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The Life-Threatening Consequences

Of Smoking

Hello, today I am here to talk to you about the life-threatening consequences and smoking, and why I
believe that it should be illegal. Across the world even in most deprived areas, millions of people are
smoking. Every minute of everyday, these smokers young and old. Are paying for cigarettes to feed their
deadly craving. It is a well-known fact that smoking can seriously damage your health, not to forget the
innocent people who are in the presence of harmful toxin and chemicals.

Last year a lot of people died from lung cancer 42,000 a staggering figure to be lost. What shocks me are
the people that continue to smoke despite knowing the consequences. If we don't take away this hazard
completely, the future looks perilous. By smoking, you are instantaneously putting yourself at risk of
factors that will impact your daily life. The nicotine in the cigarettes turn smokers teeth unappealing
yellow tint, regular smokers may even find themselves with yellow fingernails.

Have you ever sat next to someone on a tricycle or bus and inhale a heavy stench of tabacco? Are you
aware that a single cigarettes contains 400 chemicals and 4000 toxic substances? Some of these include
nicotine, paint, insect repellent, even toilet cleaners! A better thought isn't it? Everyone is coming to
realized the consequences behind smoking, many learn the hard way when they fall ill, will life-threatening
disease, pneumonia, heart disease, bronchitis and several cancer to name a few.

Some smokers would argue that anyone could be a risk of these life-threatening disease, but majority of
case it isn't down to non-smokers actions. Unlike smokers placing themselves in this position and expect to
be treated using money from the public taxes having us pay for their idiocy! Today tabacco consumption is
recognised as the Uks single greatest cause of preventable illness and early death. With an estimated
people dying from smoking related disease include cancer. We want to help smokers realise that these life-
threatening disease can and will cause early death, but if smoking is made illegal, all of this trauma and
trouble would be taken away. In addition, smoking should be made illegal, because it is a detrimental and
addicting drug, just like many that everyone knows are deadly and criminal to take.


I think that smoking should be illegal. The amount of harmful it does to the smokers body and the
people around them is to great to ignore. Smoking kills over 42,000. And it's also important to outlaw
cigarette, because not only will it save thousands of smokers lives, but it will keep the people around them
safe from their bad decisions. Overall, we think extracting this addictive drug from society will improve the
health and well-being of our citizens and our country.

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