of the bar magnet on one end to the other end.keeping the other
pole vertically strike with the magnet from one end to the other end. After
reaching other end, it should be lifted up and placed on the first end, as shown by
the dotted path. Repeat this process several times. Then the bar is turned laterally
upside down and is again stroked with the magnet several times as before. The
bar gets magnetised.
b) Keep a steel bar to be magnetised on a table. Take two strong permanent bar
magnets and put them vertically such that their opposite poles are close to one
another, at the centre of the bar.Strike the bar with the two magnets starting from
the middle of the bar and moving towards the ends at the same time. Repeat this
process several times. Then the bar gets magnetised, the end of the bar where
north pole of the magnet leaves becomes south pole and the end where south
pole leaves becomes north.
c) Take a steel rod to be magnetised and wind on it an insulated copper wire. The
free ends of the copper wire are connected to battery . To construct a battery
number of dry cells should be connected in series with positive terminal
connected to the negative terminals of the adjacent dry cells. Allow the current to
flow for some time. Then the steel bar gets magnetised.

7. Electromagnet is one which gets magnetised when current is passed through

the surrounding coil and losses magnetism when current is switched off.
Generators,motors, and transformers,Electric buzzers and bells,Headphones and
Relays and valves,Data storage devices like VCRs, tape recorders, hard discs, etc.

8. Bar magnet
(1)they are permanently magnetized
(2)These are usually made of hard materials.
(3) The strength of the magnetic field line is constant. it can not be varied.
(4)The pole of permanent magnet can not change
(1) These are temporary Magnetized.
(2) They are usually made of soft materials.\
(3)The strength of the magnetic fields can be varied accordingly to our need.
(4) The poles of an electromagnet can be altered
9. A magnet may lose its magnetic property completely or partially because of the

following reasons:*Hammering, dropping and Rough handling of magnet *By

heating above a certain temperature*By induction- mutual force of attraction or
repulsion*By passing electricity- alternate current.Demagnetisation:A process
used for destroying of magnetism in a permanent magnet is called as

10. The doors have a magnetic strip because it will be easy to close the door and
save electricity because the doors are magnetic so it will close completely
preventing the escape if cold air. The strip is weak because it should be easy to open
the doors and also it should be just strong enough to attract the open refrigerator

11.When a magnet is brought near to a compass, the force of the magnet will
cause the needle on the compass to move. This is because the magnetic field of the
magnet affects the alignment of the atoms in the needle.

13. Magnetic mono-pole does not exist. If magnetic mono pole exist. Then
magnetic field line will be either converging or diverging. But we know that magnetic
field lines former closed loop. Hence an isolated magnetic pole is an imagination.

14. If magnetic field lines intersect each other, then at the intersection point there
will be two directions of the same field which is not possible. Hence the field lines do
not cross or intersect each other.

15. true. induction method is the easiest method and also in electrical method we
need a circuit tools but in induction we only need a magnet attractive material like
steel or iron and the inductive magnet stays permanent in this method.

16. When iron filings are sprinkled on a bar magnet, you see that these magnetic
field lines start at the magnet’s north end and will end at the magnet’s south end.

17.Earth is a natural magnet. it behaves like a magnet because deep in the

earth molten metal flow due to heat which causes connection. This flow tends
to organize itself into patterns, Thus, this leads to the fact that earth behaves
like big natural magnet.
18. a) No, natural magnets are not more used powerful than the artificial
magnets.Natural magnet has very low strength but electromagnets are very
strong and can be used in electric cranes also.
19.Magnetite is a natural magnet.
20. penny
aluminum can
aluminum foil
copper pipe
brass doorknob
silver bracelet

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