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Noermijati Noermijati, Ema Zahra Firdaus, Taufiqurrahman



Noermijati Noermijati
JAM Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Ema Zahra Firdaus
20, 2
Received, January ‘22
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
Revised, March ‘22 Taufiqurrahman
Accepted, May ‘22 Master Program in Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business,
Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the mediating role of job burnout and the
moderating role of equity compensation on the effect of job demand on employee satisfac-
tion. The study was conducted on 131 employees of Bank X in Malang by using Partial
Least Square (PLS) analysis. The results showed that job demand had a significant direct
effect on job burnout and employee satisfaction, while job burnout had no impact. On the
other hand, job burnout does not play a mediating role, and equity compensation does not
play a role in moderating the effect of job demand on employee satisfaction. This study
places job burnout as a mediating variable and equity compensation as a moderating vari-
able on the effect of job demand on employee satisfaction. An essential finding of this
study is that the hypothesized mediating and moderating roles were not proven. It is neces-
sary to pay special attention to the job demand/ demands imposed on employees to affect
employee satisfaction positively. Physical demand is something that needs to be consid-
ered. When employees feel burdened and unable to meet the given physical demands,
employees may experience job burnout which is indicated by the loss of enthusiasm from
employees at work.
Journal of Applied
Management (JAM) Keywords: Job Demand, Employee Satisfaction, Job Burnout, Equity Compensation
Volume 20 Number 2,
June 2022 Cite this article as: Noermijati, E.Z. Firdaus, and Taufiqurrahman. 2022. How to Increase
Indexed in DOAJ -
Directory of Open Access
Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, Volume 20, Number 2,
Journals, ACI - ASEAN Pages 242–253. Malang: Universitas Brawijaya. http://dx.doi.org/10.21776/ub.jam.
Citation Index, SINTA - 2022.020.02.03.
Science and Technology
Index, and Google
Human resources (HR) are success cannot be separated from its quality hu-
also an important asset or man resources. The Bank has the task of managing
capital in an organization’s funds from the public and the government based on
effectiveness in developing trust. Banking requires a workforce with a high level
Corresponding Author: systems and product innova- of skill and good integrity. Bank X, as a BUMN,
Noermijati Noermijati, Faculty tion efforts. They can still also feels that HR is important and needs special
of Economics and Business,
Universitas Brawijaya, Indo- have a valuable competitive attention. One of Bank X’s concerns for its HR is
nesia, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/
advantage compared to com- to make a breakthrough in the form of HR transfor-
02.03 petitors (Alif, 2015). A bank’s mation. HR transformation is carried out to make


How to Increase Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector

Bank X’s work processes faster, improve employee effect of job demand on employee satisfaction. In
performance, service effectiveness, etc. In addition, Hernandez et al. (2018) research, job burnout mod-
it is expected that Bank X’s human resources, as a erates the effect of job demand on employee satis-
state-owned bank, can prioritize good corporate gov- faction. Maslach and Leiter (2008) stated that the
ernance so that the transformation process carried JD-R model, applied to understand job burnout, iden-
out can run well. tifies job demands and resources as the leading in-
Employee satisfaction is one of the crucial fac- dicators. Job demands are positively related to job
tors in getting attention. Employees can fully actu- burnout. Several other studies, such as Hernandez
alize themselves for individual development and or- et al. (2018), Adil and Baig (2018), Evers et al.,
ganizational progress to be more productive at work 2017), Aro and Upadyaya (2018), and McGregor et
with employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction al. (2016), showed that job demand has a signifi-
is a feeling of pleasure or positive emotion that arises cant positive direct effect on job burnout. On the
from assessing a job or work experience (Luthans, other hand, many studies have shown that job burn-
2011). Various factors influence the level of em- out directly affects employee satisfaction. That is
ployee satisfaction. They refer to Armstrong and demonstrated by the research of Chen and Chen
Taylor (2014) that employee satisfaction is influenced (2018) and Kim et al. (2017). The research results
by intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors, quality by Chen and Chen (2018) and Kim et al. (2017)
of supervision, social relations with workgroups, suc- showed that job burnout hurts employee satisfac-
cess rate, and individual failures in their work. The tion. Employee satisfaction is not only influenced
level of success and failure of employees in doing by job demand and job burnout. However, many
work is the employee’s responsibility to the com- other factors can increase or weaken job burnout in
pany but also the responsibility of the company to employees. Maslach et al. (2001) stated that an
evaluate other factors that can trigger employee excessive workload causes work fatigue. It can
failure in carrying out their work. drain the individual’s energy, cause inadequate con-
Refers to the Job Demand/Control/Support trol over the resources needed to get the job done,
(JDCS) model, which proposes that chronic expo- lack of appropriate rewards, loss of sense of posi-
sure to stress, generated by high job demands, will tive connection with co-workers, injustice, and con-
result in long-term psychological arousal and dis- flicts between employee and organizational values.
comfort and long-term activation that contributes to Therefore, adequate and equity compensation can
anxiety, depression, fatigue, and depression. De- also support the level of employee satisfaction and
creased mental function, reduced employee satis- can reduce the negative impact of high job demand
faction, and the possibility of cardiovascular, mus- and job burnout felt by employees, which will de-
culoskeletal, and somatic diseases (Karasek, 1979), crease the level of employee satisfaction of the
(Karasek, 1998); (Karasek and Theorell, 1990). employees concerned.
Supporting this opinion, some of the results of pre- Based on the phenomena and research gaps
vious research conducted by Karanika-Murray et described, this study was conducted to determine
al. (2017) and Hernandez W. et al. (2018) show the mediating role of job burnout and the moderat-
that job demand has a significant negative direct ing role of equity compensation on the effect of job
effect on employee satisfaction. However, on the demand on employee satisfaction. This study tries
other hand, different research results related to the to analyze this effect by providing a mediating role
impact of job demand on employee satisfaction by for job burnout and moderating equity compensa-
Nauman et al. (2019) showed that job demand did tion. This study hopes that the role of job burnout
not have a significant direct effect on employee and equity compensation can reduce the negative
satisfaction. effect of high job demand on low employee job sat-
The difference in the results of this study al- isfaction.
lows for other variables that can mediate the direct

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 243
Noermijati Noermijati, Ema Zahra Firdaus, Taufiqurrahman


Job Demand Halbesleben (2006) stated that Job burnout re-
Job demand refers to the model job demand- fers to a state of psychological tension experienced
job resources (JD-R) developed by Demerouti et by an employee due to chronic work stress. Job
al. (2001). Job demand is a condition that spreads burnout is a mismatch between what a person wants
through the physical, psychological, social, and or- to do and what that person should do. It arises when
ganizational aspects of daily work. Employees who there is a significant disharmony between the na-
are faced with prolonged work demands may be- ture of a person’s job and the person’s characteris-
come chronically exhausted and psychologically tics (Maslach and Leiter, 2005). Many factors can
alienated from their work Bakker et al., 2014, re- cause an employee to experience job burnout in
ducing their well-being (Jayarathna, 2017). JD-R carrying out his work. The model Job demands-re-
researchers assume that employees who are faced sources (Demerouti et al., 2001) assumes that job
with job demands will initially try to resist putting burnout develops when job demands are high and
more energy into work Schaufeli and Bakker, 2004. the resources are limited. In the model Job demand-
However, prolonged demands will drain the resource, high demands at work can lead to burn-
employee’s power, giving rise to feelings of fatigue. out and worsening health. In other words, reduced
Several empirical studies confirm that various job motivation and engagement result from the relation-
demands are positively related to exhaustion and ship between lack of job resources. Dissatisfaction
cynicism (Bakker et al., 2004; Demerouti et al., is often interpreted as an essential factor in devel-
2001). They predicted fatigue in the long term oping stress and job burnout Happell et al., 2003);
(Bakker et al., 2004; Hakanen et al., 2008). Job Pines and Keinan, 2005). Boles et al. (2000) found
burnout (fatigue) (Xanthopoulou et al., 2007). Re- a strong correlation between employee satisfaction
duces employee satisfaction and reduces job per- and the dimensions of emotional exhaustion and a
formance (Lu et al., 2010). Employee absenteeism weaker correlation between employee satisfaction
(Bakker and Demerouti, 2007). and the dimensions of depersonalization and per-
sonal accomplishment. Job dissatisfaction has thus
Employee Satisfaction been identified empirically as a significant job-re-
lated antecedent to job burnout. Demerouti et al.
Employee satisfaction is a practical or emotional
(2003) proposed a new approach to the job burnout
response to various aspects of one’s work (Kreitner
phenomenon. According to this view, the job burn-
and Kinicki, 2015). Employee satisfaction is a fa-
out syndrome consists of two main factors: fatigue
vorable or unfavorable emotional state in which
and disengagement (Demerouti et al., 2010).
employees view their work. Employee satisfaction
reflects a person’s feelings towards his job. Mean-
Equity Compensation
while, Rivai and Sagala (2010) stated that employee
satisfaction is an evaluation that describes a person’s The primary common purpose of getting a job
feelings of being happy or unhappy, satisfied or dis- is to earn money, either to make ends meet or for
satisfied at work. Many factors can affect the per- other reasons. Therefore, the company designs com-
ception of employee satisfaction for each employee. pensation as a form of company remuneration to
Kreitner and Kinicki (2015) suggested the main fac- employees for their contributions. Mondy (2008)
tors that influence employee satisfaction, such as defines justice theory as a motivational theory that
dissonance, fulfillment of needs, achievement of states that a person evaluates his performance and
values, fairness, and dispositional/genetic compo- attitude by comparing his contribution to work and
nents, while Luthans (2011) explained five indica- the benefits derived from that contribution. With the
tors in employee satisfaction, among others: The contributions and benefits of others who are com-
work itself, Wages, Promotion opportunity, Super- parable, which he chooses and which in reality can
vision, and Relationships with Colleagues. resemble or not resemble them. Meanwhile, Jack-


How to Increase Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector

son et al. (2011) explain that pay fairness is what demands. Emotional job demand (job demand) sig-
employees feel they deserve to get the same as what nificantly affects emotional exhaustion (Evers et al.,
other people deserve. Dessler (2020) stated that 2017). In line with previous research, Nauman et
people are motivated to balance what they think is al. (2019) showed that job demand had a significant
their contribution and reward. positive direct effect on emotional exhaustion.
Meanwhile, a study by Yener and Co_kun (2013)
HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT on 318 employees working in Istanbul, Turkey,
JDCS Model proposes that chronic exposure shows that work overload, role ambiguity, and role
to stress, generated by high job demands, results in conflict (job demand) have a significant positive ef-
long-term psychological arousal and discomfort and fect on emotional exhaustion, personal accomplish-
long-term activation that contributes to anxiety, de- ment, and depersonalization jobs Burnout. Burnout).
pression, fatigue, and decreased mental function. Based on the above study, the following hypothesis
Also, it reduces employee satisfaction and the like- is formulated:
lihood of illness. Cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and H2: job demand has a significant positive effect on
somatic (Karasek, 1979), (Karasek, 1998); (Ka- job burnout
rasek and Theorell, 1990). Supporting this opinion,
the research results by Lu et al. (2015) show that Many studies show results that high levels of
job demand as measured by work constraints has a job burnout felt by employees will directly impact
significant negative effect on employee satisfaction. low levels of employee satisfaction. One of the re-
Karanika-Murray et al. (2017) showed that job de- search results that displays the adverse impact of
mands significantly negatively affect employee sat- high job burnout is the results of Chen and Chen
isfaction. Hernandez et al. (2018) stated that job (2018) on 807 nurses who work in large hospitals in
demand has a significant negative immediate im- Taiwan. The results show that job burnout harms
pact on employee satisfaction. Based on the theo- employee satisfaction.Kim et al. (2017) showed that
retical study and the research results, the following job burnout is measured using three indicators: ex-
hypothesis is formulated: haustion, cynicism, and professional inefficacy. The
H1: job demand has a significant negative effect on analysis results in this study indicate that job burn-
employee satisfaction. out has a significant negative effect on employee
satisfaction. The results showed a significant ad-
Maslach and Leiter (2008) stated that the JD- verse impact and the impact of job level on job burn-
R model is applied to understand job burnout, iden- out and employee satisfaction. Based on the above
tifying job demands and resources as the leading study, the following hypothesis is formulated:
indicators. Job demands are positively related to job H3 :job burnout has a significant negative effect on
burnout (Babakus et al., 2009). Hobfoll and Freedy employee satisfaction
(1993) stated that job burnout develops due to job Several studies have proposed that high job
demands and the work environment. Adil and Baig demands produce chronic exposure to stress. It will
(2018) showed that an increase in the number of result in long-term psychological arousal and dis-
workloads (Job demand) will increase job burnout, comfort. As well as long-term activation that con-
and time pressure (job demand) is positively related tributes to anxiety, depression, fatigue, decreased
to conditions of job burnout. Work-life balance (job mental function, reduced employee satisfaction, and
demand) has a significant positive impact on job possibly cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal and
burnout. In other words, increasing work and fam- somatic Karasek, 1979; (Karasek, 1998); (Karasek
ily life imbalances can increase conditions burnout and Theorell, 1990. Supporting this, research by
(Adil and Baig, 2018). Other studies have shown Hernandez et al. (2018), conducted in 2014 with
that job demands are measured by indicators of task 23,221 non-supervisor RN nurses as respondents,
variety, cognitive job demands, and emotional job showed the results. Job demand as measured by

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 245
Noermijati Noermijati, Ema Zahra Firdaus, Taufiqurrahman

the indicator time pressure and predicted exhaus- of job demand refers to the questionnaire on the
tion and job burnout measured using indicators of Experience and Evaluation of Work (QEEW) scale
emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and per- (Van Veldhoven et al., 2002; Schaufeli, 2015;
sonal accomplishment have a significant direct ef- Schaufeli, 2017). Three indicators measure the job
fect on employee satisfaction. This study also shows demand variable. These indicators are qualitative
that job burnout moderates the impact of job de- demand, quantitative demand, and organizational
mand on employee satisfaction. Based on the above needs. The items of qualitative demand are emo-
research, the following hypothesis is formulated: tional demands, mental demands, physical demands,
H4: Job burnout mediates the effect of job demand and work-home conflicts. The items of quantitative
on employee satisfaction demand are workload overload and speed of change.
Organizational needs items are negative change,
An excessive workload causes work fatigue. it bureaucracy, harassment, role conflict, and inter-
can drain the individual’s energy, cause inadequate personal conflict of employee satisfaction variables.
control over the resources needed to get the job Employee satisfaction is measured using the indi-
done, lack of appropriate rewards, loss of sense of cators: overall employee satisfaction, measured by
positive connection with co-workers, injustice, and four items, namely pride in work, loyalty to work,
conflicts between employee and organizational val- like for work, and employee satisfaction. Quarstein,
ues. (Maslach et al., 2001). Supporting this, research et al., 1992; Crossman and Abou-Zaki, 2003;
by Abdulla et al. (2011) identifies the factors that Noermijati et al., 2020. The job burnout variable in
influence employee satisfaction in the UAE; the this study was measured using three indicators re-
result is that compensation affects employee satis- ferring to the opinion of the Chinese version (Hu
faction. In line with this, Research from Stringer et and Schaufeli, 2011) of the Maslach Burnout In-
al. (2011) shows a strong relationship between com- ventory—General Survey (MBI-GS; Schaufeli,
pensation and employee satisfaction. Gius (2013) Leiter, Maslach, and Jackson, 1996). These indica-
also indicates that compensation affects employee tors include Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonaliza-
satisfaction. Based on the above study, the follow- tion, and Cynicism. Equity compensation in this study
ing hypothesis is formulated: uses four indicators proposed by Dessler (2020).
H5: equity compensation moderates the effect of The four indicators include external justice, internal
job demand on employee satisfaction justice, individual justice, and procedural justice.
This research was conducted quantitatively
METHOD using explanatory approach research. In particular,
This research was conducted on employees of this research is causal associative research because
Bank X in Malang Raya. The population of this study it seeks to explain the position of the variables stud-
was 131 employees from 1 branch office, five sub- ied and the causal relationship between one vari-
branch offices, and seven cash offices. All popula- able and another. The method used in this research
tion members became the research sample, thus is a survey method. Validity and reliability tests were
using the census method in determining the sample. carried out on each item in the questionnaire. It is
Methods of data collection using a questionnaire. 5 valid if the correlation coefficient is positive and is
Likert scales measured respondents’ answers. This more than or equal to 0.3 Hair et al., 2017. A con-
type of research is explanatory. The research in- structor variable is reliable if it gives value Cronbach
strument test uses validity and reliability tests; data alpha > 0.5 (Ghozali, 2008). The data analysis
processing methods use PLS (Partial Least Square) method used descriptive statistical analysis, using
statistical techniques and WarpPLS software. Partial Least Square (PLS)with WarpPLS. 6.0 is
This study adapts measurements from previ- tested the hypothesis and produces the appropriate
ous research studies and adapts them to fit the con- model. The direct influence test and the indirect
text of this research. The measurement of variables effect of the moderating role were carried out us-


How to Increase Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector

ing the program WarpPLS.6.0while the mediation according to composite reliability and Cronbach’s
test was carried out with the Sobel test (Sobel Test). alpha. The research model’s R-square value of the
employee satisfaction variable is 0.109, and from
RESULTS the job burnout variable, it is 0.190.
Measurement model The following equation assessed the Goodness
of Fit (GoF) in this study: AVE x R2 A.Com = 0.090.
Based on the results of distributing question-
This value indicates that the model has a sizeable
naires to all employees of Bank X, 131 question-
predictive relevance value for employee perfor-
naires were collected consisting of 47% of employ-
mance explained by job demand, burnout, and so-
ees with less than five years of service, 74% of
cial support.
women employees, 62% of employees aged 26-37
The following is an image of the final model
years, 85% of employees with undergraduate edu-
regarding the results of the research hypothesis test
cation and 84% of employees are married.
(figure 1)
Table 1 shows that the scale, magnitude, and
Table 2 displays the results of the structural
statistical suitability are acceptable. The average
estimation of the proposed model and the direct and
variance extracted (AVE) value for all latent vari-
indirect effects of the variables tested. The hypoth-
ables meets the predetermined criteria. The com-
esis is accepted if it meets the criteria for the p-
posite reliability (CR) values were 0.890, 0.914,
value of less than 0.05, but if the p-value is more
0.939 and 0.914 (above 0.80), respectively. It can
significant than 0.05, then H0 is rejected or not sig-
be concluded that all constructs are reliable, both

Tabel 1. Composite Reliability, Koefisien Determinasi (R2 ), Average Variance

Variable Composite Reliability R Square Average Variance

Job demand 0.890 - 0.428
Employee satisfaction 0.914 0.109 0.779
Job burnout 0.939 0.190 0.661
Equity compensation 0.914 0.574
Source: output PLS, 2020

 = -0.02
 = 0.44 (p = .42)
R2 = 0.19

 = -0.35
JD (p < .01) JS
(R)11 (R)3i
 = 0.12
(p = 0.07) R2 = 0.11

Figure 1. Hypothesis test results

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 247
Noermijati Noermijati, Ema Zahra Firdaus, Taufiqurrahman

Table 2. The summary of relationship assessments

Hypothesis Relationship B p-value Judgment

H1 JD  JS -0.35 0.010 Accepted
H2 JD  JB 0.44 0.010 Accepted
H3 JB  JS -0.02 0.420 Rejected
H4 JD  JB  JS -0.229 0.409 Rejected
H5 EC * JD  JS 0.07 0.120 Rejected

nificant. The table shows the estimated path coeffi- category of the variable frequency distribution of
cient of the direct effect of job demand on employee employee performance which is included in the very
satisfaction (=-0.35; P<0.01), job demand on job high class.
burnout (=-0.44; P<0.01), H1 and H2 are sup- The test of the direct effect of job demand on
ported. However, the research does not help H3, satisfaction shows that job demand has a signifi-
directly affecting job burnout and employee satis- cant negative impact on employee satisfaction.
faction (=-0.02; P=0.42). Testing the indirect ef- These results support previous studies by Hernandez
fect in this study, namely, the mediating role of job et al. (2018). Karanika-Murray et al. (2017) and Lu
burnout on the impact of job demand on employee et al. (2015) show that job demand significantly nega-
satisfaction (=-0.229; P=0.409) using the Sobel test, tively affects employee satisfaction. These results
does not meet the criteria or does not support H4. also support the JDCS model, which proposes
Meanwhile, testing the moderating role of equity chronic exposure to stress. The stress generated
compensation on the effect of job demand on em- by high job demands will result in long-term psy-
ployee satisfaction (=0.12; P=0.07) does not meet chological arousal and discomfort, and long-term
the criteria nor support H5. activation. It will cause anxiety, depression, fatigue,
decreased mental function, reduced employee sat-
DISCUSSION isfaction, and the possibility of cardiovascular, mus-
Direct Impact of Job demand on Employee culoskeletal, or somatic diseases (Karasek, 1979;
Satisfaction Karasek, 1998; Karasek and Theorell, 1990).
Job demands harmful employee satisfaction, However, the results of this study do not sup-
meaning that the employee should face more and port the results of previous research by Nauman et
more jobs demand, then the consequences will de- al. (2019), which showed that job demand did not
crease the level of employee satisfaction felt by have a significant direct effect on employee satis-
employees. The path coefficient value is -0.35, and faction. On the other hand, research by Nauman et
the p-value is 0.01. Then, hypothesis H1 is accepted, al. (2019) also shows that emotional labor has a sig-
meaning that the variable job demand has a signifi- nificant positive immediate impact on employee sat-
cant negative direct effect on the employee satis- isfaction.
faction variable.
In general, Bank X Malang employees do not Direct Effect of Job Demand on Job Burnout
feel too burdened with job demands that must be Testing the direct effect of job demand on job
fulfilled. That is proven by the results of the distri- burnout shows sufficient evidence to accept hypoth-
bution of variables job demand in the low category. esis 2 (H2), which states that job demand has a
The level of job demand is deemed not too burden- significant positive impact on job burnout. The posi-
some, but Bank X employees still pay attention to tive path coefficient sign indicates a unidirectional
their level of performance; this is proven by the relationship between job demand and job burnout.


How to Increase Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector

These results suggest that the higher the job de- show that job burnout has a negative effect on em-
mand employees must meet, the more job burnout ployee satisfaction. Chen and Chen (2018) and Kim
also experiences increases. et al. (2017), which showed that job burnout had a
The results of this study are in line with several significant adverse effect on employee satisfaction.
previous research results Adil and Baig, 2018; Evers The results showed a significant negative impact of
et al., 2017; Alarcon, 2011; Lizano and Barak, 2012; job level on job burnout and satisfaction.
Montgomery et al., 2015; Nauman et al., 2019; Yener
and Co_kun, 2013. It shows that job demand has a Mediation Role of Job Burnout on The Effect
significant positive direct effect on job burnout. This of Job Demand on Employee Satisfaction
study also supports Maslach and Leiter (2008), Testing the direct effect of job demand on em-
which state that the JD-R model is applied to un- ployee satisfaction and job burnout showed signifi-
derstand job burnout and identifies job demands and cant results, while job burnout had no significant
resources as the leading indicators, so that job de- impact on employee satisfaction. In addition to ex-
mands are positively related. Job resources are nega- amining the direct effect of these variables, this study
tively associated with job burnout (Babakus et al., also analyzes the mediating role of job burnout in
2009). The results of this study also support the the effects of job demand on employee satisfac-
opinion of Hobfoll, SE and Freedy, J. (1993), which tion. The test results of the mediating part of job
states that job burnout develops due to job demands burnout of the effects of job demand on employee
and work environment. It also supports the research satisfaction using the Sobel test show that job burn-
results of Soelton et al. (2020), which show that out does not moderate the impact of job demand on
increased demands for better services accompany employee satisfaction. Or in other words, hypoth-
working hours and perceived workload. Still, social esis 4 is rejected. These results illustrate that the
support, self-regulation, and company management level of job burnout felt by employees has no im-
are reasons for no burnout in the company. pact on the level of influence of job demand on
However, the results of this study do not sup- employee satisfaction.
port the results of previous studies by Brenninkmeijer The results of this study do not support the re-
et al. (2010). One of the research results by search of Hernandez et al. (2018) about the moder-
Brenninkmeijer et al. (2010) showed that interper- ate relationship of job burnout taxonomy in the Job
sonal conflict (job demand) had no significant ef- Demand-Resources (JD-R) model. Hernandez et
fect on emotional exhaustion as an indicator of job al. (2018) showed that job demand and burnout sig-
burnout. Interpersonal conflict is also used as a nificantly affect employee satisfaction. The results
measurement item for the organization demands of Hernandez et al. (2018) study also found that job
indicator on the job demand variable. burnout moderated the impact of job demand on
employee satisfaction.
The Direct Effect of Job Burnout on Employee
Satisfaction Moderation Role of Equity Compensation on
The results of hypothesis testing 3 (H3) regard- The Effect of Job Demand on Employee Satis-
ing the direct effect of job burnout on employee faction
satisfaction were rejected. Based on these results, Testing the direct effect of job demand on em-
it can be concluded that job burnout will not directly ployee satisfaction showed significant adverse re-
impact the employees’ employee satisfaction. The sults. In addition to examining the immediate im-
results of this study do not support the results of pact of these variables, this study also measures
previous studies conducted by Chen and Chen (2018) the moderating role of equity compensation on the
and Kim et al. (2017). The research results achieved effects of job demand on employee satisfaction. In
by Chen and Chen (2018) and Kim et al. (2017) on this study, equity compensation is measured using
807 nurses who work in large hospitals in Taiwan four indicators (external justice, internal justice, in-

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 249
Noermijati Noermijati, Ema Zahra Firdaus, Taufiqurrahman

dividual justice, and procedural justice): Dessler, thing that needs to be considered. When employees
2020. feel burdened and unable to meet the given physi-
Testing the moderating role in this study indi- cal demands, employees may experience job burn-
cates that equity compensation does not provide a out which is indicated by the loss of enthusiasm from
moderating role in the effect of job demand on em- employees at work.
ployee satisfaction. Or in other words, hypothesis 5  
is rejected. These results indicate that equity com- LIMITATIONS
pensation cannot strengthen or weaken the effect Collecting data by distributing offline question-
of job demand on employee satisfaction. This study naires to respondents in the pandemic era is chal-
did not find that equity compensation mediates the lenging. Bank X employees are spread throughout
impact of job demand on employee satisfaction. Malang Raya with comprehensive area coverage.
However, the company’s fairness of compensation That is a limitation of this study. Furthermore, the
is still essential to consider. The research results Covid-19 pandemic also hindered access to com-
prove this by Noermijati et al. (2020), which shows munication with respondents, so only 88% of the
that equity compensation directly affects employee distributed questionnaires were returned. For future
satisfaction. researchers, it is necessary to pay attention to the
constraints related to the situation when distributing
CONCLUSIONS the questionnaire so that the return rate of the ques-
The results showed that equity compensation tionnaire can be 100%.
did not play a moderating role, and job burnout did This research is limited to discussing the orga-
not mediate the effect of job demand on employee nization of banking sector employees. Research is
satisfaction. In testing the direct impact, job demand needed with a broader area and object coverage to
has a significant role in employee satisfaction and obtain a more significant number of samples to draw
burnout, but job burnout does not significantly af- more general conclusions.
fect employee satisfaction. Based on these results,  
special attention needs to be paid, or job demands RECOMMENDATIONS
from organizations to employees. Directly increas- This research provides some practical sugges-
ing job demand decreases employee satisfaction, and tions that can be used by the object of this research,
growing job demand will increase employee job burn- namely Bank X and other banking organizations.
out. Bank X needs to balance and reduce employees’
workload and clarify policies related to efforts to
IMPLICATIONS increase employee satisfaction. Bank X needs to
The results of this study indicate the importance increase employee satisfaction by creating a sense
of employee satisfaction. It is feared that the de- of love for employees for their work. When em-
mands of work faced by employees will impact de- ployees feel like their work, they may have a high
creasing employee satisfaction. Still, the results of level of employee satisfaction. It is also recom-
this study indicate that although the demands of work mended that Bank X accurately measure employee
faced by employees are high, if it is balanced with a satisfaction regularly and take the necessary ac-
feeling of satisfaction from employees with the work tions to increase happiness by carefully identifying
they have, it will have a good impact on increasing individual and organizational factors. It is hoped that
employee satisfaction. Therefore, it is necessary to this will increase loyal and satisfied employees in
pay special attention to the job demands/ demands the organization.
imposed on employees to affect employee satisfac- The results of the research and discussion de-
tion positively. High job demand will increase job scribed previously ultimately recommend several
burnout for employees. Physical demand is some- things that need to be considered for further re-


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